Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 430: Fifth World: Jolie Talks To Boss One

Chapter 430: Fifth World: Jolie Talks To Boss One

Qie Ranzhe could clearly resonate with the saying a friend in need is a friend indeed otherwise why else would he put up with Zhao Zhi's chaotic mind that resembled a blank piece of paper. Or maybe he was helping not because he is a friend but because of Qie Xieling. That kid would probably throw a temper tantrum and blame him if anything happened to Zhao Zhi.

With this thought in mind, Qie Ranzhe came up with a reasonable excuse why he would work this hard to bring Zhao Zhi out off his mental prison. Vowing to settle accounts with him later, Qie Ranzhe kept on going.

Just when he thought he was going to collapse from all the mental exhaustion the once blank corridor walls suddenly began to exhibit vivid moving murals. From what Qie Ranzhe could see, these images must have been Zhao Zhi's memories.

It was like storytelling in a much vivid way with detailed illustrations of Zhao Zhi's life from the labyrinth or realm which he called home for half his life. Qie Ranzhe couldn't help but being mesmerised by Zhao Zhi's majestic appearance as a merman. He was like an enchanting beauty with the ability to bewitch mortal souls.

Unable to control himself, Qie Ranzhe reached out and traced the entire length of Zhao Zhi's beautiful merman tail with his eyes brimming with infatuation. He might have no interest in the same sex but he had the strongest urge to build a ginormous fish tank and keep Zhao Zhi all to himself to raise him.

While Qie Ranzhe was having such messed up thoughts the mural suddenly changed showing the pathetic excuse of a father trying to hurt Zhao Zhi. 'What a scum bag,' he thought before moving on to the next.

The next two murals detailed how Zhao Zhi took up arms with his mother to defend their fort and stop the demon from entering their kingdom. The yao was especially brave going against his father despite being incomparable in terms of strength.

Qie Ranzhe's eyes shone with admiration but he soon took back his praise when he saw Zhao Zhi turning a blind eye to the onslaughter of the Qie family while fortifying the barrier on the water surface. He knew the man wasn't a saint and he didn't owe them anything but he couldn't help but wish Zhao Zhi had intervened earlier.

Unable to watch anymore, he moved on and saw the moment Zhao Zhi saved him and dragged him underwater. Feeling a sense of survivor's guilt, Qie Ranzhe wished Zhao Zhi had saved his mother instead of him. Feeling rather emotional he moved on only to have his face turn as red as cherries a few murals down.

This was the night of passion that resulted in his little bundle of joy, Qie Xieling. As it turned out, he was the one that attacked first lunging at him like a starved beast. There was nothing more embarrassing than watching oneself do this and that with someone. The salacity in his eyes made him seem like the vice of lechery or a horny bastard in layman's terms.

But just because he wanted to bury his head in shame like an ostrich, it didn't mean he stopped watching. He found that he couldn't take his eyes away watching to the very end.

The consequence of that was a surge of heat coming from his lower half. If it weren't that he was in Zhao Zhi's mind, he would have taken care of it immediately. Imagining how inappropriate it would be to jerk off in someone's mind, Qie Ranzhe moved on walking away in an awkward posture.

As to how he felt about getting aroused by watching himself thrusting into another man, he couldn't bother thinking about it right now. Ever since he met Zhao Zhi it seemed his three views were forming cracks despite how many times he tried to fix it. It was a hopeless case.

Qie Ranzhe felt a sense of uneasiness as he watched how he was caught by Zhao Zhi's mother after having ravished her son to an unconscious state.

Those lewd bite marks and hickeys had him unable to look. He truly deserved what followed after because if it were him who had walked into such a situation with his son looking like that he would have killed someone.

He was truly grateful that he didn't leave that realm in a body bag. Zhao Zhi's mother was merciful enough to let him walk out with his spiritual root intact.

What he didn't know was that it was Qie Xieling who saved his life. When the queen decided not to kill Qie Xieling she naturally needed someone to watch him. Her kingdom wasn't safe for the little fry so she decided to let Qie Ranzhe leave scot-free with the minimum punishment.

Qie Ranzhe walked over to the end of the corridor and found two different doors. One was a light shade of red while the other one was a sealed iron door. One look and he could tell he won't be able to open the iron door and reveal what was on the other side but he was so drawn to it like nails drawn to a magnet. Unable to extricate himself from his obsession, he began to attempt to break down the door.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't have any of his spiritual power in here. It was like his cultivation was sealed off the moment he entered Zhao Zhi's consciousness which is why he was so exhausted after walking for so long. He was like a mere mortal which he disliked very much.

The sect leader attempted to kick down the door but it only resulted in him hurting his leg. The iron door remained unscathed like an impenetrable force but he couldn't help it. He felt like there was something very important on the other side and he won't give up unless he opened it.

Just as he was about to land another blow, a tougher sheet of tungsten materialized in front of him further fortifying the iron door making it even harder for him to break in. Qie Ranzhe's eyes turned cold at this sight wondering what Zhao Zhi was hiding.

"Ahem.... that's extremely private. You, you can't enter in there. No, no unauthorised personnel," said the system afraid that the CEO will see things he is not supposed to see especially things from the other worlds or the real world. That iron door was there for a purpose but who would have expected this CEO not to choose the easy red door and go after an iron fortress.

Feeling somewhat anxious, the system intensified security and sacrificed itself despite the fact that it was scared shitless.

Qie Ranzhe turned around only to find no one there. To be frank, he was vexed but what puzzled him the most was the fact that this voice was familiar to him. He had heard this voice before but he couldn't place a face to the voice. Qie Ranzhe casually folded his arms across his chest and said, "How about you show yourself.... unless you are scared."

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