Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 96: A mother’s heart is as big as her breast

Chapter 96: A mother’s heart is as big as her breast

This time when I woke up it was different.

I could feel myself choking, something was plugging my nose.

I used my hands to touch what it was that was cutting off my breath.

A huge soft pillow was buried in my face.

"Kyah~, so aggressive in the morning."

I heard a voice.

That soft, mature tone only belonged to someone. The final boss of the Rosenberg family, Barbara.

I used my hands to stir the pillows, and just as someone surfaces after being without oxygen I caught my breath.


Opening my eyes and inhaling sharply I found Barbara staring at me.

She was wearing a long nightgown, it's a simple sleeping garment, but on this woman's lustful body it makes it look very obscene.

Mothers shouldn't exude sensuality, it would be very bad if there were married woman hunters out there.

I asked her as I settled my head on her pillowy breasts.

"Today is our day, isn't it?"

"That's right."

With a beautiful smile she replied. She removed her breasts and lowered a little so that our faces were close together.

"Today I will have you all to myself. I'm so excited that I couldn't sleep much. I really waited for this day a lot."

Joy was marked on her face.

Barbara really longed for this day.

Me too, today would be the day when we would go out as a real couple.


I said that as I unintentionally got over excited.

"Something is touching my belly. It's something hard and big."


She turned to look at me after thinking something had gotten into the bed, she smiled and said.

"Rough mornings are the best for a wife, let me take care of it before I go downstairs."

With those words she gave me a kiss and then pulled the covers over herself to take care of my morning business.

It was certainly a good way to start the day.


"Razel, are you awake? We're coming in."

Someone knocked on the door, it was Eli and Lily who came in.

Eli already accepted that her mother is my mistress.

But it would be very awkward to find her mother taking care of the duties of a wife.

As they entered the room, the most obvious thing they found was a bulge which was going up and down rhythmically.

Lily just smiled while Eli made a complicated face.

"... Mom, I know it's your day, but behave yourself will you."

Barbara stopped when she heard her daughter mention her name.

What's more, my morning mood began to dwindle because of the look on Eli's face.

They walked over and sat on the bed, Eli said.

"As you may know, today is mom, tomorrow is my turn since I switched places with my little sister and then Lily-chan follows."

What Eli said left me strange.

"What do you mean it was your turn tomorrow?"

She replied.

"Lily asked me if we could switch places, I was last of all. And since it's a request from my cute little sister I couldn't refuse. So hurry up and come down."

Eli gave me a good morning kiss along with Lily.

Barbara pulled the covers off and stood looking at the window for a while.

I called out to her but she didn't answer.

We went downstairs together for breakfast.

I went down first, then Barbara, but I went to get Amy.

I hadn't seen her for days.

The only one I found was Leila who looked like a dog standing guard.

I asked her.

"Do you know where Amy is?"

She wagged her tail when she saw me.

"Master! You're so cruel! For those simple-minded women you've left Amy onee-sama and me alone!"

I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but I couldn't deny it.

"I know. I want to tell her something, where is she?"

"I don't know."

Leila said as she watched a butterfly fly near us.

"All I know is that she said she wants some time alone and that she'll be back when you've finished your business with those women."

(Meaning Amy will talk to me when I'm done my dates with them... I guess she's really mad since I've ignored her for so long.)

(It's not like I meant to do it, it just happened.)

I gave Leila a cookie and went inside.

There I saw something that made me draw a blank.

"... Please let go of me."

"Same here."

Barbara was hugging Celia and Evelyn.

Her huge breasts were burying themselves in their faces.

Eli and Lily were laughing as they watched them suffer in that huge heart.

They say that a mother's love equals the size of her breasts, does that mean that Barbara has a lot of love to give.

I walked up to her and said.

"Are you ready? There's a lot to do today."

She smiled and said.

"Yes. But I'm just waiting for them to say the magic words."

Evelyn and Celia were embarrassed, I don't know what Barbara said to them, but she seemed to deny with all her being to say anything.

Barbara hugged them tighter and tighter until they both couldn't take it anymore and said words that made me blanch.

"P-Please let me go... mom."

"Same here... mom."

Apparently they are embarrassed to say that to a woman who is not their mother, but the mother of their boyfriend's wife.

