Second Try Idol

Chapter 207: Joy (44)

Chapter 207: Joy (44)

I will smile~?

And speak kindly~?

“This could be a hit as a duet, right?" Goh Yoo-Joon suggested and paused his song to glance at the car's camera.

We were trying to shake off our morning drowsiness. Our journey to school for Graduating had become a routine, even the in-car cameras. Thankfully, the upcoming broadcast of this episode was after his solo debut, so it didn't bother us.

The usual morning weariness aside, today's journey to school had an unusual heaviness—a significant task awaited Goh Yoo-Joon and me at school.

‘I hope Chronos remains unscathed.'

“We've arrived. Please go straight to the car once you are out," Su-Hwan declared after parking at the school.

I sighed deeply, flung open the car door, and marched toward the school. Goh Yoo-Joon hastened to catch up and synced with my stride. He said, “We should tread lightly around Lee Cheol-Min."

“Is PE on the schedule?"

“Indeed, it should be."

“Ki-Hoon's absence during PE is our chance to talk to Lee Cheol-Min."

Though cameras were scattered across the school, we didn’t have microphones on us yet, so this was our final discussion before the filming commenced. Our designated classroom was nestled in a corner of the Memory High. As I walked in, I noticed the nonchalant buzz of students filling the space, and nerves tingled within me.

‘You guys are lucky that you know nothing.’

I then made my way to our desks.

“Hello, Wow Joon."

“Gosh, you guys are calling me 'Wow Joon,’ too? Good morning."

“Good morning."

Hee-Su's jest elicited a laugh as I settled in. Hee-Su and Joon-Hwan seemed to have been briefed by the director, so they exchanged knowing glances, their discomfort silent.

Their looks coaxed a feeble smile from me as I neatened my desk. “Oh? What's this?"

“Your desk too? Same here."

[Chrong Chrong, Hyun-Woo's spot❤]

[I love you, Hyun-Woo!!!! - Ring]

Identical handwritten messages could be seen on Goh Yoo-Joon's and my desks. Apparently, Rings had left these when we were not shooting at Memory High, presumably a student from the school.

“They are jotted down with pencil. It's bound to fade."

Fortunately, it was off to the side, so I would likely not be disturbed by it. I glanced at the message and covertly observed Lee Cheol-Min. He hunched over his desk, and Ki-Hoon had yet to make his appearance.

“Whoa! Joon! I saw the show!!!" With a broad smile, Daniele shouted and thumped Goh Yoo-Joon's back.

“Cheers on Chronos’s top spot!"

“Ah! Take it easy, will you?"

“Congratulations on clinching number one! Straight to the top with a comeback? Chronos's allure is truly unmatched. Ever thought about a concert? I'd be down to attend."

“Nothing on the horizon as of yet," I answered. Goh Yoo-Joon offered me an earphone, so I plugged it in and delved into Joo-Han's latest group melody while engaging with our peers. Perfecting new song renditions at Memory High had become our niche. It seemed more effective to memorize the lyrics and grasp the concepts here than during solitary practice sessions.

Then, Kun-Ho made his entrance.

“Hello, teacher!”

“Have you all been well? You are all looking robust." He warmly greeted the students upfront before taking his position at the podium. He then said, “Class president."

Goh Yoo-Joon stood up. “At attention. Salute."

“Good morning."

“Morning, everyone. It seems like it's been a while, though not really."

“Not at all, sir! It's been a week."

“A week just flies by at my age, kiddos."

Today's agenda seemed light, with Kun-Ho spending ample time mingling with the students to create more memorable moments. He said, “By the way, we are wrapping up early today."


The announcement of an early dismissal was unforeseen. After all, there had been no prior mention of any event today, only the regular classes as briefed. While the element of surprise was typical at Memory High, this still took us aback.

A murmur of confusion spread through the room, but Kun-Ho's suggestive smirk steered the conversation elsewhere. “Let's take a moment to celebrate, shall we?"

“Celebrate what, exactly?"

“A round of applause for Goh Yoo-Joon and Hyun-Woo, our music show victors! Let's hear it!"


I was flustered by the intense gaze of the students and dipped my head. I then whispered a timid thanks. “Thank you, everyone."

“Chronos, the chart-topping artist!"

“Oh, come on."

After Goh Yoo-Joon and I had our fill of celebrations, Kun-Ho nodded in satisfaction and checked something off in the attendance book. “Ki-Hoon won't be here until the second period because of a shoot. Yoo-Joon, as the class president, make sure the teachers are informed when he comes."


