Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 87: Pupil

Chapter 87: Pupil

Fuck!—Yeah, fuck!

That’s a bad word. Astrid rebuked the voice within her mind. So can you talk freely now?

I can! I’ve wanted to for so long, but something kept on restricting me. Although, now it can’t!

The System… I thought you were my System?

I don’t know what that is!

Astrid wondered if it was because the black blob was too young. If it didn’t know what the System was, then it obviously wasn’t some omnipotent being, unlike Goddess Iara.

And you gave me my class?

Hmm, it’s hard to explain, but I think so?

What’s so difficult about it?

The voice paused. I don’t know how to explain it; I don’t have the information, but it’s… instincts I guess? I am only a guide. If the host truly didn’t want to walk on this path, then I would die. I think? It’s just a feeling.

Can you tell me about your origin? Astrid clenched her hands. It was the one thing she wanted to know.

I’m sorry Astrid, I don’t know. The voice said. It sounded sad in her mind. When I woke up, I was falling through the darkness for so long. It was so lonely, but then I felt you calling out to me and I was so happy!

I called out to you? Astrid thought in confusion. She couldn’t remember doing anything like that.

Yes, you seemed really friendly and warm. I… wanted to be friends with you.

Did it have something to do with her bloodline maybe? Just as that thought entered her mind, it was as if a lightbulb hack flicked on within her head.

If nobles were the ones to have the best classes because of their bloodline, did it have something to do with the black blobs? Were they chosen? They may not have one like her, but what if they had somehow assimilated into the bloodline over time?

That would mean at one point in time, the first Sinwen ancestor had combined with a black blob for the Magic Swordsman class.

But as she thought about it more, it seemed unreasonable. Well, the possibility was there, but it was hard to believe. That would mean the entirety of history was re-written and that Goddess Iara didn’t exist.

She would let her father know when she gets back. Astrid shook away from the thoughts.

What is your name?

I don’t have one. It sounded sad again, before quickly perking up in excitement. Oh, can you name me, Astrid? Pretty please!

Astrid thought for a second, before calling out the first thing that jumped to her mind.

Pupil. I’ll name you Pupil. Astrid thought with a smile.

Pupil? I like it!

Astrid could imagine the black blob dancing around within her mind.

What about the other one? Voidmare. Astrid asked.

Ah, it’s still really young. Right now it’s just copying me and so annoying!

Right… Astrid sighed.

Astrid was taking it all really well with the fact an alien lifeform was talking so casually within her mind. Although, through all her magical powers, it hardly seemed unrealistic.

When one could enter Mind Domains, and had psychic enhanced dreams, it was easy to acclimatise to such strange events.

With her curiosity quelled, she moved on to the System. With the amount of messages popping up within her mind, she could only imagine the awesomeness that was awaiting her!

She couldn’t wait any longer as excitement gripped her heart, it was time to check the Legendary Class Skill!

You have met the conditions for - Psychokinesis Upgrade.

| Reach 500 Intelligence.

| Solo clear an undiscovered dungeon.

| Gain insight into matter alteration.

Psychokinesis -> Omni-Kinesis

Omni-Kinesis: You have learnt the basics of altering your body with matter. You can now alter your very being with matter control. Physical might scales off intelligence.

Omni-Kinesis, just what I wanted! Astrid jumped on the spot. She still remembered the feeling of overwhelming strength coursing through her body as she beat that warrior in hand-to-hand combat.

She immediately tested it out. Strength surged through her body like a tidal wave. It was hard to tell how much strength she had exactly. Was it a whole five-hundred points because of her intelligence stat? Or was it filtered somewhat? It was hard to gauge it without practical experience.

Despite that, she slammed her foot into the ground, and the tiles cracked under the pressure. Astrid nodded in satisfaction.

Legendary Class - Voidmare: The Voidmare uses the power of the void and alters reality to their whim. This class is an evolved illusion based class.

Rare Active Skill Gained - Void Storage: Open up a void within the palm of your hand and swallow objects. Nothing can remain alive within the void. Taking projectiles with force may destroy you from within. Size of the storage scales off Intelligence.

Astrid immediately willed it within her palm through pure instinct. A flat surface of purple, black, and shimmering white-gold stars spun around in a languid vortex.

She formed a knife in the other hand and placed it within. Immediately, she felt like it added something to her consciousness as her mind followed it.

It was just a small space, not much bigger than a common sized wardrobe. But if it scaled with intelligence, then it would continue to grow. She guessed that there would most likely be a size-upgrade or something similar once she evolved it to the next stage.

But skills that weren’t related to combat were a pain to level up, something that the production class users knew all too well.

She moved onto the next skill.

Epic Passive Skill Gained - Void Graviton: Anything that approaches within a certain distance will slow down.

Astrid switched it on. It was just like her Mind Barrier, impossible to see from the naked eye.

She controlled a piece of illusionary rubble towards her and as it neared her body, it slowed noticeably.

It would be very beneficial against warriors, or assassins that got too close. Or it might even be of use when she fights hand-to-hand if the opportunity arises.

