Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Ibro continued walking towards the meeting room without glancing even once behind him. He didn't need more restrictions.

If there were guards then they must know that they weren't guarding him but they were guarding his dream, his village, and his people. Ibro entered the meeting room which was full of many generals and strategists.

Ibro sat on the big chair in the middle of the room and looked towards everyone in the room. He noticed the movement of his two new bodyguards to stand behind him.

'These two fools.'

"Are our preparations finished?"

Hoden took the responsibility to represent all the presence here as he took a few steps forward then said in respect:

"We are ready my lord. We have finished building the pyramid. Also, all the defenses were set up in their designated places."

"What about our defensive plan?"

Hoden then motioned with his head towards some generals behind him. They moved at once and brought a large wooden plate then they put it on the ground.

There was a huge scroll fixed over this wooden plate. This scroll was none other than the map of the whole island. The map was like a real drawing of the topography of this area.

There were also special drawings of the towers that were used to defend this area. Ibro looked for a few minutes towards this map. He was surprised by this detailed map.

He had gone through small parts of this island so he noticed how precise this map was. He then directed his question to Hoden by saying:

"You used the whole island as our own natural fort. I like it."

Hoden smiled with the praise of his lord then he started explaining:

"We decided to divide the defensive battle into three parts, the first will be on the whole island. The second stand will be at the outer village wall and the last stand will be on the inner wall.

We tried to fill these three stands with many defensive mechanisms including traps and towers. Although we lacked many defensive items and scrolls, we will try to use everything possible to defend our village."

Ibro listened carefully while his eyes were fixed on this map. He pointed out towards certain spot and asked:

"What about the cave entrance? The underground world?"

"We don't think the battle will be extended to the underground world.

even if the monsters swarmed the underground world, we have nothing there. The only cave opening here we have fortified it strongly by many traps and more than 100 different types and grades of towers.

Also, we are ready to close this opening if needed. You, my lord, has the ability to seal this opening at any notice, right?"

Ibro looked at him and felt he had a point. He had full control over the underground world. if he wanted to change the location of that opening or completely remove it, then it would change location or be deleted. He then checked the map again and then asked:

"What are the armies distribution on this map?"

Hoden continued the explanation by saying:

"We have over 50 million soldiers. We will station 40 million soldiers on the outer stand and the rest will be on the second stand."

"that means you plan to fight it hard on the whole island? What if those nasty monsters appeared again?"

"These monsters are no strangers to us. Their appearance before was a surprise that we didn't expect. This time we are ready for them and all other kinds of monsters."

Ibro asked with curiosity:

"Are you this familiar with these monsters?"

"Yes my lord. These monsters are like the vanguard army of our common enemy. We didn't expect him to use his main troops in such a newly built world."

Ibro was very interested any getting any info about his mysterious enemy so he continued to ask:

"Do you mean these monsters aren't from this world?"

"No my lord, they came from older worlds."

"Does this mean we can move from one world to another?"

"Of course we can, but that would need us to pay a heavy price. If we moved from higher realm to lower realm like ours, then our levels, skills, items grades and many equipment and scrolls will lose much of their high effectiveness.

This is a rule that can't be broken. It is meant for those who came from higher realms to be balanced with this realm common level and power. These monsters although they were very strong and deadly but their level and power were greatly diminished."

"Are you ready for other types of these monsters?"

"Yes my lord. The most deadly monsters we may face at this stage are the airborne monsters.

But we have so many ballista towers so we have a certain confidence in our ability to defend against them."

Ibro thought a bit then said:

"I have 2 million airborne soldiers that we didn't use before. Do you want to use them in this battle?"

"We thought about using them but we feared they might not be able to make any difference. We might use them if things become unfavorable to us. But for now, let's not risk losing them."

Ibro looked at this map and revised the battle plan of his generals and strategists then he asked:

"What about my role here?"

He noticed the slight change of Hoden face which then returned to its usual calm. It seemed these old men wanted to have all the fun alone.

"We plan for you my lord to hold the last line of defense."

"That would never happen. I will stand at the front lines with my soldiers."

"My lord, y"

"Don't try and persuade me. I'm a lord and I'm also a fighter. I won't stand behind while my boys lose their lives. That is non-negotiable. I will hold the frontline with my personal army."

He wasn't speaking only to Hoden but to all of the generals and strategists in the room. Ibro then continued to say:

"This battle gentlemen is a battle that we can't afford to lose. If we lost this battle then there is no future for any of us, mine included. Staying behind will not help you or the soldiers or the village.

you will always fight with fear to expose me to any danger. That burden isn't healthy to our troops, saint Hoden. We need to relieve our soldiers from any stresses. Being at the front will give more morale to our army."

"But if you hurt my lord then this will be disastrous."

"It's a gamble indeed, so your job is to make sure I won't get hurt."

Hoden looked in doubt to Ibro who continued his words directing them to all the present here in the room:

"If you do your job brilliantly and make our enemies taste defeat after defeat I won't be in any danger. Don't slack down and try your utmost best in this battle as I will do. Follow my lead and protect our village together for our glorious future."

His words were a direct message to all of them. They understood his deep meaning. Ibro's firm stand made them realize they were serving a great lord that would have a big future without a doubt.

They felt lucky being able to serve such a lord and also they felt the weight of their responsibility. They mustn't fail their lord's trust in them.

"What about the pyramid ceremony?"

"We are ready my lord. I made sure to forge some high-grade brushes from the monster's hair and bones.

I also ordered some of the grandmasters to prepare special ink made from some of the highest grade monsters' blood. Now we are ready to perform the ceremony and start our village upgrade."

"Tell me what inscriptions I should write then."

"Around the whole pyramid, you should write inscriptions regarding the five supreme energies. You will use either the common language of us or a special language you choose."

Ibro thought a little and then asked:

"What do you advise me to do Hoden?"

"I suggest that my lord should use a special language for such an important ceremony."

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