Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 120: Bad Apples and Green Apples

Chapter 120: Bad Apples and Green Apples

The air around them stilled as the Mage in front of Timothy uttered those words. This Mage wanted to give them access to a hidden library in order to retrieve something for them? It made him frown, "I assume that it's dangerous so you're asking for help, but why us?"

She gave him a sugary smile, "Well, if it's a bunch of first years doing itthen I trust that the two of you would be grateful for it." Their persona flickered again as the shaggy looking man returned and paced around him, "It'd be easier if I ask help from some higher leveled student but they're more likely to keep the library to themselves. But I only require one book is all, the rest are for you and your little friend."

Was this their best chance to catch up to the other students?

Timothy had to agree to the terms of this ever shifting Mage and hope that they'd survive the ordeal in reaching a library that someone like them were hesitating on? "And you can't do it by yourself?"

The Mage clicked their tongue, "Well, if you want me to be frankthere's not much use illusions can do except for subterfuge my dear underclassman. However I have seen how you and your friend did well on your entrance test, I have high hopes that the two of you can escape relatively unscathed."

Her words weren't exactly relieving at all and the longer he stayed here with them in the corridor meant the less time he had to rest or even grab a quick bite at the kitchen. "I'm thankful that you think highly of us but I'm not sure if it's actually a good thing to visit a library that's supposed to be hidden from students, don't you agree?"

"Why aren't you such a good and honorable young man who didn't just sneak in a woman into his room are you?"

Timothy stiffened at those words before frowning, "I have no idea that some people don't have any lives to focus on somebody else." Iola's cloak was supposed to be invisiblehow did this person detect it? Were they reporting them for this?

"All's fair in this world, I won't tell anyone as the gracious upperclassman I am, but I want answers tonight, best we do this before the word further goes out. I'll look for you after class with your friend, our safe word is green apples, alright?" 


The Mage disappeared as the sound of students rushing towards the corridor sounded. It was time for their next class and he had just missed his opportunity to even get any kind of rest at all, this was frustrating!

"T-Timothy!" A voice called out to him and he barely avoided the young woman that came tumbling his way. Penelope Primrose nearly fell down except for the small gust of wind that pushed her upwards. And if Timothy glanced behind them, he immediately noticed that a certain cloaked girl was trying to blend into the background. "How are you doing?"

"Please be more careful Penelope." Another boy, it was Elliot who walked after his sister with a frown on his face. It seemed like he narrowed his eyes on Timothy for failing to catch his older sister.

The ginger haired young woman straightened up and cleared her throat, she simply managed a sheepish smile. "Pardon me, I was simply looking forward to seeing Timothy. How are you doing?" There were other students who passed by them as they all traveled down the corridor. 

How was he doing? The man scratched his head and wondered if he ought to tell her the truth, "Not really good, but there's no use in feeling bad about it." Or sleepy and irritable, they needed to get to Professor Lavelda's class next and at least that was one of the less evil classes.

He was actually learning something with potions and found them more useful.

"My apologies for failing to help you," Penelope apologized to him with a sincere look on her face. "It really is difficult to speak with him, even I would have trouble convincing him to let you back into the courtyard."

The young man simply scratched his cheek, "I see, it really would be niceonly necessary that Han and I were able to catch up in terms of the lessons and activities that Professor Carnus is giving us." He recalled that the young woman had offered for him to sit at the table at lunch in order to help him, but so far, there hadn't been much helping.

Maybe the situation would change later on?

Lady Penelope Primrose let out a sigh and held a hand over her chest, "Professor Howard is always a tad upset most of the time, if you recall yesterday, he has a penchant of expecting a lot from his students. Which I do admire but I don't understand why he's placing the brunt of it on you"

Or perhaps she would only offer words of sympathy and never actually extend beyond that? Timothy didn't want to place his hopes of learning on another person's gratitude, as with him declining Han's offer of returning the locket he wasn't exactly willing to remind them of their words from yesterday.

Instead, another person spoke up.

"But dear sister, we do have to take into consideration that most students undertaking Primary Mage curriculum should at least have actual levels in the Mage Class and be able to perform a couple of spells." Elliot said as the younger boy glanced at him, "If I recall, at the bare minimum, one should be a Level 10 Mage to be admitted into the Academy."

Timothy tried to keep his face blank but he couldn't help but inwardly sigh. Not a single level in the Mage Class maybe he shouldn't have felt flattered by Professor Lavelda's words after their test of him having a large amount of mana poolsit didn't matter if he hadn't even obtained the prerequisites.

"Well, times are changing dear brother." Penelope spoke up as they walked together. Her brother couldn't say anything or decided to stay silent after that.

Elliot sighed, "Yes, that much is true."

And despite feeling sleepy and still a bit upset over Han's actions, he couldn't help but consider the Mage's words earlier. The two of them could retrieve a book and then gain access to a hidden library? He was sure that if he were able to grasp even the simplest [ Spell ] available, Timothy would gain the Mage class and be able to at least follow along the others.

On top of that, it would be given to them as a reward for their actions and not simply given freelythat made him more willing to believe that there's actually a chance of them learning more. They would be putting their efforts in it.

Soon enough, he parted ways with the two siblings and reached his seat in the back of the classroom. Ellynn would also take her seat in the opposite row of his. It was time for the Fundamentals of Potions.

Except the Professor wasn't present yet.

He wondered how terrible the events of yesterday were for most of the Professors to come into their classes either tired, irritated and even late. Maybe it was something that he should have taken into accountbut it was still kind of upsetting that he and Han had been kicked out of Basic Combat Spells instead of actually being helped by Battle Mage Carnus. The two of them really had to work on their own didn't they?

Timothy's gaze flitted towards the Half Elf on the opposite row and remembered Han's words. It was a tad annoying that he could recall them clearly in the back of his head, perhaps it was due to the fact that they were so annoying that he couldn't forget them. Han who both befriended the young Lord but also didn't hesitate in approaching the girl in the other row.

It was him who mentioned to Han that they could possibly ask help from Ellynn in learningperhaps she would be much more willing to do so and actually fulfill their word unlike Penelope. But it was supposed to be Han and not him who was supposed to talk to the Half Elf, what exactly could he say to her?

"Excuse me," He called out to them and watched the young woman visibly freeze in their seat. He inwardly sighed and cleared his throat, "Miss Ellynn? A moment of your time please?"

She stayed silent and didn't answer him.

That action solidified the belief he had within himself. Between him and Han, it was the latter who could make more friends easily and socialize with grace perhaps it was something that came naturally with heroes. The hero who would form a band of fighters and mages to battle against demons and dragonslike the stories he'd read in the books at Rockfall Village.

Until she pulled back her hood a bit and glanced at him with a hesitant look on her face, "Yes? Is there something I can do for you in exchange for you and your friend's help last night?"

Last night? His eyes widened before he tried to keep a straight face, of course she'd immediately hear of the rumors that would surround her her hearing was no doubt sharp. But why was she thanking them instead of actually being upset with it? Perhaps there was no use questioning it as he instead smiled, "Actually, there is something you could do for me. I'm not sure if you're willing to do this but do hear me out first, alright?"

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