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20 hours ago
Feng Shao, who traveled to another world, only wants to make the sect flourish.

But gradually, Feng Shao realized that something was wrong.

Why do some people always have frighteningly high luck?

Why are there always some people who can easily win the favor of beautiful women?

Why do people always go around casually, and treasures automatically come to the door?

Also, why do these guys always find trouble with him?

Even the master who has always favored me has begun to despise me?

Feng Shao, who was in charge of the mysterious artifact Tianhua Jade Slip, finally discovered that in the process of using the Tianhua Jade Slip, his own luck would gradually change to the direction of a villain.

So I’m going to be a stepping stone to these sons of fortune?

I, Feng Shao, must never be led by a dog so easily! If I’m not allowed here, then I’ll break out of my own world!