Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 93 Something Else Hidden

Wu Hongwen and Xiao Yun stood in a corner of the main living hall, chatting for a long time but it was more of idle topics. There were a few people who had seen their closeness with Gu Xiqiao and had tried to strike up a conversation with them, but they were all dealt with swiftly by Wu Hongwen.

"Cousin, why are you hiding here? Uncle has been looking for you." Just as the two of them were on another idle topic, a young man holding a wine glass walked over with a warm smile. When he saw Xiao Yun, his eyes brightened. "And this beautiful lady, you are acquainted with my cousin?"

"Why are you here?" Wu Hongwen said, the smile on his face dropping immediately when he saw who it was.

The man ignored Wu Hongwen’s attitude. "Cousin, don’t be so rash. Don’t forget that you’re only able to come to the Yin household because of me. Otherwise you wouldn’t even have the chance to catch a glimpse of the Yin Manor gates on normal days."

"What’s going on?" Xiao Yun was slightly lost. What did he mean by Wu Hongwen was only able to come because of him, how thick was his face? Didn’t the Yin family personally deliver the invitation to their hands?

"Don’t pay attention to him, he’s a bit nuts." Wu Hongwen snorted.

Hearing him say that, the man’s face darkened. He and Yin Feifei were lovers, and he had received Yin Feifei’s guarantee that they would receive an invitation from the Yin family. He didn’t hold out any hope on that in the beginning. Their family had always been treading a thin line between law enforcement and underground dealings, and the Yin family were the gatekeepers of N City, how was it possible that they would send an invite to a family with such ties with the underworld?

But when the invitation was delivered to the Wu family patriarch, he believed it. His status had risen to new heights because of this too.

"Wu Hongwen!" The man said coldly, and just as he opened to his mouth to continue, he suddenly caught a glimpse of another figure from the corner of his eyes.

Yin Feifei had shown him a picture of Yin Shaoyuan before, and although it was taken secretly, he could clearly recognize him from it. The person walking towards them was a person that you had to see with your own two eyes, hearing would never be enough to give justice to him—Yin Shaoyuan from N City!

He hurriedly straightened his clothes nervously, finally believing Yin Feifei’s words that she was on very good terms with Yin Shaoyuan.

It was rare for Yin Shaoyuan to show his face. The sharp features he had made him extremely attractive, a roguish smirk on his handsome face, and a pair of mesmerizing eyes which felt like it could pull you in once you looked into them. There were ladies blushing all around as he made his way over, and though they didn’t dare to reach out to him, they parted ways for him to walk through, but their gazes remained fixated on him.

He ignored the outstretched hand of the young man, reaching out to hook an arm around Wu Hongwen’s neck and raised an elegant eyebrow up. "Why is it only both of you here, where’s Qiao Qiao?"

"She went to the washroom, she’ll be back soon." Wu Hongwen said, trying in vain to dislodge Yin Shaoyuan’s arm, but failing. "You’re going to strangle me to death, are you sure you want that kind of image?"

"She went alone?" Yin Shaoyuan straightened up. A hint of something flashed in his eyes, but it was too quick to be noticed. "Are you sure?"

Wu Hongwen wriggled out from his hold. "Yeah, I’m sure."

"Alright then, you two have fun. I’ll be back soon."

They weren’t sure what Yin Shaoyuan was thinking, but he left after those few words, and he looked to be moving in a hurry, disappearing from their sight after a short while.

At the same time, Wu Hongwen and Xiao Yun both received a text message. They glanced at each other, before deleting the message without saying anything.

The man who had been ignored had an irritated expression on his face, and turned to glare at Wu Hongwen. His face was red with anger, but he left in a huff soon after.


Wu Hongwen left the place with his father without a word, and when the car had pulled out of the Yin family area, Wu Feiyang let out a breath of relief. "You unfilial child, you didn’t tell me that you’re acquainted with Young Master Yin. When he came to look for me just now, I felt like my heart was going to jump up into my throat. The first thought in my mind was that he was there to arrest me!"

It was an occupational hazard, a man from a long line of military family background coming to find him. Wu Feiyang had just recently struck a deal with the underground, had he been discovered?

"What was the point in telling you?" Wu Hongwen said, his mouth twitching, "And I’m not really close to Yin Shaoyuan, I’m close to Er Qiao."

"All the same." Wu Feiyang said, waving a hand dismissively, "But when your cousin made that ruckus during that time when the invitation came, why didn’t you say anything? Letting him take credit for this, your reputation is now lower than his in the family."

"I want to rely on my own abilities, and I don’t need any help from the outside. If he wants the credit for these kinds of things, I don’t mind." Wu Hongwen said solemnly, "Dad, I told you before that I will study hard and take over the Wu family. I wasn’t kidding."

Seeing his son being so serious for the first time, Wu Feiyang was stunned. He recalled that his son had been following him around over the last few days, even asking advice from the other people in the household. It didn’t look like he was faking it. "I asked you to take over the business last year, and you gave it up on your own. You have already lost the default rights to inherit, and now you have to fight for the position on your own. Even then, are you willing to do so?"

