Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 62: The Brewer's Skills

Chapter 62: The Brewer's Skills

Astrid patiently awaited her turn. She had watched everyone’s faces turn to pleasure. Once or twice, she could chalk it up to someone's preference, but when it was literally everybody that universally savoured it as if it was honeyed nectar, she needed to try it for herself.

It was finally her turn. Charlotte had said that it can only be poured one at a time as the barrel needed time to rest before each pour. Astrid didn’t really understand, but she doubted the woman would lie to her. Charlotte poured the drink for her in a fresh glass. It was smooth and curved. It had an elegance that reminded her of the cups back in the Noble District.

As the liquid hit the bottom of the glass, golden flecks spiraled within the clear liquid. Usually, most drinks had particles within, but not this one. It was as clear as a divine lake, not a spec of impurity was to be found.

Astrid grabbed the cup. Everyone gazed at her, giving her a knowing look as she placed the glass to her lips and tipped the ale into her mouth. She frowned. Not because it tasted bad, or good, but it was the lack of taste. It just reminded her of the filtered water she was used to.

What is everyone getting so excited about? Astrid thought rather dejectedly. Maybe she didn’t have the taste buds for it? Maybe altering the matter within her body at the auction had somehow demolished her sense of taste? Now she was panicking.

Oh goddess, no taste? I’d rather die. No longer will I be able to taste my mother's heavenly pastries. Or the pastries of the baker, Garret. Not the pastries, anything but the pastries. Astrid sniffled back her tears and finally swallowed the tasteless drink. A sudden intense heat clung to the walls of her throat like a furnace, then all at once, a sweet cooling honey replaced the searing heat as it fell all the way down her throat and into her stomach.

However, it didn’t end there. As it rested at the bottom of her stomach, the cooling sensation travelled back up and sent an intense buzz into her mind that forced a smile onto her face. She sat up straight and gazed at the drink.

You have consumed an Epic beverage - level 50 - Revitalising Spirit

For three hours you are granted:

| +20 intelligence.

| +20 wisdom.

| +15 constitution.

| +10 dexterity.

| Instantly regenerates all mana.

| +15% increased focus when using magic.

Incredible, but I don’t have any channelling abilities to use? Astrid’s thoughts cut through the giddiness that attempted to latch onto her mind. She tried to think of what it would help, but she couldn’t exactly test out her abilities here. With three hours there should be enough time to test out her Skills and see what focus helps with.

“It’s amazing.” Astrid praised.

“Thank you for the kind words.” Charlotte clenched her hands together in excitement.

“Does it take long to make?” Gloria said with hazed eyes. “Can I buy some?” It looked like her intelligence wasn’t enough to counteract the potent alcohol as her petite shoulders swayed.

“It takes around one month to make a batch,” Charlotte admitted. “And the ingredients are difficult to come by. I’m afraid I’m not in a position to sell it quite yet.”

“She’s a perfectionist.” Maggie placed her arm around Charlotte's waist.

Charlotte leaned into Maggie’s embrace. “I want to strive for excellence. If I can improve it even further, it may be of great help to the mages around Rebirth. Especially with threats looming in the darkness, every little will help.”

Astrid nodded, and the others agreed. They had witnessed it firsthand. The day the Leviathan appeared would be a day they would remember for the rest of their lives. It was a grim reminder that it held a dagger to their back in plain sight.

Astrid used Identify on Charlotte. If the level fifty beverage was her special brew, then that surely meant that she was around that level… Astrid’s level.

Level ??? - Charlotte - Class: Brewer

She’s in the hundreds? But isn’t that her best work yet? And the Brewer class… Astrid scraped the recess of her mind for information. If she remembered correctly, then the Brewer class was an evolution of the Alchemist Class. Where the alchemist focused on creating potions like mana, health, and stamina concoctions, the Brewer… brewed things. From ale to spirits, they could provide powerful buffs, but it also had a drawback. Class made alcohol brought debuffs like taking away points of a certain stat, or making one dizzy and nauseous. If one drank an over leveled ale, then there have even been cases of one losing their mind.

“Your level doesn’t match the beverage?” Astrid asked.

“That’s right,” Charlotte said, ”I purposefully lowered the level so that most Wayfarers until level one-hundred could enjoy the benefits. Although once I’ve fixed up some ingredients and changed some of the process, the level will be raised higher.”

“So that it can help more people?” Froderick said.

“It’s like giving an army of archers' arrows," Josh nodded. "Instead of an elite few, better, higher quality arrows.”

“Yes, but the army of archers will be given the higher quality arrows,” Charlotte said. "Instead of just a few."

