Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 98: A Prelude to War

Chapter 98: A Prelude to War

“Arise,” Lord Sinwen commanded.

Astrid stepped to the side as from the darkened shadows within the room, soldiers rose up as if they ascended from an abyss-like crypt.

Seven soldiers all wearing black, slender leather armour with hoods and a cloak to match saluted to their lord.

“My lord, we couldn’t detect any intruder.” One man stood forward. His voice almost seemed to blend into the darkness along with his cloak. It was fleeting, and the words were difficult to grasp.

“They have a skill that I have never seen before,” he continued. “It pierced our veil undetected and allowed them to get close.”

Lord Sinwen nodded.

It seems he knows that the assassin has already vacated the premises, just what level does one need to be to reach that level? To escape the grasp of my father… Astrid chewed on her lip.

It was a brutal reminder that she still had so much to work on. There were too many threats in the world to take the easy route that others usually took. To slowly and methodically level on the ocean, grinding monsters, and the same went for down in the villages and towns.

Others may say that she is being too hasty, and that it would be dangerous, but she thought the opposite. Not levelling the quickest way was a danger to oneself. It was only a matter of time before one met with an enemy that they couldn’t face. An enemy that could slaughter them. But what if they had taken the risk before and levelled faster?

The same enemy might not pose a threat.

It was a double edged sword, but it was one Astrid was willing to use.

“Send out the information users,” Lord Sinwen said. “I want every action of theirs under close scrutiny and find the position of Pirate King Darcey. I want blood.”

“Yes, my lord.” The unknown hooded man said.

With the command received, they sank back into the shadows.

Astrid looked at them in amazement, she had heard about the secret shadow team under her father’s command, but she had never laid eyes on them until now.

She opened up her Psych Domain and instantly flicked to the dark matter sight. It was as she thought. With the original matter, she couldn’t see a thing. But with now having dark matter sight, she was able to make out the faint energy fluctuations with skills. Although it used far more mana to upkeep the sight than normal.

It just looked like a black pool of dots in her vision, until they disappeared entirely. She was curious if she had Psych Domina activated when the assassin was eavesdropping if she could detect him.

However, even her father hadn’t managed to detect them until the last second, so Astrid didn’t hold much hope.

Whatever skill the assassin used must have been like the camouflaged alligators back in the swamp town.

“What now?” Astrid asked. “Wasn’t that a declaration of war?”

“War?” Lord Sinwen contemplated. “You know nothing of war, Astrid. Even if they attacked me personally, I still couldn’t act against the noble families without concrete evidence. Even then, it would be very difficult. Although the attackers themselves would perish.”

Lord Sinwen wiped a layer of dust from his table.

“My favourite table,” he mumbled.

“Why?” Astrid stepped forward. “Why can’t you just put them all in their spot, tear them down.”

Rushed footsteps battered the floorboards, and a beautiful woman in a long flowing dress entered the room like a storm.

“Mother,” Astrid said.

Eli rushed forward and embraced her. She was about to talk when Lord Sinwen opened his mouth.

“Take a step back and think for yourself,” Lord Sinwen said. “Why can’t I just kill everyone on a whim?”

Astrid took a deep breath. She knew the reason, she just got caught up in her own wild thoughts for a moment.

“It would cause chaos, order would fall,” Astrid said.

“And that’s something we can’t have,” Lord Sinwen continued. “Even if I was to kill everyone, who would help run the ship? The nobles are nobles for a reason. Their advanced classes are the reason this ship is still running.”

“Besides.” Lord Sinwen smirked. “Killing is bad.”

“Oh yeah, totally.” Astrid grinned. “Do you need any help?”

Lord Sinwen shook his head. “Even I don’t know who it could be, although I do have my suspicions.”

“Like the Forsythes?” Astrid asked.

They must have the highest level of Assassin class users on Rebirth. Astrid thought.

Eli said, “it’s a possibility. There are few assassins that could reach the level needed to get so close to us without being detected.”

Astrid picked up another mass of matter approaching, and soon enough, the image of Freya entered. Her usual smile was replaced with a grim visage.

“Surveillance has long been constructed around the Forsythes, Olsens, Slaters, and the Fraziers.” Freya said. “There has been no movement from any of them.”

“Information sure does travel fast,” Astrid said in wonder.

“We all have our own strengths, Astrid.” Freya grabbed her hand. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Astrid said. “It seems they were wanting the true details of my story.”

“A class upgrade is something that everyone in this world would covet,” Freya said. “Although there is doubt whether or not you received it, we will need to be very careful.”

“You’re not here just for the assassin, are you, Freya?” Lord Sinwen asked.

“No, I have unwavering confidence you are able to repel that threat, my lord,” Freya said as a matter of fact. “No, I rushed for Astrid as soon as I received word about the mission.”

“Information really travels fast.” Astrid sighed.

Freya gazed at Astrid.

“If you are intending to form your own team and travel the oceans, then you would be sailing to your death. There are far too many threats right now. Masked Terrorists, increasingly daring pirates, nobles wanting to pry information from you,” Freya warned. “But, you don’t have to worry. I will obscure any and all information regarding your missions to the world so that you can gather strength without worry.”

“That’s possible?” Astrid asked.

“It’s not easy, but yes.” Freya admitted.

“Why?” Astrid said. “No doubt that would eat up many of your resources?”

