Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 466: Fifth World: Nerd Takes a Hit

Chapter 466: Fifth World: Nerd Takes a Hit

Wen Qinxi had never felt like swearing this much in a very long time. This world was so hard which made him feel like crying tears of blood. In this moment he was starting to miss Zhao Huangzhi so much. 'I will take that crazy lass any day,' thought Wen Qinxi faced with this terrifying demon. He was now certain he owed Qie Ranzhe in his previous life otherwise why would he be subjected to such hair raising situations for no apparent reason.

He might have been complaining in his head but his hands weren't idle. This demon King was relentless tiring him out. He felt like shamelessly running behind Qie Ranzhe but Qie Anzhie was keeping him so busy which meant he would only be a burden and have them both killed but damnit it would have been great to be a damsel in distress for once.

Wen Qinxi dodged the lousy shadow following him like a missile swimming out of the palace. He decided on guerilla warfare for now because he couldn't take on this demon king head-on.

He faintly heard Miyu Ren say, "You think you can hide from me you coward?!" but he wasn't baited. As expected Miyu Ren followed him out but because he didn't know this place too well he was going in blind.

It was because of this that the game of hide and seek turned to a minesweeper game instead with the demon king blowing up everything. The funny thing was that he couldn't sense Zhao Zhi either making him blow up in anger.

While Miyu Ren was throwing a tantrum, Wen Qinxi was knocking on the system's door like his life depended on it.

"Jolie you better come out right now... I would appreciate some dance moves to defeat this terminator," he said in a whisper but the system wasn't helpful at all.

"Boss, how about some energy drink? Here I have one with a bull on the can. I think it will do the job," replied the system as Wen Qinxi hid behind some boulders.

"What? Are you referring to red bull? Why would I need that?" asked Wen Qinxi before covering his head after some debris flew in his direction from that idiot blowing up everything.

"So you can run faster," replied the system with a rather serious tone. The system had calculated the odds of success and it wasn't looking good for this nerd. So rather than putting up a fight his best option would be making a break for it.

Wen Qinxi, "...."

"I don't blame you for being a coward. You inherited it from me," he whispered trying to figure out a way to restrain this demon. This was his playing field which would be an advantage but the opponent was too powerful. He started going through his inventory when he heard the voice of the queen transmitting throughout the kingdom.

She had single-handedly took down the seven brothers with ease before calling out to her people to stand up and fight for their sons and daughters who were sacrificed by their selfish king. It was about time they stood up as a whole before this demon eliminates their entire race for their special constitution.

One might ask why the mermen and mermaids didn't stand up for themselves all these years? It's not like they didn't try. The queen had immobilized a resistance among the common folk but it was crushed by the king before they could speak out.

But now there was a disturbance in the food chain allowing them to retaliate. It was either fight or die and they chose to fight.

"Boss, you are so lucky," said the system but it spoke too soon because just after that Miyu Ren blew up the boulder he was hiding behind. Great turbulence was stirred up underwater as Wen Qinxi's body got tossed by a great force striking him in the stomach making him spit out a mouthful of blood.

Miyu Ren's eyes shimmered when he found his target. Pleased with himself he swam over with a smirk and an expression that seemed to say I got you. He let out a throaty chuckle before stretching out his hand releasing vines of dark ominous shadows intending to end his opponent.

The sinister vines shot out to him but before they could touch a single hair on his head black calamity appeared out of nowhere slicing the dark shadows till they vanished. With a loud screech, the shadows caught on fire as they burnt to ash.

Qie Ranzhe stood in front of Zhao Zhi asking, "Are you okay?" with obvious concern in his eyes. Wen Qinxi couldn't hear him properly as he grimaced in pain. He was mad at the system for jinxing him while Miyu Ren was displeased with his underling who couldn't keep Qie Ranzhe in check.

He swung his hand in a motion that closely resembled a slap and a strong force hauled Qie Anzhie straight into a building. The wall collapsed on top of him with only his legs showing from under the rubble. "You had one job. One freaking job and you failed me! What a useless waste," bellowed Miyu Ren cursing out his disciple.

While the demon king was distracted by his useless underling, Qie Ranzhe engulfed them in a barrier as he placed Zhao Zhi into his arms. He wiped away the blood from the corner of the man's lips with his trembling hands.

There was not one word that could accurately describe how he was feeling right now. Distraught, fear, anguish, pain were some of the words he could come up with but it wouldn't summarise how he was truly feeling. "Baby, where does it hurt?" he asked while taking out some pills that could help heal Zhao Zhi faster.

Wen Qinxi was in so much pain that he didn't have time to indulge in his male god's genuine concern for him. He felt like his insides were being ripped apart with each passing second. Qie Ranzhe felt like his heart was being torn seeing his lover like this.

He fed him the best pills he could find while comforting him. "I am here, I am here. The pain will go away just now, okay? Just keep your eyes open," he said in a soft voice while transferring some of his internal energy to Zhao Zhi.

Bam! Bam!..... Bam!

Was the sound of the barrier being struck by something. The demon king was standing outside feeling rather uneasy. He wanted Zhao Zhi dead. When he is dead it means Qie Ranzhe would be easy to control but the weak yao was being protected like a fragile egg further complicating matters.

"Make a choice sect leader. Him or your son? Who will this sect leader be willing to save?" said Miyu Ren showing a rather sinister smile.

Qie Ranzhe felt an unwavering storm brew within him just hearing those words. His expression remained unchanged as he carried on transferring his internal energy into his lover's body.

He didn't know what he would do if he lost Zhao Zhi today. There was a growing urge to tear down the entire world as long as he could keep this man safe. The world would undoubtedly fall apart without him.

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