Second World

Chapter 1901. Round Two

Chapter 1901. Round Two

The Remoron Bugs came at Paytowin and Joe from every direction. Paytowin paid no heed to those bugs. He continued stabbing his riflespear while firing. He summoned Brave King to help Joe deal with the bugs.

Joe and Brave King put themselves between Paytowin and the bugs. They positioned themselves on opposite sides. But since they were only two, they couldn't block the bugs from the other sides. That soon changed.

Joe used the first spell of Eldritch Knight. The spell was called Spectral Squad. It was the same as Spectral Projection, but while Spectral Projection created one copy of himself, Spectral Squad created ten! Each projection could use Joe's spells but shared the same cooldown.

Added with Mage Knight's spectral projection, twelve Joes stood in a circle around Paytowin. They formed a protective wall preventing the Remoron Bugs from disturbing Paytowin.

Joe left the damage-dealing to Paytowin because Paytowin's fallen apostle's weapon had better penetrative power. As for him, he was better at dealing with multiple enemies.

Each of his spectral projections started casting spells. When they were completed, different kinds of spells took effect. Magic Bombs, Lightning Strike, Flame Wrath, Ice Fall, Immolation, Black Hole, and many more.

Master acquired many spells because of his in-depth knowledge of this world. Wilted was the same. She had also gathered many technique books. She couldn't learn them because the spells were incompatible with her class. She kept them to give to her followers whom she deemed worthy. When Joe acquired the Eldritch Knight class and gained the ability to learn Archmage and Elementalist's non-standard spells, she passed these technique books to him.

Various spells battered the Remoron Bugs. The spells kept them from approaching. Joe's spectral projection then divided themselves into two teams. Six stayed at the back while continuing to cast spells. The remaining six engaged the bugs in melee combat.

Among the offensive spells he used was the level 80 spell from Eldritch Knight, Spectral Storm. The spell was an AOE spell that covered a very large area. Every enemy within this area received random elemental damage, including soul and chaos elements.

His spells always hit the ground. Considering the devil was the ground they stepped on, all the offensive spells he cast also damaged Leviathan. Leviathan roared in anger at these intruders. However, he was busy tussling with the Omega Battle Mech supported by Anotherday.

When Joe ran out of non-standard spells, the six positioned at the back changed to shooting range attacks. Another passive ability from Eldritch Knight granted Joe a standard ranged attack. He could fire energy blasts from his hand. It was like a permanent Spectral Discharge. If he cast Spectral Discharge, the damage value was added.

The Remoron Bugs' levels ranged from level 60 to 80. Their grades consisted of elites, special elites, and a few rare elites. They were not Joe's opponents. The bugs were slain one by one without being able to get past Joe or Brave King. However, the bugs also had ranged attacks. They could shoot energy needles from the limbs with the suction cups. Joe and Brave King couldn't stop all these energy needles. Some got past and hit Paytowin.

Paytowin wasn't bothered, though. Around his body was a translucent barrier. This barrier was a passive ability from Heavenly Mech Warrior, a permanent shield that acted like his second HP bar. All the damage he received needed to deplete this shield bar before they drained his HP bar. If he didn't suffer any damage within one minute, this shield bar started to regenerate. Its regeneration speed was five times the speed of normal HP recovery.

The value of this shield bar was half of his HP bar. But when he was in Alpha Techno Suit, the shield bar's value equaled his HP bar. In this way, he could be said to have double HP. However, the shield bar wasn't affected by defense or resistance. All attacks that hit Paytowin's barrier were considered as ignoring his defense. His barrier would always suffer full damage. Hence, it would always deplete faster than his HP bar. That was enough against the Remoron Bugs. This additional layer of protection let Paytowin ignore the few attacks that bypassed Joe.

While the two were having a party dishing out damage from Leviathan's back, Leviathan dished out fierce assaults on the Omega Battle Mech. The mech retaliated fiercely, but it was clear from the clash that Leviathan was still stronger. The battle mech continued to get pushed back.

Anotherday circled the two and stole attacks whenever he could. He had also activated Demonize Weapon. He kept a certain distance so he could flee when Leviathan decided to turn on him, but he was still caught off-guard one time.

