Chapter 286

Chapter 286

'Do you need to ask any question?'


'Don't you want to know about the cores of the universes? I know all the stories about them. I also know some secret info you won't get your hands on no matter who you ask.'

Ibro was speechless from this system. He was like a professional thief or a beggar. Ibro had no other option except to play with these stingy system rules.

'Fine, tell me the answers I want and take one SPR orb.'

'Thanks for your support. One SPR orb has been deducted. Now, you have visited many universes already, so you know that each universe was based on a single form of supreme energy. 

For example, the cultivation world you came from depended upon the spiritual soul energy, while here depended upon experience energy. That had a reason for it. 

Each universe was built from a core. This core created a whole universe with endless worlds. Each core had only one type of energy. 

Dual energies in one universe don't exist without the interference of system holders like you. Each universe is surrounded by impregnable shields except for a certain area. 

This area is known as the gate world. This gate world is very crucial, as it contains the core of this universe. This gate world is the only way in and out of this small universe. 

For any demons to enter the worlds inside the universe, they needed to control the gate world first. They don't need to completely dominate it, but they need to dominate most of it. Do you understand me so far?'

Ibro was completely absorbed in these secrets, so he replied spontaneously:

'Yes. But how is this dominance calculated? I recall back in the Apidon world, the demons occupied only villages and didn't occupy a big percent of the world's lands.'

'Good. One SPR orb is deducted from your account. Thanks for your support.'

Ibro was shocked by this statement and lost his focus as he cursed:

'What the hell! Why did you deduct SPR orb now!'

'One SPR orb has been deducted from your account. Thanks for your support. That's because you asked me a question that I will answer, as this last question of yours.'


Ibro didn't know what to say to this stingy weird system. He kept his silence while the system continued to talk as if nothing had just happened:

'Each gate world is built upon pillars. These pillars are what determine who controls what. In your Apidon world, these pillars were the villages. 

In the cultivation world, these pillars are the strongholds. When the demons control more than 50% of the pillars in any given gate world, they can move freely in and out of this universe. Do you understand me till here?'


Ibro didn't respond with words, as he nodded silently. He was mad from this shameless behavior of this system that he decided not to give it any more SPR orbs as long as he could.

'Fine, I will be honest and tell you the answers you paid for. I'm a fair system here.'


'The cores had no control over the gate world once it built it. The demons must have controlled many pillars then they polluted the cores of these universes to give themselves more authorities. 

Do you recall the sad stories of the NPCs here in this universe?'


Ibro just nodded silently without saying any word at all. The shameful system continued his speech ignoring the angry Ibro:

'These NPCs were once players whose worlds got destroyed by the demons. The demons then planted them inside every starting game. 

That ability was gained from polluting the cores. I have answered all of your questions. If you need to ask anything else, feel free to do so.'

Ibro ignored system temptation as he started to organize the data in his mind. Everything made logic especially the last part the system mentioned. 

If that was true, then the demons had the ability to manipulate some of the game settings to be for their favor. 

But they couldn't fully control the cores, as they couldn't invade any world without the rules of opening teleportation gates. That meant the real war wasn't here at this world, it was at the gate world. 

Ibro recalled the scene he saw when the northern lord had opened the teleportation gate to this world. The gate world was swarmed with countless numbers of demons. 

It wasn't like the situation back at the Apidon world; it was like the situation in the cultivation world. All roads are linked to the gate world. He already had access to the cultivation universe gate world. 

He had already established his village there. He could search for the core there and purify it. The problem was related to this universe. He didn't have enough strength to invade the gate world with confidence. 

He needed to have a foothold there. He needed to amass huge numbers of armies. He thought about his skeletons. He could use them to increase his army size and power. 

The only side effect of this move was the fact that without heated war, his skeletons would need a long time to grow. He preferred to use this card during the real battle, not here. 

Then, he had to increase his power with other means here and not waste his time. That led him again to killing seeds, freeing NPCs of old plans. 

It seemed his enemy realized the great importance of this move so he was trying to hinder Ibro from doing it. Ibro needed this power that came with those freed NPCs. 

He also needed time to be able to free great armies of them. He had two essential questions now in his mind that he needed the system to answer.

'Two questions two answers two SPR orbs only. If you deducted any more orbs under any excuse I will end this deal right here right now.'

'Calm down, boss. It's just single SRP orbs. I didn't take much from you!'

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