Chapter 146

Chapter 146

He stopped what he was doing and said to her:

"Last time I checked I didn't have that charm to captivate you like this."

"Stop joking around and tell me, do you plan on amassing this wealth with just these runes?"

"You seemed not to trust me."

She shrugged and didn't reply. Ibro also didn't bother by explaining anything. He just gave her over 100 Even runes that he just made and said to her:

"Sell them."

She took them and began to inspect one rune closely. She couldn't understand how precious such a rune was.

She looked at him with doubt but he returned again to his own rune world. She harrumphed in discontent as she moved towards the market interface.

She also had a lifestyle class. Her products if sold would gain 10 gold coins top. How did he plan to collect all these coins then? Ibro didn't bother even to watch her. He knew exactly how unique his runes were.

"What?! You are a grandmaster already?!!"

Ibro had expected such a reaction from her. He didn't even look at her when she said that.

Noda was fixated towards the market interface. She wasn't only shocked by the high price of these runes as each one of them had scored 6 million gold coins price, she was also surprised by the high degree Ibro had reached in his lifestyle class.

She looked at Ibro in high doubt, was he really just nobody from the dimension world? How could someone like him reach such a high degree in lifestyle class in such a short time?

She didn't believe that this Ibro was as nave and ignorant as he pretended to be. She remembered his previous claims about trying to learn the five supreme powers.

Would he really have a way to take such a feat? She watched silently as the gold coins kept pouring into her account without stop. Ibro had given her 144 runes.

That gave her over 850 million gold coins. She couldn't believe herself. In just one hour, she could gain such wealth. If she had such a unique ability like Ibro, she would conquer the world.

She looked at him again differently, would he really aim to conquer the world? She never felt any emotions towards any man before. She had highly strict conditions for her man.

Her standard was her late father and her brother. She thought she would never meet a man who could rival these two, but now she met one! He also had a mix of both of them.

He was a valiant warrior in battles who never hesitated to march into the frontlines and kill enemies with his blade. He was like her late father in this regard.

He also was a resourceful man who had the ability to amass money and could rule the world financially if he wanted to. That was her brother's strongest turf.

She kept her silence and watched Ibro as he worked diligently without stopping. She recalled his previous claims. Did he have a GF back at his home? Or was he trying to find any excuse to move away from her?

Ibro didn't realize that his good gesture in helping her had aroused all these conflicting thoughts inside this beauty. He took one day to amass the gold coins needed for gathering a huge army.

After all this work he felt hungry and tired. While he was walking beside Noda exiting the market, he noticed some changes in her. She didn't tease him like always.

She even talked to him only once during that day as she asked him if he was tired or needed rest. Once he appeared outside the market the small gang immediately surrounded the two of them. Before anyone opened his mouth, Noda said in a strange seriousness:

"Sliman, take Ibro to the guest building next to the manor. Make sure he eats well before he falls to sleep."

Everyone looked strangely at her. Sliman was the only one who kept himself quiet so far and didn't even tease Ibro once. He was the calmest person in their gang.

Every time Noda wanted to do something serious she always assigned it to Sliman. That made the other gang members reach a tacit understanding: when Sliman was assigned with something, that meant this task was extremely important.

That made them feel strange, as that meant Ibro had become an extremely important person in Noda's eyes.  Away from their childish play, they knew Noda's nature well.

She never took any interest in any person no matter what background he had. They looked at Ibro who was moving away following Sliman and held many questions inside them.

Ibro was a foreigner to this world. Everyone knew that fact from the first moment they met him. How could someone like him manage to capture this ice-cold princess attention?

"Don't think too far, I will tell you everything inside the market. We also have very important tasks to do. C'mon, follow me."

Ibro followed Sliman without knowing what happened behind his back. He walked for a few streets then he was led to enter a two-floor building. It looked like a big house.

Inside it, he found a couple of villagers who received him with warm smiles. Sliman was really a quiet person. He didn't exchange a single word with Ibro.

When they entered the building, he just spoke a few words with these villagers then he disappeared. Ibro didn't mind his attitude, he had dealt with weirder players than him before.

These villagers' treatment of Ibro was really nice. After he ate a good meal, he was directed towards the bedroom upstairs. Ibro was really tired, so he fell into a deep sleep once his body touched this bed.

"Attention: Game has detected that the player's attached tech has already upgraded successfully. The succeeded tech will be allowed to help the player in this game world with limits.

This tech can't add XP to the player. This tech has granted the ability to issue tasks. The rewards of these tasks will be issued by the game. The game will keep the right to determine the final rewards of the player for each task.

This tech is granted the ability to guide the player and use all the databases of the game for helping him. If the player agrees to use this tech in the game then he has to finish one task every week. If a player failed to do so then he would lose one level per failure. Will the player agree or refuse?"

Ibro woke up suddenly on this alarming notification. He didn't get what all this info was about. After a few moments and when his brain got to work with full power, he guessed it easily.

Finally, that lazy hidden Dronil had upgraded itself. But what that tech did to result in such a fuss? Ibro re-read this notification many times till he comprehended it completely.

This notice meant that Dronil had already become a system, or at least it became mostly like it. Ibro was really excited and immediately answered:

"I totally agree."

"Player has accepted the integration between both techs. Player will have his own tech rebooting. The tech had started again. Player can now use the new tech after upgrading."

Ibro didn't feel anything unusual and didn't even hear the sound of Dronil so he asked:

'Dronil, are you there?'

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