Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 311: Getting a Handle on Things

Chapter 311: Getting a Handle on Things

“I am so fucking exhausted.”

All three of Jadis lay in a tangled heap on top of her massive bed in the shared bedroom taking up the majority of the second floor of the mercenary headquarters. Vraekae and Gerhardt were gone back to wherever they spent their nights, Hans had taken Tegwyn to the inn where he stayed, and Alex was safely tucked away behind the locked door of the cellar. Now all Jadis wanted to do was sleep and not think about everything that she was going to have to deal with in the morning. The day had been far, far too long and filled with more stress than some of her more harrowing battles. The idea of just running away to go live in the woods somewhere far from priests and politics was looking particularly appealing. Was it too late to go back to the Dryads?

“Mm-hmph,” came a tired squeak of agreement from somewhere under a couple of Jadis’ arms.

Since she was technically the closest, Dys pulled Eir a little tighter against her side. The poor elf had been through the wringer, maybe even more so than Jadis. At least Jadis had been prepared to have all of her personal business aired out in the open. Eir hadn’t been so lucky.

“If that dinner just now was half as bad as the meeting you had all day, then yeah, I get it,” Kerr said from her spot sitting on the edge of the bed. “Seriously, when did all this shit get so complicated?”

Having a meal with two extremely important political figures while discussing the fate of a literal demon that was sitting at the table with them had been one of the more surreal experiences of Jadis’ life. She didn’t feel like she’d resolved too much, either, though at the very least she’d managed to ensure some temporary safety for Alex. There were about twenty guards stationed outside of the mercenary company guild hall now, but that wasn’t honestly that huge of a problem to Jadis. It was a step in the right direction, at least.

“I know, right?” Syd called out, her voice muffled by having her face pressed down into a pillow. “This shit is wack!”

“Whack what?”

Both Aila and Thea asked at the same time, pausing to look at each other before both seemed to come to the mutual understanding that dissecting Jadis’ speech patterns wasn’t worth the effort.

“I’m not sure about the phrasing, but the sentiment I can agree with,” Aila said as she finished combing her long red hair. “Nothing about our situation is as simple as we would like it to be.”

No, nothing ever was. Not that Jadis felt like she had much room to complain. Her whole mission on Oros was to stir up trouble and upset the established cycle. She couldn’t be upset that doing so was causing some disruption to her own life. One couldn’t expect to throw a rock into a pond without having the ripples come back at them.

“So,” Kerr said as she leaned back so that Jadis could feel her weight shifting on the bed. “Fucking exhausted doesn’t mean too exhausted to fuck, does it?”

One of Dys’ eyes popped open to stare at Kerr who was giving her a rather toothy grin.

“Are you serious right now?"

“Never more,” Kerr winked. “We didn’t get a chance to do a real homecoming last night since you were all so worked up over the meeting. Now that we’ve popped the cork on that mess, what’s there to stress about now? Might as well have some fun in our free time!”

Dys’ gaze shifted from Kerr to Aila, the taller woman standing just behind the horned and horny therion. She was giving Kerr an exasperated look, though there was also a noticeable blush creeping up her neck from under her nightshirt.

“I don’t think it’s physically or emotionally possible for me to not want to fuck you or anyone else in this room right now,” Dys said without a hint of humor in her voice.

“Damn right,” Kerr preened before sliding closer to the pile of Jadis on the bed. “That means you too, princess. Sleep after sex,” Kerr added as she poked Eir in the side. “Or during! That might be interesting, actually. That’d give you some real special wet dreams at least, I bet.”

As Kerr cozied up to Jadis’ selves and Thea gave Kerr one of the most bug-eyed looks the woman had ever made, Jay’s attention was caught by Bridget standing awkwardly off to one side. The orc looked a little unsure of herself, one hand rubbing at her other arm.


The orc warrior startled at being called out, then squared her shoulders before speaking.

“Do you all, uh, want some privacy? I mean, I did crash here last night because we were all up so late and all that, but if you want some alone time, I can find somewhere else for the night. I mean, Alex probably wouldn’t mind the company downstairs, right?”

“What are you talking about?” Syd raised her head off of her pillow, twisting around to stare at the dark-haired woman. “You don’t want to have sex?”

Bridget made a face as she let out a surprised little laugh.

“Well, no, I didn’t say that. I just, you know, the five of you and all that. Don’t you need some, uh, privacy or something like that? Because you’re all together now? Officially?”

Ah. Jadis understood. She was surprised she hadn’t realized sooner. Bridget was feeling a bit like a third wheel. Or, technically, a sixth wheel? Ninth wheel? Whatever. An extra wheel. Bridget wasn’t her girlfriend. Not like Aila or Kerr or Eir or Thea. But considering everything that they had been through together, Jadis couldn’t imagine why Bridget would think that meant she wasn’t welcome in their bed.

“Bridget,” Aila spoke firmly, cutting off the words Jadis was about to say. She had her arms folded across her chest and was staring at the orc with her most deadpan expression. “Do you really think that if we didn’t want you here with us, we wouldn’t tell you? Has anything about the way we act with each other ever indicated that any of us are shy about making our wishes known?”

“No, uh, I guess not,” Bridget answered after a brief pause.

“Correct. If we didn’t welcome you, you wouldn’t be welcome,” Aila announced, making the whole situation clear as crystal. “Now, unless you want to excuse yourself for your own reasons, get on the bed.”

“Yes ma’am,” Bridget said with a mildly shocked expression as she moved to obey Aila’s command.

