Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 83: 3 Versus 1 (1)

Chapter 83: 3 Versus 1 (1)

"I know the step, indeed. But knowing the step without the data is like navigating to somewhere new without a map. Seriously"

"But... We were not knowing those since in the first place. We know how to heal someone. But we don't have the geographic information which only prime minister knows it."

Kuso had heard those from the servants in front of her. But, she can't blame them as well since it was being told by Duran earlier that he kept those in secret in order to avoid information leakage. Thus, she replied to them.

"You don't have to blame yourself, guys. If that's the case. Then let's gather the data. It just likes how do you develop applications for the first time. The survey, survey, and survey. It's a mandatory task we have to do before doing something!"

"As you wish, Lady Kuso." The demihumans stood and respected her. Thus, four of them walked out together towards the slums.

In the palace,

"I'm still feeling intrigued with Kuso's statement about how this palace ended to become a deserted place. Will we have a direct war against your twin sister?" Duran questioned the woman who was Albedo in her past. She answered him as both of them were sitting in the left of the palace where the table with two side-by-side wooden chairs.

As the wooden chairs and the table positioned, it was seen that Duran was sitting at the left, drinking the tea and at the right, it was the pastime of Albedo. Albedo replied to him as she placed her tea.

"I wonder about it as well. And that's also the reason why I was sending her to that place."

"I thought... You didn't believe her?" Duran stopped to drink abruptly and then, he looked at her as he questioned her so. Then, Albedo answered to him,

"I would say that I can't just not believing in myself. I mean. That was my body. And I believe that my future has a good reason why she entrusting her body to someone since entrusting a holy being's body to a mortal means that you will give away all of your power to that person."

"Wait. Let me try to analyze. So, Kuso was someone who you in the future tasked to come to here?" Duran tried to digest her explanation which led her to analyze.

"To be fair, this is what I thought about. First of all, I believe that the person is a guy. Her aura is clearly a male's aura. And at the worst-case scenario. A goddess or god will give his or her body to someone that they trust in order to stabilize the world. I believe that was related to the ruins that Kuso had mentioned earlier. Which means... Something must be happened in between me and my twin sister."

"You mean..." Duran looked at her in a serious expression which led Albedo in the past to say,

"I believe that Kuso had figured out how to defeat my sister. This is why he decided to go to the past and then. You can see how devastating her attack earlier, am I right?" 

"I would say that I thought it was her mental anger that led her to do so. I'm an educated person who learned about human characteristics. So, I can tell if she was doing that out of anger or not."

Albedo in the past was held his left hand by using her right hands gently when he stated so. Then, she looked at him with a passionate look. Thus, she answered him simply with her gentle tone.

"It was not about a human's characteristic, Duran. It was about a human's resolute. Kuso was clear enough that she was not strong enough to defeat them. But, she was sure that she could outwit her. That's why I can rely on her for the inspection on the field while you need to quarantine here. Do note that anything that she will do, will cause the time paradox in the future. That's what my future told me before."

"You mean?" Duran looked at her surprisingly. He never knew that was a thing. To him, it was a pure cultist thing. But it was not longer a cultist thing after he heard what the woman had told him next, 

"There was someone who messing around with my brain, claimed that he was me from the future and his body was being used by the man I was chosen in that time. Which means, she was a real deal. And I heard from him for everything that I wanted to know about her. And he answered everything about it. To be honest, it was hard to believe. But... Not until I found a trace of myself at that body. I mean... The rose trace. That magical trace was only owned by the holy beings and it was impossible to be replicated."

"What if she was a perfect impostor? We didn't know the future, yes?"

"But I know." Albedo replied to him in a stern tone as he stated so. At the next, she proceeded to explain,

"Don't forget that I'm a goddess as well. We, the holy beings were being told what will be happened in the future. My sister was having that advantaged which is why she can outstep us easily. And I don't use those since it will ruin the world's balance as I promised to the higher gods before that I won't use that when I'm staying in Midgard."

"That's pretty rough..." Duran reacted which led Albedo to say,

"How about we are going there as we following them if you are not sure?" 

"Good idea. But who will stay at this palace? Do you remember what Kuso had told us about the empire without emperor?" Duran questioned her back which led Albedo to grip his hand gently with her sleek and cold hand. And she answered him warmly,

"As long as your system was designed as your father needed and as I told you before. Then we will be fine. You have my word for that."

"I'm unable to buy into that. Remember what happened ten years ago? And you know it better than anyone that I lost my weapon, right?"

"You mean... that black cane?" Albedo asked him for the confirmation, he nodded and then, he said.

"That cane has the hidden ability. And it was only me who could use it. I remember that you crafted it specifically for me when I was born. I really..."

"My highness..."


"Ara ara... That annoying Technoknight is finally left huh. She has the power to mortalize a goddess like me."

The similar woman had appeared again, alone. And the soldier was chopped in half by that woman. Thus, she cleaned up the jade-colored spear that she had by using the soldier's fabric while smirking.

"You again!" Albedo yelled to that woman. And Duran was shoved his right hand to protect the girl as he stated.

"What do you want?"

"By that intimidating tone, you called your own future sister in law like that? How audacious you are!" Anna reacted in an intimidating tone as a response to what had been done by Duran earlier. Thus, she proceeded.

"I just want to come to see my own sister. And then, I got slapped by a weird power from that annoying Technoknight. Where is justice for a sister who wants to see her own family?" 

"I knew that you will go back."

Kuso appeared at her back and pulling the desert eagle on her back head which she held by using her right hand. Which led Anna to comment,

"Modern weaponry? I'm a fan of it. But, you can't..."


"What an eye-piercing voice..." Albedo reacted as she covered her ears for how eye-piercing the voice was. And it was from her gun that she shot directly towards Anna's hairpin which pierced through it without leaving any traces of scar.

"High precision attack. Only a licensed gunman could do it. How long did you train to use the gun. I thought that your original body has hemophilia which is..."


"Second warning and I won't be nice to you. Get the fuck out from this empire or I will do it to your head." Kuso threatened her with another gunshot being shot out which caused the pilar behind Duran to have a bullet hole thanks to it. Then, Anna commented.

"Desert eagle modified with .44 cal... Ammo that strong enough to pierce four man's heads and a gun that capable to kill an elite beast in a single shot. Interesting. You came prepared huh?"



Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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