Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 155 Follow Up Of The Storm, Yin Shaoyuan Awakens!

Chapter 155 Follow Up Of The Storm, Yin Shaoyuan Awakens!

In a lab in A University, Zhu Yuan had completed the report, and was confirming the time with the international organization. The person on the phone seemed to be a little absent-minded while dealing with him. There were many cases of cell fusions every year, and they were already used to dealing with people who called regarding this study. There were few who would patent this now, because there were just too many successful ones before them, and applying for this patent now felt like they were just stirring a cold pot of rice.

Knowing how these people thought, Zhu Yuan didn’t bother to explain much. He would wait until the day of the press conference, and he would stun all of them with this discovery!

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Yuan couldn’t help but read through the report again, because it felt like he would find new insights every time he read it again. At this moment, Professor Jiang came over in a hurry. "Zhu Yuan, look at this!"

Professor Jiang was waving his phone, a look of excitement on his face. You normally rarely see such a cheerful look on him, and Zhu Yuan took the offered device.

It was a surgery video, with a long commentary in Weibo attached below it.

Zhu Yuan glanced through the words half-heartedly in the beginning, not paying much attention to it as he scrolled down the long post. But over the few minutes, his expression became more serious as he processed the words properly.

The Weibo post was extremely long, recording the entire process of the operation. Some of the contents were simple and easy to understand, while others were obscure and difficult to comprehend. Even Zhu Yuan seemed to struggle as he read, making guesses as he continued downwards, feeling a burst of inspiration as he did. He noted down the things that he didn’t understand, planning to study it later on his own time, or wait till Gu Xiqiao returned so they could discuss it together. When he thought of her, he forwarded the Weibo post to her, wanting to hear her opinion on it.

At the end of the long Weibo post, it wrote: Some of the words written are written down exactly as how it was spoken. Because we didn’t understand the terms, we wrote it as it is, hoping that it will shed some light for everyone watching. However, I think we really should consider taking a minor in computer skills after this.

The last sentence gave off the feeling that the person who wrote it was sighing and mocking themselves, the view of the world for them must have really been turned upside down completely for them to be that way.

"Professor Jiang, do you know the contact information of this person?" Zhu Yuan was still reading, resisting the urge to watch it all over again as he wasn’t paying attention the first time, but he turned his bright eyes towards Professor Jiang instead.

Hearing those words, Professor Jiang’s face was a little strange with excitement. "Zhu Yuan, watch the video again."

Although he didn’t get what Professor Jiang was trying to say, Zhu Yuan pressed on the video again.

The video was edited, and played at double speed, so it was only ten minutes long.

However even then, you could clearly see the movements of the person in it, from the initial actions of inserting a few needles, extracting out the bacteria, and creating the suppressant mixture on the spot.

Breaking down viruses and bacteria was also Zhu Yuan’s forte, and he could see far more than most average people who didn’t have an understanding in the medical field. He found the video infinitely more shocking than the text itself.

After watching it, Zhu Yuan dragged a hand down his face, and went silent. He spoke after a long while, his tone dry, "The leading doctor looks a little bit familiar..."

Professor Jiang met his eyes silently, and asked faintly, "Only a little bit?"

It was more than just a little bit, this familiar figure had to be nagged two hundred times a day just to see a shadow of their person, and even if the person turned to ashes, they would still be able to recognize her!

"Let me make a call." Zhu Yuan pulled out his own phone, and tried to make the call multiple times, but kept getting the message that the other side’s phone was turned off. Suddenly, he remembered, and he gritted his teeth. "I forgot that she blacklisted me!"

"..." Professor Jiang felt a little bit of pity for him here.

Zhu Yun immediately called Jiang Shuxuan instead, and this time, the call was picked up after two rings.

The voice was deep and slightly cold, making Zhu Yuan trembled inside a little, but his overwhelming curiosity won over that feeling and he spoke, "Boss Jiang, is Miss Gu by your side?"

"Wait a moment." There was silence on the other end for a while, then another cold, clear voice came through, "Hurry up and say what you want!"

No respect at all!

"Do you know that you’ve shocked the entire medical community?!" Zhu Yuan roared back, he was wondering how a genius would randomly pop up, and that it wouldn’t be weird if it was her! "If you have time to play around outside, why not come back to A University, do you want to pass the semester or not?!"

So lazy, I’ll fail your lazy a*s this semester then!

"If I fail then it’s fine too, it’s a good time to switch my major to oil painting then." Gu Xiqiao placed the phone away from her ear, nonchalantly replying to the threat, not feeling threatened at all.

Professor Jiang had been listening from the side, but when he heard those words from Gu Xiqiao, he snatched the phone from Zhu Yuan immediately, a warm smile on his face and his tone gentle as he spoke, "Don’t worry, go on and have all the fun you want, take your time, we’re not in a rush! You’ll definitely get an A+ at the end of the term!"

