Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 111: Medium Rare Butt

Chapter 111: Medium Rare Butt

"Just go. I will prepare you the medium rare butt spanked goddess meat." 

He nodded and then, he just go away and attack Anna straightaway with the claw that he had. And Anna stated,

"Oh. Our young dog demihuman. You want a spar again like usual?" She smiled to him as a sign of respect. Then, Ricky replied to her casually as he said,

"You are fooling around in my house. So I have to entertain you, am I right?"

"What the hell with that entertaining. You are creating the casualties!" Albedo yelled to Ricky as he stated so. But, he just smiles and walk away as he said,

"It's fine, lady goddess. I have an idea how to defeat her easily."

"Easily? Hihi. I thought you were forgot the fact that I let you win back then?" Anna smirked on him with that nasty looking Albedo face!

For real. I really want to spank her butt till I'm satisfied as she used that kind of expression by using Albedo's face.

But later, I would win instead!

I have done my preparation as I'm creating the glass-like ammo. 

And then, I sneaked out towards the back of the girl as I gave a sign to Albedo to give me a buff by crossing my left finger. Glad she nodded as she understood about it while I'm sneaking to that girl's' back.

"Oh really? Want to fight again?" Anna challenged him as if she was on the upper hand. While I was on the back that I was ready with the shield buff that prepared by Albedo.

And without her being alerted. I yelled,



I smacked my hand that has the acids covered in the glass to that goddess's butt. And...


"I felt bad to my sister, to be honest." Albedo stated as she looked at many bloods splatting around.

We can see it actually. The moment when the flame flashes like crazy as if that there was a doomsday that bound to be happen. 

Then, two of them were looked at me as I have my hands were full of the goddess' blood after the previous incident. Yet, it did not stop to amaze them as Ricky started to say,

"I never thought that butt-spanking will be this deadly."

"Agree, I think, Kuso is the only one person who I knew will do butt-spanking to this new level."

And then, I can see someone's naked butt being charred as much as a medium rare steak. I think. The thing that I was watched in the live stream was a thing huh?

Thus, the goddess who looked at me furiously, raged. But then, she smiled as she smirk and stated,

"Ah wait, do you want to eat my medium rare butt? It's healthy for mortal!"

Stop with that cannibalism reference bitch!

I won't get trapped into that. Yet, Albedo giggled beautifully and then, she looked at the older sister of her as she said,

"Well... Someone will have a bad time to sit huh."

But, Anna didn't budge when her sister had stated so. So, she just proceeded straight away to talk as she said,

"It's not related with you, Little girl."

But, Albedo was shrugging when the older twin of her had stated so. So, she just casually replied,

"Try my best Technoknight then, I don't think you can tempt him."

Fuck! Are you kidding me? In front of me, it was your own twin sister. And I often mistook her as you if I didn't use your fucking Goddess Authority, idiot!

But, she was right. I don't have a reason to join with her though. So yeah, I just casually replied to her.

"No, thanks. I can cook Albedo's butt later if I want."

Three of them looked at me with "Bruh" expression as I stated so. Yet, I knew what I wanted to convey. So yeah, I'm winning here.

I'm imagining myself that I was a man in a hood who jumped back at the crowd as everyone screamed in hype after I was like, 

"I'm about to end someone's career"

But in reality, I'm seeing that I'm about to get roasted instead as the onee-san* smirked and replied,

"Ah... says someone who had sex with my sister before."

"WOI!" Albedo yelled on her sister while Anna was recovering her butt. Then, the goddess was only whistling as she looked at the left and right. Yet, her whistling was seriously weird in a bad way.

However, as her butt been recovered. Time and space changed and then, I can't see anything out there. Not sure if it was me who couldn't see anything, or it just I was the one who had been isekai again.

Thus, I'm seeing her sister who started,

"You don't have to pull the gun on me."

"You are an opponent. So I have to do it!"

I told her so. And then, I can see her true power. My bow had been vanished into nothingness as I'm using the bow. Then, I was about to use my Authority. But, I can't even sense the battle spirit that was once there when I was using it. Thus, the goddess talked to me,

"I could be able to destroy your soul easily if I wanted. But, I want to talk to you personally."

But, I must not let myself off guard. In front of her was someone who could erase the universe easily. 

I had to keep my last resort on my back. It was the last acid bullet I own.

If I used it now, then I will lost my arm and she will suffered a fatal damage from it.

"Acids won't work on me. Cause you know, I'm a goddess after all. But, I want to talk to you about my sister."

As someone who studied psychology. I can tell that she was not lying at all. But what she was wanted to do? 

To be honest, I can't believe after everything that she had done to Alox Village and Avox Empire.

But, I have to be calm for now. Or else...

"I need your help to protect my sister."

She knelt as she stated so in front of me. Then, she proceeded.

"Sorry for being racist, evil and so on. I had no choice but to do it. It was the command from my father, the god of lightning to do it."

"Then I should meet your dad to complain the fuck out of it." I replied to her sternly. But, she just replied in a deep tone,

"It's impossible to defeat him. Not even both of us combined together. Help me to realize this dream, Kuso. I'm asking you as a sister, not as a goddess or something. A sister who always be the kindest sister that taking care to her younger sister."

"Why didn't you save her yourself?" I asked her in a deep tone which led her to say,

"It is impossible to save her if I'm using my own power. Cause..."

She stated that. And I was shocked.

How come...

Albedo was a woman who tasked to protect the Earth. But why every gods wanted her life? Yet, even after her being aged, they added that no cross race breed. She explained to me.

"It was all to block you to getting close with her. And my father was asked me to kill my sister. But, I can't..."

Tears dripped from her face. I can't really bought into it as it might be a crocodile tears. But, I was started to feeling convinced as how she continued to talk about it as she stated, 

"There is no way that a family could kill someone who is dearly for their own family. And Albedo is my only sister. I can't protect her even if I have a power. But... You can."

Things was getting dark when she stated so. Then, I asked her in a serious tone as I asked,

"Why you have to ask me for the help? You kept spinning around that had made me felt confused. Please get into the point before I'm killing you!"

"Your bow of Kuso!" 

I was silenced at sudden as she stated so. Thus, she continued,

"I was managed to infuse my power through her system's bug to your bow. It has your innate Ice Metoria and my goddess power, yet it was contained with Albedo's goddess power as well. However, I can't do that cause none of us were capable to use the bow. And the bow... Was designed for you."

I was grasped into a surprised as she explained it. 


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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*Onee-san: Sister (in Japanese)

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