Second Try Idol

Chapter 217: Joy (54)

Chapter 217: Joy (54)

The final entry in my rolling paper came from Goh Yoo-Joon. However, I was overwhelmed by sleepiness to the point where the letters blurred before my eyes, so I wanted to read it later.

However, Goh Yoo-Joon swiftly concealed my rolling paper from view, perhaps embarrassed by his own words. What an immature child.

I lazily reached out and tried to get it back. “Hand it over, quickly. What did you write that's got you so flustered?"

“I will give it to you later, after school."

“Why all the drama over what you wrote? Seriously, do as you like." I relinquished my claim on the rolling paper with ease and stifled a yawn.

‘I want fresh air from outside.’

Could stepping outside for a gulp of cold air make a difference? The classroom was sweltering from the heater's warmth, and it seemed on the verge of lulling me into an unintended slumber.

I admitted that I had been overdoing it lately and neglected the advice to rest up, especially a day before a packed schedule. I really had to manage my stamina better.

“Look at Hyun-Woo."

“He is not asleep with his eyes open, is he?"

“Woo! Where did your spirit go?"

My friends' comments about my drowsy state prompted Goh Yoo-Joon to gently press my back down onto the desk. As he tried to get me to rest, he said, “He is like this from lack of sleep. Let him be. He will probably wake up by lunchtime."

As I dozed fitfully at my desk amidst the ongoing exchanges over rolling papers, my consciousness drifted in and out. However, I was strangely aware of the surrounding conversations. When I finally felt a bit parched, the end-of-class bell rang and prompted me to lift my head.

Our history teacher surveyed the room with a look of gentle regret. “You've all done well up to now. I hope the experiences and memories you got in this school enrich your lives as valuable history. Class president."

Goh Yoo-Joon stood up. “Attention. A salute to our teacher."

“Thank you!"

Just like that, the final first period session at Memory High concluded. As break time commenced, On Ki-Hoon was the first to spring up and exit the classroom. I pondered what sweet things Kun-Ho had promised to make Ki-Hoon so unexpectedly compliant. For today, Ki-Hoon seemed indifferent, not only to me and Goh Yoo-Joon but also to Lee Cheol-Min.

Since Kun-Ho had dealt with my request so well, I contemplated whether it was time for me to offer some support to Lee Cheol-Min's well-being... But the thought was quickly overshadowed by my exhaustion.

Just as I thought of stepping out for some air, Kun-Ho appeared at the back door with On Ki-Hoon. He then beckoned Goh Yoo-Joon over with a gesture. “Yoo-Joon! A moment, please."

As Goh Yoo-Joon approached while looking somewhat dazed, Kun-Ho handed him a white card and then vanished as quickly as he had appeared. The card looked familiar to all of us, so Hee-Su asked with an excited tone, “Isn't that a mission card?"

The entire class turned their attention to Goh Yoo-Joon, who was holding the card. “A mission card on the last day? For real? I bet there will be one at the graduation ceremony too."

“With so many of us here, I don’t think all the missions have been completed," someone muttered.

Despite the numerous group missions from before, some students hadn't received their missions.

Goh Yoo-Joon stood at the front and unfolded the mission card for all to see.

[Let's play a game of group hide and seek! We will have three seekers.]

“Hide and seek, out of the blue?"

“Whose mission is this?"

The class buzzed with curiosity, to which Goh Yoo-Joon replied, “This is, uh... Le... Lee Cheol-Min, yeah, it's Lee Cheol-Min's mission."

The unexpected mention of Lee Cheol-Min's name surprised not only me and Goh Yoo-Joon but also those who rarely interacted with him. After all, Lee Cheol-Min's aloof character was quite evident, so how could hide and seek be his mission? Did this imply he had listed “hide and seek” as his most desired school activity on the admission questionnaire?

As the class's gaze turned to Lee Cheol-Min, he blushed deeply and defensively said, “Stop staring at me. Fuck it... I just wrote the name of the stationery shop right outside the school, okay?"

“No swearing! Watch your language, you dumbass! This will be broadcast!" exclaimed Daniele.

“Both Lee Cheol-Min and Daniele, stop the cursing, you fools." Goh Yoo-Joon’s scolding made Daniele obediently take his seat with a grunt. The bleeps that would cover the swear words were bound to be quite a spectacle.

The stationery shop by the school gate was indeed named "Hide and Seek" as Lee Cheol-Min had mentioned. I couldn't help but smirk at the irony. “Ah, Lee Cheol-Min wanted to play hide and seek all along? You should have said it sooner."

Hearing my comment, Goh Yoo-Joon chuckled and handed the mission card to Lee Cheol-Min. “It turns out that Lee Cheol-Min is more innocent and naive than we thought. Anyway, it's gym class next. Let's play hide and seek together during the second and third periods. Are you guys in?"

“I'm in."

“Count me in."

“Do we need to wear gym clothes?"

“No need. Let's just play in our uniforms," Goh Yoo-Joon answered the students' questions before returning to his seat.