Very complicated.

Barbara for a moment looked as if she had received an electric shock as her shoulders jumped and her smile looked like a W.

She stood up and began to wobble a little.

"That was... very intense. I can feel myself getting younger just being called mom by my new daughters."

Evelyn with an embarrassed face said.

"M-Mom, you said you were getting younger, didn't you?"

"... Huh, yeah, why?"

Evelyn pointed to Barbara.

"Your face now is different from before. Look in the mirror."

We all looked at Barbara at that moment.

Just as Evelyn said, we were surprised to see that Barbara's face was different from the one we remembered.

The age of an older woman was visible on her face, but now she gave the impression of being the twenty-year-old version of Eli.

No doubt Eli's future is the best thing that can happen to me when it's time to go to sleep.

Eli was the most surprised.

"U-Unbelievable... mom, you've really gotten young. I feel like I'm seeing a reflection of the future."

"I-I-It's like this..."

Barbara blushed, but then a vein marked itself on her forehead.

"The only problem with seeing my face in you is that I'll know how old you'll get, I don't want to get your crow's feet when I look in the mirror."


Eli wasn't the only one who said that to Barbara.

"Eli-chan, I shouldn't tell mom that."

"Thanks Lily, you're a good one"

"Just because mom had crow's feet doesn't mean you have them too."


Cordelia and Celes also entered the discussion.

"Duchess certainly is the oldest in the house, but that doesn't mean that just because her face is young now, her body stops being that of a woman in her forties."

"Fufufu, I'm sure she used a new face cream, after all old ladies only seek attention, and more so when they were alone for many years."

To add more water to the flaming frying pot, Livie entered the discussion, she was at an adjoining table hearing everything.

"Elize-tan's mom is Elize-tan's future. Which is why she'll inherit those wrinkles, but don't worry, I'll still love Elize-tan even if she's the ugliest old lady in the world gyah my head!"

"... Livie, only I can call my mother old. You don't have the right to call her old, even if she's an old woman who got young, she'll still be old."

I looked at Barbara as Eli threw a bomb into the frying pot.

Barbara's face reminded me of Desmond's, her hair was rising from her magic power, fire was emanating from her eyes and her teeth showed a desire to tear her victim apart.

"All of you shut your mouths now or I'll give you a hard whack on the heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"

After Barbara exploded, for some reason I felt the earth tremble, it must have been my imagination as it is impossible for that to have happened because she got angry.

It must have been the fear of seeing her show her teeth and seeming to tear the jaw of Celes, who was teasing Barbara a lot.

While Glenn was trying to reassure Barbara, Evelyn told me the reason for her being this young.

Apparently the drink she drank some time ago, which was made from the remains of the dragon king of darkness that I defeated in the Lautreamont territory, actually had regenerative properties and according to a magical analysis that Evelyn did.

Barbara has rejuvenated twenty years, that means that her age of forty-two became twenty-two.

That is certainly incredible.

Barbara now being like Eli's older sister and Evelyn herself creating a potion that doesn't exist in this world.

I certainly believe more and more that Evelyn will have a unique future.

About Barbara, this explains why she is pregnant at an advanced age.

I said to Barbara who was sitting next to me with a grumpy face.

"Feeling better?"

After leaving the hotel we went straight to the beach, to sit at one of the tables around and have an ice cold drink in this embracing sun.

Since we had an umbrella over our heads we didn't worry about anything.

Barbara stirred her straw in her iced drink.

She was upset about what the girls told her.

She was watching people playing and having fun.

Suddenly she grabbed my hand without turning to look at me to say.

"Hey. Do you like the way I look now?"

"What's with the question?"

I was surprised by that sudden question, so much so that she looked at me a little sad.

"What they all said, that no matter how young I look now, I'm still old."

Barbara looks like a twenty-year-old Eli, her body hasn't changed unlike her face.

Her hips are still wide and her breasts are still huge.

I should be thankful for that, I won't tell her because it doesn't suit the atmosphere of concern she generates.

I told her with a smile as I squeezed her hand.

"I don't care what you look like. I told you that the age difference was never a problem, even that when you are in a wheelchair every day I would give you a kiss on the mouth."

Barbara looked at me blushing and then got up to sit next to me.

