Chapter 225

Chapter 225

This time he didn't know where this building was. He searched for Rinobak. It wasn't difficult to find him. He was standing in a central square in the village surrounded by many new villagers. 

They didn't get their cultivation yet, so they were still in their skeleton form. Ibro got used to seeing skeletons now, so he didn't comment on them. Once Ibro appeared, Rinobak led the others to kneel in front of him.

"Welcome my king."

"Tell me, Rinobak, how are things going in my village?"

"Replying to my king, we have exceeded 300 villagers by far. These are the newly joined villagers. Except for them, everyone else had started their cultivation. They also train diligently in their classes. 

Per my king's instructions, we have focused on building the main resources buildings. The highest are the wood loggings. Many buildings required wood, so I focused on building loggings. 

The main problem we face right now is the cores. We already have stockpiled a lot of wood, we only lack cores."

"Don't worry about cores. I will supply you with a lot of cores that will be enough for the current stage of the village. In the future, I will make sure to provide a steady supply of these cores."

Ibro at once removed all the cores grade 1 and nearly half of what he got from cores grade 2 on the ground in front of him. Two big hills of cores appeared in front of Rinobak.

"Now, I want you to build one building for me first."

"Tell me what building you wish to have, my king."

Ibro smiled while saying:

"I want you to build a market for me."

"As you wish, my king. I will make the boys build it as fast as possible."

Immediately Rinobak moved. The group of new villagers was led to the cultivation hall to select their cultivation way, technique and classes. Group of villagers moved the cores Ibro provided to the warehouse. 

Another group of villagers began to build the market. It took them nearly one hour to finish. During this hour Ibro enjoyed the looks of his village. He felt more like being at home. 

Once they finished, Ibro entered the building. The market was a wide one-floor building. Inside it, he found more than one item. The first item was like a hanging screen in the middle of the market. 

On the right side, there was a printer similar to the one he saw before. This printer was smaller than the villagers' recruitment hall printer. There was a whirlpool made of dark blue glittering gas. 

Ibro looked at the three items as he guessed the general uses for each one. He headed first towards the screen and put his hand over it.

'Welcome to the market interface villager lord. Here, you can view all the items that are sold from all the markets attached to here. Unfortunately, this market isn't connected to any market. There is no good at the moment.'

As Ibro guessed, this was the market interface. He then left it and went towards the printer. He put his hand over it to hear the soft sound of the printer whispering in his mind:

'Welcome to the market soul production villager lord. Here, I will manufacture market souls. 

As this market is a technology-based building, market souls are needed to facilitate for cultivators to build their markets. This process requires cores to supply energy to it.'

Ibro understood the general function of it. He then asked:

'How do I use these souls? How can I link them to here?'

'You can use them easily by putting the soul over the design of the market. It will blend with it and make it possible for cultivators to build it. 

After you got your market soul, you can put them into that linker over there. It will be responsible for linking each soul to here.'

'That's great, now take these cores and make souls into these rings.'

Ibro then gave the printer 100 cores grade 5 and 50 storage rings. He then waited for the whole day before he received his ring. 

It was full of market souls. Ibro didn't stop here and moved to the last item the whirlpool. He put his hands over it and listened to its voice:

'Welcome to the market linker village lord. Here, I can link any market souls to this market. This way, when cultivators build their markets, they will be linked immediately to here.'

Ibro had already known its function from the printer. He then asked:

'can you convert souls inside a storage ring?'

'Yes, I can.'

'Good, then take this ring and link every soul in it.'

Ibro then threw the ring towards the whirlpool. It suddenly shone more brightly before it threw the ring back to Ibro who exclaimed in surprise:

'Don't you just say you can link the souls inside the ring?'

'Yes, village lord.'

'Then why did you throw this ring back to me?'

'Because I finished linking them all.'

Ibro stood speechlessly in front of the whirlpool. He didn't expect it to finish this rapidly. He smiled and said:

'Thank you.'

He then moved outside the market. He held this ring and put it carefully into his finger. His initial preparations were finished and he was now ready for his next move. He went to his manor and entered it. 

There was little simple furniture in it. He sat on the only big chair in the middle of the hall. He took a deep breath calming down his excitation. 

He knew well if he succeeded here, his village would gain a huge boost. He then took out the hexagonal seal from his storage ring. Once he took it out, a window popped up with its info.

'Supreme village portal seal: this is Supreme village only property. No one is allowed to use it except the village lord. Use this seal to create a teleportation channel between the village and any world in this universe or other universes. 

Number of uses left: 2 times. Every time the village is upgraded, the number of uses will be increased and refreshed.'

Ibro held the seal in his hand and began to inspect it closely. There were some minute inscriptions on its surface. After some time, Ibro didn't know how to use it. He tried to issue orders to it but he failed. 

He tried even to use his blood. He held it in his hand and then threw it in the air in a frustrated movement. He was frustrated by his inability to use this seal. He felt weird; the seal didn't fall back to his hand. 

He looked at it to find it floating in the air. Once his eyes fell on it from that angle this seal moved rapidly to hit his head. Ibro was surprised but he didn't dodge this seal. 

He didn't feel any pain while this seal entered between his eyebrows. He felt a stinging sensation in between his eyebrows. Suddenly, he sensed the presence of a new space inside his mind. 

It was like he was in a control center. There were a lot of screens which had many strange writings and numbers. When Ibro entered this space, he heard a random voice talking to him.

'You have only two places to link here. You just need to think of the place location and say its name out loudly. We will do the rest for you, village lord.'

"I choose Heavenly tower academy."

Ibro said it straight loudly while thinking about the location of the last contest. He felt a shiver in his mind followed by a ray of light that emerged from in between his eyebrows. 

That flash of light landed in front of his chair as it formed a small cloud. It was a two meters radius cloud with a lot of lightning swarming into it. Ibro felt strange, he expected something else. 

He thought he would gain a small teleportation portal like he used to use back in the games. Nonetheless, he was content with this cloud. He left his chair as he stepped into this cloud. 

He had an important meeting in the academy that made his blood boil from excitement.

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