Supreme Monarch

Chapter 213 C213. Void Library

A focused state was an ability of the Void Library that grants the recipient the ability to remain in a magically induced hyper productivity state for a prolonged period of time, without tasking the brain or exhausting the soul or mana body.

In this state, the user would be able to easily absorb the all magical and non magical knowledge they were studying with relative ease. It was a state that provided the perfect means for magic casters to escape the time consuming process of learning and researching old and new magic.

This ability was the reason Tyler had been able to easily learn the extensive and difficult foundation language that is magic runes. Something that was impossible even for super geniuses. It wasn't a ability that existed in the outside world as the only skill that came close to it was Mammon's skill, Prudent Student.

That skill allows the user to easily memorize whatever they were learning and did not grant understanding. Magic runes were magical in nature and even if there was a skill that granted understanding out there, it would not be able to affect them as they were one of the foundation of the universe itself.

Tyler's current reading speed was several time faster than tbe first and second time he had been in to the library and thus, he was able to learn the entirety of Level 2 and 3 intermediate magic runes. Thanks to that, he had even spent less time than he had expected on this.

Although even with his reading speed that was no doubt being mortal limitations, he had still been studying non stop for more than 10 hours now so it was probably day time outside by now. This showed how broad and extensive just the intermediate aspect of magic runes were.

He had read all the book on more than two shelves before he was done. By now, his personal maid Cora would've attempted to wake him up and might have panicked after not finding him in his bed but Albert should be able to handle the situation flawlessly this time. After all, he had instructed him and Z on what to do. The only wild card was Rain but he'll just have to leave her to Liz.

Tyler chuckled at those amusing thoughts as he stood up, he returned all the books to their shelves and proceeded forward to check out the advance runes. Normally, he would opt to stop right here and focus on learning more useful spells right now.

With the magic runes he now understood, he could learn up to the 5th Tier of magic so that should helpimproved his arsenal a bit. However, with the ability to freely moved through the library at his disposal, he only needed to take the spell books he whanted and store them in his storage at the last minute.

He had chosen not to do that now so as not to waste too much time trying to find the right spells in a library that probably had millions of spells.

He could also just expand his mana body outside of there was no time so he figured now was the best time to learn the first level of advance runes, as that was the key to everything and apparently, Erin seems to think he already knew it and was asking his help in translating them which would only embarrass him if he failed to do it.

However, upon picking up the first book in Level 1 advance runes. Tyler's brow twitched. He could hardly believe what he was looking at.

There was more than a thousand books just on the first level of advance runes but that was not even the biggest problem.

As he flipped through the book he was confident was the absolutely begging chapter in Level 1 advance rune, he could barely understand what the hell he was looking at.

Even after spending an hour on that single book, he had barely learned past the first chapter.

"What the hell is going on?"

[Answer: The effects of the Void Library's ability 'Focus' has ended. Due to the library's current unstable state, the library can only maintain this ability for ten hours.]

"Focus ability? Huh, so that's it. And here I thought I've just gotten smarter since my time as a human."

Tyler sighed but chose not to give up yet, he had gotten a strong foundations thanks to learning magic runes in tbe right order without any short cuts so there was no reason why he couldn't do this. He just had to try harder with more determination.

"Hey Uriel, is there any paper or parchments with pen or quil I could use?"

[Yes, retrieving required items.]

At her words, a stack of pure white paper and the most exquisite quil Tyler had ever seen, appeared by the right end of the desk. Tyler hadn't even been aware that such pure white paper exited in this world.

He suppressed his surprise and took the quil and paper as he began studying again in his usual method when he was back on earth. Even going as far as taking notes and reviewing them thoroughly. This processed took him hours and he tried to give up several times over but persevered.

After about 8 hours of this, he finally gained some understanding in the first level of advance runes but hadn't mastered it yet. He would need more than 40 hours to do so at his current pace and he simply didn't have the time for that as he had a castle to manage.

Standing up, Tyler lazily left the table with a mess as he walked out of that section. But unbeknown to him, the books scattered on the desk slowly began to float as they rearranged themselves in the shelves and the paper tetunred to a clean stack that remained on the desk as the desk disappeared.

"Hey Uriel, I don't suppose this place has somewhere for me to meditate more efficiently does it?"

[Affirmative. Do you require me to transport you to that location?]


Saying that without hesitation, Tyler appeared in an empty section of the room where a magic circle was constructed on the ground with golden advance runes.