At that moment, Sabina exited the bathroom, naked except for a towel she was using to vigorously scrub her wet hair. She paused, assessed the situation, then rambled.

“Oh, are we having sex now? I was hoping we might be having sex sometime soon but considering all the stuff with the priests and the magistrate and everything that happened yesterday and today I thought that maybe you all wouldn’t be in the mood, so I didn’t want to say anything, but I guess I was wrong which makes sense because I don’t think Jadis is ever not ready to have sex. That’s why she has a sex class, now that I think about it. It’s an even bigger part of her personality than smithing is for me, which is a really big part, which now that I am saying it out loud makes it seem like I was making some kind of pun about Jadis and big parts, which I wasn’t, but if you want to take it that way I wouldn’t mind, which also sounds like some kind of innuendo, but—”

Sabina’s ranting was abruptly silenced when, following a silent command from Aila, both Bridget and Thea moved to either side of the naked smith and picked her up by either arm before carrying her to the bed.

In short order everyone on the bed was as naked as Sabina, or at least close enough in all the ways that mattered. With two lovers to each of her three bodies, Jadis would have thought that they would naturally split up in groups of three more often. However, that rarely seemed to be the case when they had sex in a group like this, and this night was no exception.

Aila had kept her cock from the last time they had performed the Duality of Flesh Ritual and she was getting some good use out of it. Lying back against the bed’s headboard so that her twelve-inch monster jutted up into the air, she’d taken command of Sabina and pulled the talkative half-elf’s mouth down onto her shaft. Considering the size of her cock, there was no chance Sabina was going to get her lips all the way down to the base of Aila’s thick member, but one had to give the smith credit; she was really putting in a lot of effort to make it happen.

Maybe not all of that effort was coming from just a desire to please Aila. Jay had positioned herself behind Sabina and had taken her from behind. Every thrust of her powerful hips was driving the tanned woman into Aila, making the half elf choke out lewd gurgling sounds as she was forced further down Aila’s shaft. It hadn’t even been three minutes and Jadis could tell that Sabina had already cum just by the feel of her pussy clenching and fluttering across her cock.

The nice thing about the position was it allowed Jay to lean forward and kiss Aila, slipping her tongue against her lover’s in an erotic dance that was almost as sexually thrilling as the half-elf pussy squeezing her shaft.

Eir, Kerr, and Thea had all teamed up on Dys. Somehow, through a decision that Jadis had not participated in, Thea had ended up sitting on Dys’ cock. The timid woman was no wild rider, her hips squashed down tight against Dys’ crotch, yet she was gyrating in just the right way to keep Dys rock hard inside of her. Part of that was Kerr’s influence, though.

Kerr had decided to take a seat right behind Thea, pressing her body up against the brunette’s back. One of her hands had dipped low to the juncture between Thea’s legs, her fingers playing with the guardswoman’s swollen clit, while her other hand was eagerly fondling Thea’s breasts. Kerr’s lips were pressed against Thea’s ears and she was whispering all manner of lewd suggestions and commentary, though Jadis was having some trouble hearing everything. It was, after all, hard to hear through Eir’s thick red thighs.

Eir had climbed on top of Dys’ face and was happily enjoying Dys’ long tongue. She was turned to face towards Kerr and Thea, so when Jadis was able to glance over with her other bodies, she saw that Eir was quite purposefully putting on an overly dramatic show of enjoying herself for Thea’s voyeuristic benefit. The purple-haired priestess truly was a giver; even while being serviced she wanted to be of service to others.

With all the others occupied, that left Syd and Bridget alone to each other. Despite her earlier feelings of insecurity, the orc woman didn’t play up any overly emotional displays. Instead, she’d simply thrown herself into Syd’s arms with utter abandon, ready to release all the tension that had been building up for the past couple of days. Jadis knew exactly how Bridget felt and was just as eager as her to let loose.

After some rather rough kissing and pawing, Bridget had wound up prone on her stomach with Syd on top of her. With her thick cock buried deep inside the warrior’s core, Syd lay into Bridget heavily, practically smothering the smaller woman with her sheer size while pounding her hips against the orc’s meaty ass. The position felt primal, closer to rutting than fucking, and going by Bridget’s loud, grunting moans she was loving every second of it.

Jadis reveled in the sexual freedom she enjoyed with her lovers. She loved both giving and receiving pleasure from them. All of her five senses were focused on the glorious sensations coming from her three bodies as she fucked her girlfriends and companions. The lust and love she felt for them seemed boundless to her; if it were physically feasible, she was fairly certain that she might not ever stop fucking them.

She really did need to impregnate them sooner rather than later.

All three sets of Jadis’ eyes popped open in unison at the intrusive thought. Intrusive. As in, not her own. Not truly, anyway. It wasn’t as though she didn’t want to have children with her lovers. She was confident that she would be thrilled to make babies with her willing women. But that hadn’t been the gut feeling she’d just experienced. No, Jadis had felt a distinct urge to undo her Potency Alteration skill right then and there and let nature take its course.

And that instinct had definitely not been her own.

“What’s wrong?”

Jadis blinked, realizing that her bodies had slowed to stillness as she had processed the new situation. Her lovers were looking at her from their various lewd positions with concern. Aila was the one who had spoken, her breath still coming fast with need but a look of concern in her eyes as her hand rested on Jay’s cheek.

“Nothing,” Jay answered after a moment, her expression twisting into a confused smile. “It’s just—I think I’m finally starting to get a hang of this whole ‘avatar communication with the gods’ thing.”

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