Astrid could see the aspiration flitting within her eyes. It was a strange thing to think about. A woman wanting to make the world a better place with alcohol. Just the thought made Astrid giggle, but more than that, her resolve impressed her. Astrid was the same. Charlotte had things she wanted to protect, and she would do it in her own way.

That’s right, there are always other ways than just fighting, like Freya and how she builds influence and money… Maybe I should do the same. A flash of inspiration sent Astrid into her thoughts. Strength and levels weren’t the only way. After all it would be an arduous and long journey to reach the heights of the greatest warriors of Rebirth. But she didn’t even know where to start with all of that. The thought of sucking up to the higher nobles sent a shiver down her spine. Or not… Astrid shook her head. She decided to focus on one thing at a time, the thing she was good at. Eyeball pulling.

“So who do you think those robed murderers are?” Nick asked the experienced Wayfarers.

“And where did they come from?” Mina added.

“No point looking at us.” Brett crossed his arms. “Ain’t got a clue.”

“Th–that’s just because you refuse to think, stupid.” Rachelle giggled.

“I hate when you’re drunk." Brett sighed. "I can’t even argue with you properly.”

“What? Why not?” Rachelle placed her finger on his lips. “Shh, stop talking.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Brett mumbled, then moved his head to the side.

“Where did they come from? Good question,” Daniel said. “No doubt the higher-ups are working up a steam trying to dig into their past. And if any evidence points to the Lower District, then it will truly become a shit show.”

Those from the Lower District frowned. They could only imagine what would happen if they were suspected of holding the robed criminals. The entire District would be turned upside down. All the people would be treated as criminals. It wouldn’t be the first time for it to happen, either. When it came to the Lower District, the higher ups were quite thorough.

“They could be hidden in plain sight.” Mina glanced around at the other people that were absorbed within their drinks.

“Or they might not even be from here,” Lisa said.

Astrid and Lisa gazed at each other. The events back in the auction house were unspoken as of yet. Lisa put Astrid’s mind to ease with a gentle nod.

“You think they’re hiding within one of the survivor colonies?” Maggie asked.

“Could be, I mean, how many of them are we even aware of?” Lisa said. “There could easily be hundreds that we have no chance of knowing. There are plenty of areas around Ruitera that Rebirth refuses to travel. Like the Dead Seas being one of them.”

“The Dead Seas,” Froderick shivered.

Astrid had heard of the Dead Seas. It was an area that was so deep that it was impossible to travel down without some sort of pressure suit, and a wall of mist separated it from the surroundings. Although it was forever ago that Rebirth had wandered in that direction. For good reason. It was an area so dense with sea monsters that it was suicide to approach. Some even say that a monster that rivals the Leviathan slumbers deep within the seafloor. Lurking, waiting for any Seafarer that is brave, or stupid enough to challenge the deathly waters. Maybe they were from there? Astrid thought, but it was impossible. No human life could live there without being immediately ripped apart.

“Yeah, it would be impossible for them to be there,” Brett said as a matter of fact. “Then what about one of the Bubbled Towns down below?”

The others thought for a minute before nodding.

“You know, that kinda makes sense,” Daniel said. “Who would have thought? Brett’s capable of using his head. Charlotte, another ale, this is a cause for celebration!”

“Ass,” Brett scoffed. “But another ale can’t hurt.”

“Talking about the robed men.” Josh turned to Astrid. “I heard you fought one of them off?”

“I did,” Astrid said.

“What was it like?” Nick perked up on his stool. “Were they strong?”

“You’re always so curious.” Astrid smirked. “They’re very strong. If it wasn’t for my skill, I would have most likely been crushed into a meat paste.”

“The same skill from our first mission?” Nick said.

“The same one,” Astrid admitted.

Nick, Gloria, Josh, and Froderick all looked at each other as they nodded.

“I feel bad for your opponent.” Nick took a swig of his ale. “Bet when he was running away with his tail tucked between his legs he felt mighty shameful that a sixteen-year-old girl beat him to a pulp.”

“Killed.” Astrid took a nervous sip.

“Killed?” Nick looked in shock.

Astrid could feel her heart race. There was no guilt at having taken a life. It was necessary; it was kill or be killed. Her father had taught her since young. It was in her blood to take life whenever she was forced to do so. No, it was the thought that her friends would abandon her. Would they view her as a monster? Just like the eyes she received back when she first killed that orc with her overload ability. It was a look of fear.

“Are you okay?” Mina placed her hand on Astrid’s arm. The warmth sent a jolt through her body. She gazed at Mina as tears threatened to escape her eyes.

“I am now,” Astrid flashed a sweet smile. It was like a stone was lodged in her throat. With a gulp, it was gone.

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