“Because we are family,” Freya said. “Silly girl, don’t you remember me having to change your own diapers when you ran away from your nannies?”

Astrid’s face turned scarlet as she looked around the room. Everyone held reminiscing smiles as they gazed at her. She relented and nodded her head.

“It seems like I need my own information class users,” Astrid pouted.

“No doubt you’ll be asking for Daniel and the others?” Lord Sinwen said.

Astrid said, “if they’ll want to join me anyway, you know, being under your command and all.”

“You would have to ask them,” Lord Sinwen said. “They are free to make their own decisions.”

An awkward silence filled the littered room.

“Then, is there anything about the mission you wanted to know?” Astrid said.

“Your class upgrade," Lord Sinwen paused. "Keep your skills a secret for now, although no doubt the truth will be revealed shortly. Right now they only have suspicion, don't give them cause. The class upgrade wasn't just a system upgrade, was it?"

Astrid shook her head. Right now the Shadow Corps are guarding, there is no reason to hide it from my family.

"It was what the masked terrorists were after," Astrid said. "The black unknown life-form attached itself to me, just like my awakening. It's clear to me now that they have an understanding of what they are capable of."

The other's faces turned serious.

"Well for now, it's obviously not harmful to you. If anything goes wrong, let me know immediately," Lord Sinwen said. "And if you happen to find another, and if you can't secure it, destroy it without a second thought."

"I will," Astrid agreed. "To stop the masked individuals getting their hands on it?"

Lord Sinwen nodded.

"I'll do as you ask," Astrid assented. "Anything else?

"Just don’t get yourself killed out there," Lord Sinwen said. "I may not be there like last time.”

“Don’t worry father,” Astrid looked into her father’s eyes. “It won’t be long before I have surpassed you.”

“I look forward to the day, my daughter.”

Astrid and Lord Sinwen fidgeted with their feet on the ground. Astrid felt a force on her back that shoved her forward.

Her face squished against her fathers broad chest and sense of security that she hadn’t felt in so long overwhelmed her. She wrapped her arms around his midsection. Although she was a powerful Psychokinetic, Astrid was still but a child that longed for familial warmth.

Lord Sinwen’s arms hovered for a minute, unsure of what to do.

“Hug her,” Eli said, “you damned oaf.”

At the scolding, Lord Sinwen lightly placed his hands on his daughters back. The touch was so delicate, he was afraid of hurting her even slightly.

“Alright Leena.” Astrid let go of the hug with a satisfied smile. “Let's find Daniel and the others.”

“No doubt they are hidden within a pub, drinking away, my lady.” Leena wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, as did Eli.

Astrid wryly shook her head at their actions. It was a good guess, though. Especially Rachelle. It was a guarantee she was getting drunk to the point of casting fireballs everywhere. Following the temperature was a good plan of action, but Freya spoke.

“They are within the Old World Pub down in the Lower District,” Freya said.

“Information class users, I take it?” Astrid asked.

Freya smirked. “Something like that.”

“Well, be safe everyone,” Astrid said and left the room.

As they walked down the halls of the Sinwen manor, her thoughts turned to Daniel and the others. Would they give up the steady paycheck of being a Wayfarer to risk life out in the open with her and Leena?

Words flashed into her mind, but she was unsure of how to convince them. Astrid had also decided to tell them the truth. That there may come a day when she would be in danger from the nobles. If it even is them, that is.


In a dimly lit room, the only source of light was a few twinkling joss sticks.

A group of immaculately dressed men and women all sat in magnificent high-back seats situated around a pit.

Their outfits differed from one another, but not overly so. Most of the styles were the same.

The men wore finely tailored three-piece suits. Some had fine velvet, whereas others had exquisitely crafted cotton.

Some of them had pocket squares with hand crafted handkerchiefs, while others omitted them entirely. Some were slender, others were rotund, their suits struggled to contain their stomachs despite the best efforts of their personal tailors.

The women wore dresses of various styles. Like the eastern style from the far east of Ruitera, where the dress was bundled up at the back and shining hair pins finished the outfit. Whereas other women wore tight, flattering dresses. Or long flowing dresses of differing materials.

They all differed in one way or another, apart from the gas masks that were attached to all of their faces.

The smoke from the joss stocks was overpowering and wafted all throughout the room, and into the pit down below.

Two men were laying naked in the dirt. They seemed to be sleeping, until the smoke squirmed into their nostrils and made itself down into their lungs.

They coughed and sputtered until their eyes turned bloodshot, and a primal bloodlust pervaded their minds.

The two men shot forward and began tearing into each other. Dark red liquid and the overpowering stench of copper mixed in with the bitter scent from the joss stick. Limbs flew and crashed onto the floor as the masked men and women cheered.

“Ghost failed?” A woman said, as she was shrouded in the thick smoke, just like everyone else.

“Well, it was a hopeful pursuit,” A man said. “Seems like Lord Sinwen hasn’t lost his senses after so long, after all.”

“And what if we had lost Ghost?”

“There will always be another mutt to use,” he continued. “Ah, it looks like my bet was right. Wayfarers hold a strange sense of strong will, don’t they?”

A man stood in the pit heaving air into his lungs, but it was only making him crazier. He was missing an arm and scratches marks and sliced into his skin.

The man in the gas mask clicked his fingers and the Wayfarer’s head was eviscerated into a blood mist.

“I’m getting bored.” The man sighed. “Those masked individuals get to have fun, why not us as well?”

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