Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 117: Make Pizza

Chapter 117: Make Pizza

"Of course, I'm excited! I'm also so curious about that food called pizza. What kind of bread will it taste later, yum..." Evelyn immediately got up and resisted the soft bed's gravity as if it was nothing for her.

She did a routine after waking up by stretching her body in a few light movements of this and that.

Elysia also got out of bed but just watched Evelyn do yoga-like movements while standing up. The girl who was doing some stretching puffed out her chest as she lifted her arms up and pulled her body back a little.

The pitiful pajamas, it was trying so hard to endure two bulging things because Evelyn was puffing out her chest regardless of her clothes' fate.

Elysia looked down at a part of her body that also had the same thing as Evelyn. She just touched the top of her chest with some relief. She still had a reasonable chest weight size.

However, when she looked back at Evelyn, who didn't care that she was being watched, Elysia accidentally saw Evelyn's status screen.

[| Lv. 22 | Apprentice Mage | Evelyn Mitchell | Female (16) | HP: 4,300 / 4,300 | EP: 2,200 / 2,200 |]

As soon as Elysia saw the information printed right beside Evelyn's head, only two words immediately came to her mind, level up! Evelyn had leveled up! No wonder she was so excited and not so weak when she just woke up.

"Eve, have you gone up to level 22?" Elysia asked on purpose.

"Em? Not yet. I'm still level 21, I guess. Is there something different from me that you ask that, Ely?" Evelyn finished her short stretches and turned to look at Elysia in confusion.

"Don't you feel that you're so excited this morning? I doubt it's just because we're going to make pizza. I can also feel your aura from my hunch that you seem to have leveled up. Try using this Luveeda and see what comes up." Elysia spoke as if she were a fake fortune teller and then picked up a device in the shape of a semi-transparent prism from the table near the bed.

Evelyn took Luveeda and touched on the only dark side at the top of the prism and channeled her magical energy a little.

[| Lv. 22 | Durability: 100% |]

The information appeared in an instant. It's the same as what Elysia said. She had leveled up!

"Wha... Whoa... Yay! I've finally leveled up! I'm level 22 now! Ely, you try to check too. Maybe we've leveled up." Evelyn returned the prism to Elysia with a level of happiness that had also taken to the next level.

A cute smile with a radiant facial expression as if Evelyn was telling the world that she was the happiest girl at the moment.

Elysia only followed her friend's wishes even though she knew she was still at the same level.

[| Lv. 21 | Durability: 100% |]

"Ah... Too bad, I'm still level 21. Huhu, sad, cry, tears. I've been left behind, and Eve has come a long way ahead." Elysia didn't forget a morning drama by wiping away the non-existent tears. Still, it was considered a statement and an opinion for Evelyn.

Evelyn immediately approached Elysia and slowly took her hand. The former looked at the latter's face with a smile but a caring expression.

"Don't worry or be sad, Ely. No matter how high I go up, I won't forget you. You will definitely level up. I only went up first, maybe because I was 16 years and two months old." Evelyn immediately offered words of encouragement to comfort a disappointed or sad heart.

"Sweet words." Elysia smiled with amusement because Evelyn didn't understand and seemed to take her fake expression for real.

"All right, let's make some pizza. We'll have some special pizza for breakfast."

"Un! Let's go!" Evelyn returned to the fantasy of pizza while cheering with delight. The two of them then walked towards the door of the room.

A white cat curled up on a soft sofa twitched her ears as if her radar and sensors had been triggered by something wondrous. Vanessa immediately got up and jumped to pursue her master. This morning was a big event that was impossible for her to miss.

"Ella isn't up yet?" Elysia looked around the room, but the girl who was supposed to be up early was nowhere to be seen.

"Let's wake her up. She was the most excited about pizza yesterday. Still, she hasn't woken up this morning. Her enthusiasm wears off just from sleeping." Evelyn shook her head slightly.