Legendary Passive Skill Gained - Eye of the Void: An ancient eye of unknown origin slumbers within you. When inside the users skull, it grants a large magical strength boost to your psychic skills. Activate it to send it outward. Focus on it, and you can see what it can see.

Astrid connected to it, and without thinking, commanded it outward. A feverish whirlwind of pain tugged at her eye. Her right eye tore out of its socket. Strangely, there was no blood.

She held her face and gazed at the strange eye that looked back at her. Just like the Void Storage, and the other eye that she had consumed, an abyss-like galaxy swirled within it. Focusing on it, her vision changed.

Astrid was looking at herself. She moved it around for a bit, getting used to the control. It was just like moving objects with Psychokinesis. She recalled it, and she felt her mana power up.

Astrid willed a [Crash] through the air, and it was far greater than ever before. It obliterated the air and sent a cascading surge of air that blasted her low strength body off her feet. She quickly levitated and landed back down.

The magical strength increase is huge. Astrid gawked at the new power and quickly moved on to the next.

Legendary Active Skill Gained - Disintegration: Break down the matter of any object, and anything that is dead.

Astrid created another knife. Then, with the thought of Disintegration, it slowly broke down until nothing was left. Not even dust, or any remnants of mana.

She couldn’t understand why it was a Legendary ability, but she guessed that once she evolved it to the peak. It would become frightening. Just the possibility of disintegrating her enemies mid-combat filled her with a joy that was hard to describe.

Then, only one more message arrived.

The Voidmare dungeon has been conquered.

Returning user to the entrance gateway in - 11 hours.

The sudden words caused her to take a breath. That meant she had an entire eleven hours left of constant levelling.

With the increased power, and with more layers of defence, she was confident of reaching further towards the chaotic mana field.

If her newly gained Void Graviton field could not help her with gaining control of a close range fight, then she would rely on her matter enhanced body.

She would always rely on her mid range powerhouse ability [Crash] and the utility/misdirection of her illusions. But now she needed something else.

With a grin, metal formed within her palm. Unlike the knife, it grew longer until eventually the form of a strong looking two-handed sword weighed down on her hand. With another sudden flash of inspiration, she approached a vein of Voidbent metal ore.

Astrid placed her hand on it and activated Psych Warp once more. She could feel a strange form of connection, but nothing happened.

She scrunched her brows, then placed the metal sword onto the ore. With her palm covering both the blade and the metal, she activated her ability again. This time, there was a reaction. It connected against the metallic blade, then seeped into it like liquid metal.

Soon, it covered the entire blade. She held it up, and it looked exactly like the refined Voidbent metal she had seen before.

Level 70 - Crude Voidbent Sword: Created from a low level of control by a mage class.

Crude… basic… Astrid spat.

She attempted it many times, until she finally created one of higher quality.

Level 75 - Basic Voidbent Sword: Created from a basic level of control by a mage class.

| 20 added Intelligence.

| 15 added Strength.

| 10 added constitution.

| Voidbent: Unable to be broken.

That’s a little better. Astrid said in embarrassment.

It was incredibly tough on the mind to control a high grade metal and combine it with her Psych Warp creation. She needed a lot more practice to make something of meaningful quality. Maybe starting so high wasn’t a good idea.

It was time to move.

Returning user to the entrance gateway in - twenty seconds.

Astrid’s chest violently rose up and down. Her sword was bloodied, and a trail of a thousand corpses were left behind her.

Thanks to her complete dark-vision, the void opened up its expanse to her sight.

The sky twinkled just like the void vortex within her palm. She could feel the mana storm bashing against her Mana Barrier. It was quickly tearing away at it, as it screamed in protest at every step she took forward.

Returning user to the entrance gateway in - ten seconds.

There were no more monsters within the area. Not that they were all dead, but none clearly wanted to be within the vicinity of the raging mana torrent.

It was then that the mana storm stopped without warning. An enormous hole appeared.

There was no sound. It was as if a field that erased any of its existence formed. Astrid could only hear a faint buzzing from within.

Something moved. It raised out of the hole slowly. Astrid followed along. She craned her neck as the humanoid reached far beyond HMS Rebirth’s height. It was like a never ending mountain.

It reminded her of a face, but it was void of any discernible features. It was just like a blank canvas. No hair, no ears, no mouth, or ears.

But it had eyes, or so she could guess, from the eyelids that were glued shut from a dense layer of ice. One eye looked to be hollow, as it missed the bump.

Astrid’s right eye stung as everything faded to a bright white.

Returning the user to the entrance gateway.

Astrid opened her eyes. The party was missing. Blood spots had darkened the cave’s earth. She could only tell because of her darkvision, and the iron-copper tang that accompanied it.

Something glimmered within the dark cave. She brought it closer and looked at it.

It was the badge of Sinwen.

Leena. Astrid clenched her hand.

The badge dug into her flesh and blood seeped down and dripped onto the cave’s floor. Her hair violently rose into the air.

Astrid peered down the cave’s passageways. The eye on her left was marked with an eerie X, and the one on her right was filled with a swirling void.

Your Sadness has reached 32/100

Your Sadness has reached 03/100


Your Anger has reached 32/100

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