Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

Chapter 91 A Way To Exit

[ Dragon's Roar Lv.1 ]

[ Dragon's Aura Lv.2 ]

[ Gift Lv.??? ]

[ Ultimate Growth Lv.??? ]

He was angry because of the situation, he couldn't use a majority of the skills and the only things that he could use couldn't help him to get out of the place!

'So what should I do now?', was the only question on his mind.

Well, since he recalled his past, he was quite sad. It was as if everything passed and happened in front of him.

In any case, now he had to find Aella at all costs because losing someone else might end up causing him to change forever, perhaps he would even start hating the Gods and the Fate itself for giving him a lot of grief!

Standing at the same place would do no good due to which he started to walk while thinking about a way to get out of the place.

He tried walking in a single direction while hoping to find a way out but et again an obstacle, that is a tree, appeared in front of him and stopped him.

A detour was inevitable and he did exactly. Thanks to that the scenes that surrounded him changed yet again.

Whatever it may be, one thing was for sure, he no longer had the energy to run or do anything else. To be precise, he didn't want to do that.

That was because he was concentrating to find a way out or think of a solution.

An hour passed by soon but nothing changed, the only thing that might have changed is his energy level.

He was way too tired, probably the exhaustion was due to him getting randomly hit my things while running into them, for example, a boulder or a tree or some thorny bush!

'Damn, just what the heck is going on?', he asked himself.

'I cannot find a way out...'

'Just what should I do?'

And while his hopes were being lost and he had been tired, he found someone, in fact, met someone who could help him to get out of the place.

"Well, nice to meet you again!", Shin heard a voice, in fact, a familiar voice.

He paused momentarily after hearing it as if he was shocked by it.

'This voice...'

'I can never forget this...', was what Shin said to himself.

He turned his head right and left to see from where the voice came, of course, he failed to find it because of the fog.

He walked a bit towards his right, probably with his instincts. Indeed, he was right and after walking a few steps, he heard the voice again!

"Looks like you are impatient to meet me.", was what Shin heard.

He almost immediately raised his head as if he was looking at the sky when he found someone sitting on the branch of the tree.

Of course, he couldn't look at his face clearly because even at such a close range the fog blocked his vision.


The person or to be precise, the elf jumped off the tree and landed on the ground perfectly.

He then looked at Shin and said, "Nice to meet you again, young rookie."

This time Shin could clearly see the elf's face.

"You are..."

"The Elf Celestial?!", Shin said with surprise.

He never expected to meet him again, at least not so soon.

It had hardly been long since he had met him, of course, it had been a year, but that was nothing when compared to an Elf's lifespan!

"Yes, it's me, haha.", the elf laughed as if he was genuinely happy.

Well, Shin had mixed emotions at the moment. He was both shocked as well as happy to see him here.

He could take the elf's help to get out of the area, of course, he had no idea that Elf's could navigate through such areas.

Despite that, he thought that he could get out of the place because he was a 'Celestial', which was definitely not a small thing!

"What are you doing here?", was what Shin asked.

Well, one wouldn't enter such an area unless and until he would insane so he wanted to know the elf's reason to enter the place.

"Haha, that's not the right question..."

"The real question is, what are YOU doing here?", was what he asked.

,m It was as if he wanted to know what Shin was doing here, this proved that he was definitely not following Shin all this time.

If he had been, he would have known it all along, Shin's reason and his struggles fo entering the place and trying to leave respectively.


Shin then explained everything about what had happened.

He was helpless after all and now finally he was able to see a ray of hope which he wasn't ready to let go of!

"That's why..."

"I want your help...", Shin asked the elf to help him.

Well, normally the Celestials wouldn't lend a hand to anyone.

They were highly dignified and were someone who didn't meddle with daily lives because of which it was clear that the Elf Celestial would reject Shin's request.


Silence covered the area as Shin awaited the Elf's answer. Indeed, he wanted the elf to agree to his request, but he had no idea what he was going to do because of which his heart was beating twice as fast as normal.

"Earlier you were quite arrogant weren't you...?", was what the elf asked.

"Huh?", when he said that, it took Shin by surprise.

"You even called me by my name and just walked away...", was what the Elf said.


'I did call him 'Elvion' earlier...', Shin grit his teeth while thinking that.

He started to regret what he did back then. Of course, it was not something he could undo now.

He could only ask for forgiveness and nothing else because right now all he cared for was Aella.

"I'm sorry..."

"Please forgive me for my insolence...", although it was quite hard for him to apologize, he did it regardless.


Elvion didn't say a single thing after what Shin said. The silence was regained and remained for quite some time.

It was broken soon enough when Elvion started to walk as if he going away.

*tap tap*

Shin raised his head only to see him leaving, and while this happened, he was much more regretful.

He was ready to beg for forgiveness again and again but he couldn't possibly change Elvion's mind.

He saw Elvion's vanishing in the fog while the only thing that was left was his shadow!

Even that seemed to be disappearing slowly and steadily. It was as if the world was falling apart, for Shin that is.

At least that's what he thought when suddenly he heard a voice.

"Just how long will you lie there?"

"Don't you want to get out of the place?", it was Elvion's voice.

He basically raised his voice and called him as if he wanted to follow him.

"Huh...?", Shin's tears that were going to leave his eyes stopped.

He was happy all of a sudden because Elvion was actually ready to extend a hand of help.

He got up and followed Elvion who was using magic that had cleared the area around, it was like a circle with a radius of 5 meters, him which had become visible!

"I wonder why you even entered this area if you didn't even know a way to get out of it...l, was what Elvion said to Shin.


"I was just emotional..."

"I didn't want my friend to die and I'm pretty sure that the Humans might have entered this area..."

"If they have, then they would be somewhere here, but I don't seem to find anyone here..."

Shin initially thought that the humans and Aella might have been in the fog due to which he thought about finding them in the fog.

But when he realized how intelligent humans were, he thought that they might have made some Aerial way to get out of the place probably due to which he couldn't find any marks left by them or their smell or scent!


"I did see some humans enter this place...", Elvion nodded his head while saying this.

"What!?", Shin was surprised to see that the humans had indeed entered the place.

"Then...", Shin was about to ask Elvion to help him find them in the fog when he was cut short!

"But it's no use, they have already exited the place.", was what he said.

"They were able to exit!?"


To be continued...

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