Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 570 570 Mission Implausible

Cain stared at the wheel as it spun around and around, getting more and more nervous about what the Gods had in mind for him that could take so long for the spin to complete.

As it slowed down, Cain saw that an entire section didn't have any sort of representative symbols to tell him in advance what sort of ability they were. Or maybe that was a clue in itself, something that couldn't be seen or quantified in something as simple as an image.

"You know, a nice simple Spirit Rank Skill would do just as well," Cain called out into the nothingness, getting multiple voices' laughter in return.

"Yeah, I thought as much," Cain complained, waiting for the wheel to stop.

[Reward Gained. Immortal Rank Physical Upgrade] Dragon Core

Cain felt a sudden burning in his chest, before the feeling turned ice cold in an unnatural way, like a total void where nothing could exist, not even temperature.

Focusing on his body and System at the same time, he found the small round gem in his body and the description of the upgrade.

[Dragon Core] Allows the use of all forms of Energy.

[0 Percent refined] 100B experience to complete.

Cain could hear female cheering in the distance, and he realized that whoever was watching had been betting on the outcome after rigging the random roll.

"Um, thanks I guess? Now I have a clear path to Immortal Awakening, I just need to gather experience. Fortunately, I am very good at that." Cain told the void.

The sense of amusement that he got back told him that he shouldn't have said that. The Laughing God was totally going to mess with his chance at stacking experience. Hopefully, it didn't mess with his Class abilities.

When Cain opened his eyes, there was a Quest Notification waiting for him.

[Mission Implausible] Increase Body Quality to Immortal, then meet all of your children at once.

[Mission Cannot Be Refused]

That wasn't the only thing going on, the Portal next to him was going insane, pulsing power in and out, in danger of destroying everything in the area.

"I guess that's my cue. Everyone, please behave in my absence, since I have a mission to complete on the other side before I return to this side." Cain pleaded.

"No problem boss," Kone replied, while Jin and Jessica gave him the thumbs up.

"Luna, you too. Do you promise to behave while I'm gone?" Cain asked, and Luna appeared in front of his face.

"Of course, I'm the best-behaved Lamia ever." She informed him happily.

Cain stepped into the portal to stop the chaos and prevent the destruction of the valley, only hearing the screaming from behind him a second too late.

"Oh, this place is pretty cool looking. Did you say that there are only humans here? I haven't seen a lot of humans, where do you think the closest city is?" Luna asked, draped in her customary spot around his neck.

Now he understood what they were shouting. He was still wearing Luna.

Cain turned to put her back through the portal, but it didn't seem to exist from this side. All signs of energy fluctuations were gone, and he could see nothing but the forest around him.

Back at the End of the World, a group of Avatars stood staring in shock at the scene in front of them. Nothing could pass through the portal, it was one way, but it clearly didn't have an opening on the other side. Luna was still around Cain's neck, cheering him on to go find more humans, and there wasn't a thing that they could do about it.

Cain shifted himself to a human form, finding that it felt very strange to use energy in this world. It wasn't mana, but it was still workable for him. Then he looked down at Luna.

"You understand this is a human world, right? There are no Demons, you can't be here in that form. I will have to transform you." Cain explained.

"Oh, I've never been human either. That's two new things today, not bad." Luna agreed.

His human form was tall, muscular, and dark-haired with blue eyes, so he made Luna look the same, leaving her at the default size of a girl in her early teens.

She took a mirror out of her inventory and smiled at her new face. "I'm kind of cute still, in a human sort of way, if you understand what I mean. It's not bad. Good thing I learned all those new skills, I'm short two arms now."

"Alright, a primer on being in a human world, you can't talk about not being human, you never know who might be listening or what they will do if they find out. I also don't know if you can use mana in this world, so that might be a problem, try not to use any abilities until we are somewhere safe to find out." Cain instructed her.

"Alright, I think I've got it. What are the policies on stabbing stupid people?"

On the other side of the portal, everyone was in tears laughing at the absurd situation, but Cain took the question very seriously, given that this was his own daughter, and he knew she would actually do it.

"Only if absolutely necessary and you know for sure that they don't have any friends or allies stronger than you."

That was pretty close to what the books taught him about what the Librarian called a Cultivation world.

Cain thought for a moment, trying to recall how the Librarian said that everyone got around. Did they use horses? No, that wasn't right. Flying Swords, that was what she said.

Cain called a pair of Mythic Blade Demons, whose natural form was that of a large two-handed sword, and lifted the childish form of Luna onto one before stepping onto the other.

"Now, don't let Luna fall off or I will be very upset with you," Cain instructed, and the demon glowed a little in response, forgoing talking for such a simple instruction.

"Let's head up into the sky and see what we find. If there is a city, we will go there and hope that the System can still create local currency for us to stay at a hotel or something until we know more about the world." Cain instructed them.

What he had failed to think of was that while a Mythic Demon was much faster, it would also give off a Mythic Aura, which human Cultivators were much more in tune with than the people of his world. They had only made it up to a good viewing altitude when they saw a group of five men in flowing blue robes flying their way, on swords similar to the ones he summoned.

"Oh, you're good. Their swords are just like your swords, you got it exactly right the first time." Luna commended Cain.

"We don't know if they are friendly or not though, so try not to upset anyone and let me deal with them as much as possible," Cain ordered her.

"Got it. They don't look like bad guys though, they're so eager to come to say hello that they're still in their pajamas." Luna pointed out.

"I think those are cultivation robes, intended for daily wear, and extreme comfort." Cain corrected.

"Hmm, I need some. We should buy some when we get to town."

Traveling with Luna was definitely not going to be boring, everything was new and exciting to her, and she had no fear of death or comprehension of the truly vicious nature of humanity.

"Welcome, Mighty Daoist, to the city of Dacia. We appreciate your advance warning before arrival. What brings you to our home?" The leader of the group asked very politely, and Cain checked his status, wondering if the System would still translate for him.

[Name] Steve

[Level] 191

[Class] Martial Cultivator

[Species] Human

Finally, a bit of good luck after a System prank, his interface still worked and told him about the people around him.

"A minor mishap shifted me and my Daughter into this world during my advancement. Tell me, is your home visitor friendly? I would appreciate a warm bed and a safe place for us to stay." Cain replied, equally politely.

"Of course. The city is as safe as can be expected, and your Daughter seems strong. I can't sense your realm, but that is normal if you have Awakened beyond the Mortal Realm." Steve, the leader replied with a kind smile.

That made Cain think that they were judging based on Aura, which helped him since he could manipulate his Aura with relative ease. This place might just be somewhat enjoyable.

"If you have a less valuable method of transport, that might be advisable as well. You can see the city is only forty kilometers from here, and openly using Mythic Treasures is inadvisable in such an impoverished region." The Cultivator informed them.

Cain hadn't thought of that. So, he summoned the Lesser Demon version of the Sword Demons and held Luna's hand as she stepped from one to the other before dismissing the others, and watching as his Mana pool refilled with the strange energy of this world.

It wasn't affecting that Dragon Core though, so he would have to find a way to gain experience if he wanted to finish the quest before Luna forced him to explore the entire planet, looking for new things.

"That should do. I suppose it was too much to ask for one as powerful as you to have items as lowly as ours." Steve told him with a bow.

But they were the lowest Grade he could summon. It took Cain a few seconds to realize that it was the level that was throwing things off, he could only summon things his own level, and level five hundred and change was a bit too far above the level of this city. It was like being back on the Central Continent again.

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