Zhu Yuan looked at Professor Jiang incredulously. "Professor Jiang, why are you so spineless?"

Useless professor!

"What do you know!" An old friend from the art department had shown Professor Jiang a picture of an incomplete painting a couple of days ago, with a heap of compliments and praises for it. Although he didn’t understand most of it, the important point was that the person who had done the painting was extremely talented, as their paintings basically came to life and had also reached an elite level.

He was initially unconcerned about the painting his friend had shown him, but the post had blown up soon after. When Professor Jiang had returned home and flipped through his own Weibo, he found out that it was Gu Xiqiao who had posted the painting!

That girl had a talent in oil painting, and Professor Jiang concealed the fact that he was acquainted with this very talented painter from his friend, for fear that his friend would try to poach her from A University.

So when he heard that Gu Xiqiao said she would leave the medicine faculty, Professor Jiang immediately tried to restrain her from doing so. It was fine that she was lazy, there was now another topic for them to research, and that would take up a period of time anyway. If they really managed to chase Gu Xiqiao off to change her major to oil painting with their nagging, it would be useless to regret and feel sad by the time that happens, okay!

Zhu Yuan stared at Professor Jiang, and suddenly remembered that he still had questions that he had noted down in his book on the table, and he whined, "I still had questions on these two terms, how could you hang up the call just like that?!" The main point was that that was Jiang Shuxuan’s number, he simply didn’t have the courage to make a call again!

Professor Jiang: Suddenly it became my fault~


Seeing that Professor Jiang had hung up the call, Gu Xiqiao, the girl who wasn’t aware how much she had shaken up the medical community, handed the phone back to Jiang Shuxuan.

The couple were eating in a restaurant nearby the hospital. Gu Xiqiao had been unusually down throughout the wedding, and hadn’t eaten much while there. She had looked calm and easy-going in the operating room, but in reality, a large portion of her brain cells had probably died, and the system spirit hadn’t been there to help her with the calculations, she was practically feeling dead on her feet.

She really, really missed the system right now.

"Hurry up and eat." Jiang Shuxuan put away his phone. "If you can’t finish, then we’ll pack the rest and give it to Xixi and Haha."

"Un." Gu Xiqiao picked up a piece of crab meat that Jiang Shuxuan had beaten out for her. "It’s delicious, but can those two eat these kind of food?"

Jiang Shuxuan: Never thought about it.

In the end, Jiang Shuxuan had to ask the waiter to prepare some other food for Xixi and Haha. To be more precise, it was prepared for Haha only, because Xixi was a bird after all, and it could only continue to eat its own bird food.

In the hotel, a dog and a bird were sitting down and watching TV seriously.

Worried that the two would be bored, Gu Xiqiao had specially turned the channel to a random nonsensical drama series before they had left the room. Xixi and Haha were completely engrossed in it, and when the hotel staff came in to clean the room, they couldn’t help but feel like the entire scene was very weird with the two animals watching the TV so seriously.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, both dog and bird turned their heads. When they saw the two familiar figures, Haha’s tail wagged excitedly, thumping on the ground.

Xixi flapped its wings, wanting to say a few words, but then it saw Jiang Shuxuan pouring some packed meat into Haha’s bowl, filling the room with a wonderful fragrance.

Yesterday, Gu Xiqiao had bought a bowl for Xixi, and had placed it next to Haha’s. Although the bowl was not as valuable as Haha’s, it was still something that Beauty Qiao had bought for him. Seeing Haha happily eating a big piece of meat, Xixi suddenly felt like he was a little unloved child.

"I’m so sad, papa don’t you love me?" Xixi flew over to Gu Xiqiao, blinking its beady eyes sadly as it looked at her.

Gu Xiqiao understood Xixi’s mindset, and shot back quickly, "Aren’t you a bird? Do birds eat meat?"

"Am I a normal bird?!" Xixi cried loudly.

"You sure seem a bit more wacky than a normal bird," Gu Xiqiao said.

Xixi was startled for a while, before it cried even louder. It knew that Beauty Qiao was just teasing it, she was not being serious!

Heading Xixi’s hysterical crying (screeching), Haha paused a while, and then raised its head. "Woof woof woof~" (I’ll treat you to this, just stop screaming, okay?)

"Stupid trash dog! You ruined my life!" Xixi shot back.

Haha: Oh, I think the same way too.

Xixi gave Haha an incredulous look. "You will have retribution, just you wait!"

Jiang Shuxuan had gone to wash his hands, and he came back to a dejected and anguished Xixi bawling. A flash appeared on his fingertips, and he was about to smack Xixi when Gu Xiqiao suddenly raised her head. "Ten hours. If you don’t speak for the next ten hours, this will yours."

A brown pill suddenly appeared between two slender fingers.