This happened after Leviathan sent the Omega Battle Mech back with another tail slam. When Anotherday expected Leviathan to lunge at the battle mech for follow-up attacks, the devil turned to him instead. Leviathan cast a spell, and five pillars of raging tornados came at him.

He quickly flew away to dodge, but the pillars encompassed large areas. They were all around him and narrowed into his position. Unable to find an escape path, he was engulfed by the tornado.

When all five tornado pillars converged, a turbulent explosion occurred. Raging wind wrecked everything within the blast radius.

Leviathan sneered. He expected this one spell to kill the outworlder. But when the raging wind subsided, Anotherday was still alive. Not only that, but his HP bar was still around seventy percent.

"What…?!" Leviathan couldn't help but be shocked. He knew outworlders had an HP weakness. Two years had not yet passed since outworlders came into this world. Their age was not enough to have an HP comparable to natives. His spell should have slain the outworlder. Not only that did not happen, but the outworlder still had more than half his HP.

Leviathan then noticed a thin energy line coming out of Anotherday. He traced the energy line and found the other end was attached to the Omega Battle Mech. The mech's HP bar was also around seventy percent, the same as Anotherday.

That energy line was a soul link. While the Soul Link cast by a Reaver only affected the caster and the target, Wilted's Grim Reaper had a different version of the spell. It was the class' beginning spell, Generate Soul Link. This spell linked the HP bar between two targets, keeping their HP at the same percentage. Wilted cast it on Anotherday and the Omega Battle Mech when she saw Anotherday was in danger.

Wilted herself was just back from helping Meratis tend the Caelum Whale. Her Grim Reaper received a passive ability where she no longer needed to be the one who dealt damage to fill up her soul orb. All enemies and allies who lost their HP within her range would have those HP absorbed by her soul orb. The capacity of Grim Reaper's soul orb was much higher than regular Reaver's soul orb, at 1000% of Wilted's HP.

Both the damage suffered by Leviathan and the Omega Battle Mech quickly filled up her soul orb. She used that soul orb to heal the Caelum Whale. The Caelum Whale's HP was massive, so even with such a high capacity, she only healed a little of its HP. She was now back to aid the others, just in time to rescue Anotherday from a certain death.

Mazin was by her side. She sent her techno golem to engage Leviathan with the others. She used her Mech Master's skill, Limiter Off. Hot steam came out all over Mazin's body as its power increased.

Wilted then used her Mech Master's level 80 skill, Gigantify Golem. Mazin's metallic body enlarged as it advanced. It continued to grow until it was the size of a large-sized monster. It was dwarfed by the Omega Battle Mech, but it was large enough to join the battle between titans. Mazin cooperated with the Omega Battle Mech and fought against Leviathan.

Anotherday also returned. With his HP bar linked with the Omega Battle Mech, he was not afraid of losing HP. He continued to throw one throwing weapon after another. He used Veiled Demon Slayer's level 70 skill, Chaos Net. One hundred needles flew out of his hand. They flew in zig-zag patterns. Their flight routes were untraceable. Enemies targeted by these needles would have a very hard time dodging. Not like it mattered, though. Leviathan was too big to miss, anyway.

The needles flew through the small gaps between Leviathan's armor plates and struck the skin behind those armor. These needles dealt chaos-element damage.

Leviathan tried to catch Anotherday a few more times. But after almost dying, Anotherday was more careful now. Additionally, with Mazin and the Omega Battle Mech together, Leviathan couldn't move as easily as before, even when he was still stronger than the two.

"Very good, pests," Leviathan uttered. "I applaud you all for pushing me this far. It is an insult to use this, but I can't just let you think you have a chance to win."

After he was done talking, a powerful shockwave erupted from his body.

"Joe! Paytowin! He is using it. Leave right now!!" Wilted warned the two.

The two were prepared. They flew away as fast as possible from Leviathan's body. Brave King followed them. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

As they fled, a transformation happened to Leviathan. All the armor plates on his body were lifted. They became upright. They became like thorns all over his body, making him look like a porcupinefish. The eight fins by his sides shot out of his body. These fins became long tentacles. He now looked like an octopus.

"Hehe. Ready for round two?" Leviathan asked.

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