My gaze was still fixed on Lee Cheol-Min, who was mumbling to himself as he slightly shivered from embarrassment. He was probably cursing under his breath. When our eyes met for a moment, I couldn't help but smile mockingly before standing up. “Let's go, and make sure to look after Lee Cheol-Min."

Although the drowsiness hadn't completely left me, this active mission was likely to shake it off. It also presented a perfect opportunity to talk to Lee Cheol-Min.


“Who wants to be the seeker for this round?" Goh Yoo-Joon's call was met with silence as no volunteers stepped forward. He looked slightly perplexed before making his way through the students, obviously gearing up for a game of rock-paper-scissors.

I discreetly pulled Lee Cheol-Min toward me as I anticipated the upcoming selection process.

Goh Yoo-Joon then announced, “Everyone's going to play rock-paper-scissors. Win or lose, we will pick one person from each outcome to come forward."

Goh Yoo-Joon was taking his role as class president seriously. His actions reminded me of Joo-Han leadership’s style, which we admired during our trainee days. It seemed like he looked up to Joo-Han in this regard.

Following his instructions, students chosen through rock-paper-scissors started stepping forward.

“Let's do it," Goh Yoo-Joon suggested and extended his fist toward me.


After a few rounds, Daniele was selected. He reluctantly agreed with a disgruntled "Okay, okay" and moved to the front. The selected students played another round of rock-paper-scissors in full view of everyone to narrow it down to three seekers. Daniele ended up being one of the seekers, and his face got hilariously sour.

“You will have one minute to hide, and it's okay to move spots without the seeker seeing. No leaving the school grounds or entering buildings though. Just hide anywhere in the field to avoid overburdening the seekers." Goh Yoo-Joon laid out the rules.

“Do we have to catch everyone to finish?"

“Seems like a lot."

“Not really. You will see it's not that many once you start catching people. Let's begin!"

With that, the game of hide and seek commenced. As the seekers counted down with the crew's help, students scattered in search of hiding spots. Lee Cheol-Min, who had seemed reluctant, was now sprinting excitedly toward a destination.

Goh Yoo-Joon caught up to me and slung an arm around my shoulder, causing me to lean forward slightly before getting a balance again. He asked, “Where are you planning to hide?"

“Are you thinking of hiding together? I was hoping for a solo mission. Let me go solo, man."

Goh Yoo-Joon's laughter rang out at my response. “No chance. You think I'd leave you alone? I will stick with you, special service."

Ugh, I'd rather you don't." I shook off Goh Yoo-Joon's arm and took off, running.

My sprinting skills as a relay racer came in handy as I darted away from Goh Yoo-Joon. However, he was really fast too. I eventually ducked behind a row of parked cars.

“Whew... wow... he was in the relay too... right..." I muttered to myself and settled into my hiding spot when suddenly...


“Oh crap, what are you doing here?"

Behind the car was Lee Cheol-Min, already huddled in his hiding spot. I quietly sat next to him and reiterated, “It's just a coincidence. I didn't follow you here."

Lee Cheol-Min eyed me suspiciously, but since our last heart-to-heart conversation about On Ki-Hoon, he seemed a bit more open. He didn’t immediately run away, or perhaps, he was hoping I'd be the one to leave.

However, I was just as stubborn, and Lee Cheol-Min needed to realize that.

“Go somewhere else."

“Come on, Lee Cheol-Min. We are friends, aren't we?"

I shouldn’t have forgotten that we were filming just because the potty-mouth was nearby. Then, silence ensued for a moment. I could hear the voices of the seekers from the back and occasionally the footsteps and conversations of other students. Despite this, the silence persisted, and sleepiness started to creep in out of nowhere.

‘How long has it been?’

“Hey, what did you say to On Ki-Hoon?" Lee Cheol-Min blurted out as he didn’t care about the audio.

Turning off my microphone, I replied, “If you want to talk about that, either turn off your mic or I will give you my number. You can call me later."

Luckily, this spot between the cars was a blind spot for the cameras. Unless the seekers and their accompanying cameras came together, we wouldn't be filmed.

Lee Cheol-Min stared at me with a defiant look and then turned off his mic too. I sighed and said, “Can you please be a bit more aware that we are filming? I asked Senior Kun-Ho to make some special arrangements for On Ki-Hoon's screen time."

“Why do you even care? Are you afraid I will spill some secrets?"

He had a point, but I couldn't say it outright. I remarked, “Can't you just mind your own business for once? I asked Senior Kun-Ho to do this because I was getting annoyed. Can't you at least pretend to be grateful instead of acting like a child?"

“...” He remained silent.

“I really hate people who use others' weaknesses to threaten them, so I was trying to help you. That's all."

Well, he would not know the nights I spent worrying about what to do. I let out a deep sigh and closed my sleepy eyes, and when I opened them again, Lee Cheol-Min was suddenly much closer to my face.

As I was taken aback and blinked rapidly, Lee Cheol-Min said with an unimpressive expression, “Right? I fucking hate On Ki-Hoon too."

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