Elysia just accepted that, and she knocked on the door in front of her.

*knock* *knock*

Several knocks on the door sounded, but there was no response even after a moment.

"Looks like she slept so soundly. Shall we go in?"

"Yes, let's go in. Everyone is a girl. Ella would have no objection." Evelyn nodded and headed over to open the unlocked door, then the two of them rushed in without hesitation.

Sure enough, the girl with golden hair and a slightly more mature version of Evelyn was still curled up on the simple bed. Ella was still asleep with a faint smile while hugging her cuddle doll.

"Hmm? She didn't set the alarm... Nee, Ella, wake up. It's already a little past six. We're going to make pizza this morning, right?" Evelyn sat on the edge of the bed, then gave the sleeping girl a little shake.

"Umm... Mommy? Pizza?" Ella opened her eyes slowly. She saw the figure of a woman who woke her up as the wrong person because of her blurry vision.

"Ah, I'm not your mommy, Ella."

"Ahm, oh, it's you, Eve. Is it already morning? It's strange, I always wake up earlier than this..." Ella immediately sat on the bed and looked at the clock on the bedside table.

"Did you call your mother, by the name mommy? Changed?" Evelyn tilted her head slightly. Ella always said that her parents were father and mother, not father and mommy.

"Un, sometimes, if only we were in a private place." Ella nodded softly, then returned to focus on the things she had been waiting for yesterday. "Ah, yes! Pizza! Let's make it now!"

"Yay! Go-go pizza!"



Different responses from Evelyn, Elysia, and the white cat... But one thing was the same, they wanted pizza!

All of them came out of the room to enter the kitchen, which felt right for three people. After putting on the apron and preparing everything they needed on the kitchen table, they were ready to make pizza.

Making pizza dough was similar to flatbread dough, but with the added yeast in it. What made pizza so special was not only the bread dough that was kneaded... But also the sauce and toppings that could be adjusted according to taste.

Four flat pizza doughs in a circle shape were ready on the table, but there was no sauce and toppings that need to be added there, just flat dough.

"En, the bread part is ready. What sauce will we make? For the topping, it's up to you." Elysia rubbed her hands together to get rid of the flour stuck to her palms.

"Um, we don't know what's best for pizza sauce. You decide for us, Ely." Ella smiled happily. She also sent Evelyn momentarily eye contact as if to say an invitation.

"Oh, yes. You decide, Ely. We just need to adjust the topping to our taste on our own pizza." Evelyn nodded repeatedly.

"Err, of course. Exquisite Pizza Sauce is coming soon and becomes the honored guest of the baker." Elysia turned on the stove to make the desired sauce.

A special sauce with a slightly altered recipe because not all ingredients from the Earth could be found in this world, and everything was not in this kitchen either. Tomatoes, three types of mandatory onions, salt, pepper, chilies, and cheese were definitely there. The rest was added just for the taste that would kick the appetite.

The fragrant scent that made two girls and a cat drool quickly filled the room. It was fortunate that they were so good at keeping themselves up and didn't actually drool, but not for the cat. Vanessa repeatedly wiped her little droll with her little paw.

"Um, yummy, pizza sauce ready. Pour, sprinkle, and spread. The best balance, not too much~" Elysia spoke as if humming as she added four pizza doughs with Exquisite Pizza Sauce.

"Ah, so this is a new version of the bread. But we're not done yet." Ella nodded and agreed with this scent. It must taste good.

"Uah, now somehow the pizza looks like strawberry pie." Evelyn saw pizza dough with a red sauce like the pie she had ever eaten.

"Now, only the toppings are not there. Please add your own according to your own taste. Eggs, meat, sausages, cheese, and many more. Make your own creations." Elysia put the wok back on the stove and washed her hands in the sink. She returned with clean hands.




Two girls and a cat also took their pizza toppings along with Elysia. They chose what was already provided on the table. They could also take it from a storage cupboard like a refrigerator.

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