"I know, I won’t give up." Wu Hongwen said, looking into Wu Feiyang’s eyes, his own onyx eyes were burning with a fire of determination in them.

Wu Feiyang let out a wide grin at that, and you couldn’t tell whether he was pleased or proud from his eyes. "Good boy! I will support you!"

Wu Hongwen felt some slight disgust at that, and his phone chose that moment to ring. After glancing at the caller, he realized it was Yin Shaoyuan. He made a shushing motion to Wu Feiyang, and answered the call.


In Yin Manor, all the guests had already left. The servants were busy clearing up, though their faces were filled with joy. It had been a long time since this place had been so lively. Being able to help out on such occasions, they would also be able to brag about it when they go out to talk in front of others.

However, the faces of the few people who were sitting on the sofa were a completely different story.

Yin Shaoyuan got off the phone, placing it down. "I’ve asked, Wu Hongwen doesn’t know either. I’ll ask Xiao Yun."

"No need." Jiang Shuxuan said with a chilling glare on his stoic face. He stood abruptly, his thin lips pursed tightly. "There are traces of Murong Miaoxue’s energy in the washroom. I’ll go look for her."

Yin Shaoyuan didn’t have time to stop him, and Jiang Shuxuan disappeared from the Yin residence.

Furrowing his brows deeply, Yin Shaoyuan had not told Jiang Shuxuan about Murong Miaoxue’s presence before. He thought that she wouldn’t do anything out of fear of Jiang Shuxuan. But looking at the situation now, it seemed that something had indeed happened.

Thinking about Gu Xijin who was currently overseas, Yin Shaoyuan felt uneasy. Not many people knew, but he was well aware, on the first night that Gu Xijin landed, someone had broken her arm. Even after she recovered, she would never be able to hold a painting brush.

This had Jiang Shuxuan written all over it, and it was all kept under wraps. It was likely even the Gu family didn’t know about the occurrence.

"Mom, I’ll go out and look!" Yin Shaoyuan informed Tang Yanling, before grabbing his car keys and heading out.


Gu Xiqiao hadn’t gone to any other place, but to the small alley near First High. It was a bit of a pain, since she hadn’t been able to find the person she was looking for, and now she was being blocked by a bunch of gangsters. The guy who looked to be the leader was smoking a cigarette, and was looking at Gu Xiqiao with a look that didn’t spell good things.

The system in virtual space raised its head, [Beauty Qiao, I suddenly really pity these bunch of people.]

Gu Xiqiao didn’t reply, but she raised her head slowly, the corner of her lips lifting up slightly. She was already originally a beauty, with a fairy-like charm that was eye-catching, but the smile on her face pushed her beauty to another level of gorgeous.

The sunlight shining down was glaring as it was summer, but the people in front of her suddenly felt a bright flash in their eyes, its brightness outshining even the rays from the sun.




In just a few short breaths, Gu Xiqiao walked to the entrance of the alleyway. Behind her, a group of bodies lay scattered on the ground. Yao Jiamu, who had rushed over after receiving the news from his friends...


The bunch of friends who had followed behind him were all wearing shell shocked expressions, some of their jaws looked to be on the ground in astonishment.

’Boss, you sure this fierce female overlord ever needed your heroic self to rescue her?’

Gu Xiqiao looked up to see Yao Jiamu with a pleased expression on her face as she gave him a light smile. "Let’s go."

After a few minutes of walking, the alley stretched out into a courtyard. Yao Jiamu tinkered around in his kitchen, taking out a paper cup and rinsing it with hot water before filling it with freshly boiled tea and bringing it out. His father had bought this tea, and usually they were reluctant to drink it, but it seemed today was a day to bring it out.

"Why did you come to see me today?" Yao Jiamu asked as Gu Xiqiao took a sip of the tea he had given her. He had spoken only after seeing that she had no complaints about the tea he had boiled, and his tone held a hint of happiness in it.

Gu Xiqiao looked at the tea that was greenish in color, eyeing it with her inexperienced eyes before opening her mouth to reply, "It’s about the thing I mentioned last time, teaching you to fight."

She had been discussing this matter with the system for a few days, teaching Yao Jiamu to fight was not just for fun and games. After a lot of consideration, in order to achieve the best effect, the system had chosen a set of exercises and a couple of Bone Marrow Cleansing Pills for him. Gu Xiqiao had spent a lot of points in order to obtain these items.

"This book on Firefly Illusion has been passed down by my... master, and it’s more suited for you. I have made some remarks on the more obscure things in it, you can use it for your own practice first. And also this bottle of elixirs, there are three of them inside. This is for cleansing your bone marrow, you’re getting older and there are too many impurities in your body to get started." Gu Xiqiao explained as she pulled out the things from her pocket, elaborating on each item.

