Chapter 143

Chapter 143

"Maybe, but all we know is that every so often some old civilizations got destroyed by these monsters and new units and leaders will appear in the market."

"Then what about people like me?"

"This is also another debatable issue. Some believed you are unique individuals that the game had selected from all the universes and through all times of this dimension.

Others believe that you are some good results your civilizations yielded so before letting these failed civilizations to get destroyed, the game saves the potential people like yourself and bring you in here.

I believe in the second theory. I believe you are here to be tested, trained and get ready to build new civilizations in that dimension."

Ibro felt his words, though they were really shocking and hard to be believed, were very logical. This game was after some deep hidden agendas without doubt.

He and everyone here in this game were test subjects for it. He didn't like this fact as he didn't like these nasty monsters. But he was too weak, very ignorant and so low in position to change anything. He looked at this brother of Noda and asked:

"May I know your name and the number of your world?"

"Do you want to chat with me? I'm really a busy man."

Ibro looked silently to him.

"My name is Moran and I'm from world 120."

"Oh, you are from a very early world."

"Not that early. My family was in that world. My family is a very important powerful family in the early worlds. We had many branches in the following worlds. Our latest branch is the branch my little sister is trying to establish here."

Ibro felt he had so many questions regarding this family but he knew he could learn about these from Noda. He didn't want to lose this precious opportunity and waste it on things like these.

"I want to know about the supreme world then. Is it the dimension that this game created?"

"Nope, this universe is like a new dimension. But this dimension is not under the control of the game.

My family had a base out there but we got cornered and were forced to focus on the lower realms here."

"What do you mean?"

"It's our family secrets. I can't possibly tell you this except if you want to be part of the family."

"No, thanks. Then when one player goes to the supreme world he won't let go of his base here at the game, right?"

"No, he won't let this base he also got the ability to build other bases as much as he liked in the following worlds."

"Then what about the previous worlds?"

"You can't touch a previous world to your world, but you can touch any new world after your world as much as you like."

"That's a weird rule."

"Yes, it's also had a known name. We call it 'the pioneer privilege.'"

"It's some weird rule in my opinion."

"When you got your own empire and establish your civilization, you will appreciate such a rule. Now it's my turn to ask some questions. You have upgraded your village, and then what energy did you build your foundation upon?"

Ibro felt appreciated to Moran for answering his questions, so he answered honestly:

"I built it over the five supreme energies."

"That's good, which energy from them then did you use?"

"I used all of them."

"What? You mean you used some of the supreme five?"

"No, I used all the supreme five energies together."

Moran looked at him in a strange way. He wasn't the only one who looked at him like that but also Noda looked at him in the same way.

"Why both of you are looking to me like I'm telling a lie?"

"Because no sane man would take such a decision."

"I did."

"Do you know what are the consequences of such a decision are? If, and I'm saying if, you built your village on these five supreme energies then you are doomed to fail."

"Why are you all so sure about me failing in this?"

"So I'm not the only one who told you about how impossible it would be. Why didn't you listen to their advice?"

"Because I didn't believe in my failure. I believe I can succeed in this."

"Are you insane? No one had ever managed to take such a feat. What you want to do is a known taboo for our world."

"I don't care; I believe I can overcome any obstacle."

"Really? You are this confident in yourself?"

"Yes, I'm."

"Then Mr. confident, tell me do you why taking such a feat was impossible? What are your plans to overcome this ordeal?"

Ibro stood in his place without saying one word. He really didn't know anything about the next ordeals in his way.

"You must be joking, right? You even don't know anything about the decision you took. Are you crazy?!!"

Ibro muttered trying to defend himself:

"I felt it was the right decision."

"You felt it was the right decision? Since when do you build your decisions on a whim? It's the future of your civilization and the people who decided to follow you. How did you even take such a crazy decision?!!"

Ibro didn't like being blamed like this. He was the lord of his village and the sole person who had the authority to make decisions there.

"Then tell me what these challenges that await me in the future are?"

"Damn. I thought I had found some good seedling to help my sister. I didn't imagine you turn out to be such a lunatic! Ok, Mr. Crazy man. This decision you take is called a taboo for a good reason.

No one ever tried to mix the five energies in his civilization foundation and succeeded. They all lost and their civilizations which were built over the foundations of the guild had been destroyed."

"Can you tell me then why this was a taboo? What made it impossible?"

"Because you need to reach a certain level in each energy before you can upgrade your village to the next level.

If, and this is a very common problem for one energy, you got stuck at a certain level and reached a bottleneck, then you will never be able to raise your village level no matter what you tried. Have you understood how impossible it is?"

Ibro thought a little about his words. These meant he needed to learn how to use each power and raise his proficiency in it.

"Do you mean that these energies are learned separately from the game?"

"Yes, Mr. Moron. You need to depend on yourself totally to learn them. You need to have an affinity with each energy, seek for higher masters to teach you and take your time to raise your level for a single energy.

You now have five different energies and they are all supreme energies. Do you know why they are called the supreme five?"

Ibro shook his head. Although Moran was mad at him and was speaking in a very angry way, he was getting more important info he didn't know before. That made him eager to listen to his words and not even interrupt him regardless of Moran's anger.

"That's because it is very difficult to reach higher levels in each energy. These energies are like a high dam for each player.

When one player manages to raise his level enough to reach the basic requirement to upgrade his guild to be an empire, this empire will be a very strong empire.

The percentage of this is really low enough to make you feel despair. Now you have five supreme energies together. You are doomed to fail no matter what."

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