Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 426: Fifth World: Be Careful What You Wish For

Chapter 426: Fifth World: Be Careful What You Wish For

In the dimly lit room, Wen Qinxi lay on his back with his eyes wide open. The dazzling moon had already risen hugh in the sky with its magical rays shining through the curtain but Wen Qinxi found himself unable to sleep thinking too much. He couldn't even be bothered to admire the beautiful starry night lost in a sea of thoughts.

Qie Ranzhe seemed to have taken a huge blow from their last discussion because he hadn't seen him for seven days straight. The man was obviously somewhere around the Qie sect but Wen Qinxi couldn't catch even his shadow.

At first, he thought the man needed to fully digest the information so he gave him some space but he soon discovered that the man was actively avoiding him like he had some kind of infectious disease.

Fine, it was too much information to digest but this nerd was so anxious. Maybe it was because he knew this was the last world and he wanted to hurry things along but his anxiety resulted in sleepless nights like these.

What should come naturally had turned into a chore that he felt like trying incense sticks so he could fall asleep easily and not wake up in the middle of the night. He was so desperate that he was now considering having Jolie hypnotise him. That's how bad it was.

On this night, Wen Qinxi tossed and turned in bed recalling how Qie Ranzhe cut his palm with a broken porcelain cup and when he tried to help him, the man shunned him before walking away. He was seriously considering turning back time that is if he had a time machine. Questioning his own decision, he was starting to wish he had built some feelings first before telling the truth but if Qie Xieling knew then it wouldn't take long for Qie Ranzhe to find out.

That kid was like him. Under Qie Ranzhe's instigation, he would spill the beans in full detail. He knew this was the right decision but boy, did it hurt.

Wen Qinxi turned to sleep at his side in annoyance. 'Damn it!' he thought before sitting up straight. He was about to ask the system to try this so-called hypnosis when he sensed an unsettling presence in his room.

His hair stood on end as he scanned the entire room. Whatever it was, it must have been a shadow or a ghost of some kind because Wen Qinxi could feel its presence but couldn't see it. Sensing something sinister, Wen Qinxi unsheathed magic frost but he found his entire body paralyzed in the very next second.

Magic frost was distraught unable to move. The shimmering blue light from the sword immediately dimmed before it fell to the ground with a loud clang. At that moment, Wen Qinxi knew he was screwed because the entity had immobilized him in place.

A grey shadow exuding dark Qi materialized itself in front of him mockingly. The two-faced each other for a second as though sizing each other up. The arduous evaluation abruptly ended in the very next second when the shadow covered Wen Qinxi's face.

Wen Qinxi's body felt cold as his sight fell into darkness. For a moment, he reasonably thought he was going to die but that wasn't the shadows intention.

As soon as Zhao Zhi fell into deep slumber the shadow transformed into a figure of a man with no obvious features. It's stretched its arms to lift Zhao Zhi and carry him away but just as it lowered its body, the door was suddenly violently kicked open and a man dressed in a black robe appeared.

Like dropping a hot potato, the shadow let go of Zhao Zhi's arms and lunged towards the man to knock him out. But before it could catch a single strand of his hair, it was struck across the chest by a sword that appeared out of nowhere.

The shadow wailed as it tumbled to the ground while clutching its chest. Face with those vicious cold eyes staring down at it, the shadow decided to take the coward's way out. It had only accomplished half of its task but life preservation was more important.

Besides, its lord could use this to his advantage as Zhao Zhi would never be able to wake up from his dream without its intervention.

The shadow dodged the man's second attack and vanished into thin air just like that. Qie Ranzhe immediately made a hand seal and sent a fierce attack at the now invisible shadow. It might have turned invisible to the naked eye but because of his heightened senses due to his recent breakthrough, he located it as it flew through the window.

In a fell swoop, he burnt that shadow before it completely disappeared. How could he let that demon escape unscathed? He then proceeded to check on Zhao Zhi who was lying limp on the bed. He knew what that demon was and what it was capable of. It was the infamous king of dreams but this name in itself was not a true reflection of what it does.

These so-called dreams were an illusion of the victims deepest desires making it difficult for one to come out of the dream without external influence. This essentially meant that one would be trapped in this illusion while the demon sucked the life out of the victim.

For one to come out of such a nightmare, there were two plausible scenarios. One way was to have the demon release the victim of its own volition which was like asking a python to spit out its dinner after months of hibernation.

The second method involved sending someone's sea of consciousness into the dream and break the illusion but that someone had to not only have higher cultivation but also a strong link with the victim. Which could only be described as rare. Even then there was a high probability they would fail.

He had sensed the presence of this demon in his sect while cultivating in a cave atop the tallest peak in the Qie sect. He had specifically chosen the spot because it was the source of all the positive spiritual energy good for cultivation but it was this exact choice that made him arrive too late. He could have used a teleportation talisman but a certain someone had robbed him clean that he currently didn't have any left on his person.

It was this chain of events that landed Zhao Zhi in this predicament. Qie Ranzhe sent his Qi through the man's meridians and found nothing seriously wrong apart from eternal sleep. He rubbed his forehead at a loss of what to do.

The only one he could think of who had the biggest link with Zhao Zhi would be Qie Xieling but the kid was far low in cultivation rank which meant he would fail before even attempting.

He thought of waiting till Qie Xieling out ranked Zhao Zhi but how many years will that take? By the time the kid achieved that the demon would have already sucked Zhao Zhi dry.

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