Yao Jiamu with a confused (old) face: How can your small pocket stuff so many things?!

But his mind still hadn’t properly processed what she had said, ancient martial arts? Firefly Illusion? Elixirs? Cleansing of bone marrow to renew? Wasn’t all this just made up things from a martial arts novel? But seeing Gu Xiqiao’s serious expression, she didn’t seem to be joking. Was it all for real?

"You guys?" Yao Jiamu finally choked out the words, after contemplating for a long while, mulling the words over and over in his head.

"Yeah, and there are two others. They will come to you in a few days, just wait for them in your house," Gu Xiqiao said, standing up, "I need to go, to drop in Dalin’s house. Study this for a few days properly, I’ll be back in a month to check on you. This path is not easy to walk, but I hope that you guys can have a place in the ancient martial arts world one day."

Even though Jiang Shuxuan and the others had never mentioned anything regarding the ancient martial arts world, but with the system, Gu Xiqiao had a general understanding of everything in it. She gave the chance to learn ancient martial arts to Yao Jiamu, and hoped that he would do as she expects.

After Gu Xiqiao had left, Yao Jiamu still felt like he was in a dream. He held the tattered book in his hand, his gaze far away. He still sat in a daze until nightfall, worried that it was all just a dream, that when he blinked, everything would disappear.

Ancient martial arts, noble warriors... This was the desire that everyone had, deep down inside their hearts.

And now he had the opportunity, he wasn’t so ignorant to not realize that this was a once in a lifetime chance that would alter his life completely.


Yin Shaoyuan had been looking for Gu Xiqiao, and it had been two days. He couldn’t find her, but he found Murong Miaoxue, who was on her way to the airport.

"You’re leaving today?" Yin Shaoyuan asked, looking at her, a glint of unfamiliar emotion in his eyes.

Murong Miaoxue glanced at Yin Shaoyuan, his eyes seemed to be hiding a raging fire behind it. His brows were furrowed deeply, not a hint of admiration on his face. It was completely different from his usual flirty attitude, and she sneered at him. Brushing her long silky hair back, she looked at him. "Ask what you want to ask, don’t think I don’t know why you’re here. Why do you need to have a pretense?"

Yin Shaoyuan took a deep breath to calm his emotions that were threatening to boil over, managing to hiss out in an even voice, "Were you the one who chased Qiao Qiao away?"

"Tsk." Murong Miaoxue resisted the urge to smirk, and instead her eyes brightened more as she looked at Yin Shaoyuan. There was an arrogant and cold expression on her face. "Why should I tell you?"

She turned around after saying that, pulling her luggage and heading towards the boarding gate. The hand on the handle was trembling slightly when she recalled those cold eyes, the pain that was blazing all the way into her bone marrow. She couldn’t help the chills that surged from the bottom of her heart at those memories. If she had held admiration of that person before this, there was also a healthy dose of fear and respect mixed in there now.

A delicate and young face floated into her mind, the girl with unknown origin but was mysteriously powerful, she was barely comparable to Jiang Shuxuan. However, Murong Miaoxue paused in her thoughts. The girl would go to the Imperial Capital one day anyway, and when she did, she would know that it was impossible to face the four big families alone!

Not to mention, the Imperial Capital still had that crazy demonic woman!

Murong Miaoxue’s fighting spirit was rekindled. When she reached home today, she would apply to go to the legacy base immediately!

Yin Shaoyuan gritted his teeth as he watched Murong Miaoxue walk away. He moved to stop her, but was hit with an invisible barrier instead. His heart sank. "F*ck, this again!"

Murong Miaoxue had used the same method to block his advances previously, and he knew that she was the same kind of person like Jiang Shuxuan. They had powers that ordinary people didn’t, and were able to create a form of isolation barrier. He thought that this was going to be the same as last time, he would be trapped here a day and a night before it dissipated. If he wanted to leave earlier than that, he would need Jiang Shuxuan to release him.

However, the barrier only blocked him for a while before he was able to pass through easily.

What was this?

Looking down at his hands, Yin Shaoyuan’s mind was in a daze. He looked at the ring that was on his finger. It was something Gu Xiqiao had given to Yin Jinian initially, but once Tang Yanling wore it on her fingers, she had claimed that it warded off evil spirits. When Gu Xiqiao heard about it, she sent along another ring the next day.

In order to verify his theory, Yin Shaoyuan took off the ring. His hands were shaking hard from the excitement, and he didn’t succeed the first time, but he did on the second. He then placed the ring down on the ground.

Just as he thought, his hands were unable to go through the barrier this time.

Yin Shaoyuan couldn’t help the excitement that burst out from this revelation, and he put the ring back on before rushing out of the barrier to his car, in a rush to find Jiang Shuxuan. If Gu Xiqiao had really been the one to pull this off, then with her capabilities, it was impossible for her to have been chased off by Murong Miaoxue. That said, there was definitely something else that was being hidden here!

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