Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 377: Misdirection

Chapter 377: Misdirection

Will it happen?

The answer is no.

Between nations or forces, once it reaches the diplomatic level, it is impossible to act recklessly. The people sent out represent the country. If they lack sufficient strength and can't hold their own, it's not just their face they lose, but the face of the country as well.

This rule also applies to the Mage's Association and the Holy Church. Take London, for example. The Holy Church has semi-openly stationed personnel there, and even the Twelve Lords do not underestimate their leader.

"Fame and strength are not necessarily proportional. Every major power has hidden agents and trump cards. These people may not be famous, but they are not easy to deal with."

This is what Shinji wanted to convey. Amakusa Shirou fits this description perfectly. He indeed lacks fame because he hardly interacts with his colleagues and has a low presence. However, his evaluations and achievements within the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament are among the best.

He has overseen multiple pseudo-Holy Grail Wars and is highly experienced. He has also infiltrated the Middle East—a region known for its mixed sectarian forces and strife—for nearly 20 years. If not for his lack of ambition for power, he would not be just a priest. Incidentally, Amakusa Shirou's brown skin is not his original complexion but something he changed specifically for his infiltration in the Middle East.

"The Holy Church, on par with the Mage's Association, not being able to produce catalysts for powerful Servants would be strange. Thus, we are very likely facing four top-tier Servants."

Shinji's analysis finally changed Danic's expression.


"—This Master-Servant pair may not stand with the others," Vlad III interjected. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Helping us split the Mage's Association is also an option."

Shinji nodded. "Lord Vlad's view is indeed a possibility. But judging by Clan Leader Danic's expression, the Holy Church's people haven't contacted us yet. Whether they decide to align with the Mage's Association or are secretly assessing our strength, we should currently treat them as enemies. A four-against-three situation hasn't changed—so I ask again, do we still have an eighty percent chance of victory?"

Gordes was indignant. "Hmph, you're just speculating."

"Strategically, we should underestimate the enemy, but tactically, we must take them seriously. We can't place our hopes on uncertain factors."

"Even if things are as you say, what about my developed mana diversion system, Noble Phantasm spam, and top-tier Servants?"

"Mana and Noble Phantasms are only one part of determining victory. You saw it yourself. My spamming of Noble Phantasms didn't pose much threat to Karna. Siegfried and Karna fought all night, not because they didn't want to unleash their Noble Phantasms but because they had no opportunity."

"Are you saying my developed mana diversion system is worthless?" Gordes glared at Shinji, as this system was one of his greatest achievements; anyone belittling it would face his wrath.

"Of course not," Shinji shook his head. "Although I don't like your personality, I have to admit that your system deserves a 'thumbs up.' Thanks to it, Servants like mine, who rely on Noble Phantasms, can bring out their maximum combat power. I must say 'thank you' for that."

Being praised by his constant critic, Gordes's expression immediately softened, and he lifted his head high, looking very pleased—though he thought it was disdain.

Indeed, he is a tsundere. However, while a tsundere loli is cute, a middle-aged tsundere man can be a bit gross.

"But, fatty, let me remind you of one thing. For most Servants, a Noble Phantasm is a trump card. Using it means determining victory or defeat, deciding life or death. The chance to spam Noble Phantasms is rare. After all, no matter how powerful a Noble Phantasm is, it's meaningless if it doesn't hit. Spamming Noble Phantasms just for the sake of it will only leave openings for the enemy."

"I know, no need for your reminder," Gordes said, maintaining his tsundere attitude.

While Shinji and Gordes were talking, Darnic gathered his thoughts and spoke in his usual calm tone, "Assassin, I understand what you mean. I won't be blindly confident. I'll follow your advice: underestimate the enemy strategically, but take them seriously tactically."

"That puts my mind at ease," Shinji said, bowing slightly. "There's one more thing I'm concerned about."

"Go ahead."

"The Red faction's deployment of a Lancer to attack the Ruler. I've been thinking about it on the way back. Attacking the Ruler is harmful and unbeneficial. Normally, no one would do such a thing. Unless—the Red faction intends to break the rules!"

Darnic, a master of intrigue and politics, immediately understood Shinji's concern. His "Grand" rank was also acquired through political maneuvering, and he deceived countless magus and magus families. As soon as Shinji mentioned it, Darnic grasped the implications.

Politics is a game built within a certain framework; breaking the rules is not done lightly and must come with significant benefits. The Red faction's willingness to attack the Ruler suggests they have a complex scheme.

"Assassin, have you discovered anything?"

"Not yet."

How could he? Amakusa Shirou had sent Karna to kill Jeanne d'Arc to prevent her from realizing he was also a Ruler, which was against the rules of the Holy Grail War. Mentioning this was just a reminder to be extra cautious and not to be outwitted by Amakusa, the mastermind. Additionally—

"But, Clan Leader, you mentioned the Pseudo-Holy Grail War? Is that also a Holy Grail War? Can it summon Servants?"

Shinji's seemingly casual question made Darnic's pupils contract sharply, "Servants, yes, additional Servants!"

The Pseudo-Holy Grail War is still a Holy Grail War. Although it lacks the most crucial elements, it still has the basic ability to summon Servants. It doesn't require many, just a few; they don't need to be the strongest Heroic Spirits, just those with a home-field advantage. For example, summoning Greek heroes in Greece or Roman heroes in Rome would cause significant trouble for the Yggdmillennia clan.

Realizing this, Darnic quickly ordered, "Gordes, notify our comrades immediately. If there are indeed additional Servants, inform me at once. We must also not neglect Ruler; we will need her strength."

"I'm on it. Regarding Ruler—"

Given the urgency, Gordes didn't put on airs and was about to leave with Siegfried. As he turned to go, he suddenly remembered something and turned back.

"Assassin seems to get along well with Ruler. When they parted, it looked like he even left her some homework."

"Homework? What's that about?" Vlad III and Darnic both looked at Shinji.

With a peculiar expression, Shinji rubbed his nose, "Well, you might not believe this, but Saint Jeanne d'Arc is very interested in mathematics. However, she never went to school and can't understand textbooks, so I taught her some basic arithmetic in my spare time and left her quite a few exercises."


The wise and mighty Vlad, the deeply calculating Darnic;

The silent Siegfried, the arrogant Gordes.

All were dumbfounded, their mouths opening in unison to exhale.


P.S.: The Clock Tower didn't even go all out this time. Even with seven Servants, obliterating Yggdmillennia would still be a breeze. The Pseudo-Holy Grail War would be the first choice, summoning dozens of Servants and deploying them to Trifas—imagine that scene. Additionally, the Mage's Association has many families that have inherited ancient mysteries, i.e., genuine Noble Phantasms. People like Grey and Bazett could easily take on Servants individually. Sending such individuals would make Yggdmillennia's situation dire.

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