“See you later. That's all."

I remembered an article saying that On Ki-Hoon joined a drama on the second week of Graduating. He wasn't the lead but still played a significant supporting role as the protagonist's friend, though I hadn't seen it myself.

But that did not matter.

My gaze briefly swept over Lee Cheol-Min and then moved away. It was a good opportunity to strike up a conversation with him. However, since we weren't exactly close, we just ended up looking over during the homeroom and the first break without actually approaching him. It was tricky to approach naturally without seeming forced on the TV, especially since we weren't close at all.

Strangely, we still couldn't bring ourselves to initiate a conversation with Lee Cheol-Min even when On Ki-Hoon was absent and Lee Cheol-Min was sitting alone.

While I was lost in thought, Goh Yoo-Joon tried to stifle a yawn and said lazily, "I remember the teacher once asking me."

“About what?"

“To make sure to look after someone who didn't quite fit in."

“Ah, you could've mentioned that sooner."

“I was sleepy."

I looked at Cheol-Min more openly now. As Goh Yoo-Joon failed to stifle another yawn, he lowered his head to hide it and then looked over at Cheol-Min with me.

“Yoo-Joon, are you saying you are worried about that guy?"

“Yeah, with On Ki-Hoon not around."

Lee Cheol-Min sensed our gaze or perhaps heard us, so he turned to look at us. He did pause for a moment but then met our eyes without flinching, with his usual fierce expression. Ah, seeing his eyes made me wonder if the look I saw in them before was just my imagination.


Back when I was a trainer, I would have cut off trainees who looked at me with such defiance without a second thought. ...I muttered such old complaints to myself and stood up.

“Let's go."


Goh Yoo-Joon rubbed his tired eyes and stood up to follow me. I then approached Lee Cheol-Min and leaned on his desk.


“..." He seemed a bit surprised by the sudden closeness.

With a friendly smile that was usually reserved for our seniors, I asked, “Wanna go to the canteen?"

“What, all of a sudden?"

I tilted my head. “Let's go together."

“With me?"

“Didn't we get closer when we went out that time? I thought we had."

“..." Lee Cheol-Min's pupils wavered for a moment as if he had caught some signal. His expression then softened slightly, and he nodded. “Ah, I'm hungry. Let's go before the bell rings."

“Break just started."

Observing Lee Cheol-Min's expression and his willingness to follow, I was sure there was something we didn't know about—something he probably didn't want to handle on his own.

As we walked toward the canteen, I suddenly said, “Ah, I need to use the bathroom."

“Go for it."


Secret talks were best held in the bathroom. As Goh Yoo-Joon and I headed for the bathroom, Lee Cheol-Min naturally followed us in. Once inside, I immediately turned off my mic. “Cheol-Min, turn yours off too."

Since students frequently went to the bathroom or locker rooms—places without cameras—the production team had instructed us to turn off our mics when we went in such areas. Lee Cheol-Min awkwardly turned off his mic and stood by the door. After that, Goh Yoo-Joon closed the door completely.

“What's this about?" Lee Cheol-Min asked.

“Don't be scared. It's nothing bad."

I stood Goh Yoo-Joon beside and created some distance from Lee Cheol-Min. Trying to make the situation as non-threatening as possible, I asked, "Straight to the point, do you have anything to tell us?"

“About what? There's nothing."

“...About the allowance we got at the grocery store."

We needed to lower Lee Cheol-Min's defenses, and this wasn't just for his sake. It was for us and Chronos, so we needed to understand the situation better.

“I've heard some things, but there's something that bothers me.”

“We will keep it between us. Is there something going on with you and On Ki-Hoon?"

Goh Yoo-Joon and I worked well together in such situations. Even if it was all conjecture, we framed our questions as if we knew everything and caused hesitation to emerge in Lee Cheol-Min's eyes.

If it had been Kun-Ho or the production staff, he might have spoken more comfortably. However, unfortunately, no one else was there to help him.

“Did you really steal the money? Really?”

“We don’t see you as someone who would do such a thing. Was there some kind of misunderstanding?” As we directly mentioned the theft, Lee Cheol-Min frowned. After we set aside past grievances and convinced him that it wasn’t like him to do such things, his gaze finally changed after a while.

“On Ki-Hoon, that asshole. Motherfucker... I want to beat him so fucking bad.”


My heart almost dropped. Lee Cheol-Min started to vent his built-up frustration with a barrage of rough and raw curses.

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