Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 91: When you feel bad, just swing hard

Chapter 91: When you feel bad, just swing hard

After that wonderful night.

I was left in a coma for a day.

Yes, it was one day.

I didn't wake up at all and everyone thought I died.

But then I woke up like it was nothing.

They all came crying over me.

They said this should not be repeated.

So, after breakfast, Eli summoned us to a separate room and brought with her some cut straws inside a glass.

"In view of the fact that we can't do everything together, and because time is important now. I decided if it's okay with all of you, to have a random day to have a date with Razel."

"You'll each have a date?"

Lily said in surprise, Eli replied shaking her hair in response.

"Yes. That way you can all have him all to yourselves."

"If no one's against it. I wrote a number on each straw, the one with the number 1 will be first and that's the order, they can't be switched."

"Sounds good to me."

They all said.

Eli placed the glass on the table and they all placed their hand on a straw.

"Alright... ready and... now!"

They all raised the straw at the same time.

Some showed a disappointed face for being first.

On that same morning I had my first appointment.

It lasts from sunrise to sunset.

"Where are we going today?"

I would ask the woman next to me in this carriage.

It was Celes, she was the first one I'll ever go on a date with.

Celes was looking at the beach from her seat, the sea breeze was coming all the way in here.

She was immersed in her thoughts, I called out to her for the third time and only then did she answer.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"I asked you what we should do today."

To be honest, I've only been with Celes for a short time, to the point that it's safe to say I know almost nothing about her.

That's too bad in a relationship and harem besides.

Celes stared at me for a while and then said.

"There's a place I've always wanted to go."

She said with a smile

The place we were at was a totally unexpected one.

"First ball!"

Shouted some kids as they swung their hand to hit the ball.

We were at a baseball field which is located in a children's playground.

Whenever I see futuristic things I feel like fantasy is getting in deep where it doesn't belong.

The place is as you would expect from an all-ages playground.

We paid the entrance fee and went to one of the fields, Celes said she was going to change and in the meantime I put on my gloves and grabbed the bat.

I don't need the bat case because I doubt it will hit me.

The machine that throws the balls works with electricity magic, more or less the same as the small lamps known as lanterns.

They have to be changed every week it seems.

I pressed the button and then threw the balls, but not before adjusting the throwing time.

I set an interval of every five seconds.

I stood in place, it was a distance of 20 meters.

A beep sounded indicating that it had started, I got ready and...



I made that sound as the ball came faster than I thought it would.

I fell to the ground and touched my face, I feel no pain, but it certainly left me red.

"Geez, you really like danger."

Celes' voice indicated that she was teasing me.

She changed into a gray uniform with a number on the front, due to the size of her breasts the number 88 seemed to multiply.

Her ass in those pants looked bigger than when she wears a dress.

She squatted down to talk to me.

"Do you like the view?"


I responded affectionately, but it seemed I was the only one who didn't catch what she was referring to.

"Good. I'll make you bite the dust so you'll like it there."


Celes went to the position she was in.

Like the professionals, everything about her implied that she was very serious.

So serious she was, that even a fly wandered across her face and she ignored it.

The beep sounded, a fastball was approaching.

I wanted to tell her to be careful, but she instantly shut my mouth.


With a slight swing, she hit the ball nice and hard and sent it against the net.

I was in awe of what I was seeing.

She looked at me and smiled.

"We're going to play a lot. Today is going to be a long day."


How long has it been?

I remember we went out in the morning and the sun was setting.

Also, I don't know how much the scoreboard is in baseball, but I would definitely say she has 300 wins on me.

I think that would be an indication that she is a professional.

When she bats, she looks like she wants to hit someone.


A roar we heard.

It was our stomach asking for some food.

I spoke to it to take a pause.

"Celes, we should"


Again she gave a strong swing and the ball was sent into the net which was starting to stretch because it was unraveling.

She was sweating, I approached as I saw the balls fifth time reload was over.


"Huh? Ah, honey, what's wrong?"

"We should take a break, our bodies require one even if your soul is passionate."

I seemed to say something that made her blush, she immediately ducked her head.

"Y-Yes. You're right, sorry."

With that said, we went to sit down.

We sat at some separate tables from the rest, this was the adult area.

Here we couldn't hear the screaming children.

We brought a vitamin-rich lunch to recharge our energy.

Before eating the meat, I cut up, she said to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you on the day."

She stirred her noodles with a depressed face.

"The thing is, ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to come to this place."

"Before that curse touched my body, I always felt an interest in baseball."

"I mean, isn't it exciting? You use a bat and you hit a ball, you go in circles and you always end up covered in dust and then everybody cheers. That's what I liked to watch from my bedroom."

"But I couldn't do it since I was spending time studying how to manage the territory."

Celes' cheerful expression darkened as she remembered her past.

She had a strange curse that deformed her skin and left her looking like a petrified tree.

I cured it and now she can look up with her head held high.

She kept telling me things.

"Then it came about my husband. Even if it was a loveless marriage, I wanted there to at least be a little conversation between us, I told him if he felt an interest in baseball and he laughed at me."

"I was glad that fucker is dead."

"Hahaha, your honest comments are sometimes unexpected."

It was for a bit, but I made her smile again.

She looked up at the ceiling and raised her hands.

"Thanks to you. Both me and my territory are alive, you really were a blessing to us."

Celes' words made me realize again that despite the fact that this was a world of an otome game, it was also the real world for everyone.

Every life on this planet is a living being.

Be it NPCs, characters like Lily and the idiots, and even the villainess like Eli and Celes.

Everyone is a real living being just like me.

Even if I get philosophical, it won't change the fact that I will kill anything that is a danger to what will happen four years from now.

There are already many things that have shown me without a doubt events of the game happen, among them what Astraea told me.

No doubt, my life is horrible in parts.

But moments like these make me see that it's not bad at all.

I said to Celes.

"It is as you say. But I think you actually saved your territory long before, you went out of your way to take care of everyone and even used your own money to make sure no one went hungry."

"You're more amazing than me."

Celes looked at me with a heartwarming look.

"My goodness. You've gotten good at wooing women."

"Do you want to stay here?"

"I really like it here, but if you don't want to..."

"I'm fine with being here, you're happy, which makes me happy."

I told her so she could continue to enjoy herself.

I don't want her to be unhappy, like all of them.

I will make her happy like the others.

After we finished eating we stood up.

"Honey, how about a bet?"

"Bet? Umm, name it."

"If I win again by a majority of points. The next one to end up pregnant will be me, you'll also come to Lautreamont territory for a season."

"I-I don't think Eli will like that. I say that because she demanded that she must be the first to end up pregnant when we get married."

"But you already impregnated the duchess who's her mother remember? What's the problem with you getting someone else pregnant?"

"I am 35 years old, so my body needs an heir with an urgency. It should be priority the older woman in your harem than what a girl says."

(I forgot!)

(Celes is a businesswoman!)

(Someone like her would certainly look for an opportunity to grow her territory, and since it's a border territory with hostile countries, it's no wonder she wants me to stay with her.)

(I must seek to avoid making Eli angry, hostility between border nobles is the same as arguing which idol of the moment is the best. They will never achieve peace.)

I decided to get serious.

"Sounds good to me."

"Yay, I will have in this year my heir!"

(She already celebrates that she won.)

Sorry Celes, but I'll use my Hawkeye to win.

It was a good day even though I lost anyway.

Eli found out since Celes shouted it out, she started drinking in celebration.

Fortunately, Eli managed to come to an agreement with her, for some reason they were looking at me with a strange look on their faces.

I look forward to my date with whichever one of them I get now.

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