Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Ibro finished reading all the info slowly. He took his time to understand the strange characteristics of this village. What excited him the most was his ability to create techniques, classes, and buildings without any limit. 

He had experienced two games and visited many worlds, so his mind had a lot of ideas. The first thing he did was to visit his manor which was just next to the stele. 

It was a simple-looking building with a small garden and a wooden fence. Ibro just walked beside it. Once he neared the front gate, he noticed this strange shaped seal hanging in front of the gate. 

Ibro moved towards it and examined this seal. It was a strange hexagonal-shaped seal with a lot of inscriptions on it. Ibro removed the seal from the gate to closely examine it. Suddenly, a new window popped up.

'Supreme village portal seal: this is Supreme village only property. No one is allowed to use it except the village lord. 

Use this seal to create a teleportation channel between the village and any world in this universe or other universes. Number of uses left: 2 times. Every time the village is upgraded, the number of uses will be increased and refreshed.'

Ibro doubted this seal. He knew he used all the items required to establish a portal between universes. He looked high in the sky where that spot of light had appeared before. 

He felt this was a backhand from his enemy. He knew he could link this village with his other village now, but it would endanger both worlds. He should use this opportunity wisely. 

Although it was a booby trap for him, it was also a good opportunity. Opportunities always come with risks. Ibro held that seal tightly then he put it in his storage ring. He would use it later. 

Ibro then moved towards the next building. It was the dining hall. He noticed the appearance of his villagers there. When he neared that place, he was stupefied! These weren't villagers. They were skeletons! 

When they saw him, they moved in a strange way towards him. One by one they knelt on the ground while they spoke in hoarse deep strange accents voices:

"We salute you our king. We are your lowly followers."

Ibro didn't see that coming. He didn't expect that his new village would create skeletons as his villagers. What surprised him though was the intelligent nature of these skeletons. Ibro said inquiring about this:

"Do you have names? What is your info?"

"My lord can check our info if he liked to," one of these skeletons answered without raising his skull. Ibro then tried to think about their info but he couldn't view their info like this. 

He then asked them again and knew how to do it. He had to put his hand over their skulls. It was a weird way and also it took a lot of time. He started to view these 60 skeletons info one by one. 

The more skeletons he checked, the more surprising he became. After he finished he felt extreme shock. They weren't usual skeletons. They could turn into normal people when they start their cultivation. 

They have PA as well. Some of them were even generals. There were also four civil ministers. The rest were just normal villagers. Ibro understood what he should do. 

He should give them cultivation, and then they would be like normal villagers. He knew that this wasn't true; they would become far stronger as any normal villager.

"Rinobak, come with me. The rest of you will wait here till Rinobak comes again for you."

"Yes, my king."

Rinobak was a tall skeleton. Ibro chose him because he was the highest in the three ministers in his command and administration PA values. 

Ibro wanted to know more about them. He was very curious about their origin, so he asked Rinobak after walking for a few tens of meters:

"Where do you come from Rinobak?"

"Answering my king, I don't have a lot of memories about my past life. All I know is that I was a civil minister to one of the empires. I got killed and strangely I was revived here."

This was a surprise to Ibro. He thought a bit about this information before expressing his conclusions:

"Do you mean you came from outside this universe? You mean you were dead?"

Rinobak answered as he was walking behind Ibro lowering his head a little:

"Yes, that's right my king. I believe that we all came from different places other than here. all of us have lost their memories like me, so we don't know anything except our profession and the details of our death."

Ibro thought this was very interesting. He asked in curiosity:

"How did you die then Rinobak?"

"I was killed by some kind of weird man that turned into a monster when he killed me."

Ibro had an idea of his killer.

"Were the rest also killed in the same way?"

"Yes, my king. We all died under the same type of strange creatures."

Ibro confirmed his guess. These skeletons were people who got killed under the hands of moleecians. That was weird. How did his village have this strange ability? 

He recalled the statement and excitation of the system when he finished making this village stele. Was that related to the Holy Edict his village had? What was the goal of this edict then by doing so? 

Was this a reward to those who got killed by moleecians? Or was it a second chance for them to get revenge?

"For your information, these kinds of creatures are here in this world. My armies are in hot battles at the outer borders of my village. What do you think?"

Although he was a skeleton, Ibro noticed his bones shivered. Ibro didn't know if this was from fear, hesitation, excitation, anticipation or anger.

"Are you sure, my king?"

"Yes, I'm very sure. I have been in a battle with these creatures for a long time now. I know my enemies well. They are the same creatures that killed all of you."

Suddenly, Rinobak knelt again in the ground. This time, his skull was nearly buried deep in the ground. Ibro thought he would plead to let him escape from here. 

If he asked this request, then Ibro would bless him with his agreement. Ibro hated the coward type of people near him. If anyone stayed here, then he must be a courageous one.

"I plead for my king to allow me and my fellow villagers to go and avenge ourselves. We were killed with great injustice. I ask my king to agree to let us have our revenge."

"Oh, are you sure? These enemies are very strong. They are also treachery and persistent. Are you sure you want to face them again in a life and death battle?"

Ibro witnessed the shivering of Rinobak's bones. This time Ibro was sure this was from anger and anticipation. This skeleton wanted revenge more than anything else. Ibro loved this kind of person.

"I want revenge. We all want revenge, my king. We were killed in an unfair fight. We want a rematch with these creatures. We want to settle our scores with them if you allow us to do so my king."

Ibro smiled widely as he replied:

"Of course I agree. My village stands on the opposite side of these creatures. We will always have battles with them. But I can't allow you to go now to kill them. You are weak very weak.

Let's get you all stronger first. After your power rises to a suitable level, I will permit you all to take revenge."

"Thanks my king for your generosity. We will never forget your benevolence."

Ibro just smiled as he continued walking again. He was in a good mood today.

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