Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Ibro recalled the memories with these two. They started at level0 but now their levels were amid 20th. Ibro smiled and then said:

"This war has no place for you or your army. But don't feel depressed. In the upcoming few days, we will have a major war that will hit our village. In this war, I will need you and your boys help."

Megedy replied at once:

"We will train hard for the next battle. I hope you all the best, my lord."

Ibro felt his sadness but he couldn't help it. That decision was the best for them. This war would cause big casualties. Ibro then moved towards the distant cave opening to the underground.

Unlike the previous time when he came here with Megedy, this time there were many ships that were sailing in the river. Ibro noticed the presence of two ports near this area.

He went to one of them and he boarded one ship towards the other bank. This river had so many ships that made it look so lively. In the next village upgrade quest, these ports and ships would be damaged severely.

He needed to order Mony to move the ships to a distant place away from the war zone. Once he reached the other side, he went straight for the hill.

That journey took nearly one hour till he reached the cave opening to the underground world. He looked towards Mamor and said:

"What army units do you want and how much do you want?"

Mamor took out a scroll and delivered it to Ibro while saying:

"This is the list of unit distributions. This list was made by Hoden and me. I hope it satisfies my lord."

Ibro took this list and read it thoroughly. It was a detailed long 2 lists; one for him and other for Mamor.

He noticed that the total number of units for Mamor were only 30 million troops, while the rest of these 100 million soldiers were with him.

He also noticed that Mamor only took 10 of the supreme commanders out of the available 30. He also took nearly one-third of all the generals he bought out there from the market.

Ibro didn't feel satisfied by this arrangement.

"Why did both of you arrange the two armies like this?"

Mamor faked ignorance as he asked:

"I don't understand your meaning my lord."

Ibro looked at him with impatience. That old man was trying to fake ignorance in front of him. He knew exactly what he meant! Ibro didn't argue with him as he ordered:

"Both armies will be equally matched in numbers of troops and the number of generals."

"But my l"

"That's my order. Your war is no less important than mine. If any of us lost then we both lost."

"We only feared about your safety my lord."

"My safety is my own issue to handle. You just do your job and don't focus on my safety."

He then started to take out his tokens, balls, summoning scrolls and contracts and started to amass a huge army.

Mamor stood by his side and started to organize everything. The first to appear were the 30 great generals and 5 strategists. Once they appeared in front of Ibro they knelt down on one knee and said in unison:

"We greet our lord."

"Stand up and welcome to my village. I'm Ibro your lord. I know it's not fair but I have great battles up ahead.

I want you to support me in them. You will be briefed by the details of the situation from Mamor. Mamor is the head general of my army. You all will work with him.

I don't care about your previous status or your titles; here you are my village great generals and strategists. One day we will have our own territory in the supreme world up in the sky.

So you will be called Hepatian great generals of the sky and Hepatian great strategists of the sky."

"We understand our lord."

Mamor then took the 30 generals and the 5 strategists with him to a side while Ibro started to summon all the different units of his army.

Summoning 100 million troops was a long process that took nearly 12 hours to finish. During which, Mamor had finished telling all the generals about the reality of the village situation.

He then divided them according to Ibro's orders to two equal halves. He chose the strongest 15 general and 3 most experienced strategists to work under Ibro's command.

Then he started to distribute units to Ibro's and his sides. The generals under Ibro's and under Mamor's command started to distribute the work and form the layout of the huge army.

Mamor also started to organize the 2000 generals with them. He gave the half to Ibro and he chose the strongest and highest in level for him.

After Mamor and the rest of the great generals of the sky finished arranging the generals' chain of command, they started distributing the soldiers' units.

They began with arranging 100-man units. Then they gathered 10 units to form 1000-man units. Then they gathered 10 1000-man units to form an army branch. Then they gathered 10 army branches and formed a legion.

Then they gathered 10 legions to form an army. Each army consisted of 1 million soldiers. There were 100 armies out there. They distributed the generals on these armies.

Also, they gathered each 5 armies to form a division. Each division had 1 great general to lead. They gathered each 5 divisions to form the Great army.

Each great army was commanded by 2 great generals with 1 strategist. The final 2 great generals and one strategist worked at Ibro's own army which consisted of 4 million troops.

This army was personally chosen by Ibro. This army was made of Heavy shield warriors, Heavy cavalry, lance cavalry, and archer cavalry. They dealt with it as if it was a separate division, so they assigned generals to it and divided it internally into 4 armies.

Each army consisted of a mix of these units. they left the tactics and maneuvers to the two great generals and the great strategist to decide as they see appropriate.

Mamor also told them about the Intel they got about the surface and the underground enemy forces. Throughout these 12 hours, they managed to formulate many strategies that covered all the possibilities of the war.

When Ibro finished his boring role, he found that Mamor's war department had already taken shape. They had already sent soldiers to the underground world and some generals had already set off to their posts.

Ibro then looked at the huge army that extended in front of him towards the horizon without an end. He remembered his first battle in this world.

He walked along with two weak young generals and a captain. Now he was leading 100 million soldiers to the war. He looked at Mamor then ordered:

"Go and start your attack immediately. I will wait for the news of your victory."

"Thanks, my lord. I will bring the news of victory soon."

"Good luck to all of you."

He directed his wishes to all of the great generals and great strategists around him.

He then moved towards the cave opening surrounded by 15 great generals and 3 strategists. Once he passed through the cave, he turned to look at his generals and strategists:

"Tell me what plan will we execute here?"

A middle-aged man who was one of the three strategists said:

"Per investigation done by general Mamor, we know that the enemy is distributed over 35 areas. We have divided this into two major regions. Each region will be handled by one great army. We then will handle each half as a separate war zone."

Ibro thought a bit about this arrangement. It was a logical arrangement indeed. He then asked:

"What about the leadership of the whole war zone?"

That strategist whose name was Froki replied:

"I will be in your private army, my lord. Your private army will act as the supreme command over the two war zones."

"That means I won't be able to fight in this war?"

"Your army will act as a special force that will move to help any war zone. We have divided your personal army into four armies."

Ibro looked at him and then he said:

"I will be with you to receive all the war reports. If there is a need for me to be in the front line I will move at once."

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