Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 198 Time To Fulfill The Promise

"At last," and so when he came out, she welcomed him with such a long sigh, "here, take this ring. Everything is stored inside… Now what?"

William already gave Lina the ring he got from Berry's grandfather to store anything she'd buy on this trip.

William got the ring, regained control over it and checked its content before nodding in satisfaction. "Everything is inside," he said these words before patting his stomach, "let's eat and have a good nap of rest first. Then let's speak tonight about what we'll do with all these."

"This…" Lina was surprised by his words. And when she intended to argue with him, question him about what he intended to do with her and her sister, William slowly added:

"You two have to get a good rest before doing anything. Or else, the expected results won't appear."

"O… Ok…" Lina got what he wanted to say but to comply.

William didn't tell what he intended to do with the two, and just hinted that getting enough rest was crucial to his plans for them.

The three ate their meal while Tina kept speaking nonstop about how the cakes were delicious, how nice Berry was, and how she missed her friends back at the Long clan.

William and Lina kept their silence before they all finished. William watched them retreat to their rooms, where Lina dragged Tina literally by the collar, getting her back to the room to get enough rest.

"Time to do my preparations," William didn't plan on sleeping. He got something to do while the two girls were sleeping.

The first thing he did was to go to one of the two study rooms. There he found one small pot on one side. It was one that was white grade, suitable to do weak potions.

"She brought enough to make many of this potion," William started to take the herbs Lina brought from the market out, arranging them in different batches, adding a few together to form separate groups.

He had a formula in mind, one that required a potion, an oil-like substance to be made, and a suitable extract of different herbs to be used on the body during the process.

"I hope it's enough for Lina," William spent his next hours making different potions and oils, filling the bottles of glass that Lina bought with different coloured liquids.

He didn't feel time until he got done. When he looked at what he made, he felt it might be a little insufficient than he initially thought.

Tina wasn't the problem, Lina was. He suspected her to be on the same level of power as him, ending up being a bronze grade spirit master after getting treated properly.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

And just as he was considering doing it tonight using what he made or postpone it for tomorrow and wait to buy and make more of these potions, oils, and mixed extracts, he heard loud knockings on his door, while the excited voice of Tina came from behind.

"Young master, we are ready for you. Come on, wake up, my sister says you are going to do something great for us!"

"Tsk! Kids…" William couldn't help but shake his head, store all the bottles he produced in one of his two rings, while storing the pot away as well.

It might be a low grade pot, but it was quite useful. In the future, he planned to purchase a good grade pot, or even forge one for himself.

"Coming," he shouted before Tina would crush the door down with her fists. Then he went out, saw the expressionless mask over Lina's face, and the happiness dancing over Tina's, before nodding to both.

"Now it's time to fulfil my promise to you…" when William said it, the eyes of the two girls shone brightly.

Tina was curious to see what William prepared for her and for her bigger sister, while Lina's mind spinned fast, and got reminded with what William promised them since he met them.

When he first rescued them, he gave them the promise of fixing their bodies. Of course, he knew all about their race and how it was greatly mistaken in this world, but to Lina these words looked quite awkward and mysterious.

She didn't get what was wrong with their bodies. They might not be able to use spirit power, train like any proper spirit master, but that didn't mean they were weak or something.

She was one of the Selvators, and that race was world famous for their brutal physical strength.

Selvators were known to have strong bodies and physique, yet no spirit power. This was a wrong conception as they were just like any other spirit master, but their spirit resided in their bodies. And that what William aimed to fix in their bodies, what he meant by his words from before.

"Are we going to do it now?" Tina jumped off and held his arm, with sparkling eyes that showed her expectations.

Despite not knowing anything, this little devil was all pumped up with excitement. Unlike her bigger sister, who was slightly aware of what William intended to do, but showed only confusion and doubt, not excitement like Tina.

"Well, I already prepared lots of stuff for you. However, I need to test out your spirits first."

"Spirit? We don't have any!" Lina slowly muttered, feeling dejected as she wrongly realised that William mistook them for another race.

William could see the look of disappointment in her eyes, and he gently stroke her head as he said, clarifying such confusion:

"Silly girl, how can there be a living without a spirit? Everyone has spirits, it's just yours is a little special."

"Is that true?" Tina jumped again, holding to his arm. She was a simple minded little girl, and she didn't have all the complicated thoughts her sister had.

"I won't lie to you," William's face beamed with a smile before he turned around to look for something.

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