He felt the calming effect of the runes and decided to sit in the center of it in the lotus pose as he closed his eyes and meditated.

Imdeed, he planned to take the risk ones again and try to manually expand his mana body further to contain his mana without slowly destroying him and he figured his chances would increase inside the library than out.

As he sat comfortably in the ground, his Consciousness slowly sunk deep within his soul. Unlike the last time he had done this, he did not spend hours trying to move his consciousness ad the magic circle helped with that.

He also didn't need to wander around aimlessly as he knew what to do and where to find it. With that confidence driving him, he soon came upon the endless darkness where a cracked body made up of only mana was floating in the middle.

His mana had been completely restored after so long and thus, he saw a similar scene play out before him again. The vast energy that was so tightly packed in his mana body and continuously leaves more cracks on it seems to have grown a bit.

Tyler frown as he saw this and quickly went into action. He knew some Level 1 advance runes even though it was just a little so he attempted to fix his mana body but had only managed to mend some of the cracks on it.

'Good enough I guess.'

Satisfied at the results, he moved his consciousness inside his mana body and the tightness of the energy within almost forced him out. However, he was determined and moved towards the middle.

Unable to make it there after several attempts, he had still made it further than the first time he had tried this so he decided to settle for this. He then concentrated and moved the energy around as he stirred it around creating a whirlpool as he used intermediate runes as a conduit in expanding his mana body.

With complete understanding of intermediate magic runes, he was no longer required to use the energy of magic crystals in protecting his mana body from cracking further as he could directly use the runes themselves and even expel some mana out if his mana body to give him some breathing room.

As long as he did that in the minimum amount, there was no consequences. The process took longer than the last but Tyler was patient and after a few more hours his mana body expanded a lot more than before which had given him some more time in figuring out how to permanently fix it before something truly bad happens.

This had also improved his mana control so it should make using spells easier without endangering his mana body.

Returning his consciousness back to his body, Tyler stood up as he wondered what to do next. He could feel his time in the library coming to an end so before he moves around collecting scrolls and artifacts with his storage, he wanted to learn something.

"I did plan to learn some healing spells didn't I?"

Tyler was just about to ask Uriel to take him to the Tier 3 spells section when he suddenly realized something. He needed to learn more skills for the sake of fully utilizing his innate ability so whoever he used it on would gain a copy of some of his skills allowing them to gain more strength.

He also had the desire of learning a regeneration skill for the sake of his limbs as losing an arm was a bit of a pain to deal with.

There was also the skill he had obtained from the living properties of the artifact, Spatial infinity, Wisdom of Uriel that required him to learn some certain skills to be activated.

"Hey Uriel, take me to where I can find the skills required for the activation of the skill, Wisdom of Uriel."


With that, he appeared in another section of the library where there were countless skill books and tomes that were neatly separated by their tiers ranging from Basic Tier to God Rank.

Skills were ranked as follows, Basic Tier, Normal Tier, Advance Tier, Divine Tier and God Tier. With each tier, the disparity in the strength of the skills grows wider drastically and becomes increasingly harder to learn depending the the user's compatibility with the skill.

Even with Basic tier skills, one would not be able to learn it if their body and soul was not Compactible with the skill.

Originally, Tyler had only learnt a few skills and they were all basic skills but recently he had learned or obtained higher ranking skills.

As far as he knew, his current skills were as follows:

Basic Skill: Burning Slash, Uppercut Slash.

Normal Tier: Magic Sense, Keen eyes of a Demon.

Advance Tier: Demon's Might

Those were all the skills he had learned himself but there was still Spatial Domination which had become his main abilities and Universal Barrier that was his main defense.

However, he didn't know what tier they could be considered as they felt like Divine Tier skills but slightly stronger without reaching God Tier.

Their was a chance he could still make them stronger so they become proper God Tier skills so that was something to look out for.

As he contemplated on which skill to learn, he decided to focus on what was easiest.

There were several skills for regeneration and Tyler was sure the Regenerate spell was at the very least a tier 6 or Tier 7 spell which was something he couldn't learn yet but there were four such skills with vast disparities between their abilities.

•Rgeneratipn• (Basic Tier)

•Rapid Regeneration• (Normal Tier)

•Hyper Speed Regeneration• (Advance Tier)

•Instant Recovery• (Divine Tier)

As long as he learned the normal one, it would make it earsiser to learn the others in due time without wasting his precious remaing minutes in the library.

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