Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 108: Deadly Weapon

Chapter 108: Deadly Weapon

"Too bad, Miss Goddess. Violence won't solve everything. We are only using the violence as the final resort."

"But that was the final solution..." Albedo told the Alchemist in front of her. 

I think...  I was thinking about what had my resolution being told to Cleopatra. Yet, I know how fragile her heart is. If I'm saying this. Then I would...

"Don't do that! I will hate you for forever if you are doing it!"

"What does the girl means, Brother in law?" Ricky looked at me as he asked so. Then, I have no choice but to say it anymore since everyone would guess it anyway.

"My blood sacrifice could be able to remove Anna's goddess power. At that time, time to reunite."

"Don't do that!" Albedo yelled on me in which, I can see how insecure she was just only glancing at her expression. 

Her mixed expression was clear enough when I'm saying that.

But, Ricky laughed as I told so. And then, he replied to me.

"You don't have to be that heroic, Brother in law. There are a lot of ways to kill her without killing yourself. Let's say, your blood?"

I was paused into the mind diving for a while.


Hold on...

If I'm thinking that by theory, then it's possible! 

But How I can invoke that out so...

"Use your bullet, Kuso."

Eh? Since when that Albedo had gone into that smart mode? And she proceeded,

"Use your bow's bullet. A.k.a***  Arrows!"

Arrows? Well... it could be works. But in the same time, it can't.

To be honest, the arrow's capability is much weaker than a gun. That's also the reason why I prefer to use the gun than using that arrow.

I know that Albedo wants to use the traditional weapon to beat her sister who is the modern weapon otaku*. But seriously, that was not how it works. Rather, they should think it further like you know, she wasn't that strong as well if she were fighting against me. I'm not sure if it was because that she needs the broadsword or...

"She needs that. She's a kind of person who won't bother to resort with violence to gain what she wants. I heard that she had doing sex with the man she loved for years already. And that was solely for getting what she needed."

The thing that she needed? I wonder what was that. It led me to curiously ask her,

"What was that if I can know about it?"

She just replied to me simply,

"I don't know. She was too unpredictable for me."

I could only be able to frown. However, I decided to shift the topic back to our discovery as I started to talk,

"Speaking in which about the acid explosion."

Then, I was pointing at the charred grass as the thing that had happened thanks to our action. Then, I asked them again,

"Should we continue with the experiment? I think we can use glass and small bit of acid to make it works. Cause the explosion had gone too far was because that we had poured too much acid on it."

"How much milliliters of acids you think it will be fit for that?" Ricky asked me. Well... I'm not an expert when it comes to Alchemy. But I will try it. Maybe... Two or three milliliters should be enough? I don't know. 

But let's try that out. I told him,

"One or two milliliters and let's try to refine a glass arrow."

"Glass arrow? It requires a lot of..."

"Craft: Synthetic Amethyst."

I created a bunch of them which led Ricky to say,

"What is your authority? Why you can craft basically everything that I need?" 

Hmm...  I don't know too. But, Albedo explained to him.

"It was creation Authority. One of the strongest authority ever exists in this world. You have the knowledge authority bestowed from me. And he got creation Authority that was the duo best of the best. This is why I have to protect both of you before Anna sniffed that I have given you guys the strongest Authority."

Whey. That sounds like a cheat. But not going to lie about it, It turned out that I'm actually liked this Authority. I mean... Why not I create a bunch of gold, scalp it and then create the...

"Shoot! I figured out how to maintain this empire's economy stability."

Both of them looked at me and then, I continued,

"Gold is the thing that had made the country or an empire goes smoothly. If we have enough gold deposits. Then our currency will be in a very high amount. Let's take American Dollar as the example. They have a lot of gold deposits which is why the can have the most stable currency ever. And they are being called as the global currency for that reason too. Then, if we managed to secure the other empire's gold. It means that our currency will raises and the rest won't. It will kills the other empires slowly."

"Sounds like a plan. But that was kind of... You know... Rocket Science." Albedo replied to me shyly. She knew that I'm about to roast her again if she did something weird. So, she stated so in a shy tone. But, I don't mind. I mean, I'm okay with that for real.

So. I'm going to explain it to them what was that.

"Alright guys. So, you have to know that currency is the deadliest weapon ever. With the currency, I'm pretty sure that we can defeat the other empires into the craziest way possible. But, the only drawback of using this tactic is. It takes time."

"You mean, using our Dam to defeat their Cigs?" Ricky asked me and then, I nodded to him as I told him,

"Yes. And then, once our currency goes higher than them. We need to take over their stuff by lending them the money and then, we are slowly overtaking the empire. Within few years ahead, we will own that empire."

"That was brilliant." Albedo reacted in an amused face as a sign that she was very happy with that idea. Then, I continued to explain,

"At that time when we managed to secure the empire. Our currency will raises rapidly. Then, that's the time that we will lower down our currency a bit intentionally. In order to raise their money more. The more we got their money, the less their gold will be stocked. By the time that we managed to get the enough amount of the gold. We raise it!"

"That was an exact Layla's plan!" Ricky reacted in a shocking face as I explained that strategy. Then, both I and Albedo looked at him and she asked him,

"Can you explain what was her plan?"

"Alright, to put it simply, she wanted to overtake this empire through the merchants. That's why I'm paying a visit to here as I have to tell this since I'm from Avox Empire as well. As a countrymen here, I have to protect this empire just like how my sister do! And the plan that brother in law had proposed is the exact strategy like how she was wanted to do to overtake this empire."

Damn, that was a big-brained move. I'm glad that I managed to seen through her so easily in which, it led me to smirk and tell him.

"It's fine. Since our strategy is the same. Then how about we did it in the fast way. You understand the economic basic, do you, Ricky?" 

He nodded and then, he continued,

"My sister is a scholar in economic as well. You can rely on her for that."

"Great. Then, I will focus on the research of this deadly arrow with Albedo. After that, do what I told you. I will explain it to your sister later."


"Publish as much our money as possible until our inflation hits 100%" 

Yes. That was the first strategy. We have to make her think that we are about to go to the bankruptcy. Then took the Seikara Empire's asset one by one slowly from behind. And I told Albedo,

"And then, I need your help to gather all of the nobles and conglomerate here which you can believe and able to rely. Remember, don't take the one with the honeycomb pattern as you told me before that it was a sign of that person being your sister's follower."

"Got it. " Albedo replied to me.


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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Privilege 1k In March = Mass release as much as you can request and I can do.

No 1 all-time trending for 1 year straight = manga adaptation


*otaku = freak

***A.k.a = Also Known As

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