It was a very familiar pill, and Xixi’s shrilling wail stopped immediately, its beady eyes brightening like diamonds.

"Is that what you gave to Shaoyuan?" Jiang Shuxuan took it into his palm. He injected a pulse of mental power, feeling the huge amount of chi from it, and his expression turned grave. "Where did you get this from?"

"I exchanged it," Gu Xiqiao said as she leaned over to him. The batch of pills that she gave Yin Shaoyuan last round had cost her roughly 2,000 points, and the system spirit had been heartbroken. "Is there any problem?"

She wondered when would be a good time to introduce the system spirit to Jiang Shuxuan.

Jiang Shuxuan didn’t pry further into her vague answer. "Don’t simply take things like this out in front of others in the future." Those elderly who have been stuck in a bottleneck of their levels for a long time would definitely come out after her if they got wind of this.

Now that the qualifiers were approaching, what would happen if people from other countries learned about this?

He knew that Gu Xiqiao’s skills were not bad, and she was still hiding some other secrets, but some attacks were hard to defend from, and precautions should be taken where it could.

"I know." Gu Xiqiao nodded solemnly, and then she added, "Brother Jiang, do you need this? I have as much as you want."

Jiang Shuxuan fingered the jade pendant on his neck, and chuckled lowly. "I’m good without it, keep it for Xixi."

If this conversation was heard by anyone else in the ancient martial arts world, they would surely puke blood! In the ways of their world, a person was equivalent to a bird!


In the Tang family residence, Yin Shaoyuan, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally awakened.

Tang Yanling finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his eyes open. Although she knew that he would definitely wake up, she still felt the growing anxiousness in her heart as the days passed without any signs of stirring from him. She could finally let go of the burden in her heart, even a tough woman like her had tears swimming in her eyes at this point.

"Mom." Yin Shaoyuan raised his arm, feeling power coursing through his entire body. "Sorry to have worried you."

Even though he had been unconscious, his five senses were still active all the while. He knew and heard everything going on during his unconscious state, only that he couldn’t move or speak.

"It’s fine, as long as you’re safe." Tang Yanling raised her head, and took out the jade box that had never left her side since she got it. "Qiao Qiao gave this to you, keep it properly. Make sure to give it your all!"

Yin Shaoyuan narrowed his eyes, nodding his head as he held the box tightly in his hands.

"The level of your ancient martial arts have surpassed most of the younger disciples of the Tang family now, and you have the opportunity to participate in the qualifying tournament. I only have one request, apart from Qinghong, don’t lose to anyone else from the Tang family!" Tang Yanling looked at Yin Shaoyuan with a piercing gaze. "You should know that Jiang Shuxuan’s identity is not something simple, and Qiao Qiao can’t walk this path. We have already become the shield to cover her back in the secular world, and now we can also do the same in the ancient martial arts world!"

Someone knocked on the door outside at this time. "Second Miss, Young Master Cousin, the elder would like to see you."

The voice that spoke was respectful and humble, a far cry from how they were treated when they first arrived.

Yin Shaoyuan chuckled darkly, and then he pulled himself up to walk with Tang Yanling to meet the clan in the Ancestral Hall.

Behind them, a group of younger disciples with envy and jealousy clearly on their faces were muttering, "Hmph, he just got lucky, what’s with the arrogance? If those elixirs had been given to us instead, how can we be any worse than him?"

Tang Yanling ignored them all, but Yin Shaoyuan stopped in his tracks, and flashed them a smile. "Didn’t you learn that luck is also part of your skills in life?"

That smile was just asking for a beating!

The faces of the disciples turned red with anger, and then black with rage!

However, what Yin Shaoyuan said was true, that was the luck of a person! They could only watch silently in anger, envy and jealousy, wishing that they were in his place!

This was the first time he had caught the eyes of so many members of the Tang family, and although Yin Shaoyuan was smiling, his eyes were chillingly cold. He suddenly stopped in his steps again, and turned to Tang Yanling. "Mom, if Qiao Qiao can pull out these impossible medicines, does she really even need us?"

"..." Tang Yanling was speechless. How to answer that question, when she also felt that his words were incredibly reasonable?

The ancestral hall was right in front of them, and Yin Shaoyuan gathered some chi in his hands to play with it as they continued to walk. In other words, he believed that Qiao Qiao should also be someone who was from the ancient martial arts world, and her identity might not be as simple as they had first thought.

Sighing slightly, it seemed that he has a lot of hard work to do, otherwise, how could a weak a*s chicken be worthy of being the shield to cover her back?

As expected, she made a bloody storm fall no matter where she went.

Yin Shaoyuan continued to walk forward as his mind wandered. The calm and peaceful ancient martial arts world was going to be a lot of fun in the coming days, and he was suddenly really looking forward to it.

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