Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 250: The plan

Chapter 250: The plan

"Sit down first," grandfather motioned for me to lay down before him. I quickly complied before asking,

"Grandfather, about what happened... I really didn't know that it was going to be that bad. I didn't even use my full strength," I tried to explain.

Hearing my words he clicked his tongue and replied, "Didn't use your full strength you say? Am I supposed to pat your head and commend you for that? Obviously, you did not, and should not use your full strength in the mortal plane. By the King, that's common sense, brat. If all dragons went around using their full strength, do you think this world would survive?"


"No, it would not. This is why the only place you are allowed to go all out in, is in the Void fighting against the Shades, or a raid in their realm. There, it doesn't matter if you destroy it all. Hell, you are encouraged to do so."

"Father, you are getting sidetracked," Mother who was sitting by my side, gently reminded him.

Grandfather let out a sigh, and shook his head before speaking, "To tell you the truth, it was your grandma who was supposed to explain all of this to you. She's more knowledgeable when it comes to the pillars after all, but she currently has her hands full with the little one."

"Huh," I subconsciously muttered. It seemed like grandfather did not want to be here in the first place. I forced back the smile that threatened to break across my face.

"What your grandfather means to say is, that as dragons we are limited in the amount of strength we can exert in this realm. So you should be careful, and responsible when using your powers."

"Yes, what she just said," grandfather nodded.

"I understand," I replied with my head lowered.


"But, I'm still confused as to why the reaction was so severe when I used my cosmic element, why was it still okay when I used normal elements but everything changed once a pillar of existence was involved?" I asked before lowering my head and continuing, "I apologize, but telling me to just be careful when exerting my strength doesn't really explain anything."

"Oh, look at this brat. Seems like your time in the mortal plane helped you grow your scales," Grandfather said with a dangerous grin. For a moment I thought he was about to drag me outside for a beating, but thankfully he did no such thing, instead, he shook his head and explained;

"If it was a normal Shade, then nothing would have happened. The problem is, that ancient bastard is different. What the Shades do is essentially steal and destroy the mana elements. They steal and corrupt them before destroying them. Now, a pillar of existence is special, in a sense. Most of the Shades will find difficulties facing it, but not an ancient one. They are able to counter it with a force that's almost on the same level. This means that the two elements cancel out each other, which in turn is bad for the surroundings. Except, of course, if you are in the Void or in their realm, then in that case it doesn't matter."

"I see, I think I somewhat understand. Then, what do we do about the Shade?"

"We? We have our claws full at the moment. Not to mention, the bastard is slippery. If he doesn't take control of the body, then it's almost impossible to locate him."

"Ah, does that mean we should just leave him be?" I asked with a frown.

"What you faced is merely a projection of the bastard, a small whisp of his power if you will. Nilath is facing his main body, and keeping the bastard occupied."

"So? Just because it's a projection, we do nothing?" my frown deepened.

It was then that mother lightly smacked the back of my head with her tail, "Don't be disrespectful to your grandfather."

"Ah, I didn't mean to - "

"Heh, Not even a full year and he's already talking back. Listen here, brat. We already got our hands busy facing the main threats, as for this, since it's merely a projection, you shouldn't have too much of a hard time facing it, right?" He asked with a dangerous grin.

"Yes, of course, but - "

"Then that's settled. You can go back and hunt that ill-bred spawn of shit."

"Huh, but..."

"Just remember not to use your cosmic mana, and all should be good. Don't make the king clean up after your mess," grandfather's tone turned serious as he said that. He didn't even let me add a word before he continued, "Well, that should be all. I already wasted too much time coming all the way here for this. Wisen up, little one." He then turned his gaze toward my mother and nodded.

"May the King bless your hunt with abundance and good fortune, father."


With that, he swiftly walked out of the cave and shot to the sky, disappearing completely in a matter of seconds. I turned to my mother and spoke, still dumbfounded, "I didn't get to say anything?"

She chuckled and replied, "If it was up to your grandfather, he would not come all the way here to scold you. Your grandmother insisted, however, that he came and explained everything to you since she's busy with little Essie."

I tilted my head and asked, "but couldn't you have told me all of that?"

A sigh escaped her mouth, before she shook her head with a gloomy expression, "It seems like she wanted your grandfather to be the one to explain since your father cannot be here."

"I see. Speaking of which, how could I find the Shade again? Even grandpa admitted it was difficult to track if it doesn't possess the knight."

"True, but the knight will still leave a trail. No matter how well hidden, he is bound to leave one. You just need to find that. Use the mortals, I hear that your new little church is expanding quite fast already," mother said with a chuckle.

"Ah, yes. But use the mortals you say?"

"Yes, put bounties on the knight's head, or spread his information to the realm, if there is one thing mortals are especially talented at, that would be sticking their noses in places they do not belong. Someone is bound to encounter him, you just need to keep an eye out," she said before parting me on the head one final time.

"Now then, enough of that. Come with me, let's go hunt for some food."


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