"Are you sure?"

"You don't mind that she's an old woman?"

"W-Why do you say?"

I was puzzled by the way she was behaving.

She put her head on my shoulder and I heard her mutter.

"I'm a little bothered by the age difference. If only I were young, we could be together without the thought of me being wrinkled like a raisin one day."

"B-But you don't look that age anymore..."

She looked at me in a cute way, I wanted to hug her.

"If it wasn't for the potion Evelyn-chan gave me, I'd be the same as ever. And that bothers me."

"Because of the potion I'm sure we'll have a child, without the potion I wouldn't have gotten pregnant."

"That's why this bothers me. Even if I look young, I will still be recognized by everyone as a forty-something since I am the Duchess Rosenberg."


I hugged her to stop her from saying more.

"I told you. I never cared about your age, even if at first I wanted to be with you because I liked your body, it's different now."

"I love you for who you are, a woman who is able to sacrifice herself for her family to never suffer, a woman who is able to throw away her pride for the sake of her daughter."

"Even now you have my son, which is a product of me loving you more since you told me that secret. So, don't think I don't care about you."

"Barbara, I want to be with you. Not just today, I want to be with you always, like with all the others."

"I remember how it was before, that's why I will try my best to make you proud of the father of our child."

After saying those words, I looked at her, she looked like she wanted to cry.

In fact, she started crying at that instant.

"Razel-kun! I love you so much, I really love you so much!"


She jumped on me and hugged me.

"Forgive me for saying that, I was a fool to doubt your love."

"Let's go have more moments together as a couple."


I smiled at her and we went on a great date.

After the beach we went to the shopping plaza, they were selling freshly polished items. They were accessories made from seafood.

We were looking at something to buy as souvenirs for all of us.

Then I found one that really caught my attention.

It was a pearl necklace with the inscription "Barbara" written on it.

It's a nice coincidence.

I told the seller to give it to me, the guy said it cost a hundred gold coins, it's not expensive, but that price is very exaggerated for a seafood pearl necklace.

I gave him a bill since we didn't carry coins.

I touched Barbara's shoulders as she reached for a hat to match her hair.

When she saw me, she looked at the gift I had, smiled and blushed brightly.

"Put it on me."

She said that, turned around and I placed the necklace carefully so her hair wouldn't get stuck.

It looked great on her.

After walking around we went to lunch.

The restaurant was fancy, people came in wearing bathing suits, as it was a restaurant near the beach this was not unusual.

As we sat at a table we saw at the adjoining table something that amazed us.

Apparently an elderly couple was celebrating their anniversary.

Barbara took my hand and said.

"One day I would like to be like this, but with our children and grandchildren by our side... of course, Eli is also my daughter and your future wife, as Lily and the others are too..."

Barbara seemed to be very complicated with what she said, steam emanating from her head.

I said to her.

"One day we will be like this, but I will make sure everyone is happy, every year I will make sure to show it."

After that we ate our meal.

Night fell and we went for a walk before heading back to the hotel.

We were in a park where some kids were throwing flying lanterns into the sky.

It was very nice the peace and quiet. I wish the days could go on like this forever.

Barbara let go of my hand and approached a little girl who was about to launch her lantern into the sky.

Barbara handed her a few bills and the little girl ran off happily to show her friends.

Then with the lantern in her hand she came over to me.

"Look, I want to try to throw this. I always wanted to do it since Eli was little and because of the fear that it might burn I never tried it."

Barbara was happy as a kid in a candy store.

I took the flashlight and followed her instructions.

It has a little magic stone that acts as a torch.

You must send your magic power into it so it can generate flames and rise.

If you gave it too much power, it could catch fire.

Little by little we watched it rise.

I hugged Barbara around the waist.

I touched her belly, my son was growing inside.

It still makes me feel strange to say that I will have one.

I don't know what to do to raise it.

I don't even know if I can be a good father.

But... they all told me they will support me, so I'm sure we will manage when the time comes.

Barbara said to me as she touched my chin with one hand and with the other she took my hands.

"Today was wonderful, I want to spend more days like this in the future."

I told her.

"Me too."

And just like that, our day was over. Now it will be my turn tomorrow with Eli, my legal wife.

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