Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 55: Anger 3/4

Chapter 55: Anger 3/4

Astrid watched as numerous items were put through Samuel’s test, he displayed the effects of each item and their quality by testing them himself, and showing it to the crowd. Although she was never never good with money, admittedly, she never had a use for learning how to use money so her understanding of what things cost was warped. Yet the prices the dungeon items were going for still surprised her.

It was especially so when an Epic necklace appeared. It was level one-hundred and fifty, and the stat increases were enough to make one's eyes water. It also had the effect of increasing one's control and damage of lightning. It was the most destructive of the elements, and with the world being all water, it was a Class that held a lot of weight within HMS Rebirth.

Astrid remembered when she was little, her father had taken her to the ship's edge. He stuck his hand forward, and a massive bolt of lightning fell through the clouds and cracked against the turbulent waves. What was left was a blanket of Spawn corpses. That display was still branded into her memories. She had the thought of buying it for her father, but with the exorbitant prices that it reached in mere seconds, she gave up with the idea in haste.

She was also shocked by Freya, any rare or uncommon equipment that took her fancy, she bought it without thinking. Her wooden paddle was repeatedly raised in the air and Astrid wondered where all the money came from. Was it saved up? Or maybe she wasn’t always going on shopping trips with her friends? It was another thing that confused her about Freya.

Astrid wondered if she was just childish and judged her differently because Freya was, well, different. She was never interested in swords, or fighting like most of the Sinwens. Instead, she spent her time with her head in her books and often went out with her friends of the high nobility caste. Astrid always thought she was wasting her time, but it seemed she was wrong.

She recalled Freya's eyes when she was bidding on the dungeon items. They were fierce and held no remorse, and after having Florrie and the others play around with the prices before, it was clear to Astrid there was different levels between them. Every moment that an item was contested by Florrie, Freya would hike the price up to perfection.

It bordered the line of being too expensive, and affordable. But it was clear Florrie's funds were drying up. She no longer battled with Freya as Astrid's cousin seemed to be able to read Florrie's mind. Astrid chuckled at the squirming mass of matter within the neighboring room.

Freya had obtained the metal at the beginning, the GhostWalker sword that Astrid wanted for Daniel, and three other pieces of equipment. The best one among them was an Epic pair of arm guards that held a projecting barrier skill enchantment. Samuel had displayed the effect of the barrier. Unlike Astrid’s, it could endure a serious amount of damage. An amount of damage that would split Astrid’s mind asunder. Samuel used his only his fist, but even that inspired awe, and fear, into her heart.

Just that punch made one thing clear to Astrid, he was far stronger than even Leo, Henry, or Daniel. She wondered if he approached level two-hundred? Or maybe even passed it? She had heard a lot about Samuel, even meeting him once or twice on the streets. He acted like a good man, but Astrid could tell from the look hidden within his eyes. He held a wild side. Astrid could feel it, a feeling of similarity. She had heard that he travelled down into the Bubbled towns now and then, but it was strange there were no rumours about his strength.

She glanced at the warriors in black and red and the thought finally came clear. It must have been because he travelled down with only his own men, so there were no rumours to be spread.

He’s stronger than Kaylan? Astrid nodded, it was probably the case. Although it wasn’t really a fair comparison as they were in different age groups.

Next up was an item that attracted Astrid. Not because of the appearance, as it was just an unassuming golden ring, but because of the words that left Samuel's mouth.

“Epic - Magite ring of the Psychokinetic, level eighty.” Samuel said.

Astrid’s eyes widened, as did the others within the hall but for completely different reasons. For Astrid, it was exciting. While the others looked at each other in confusion. The Psychokinetic class was a mystery, few had even heard of it and if they did it was because they had researched deeply into the branch Classes.

“You want it?” Freya whispered.

“It will be too expensive, and if we start, so will they.” Astrid frowned as she nudged her head towards Florrie and the others.

“Doesn’t bother me, they can raise the price as much as they want.” Freya raised her head.

“Then, I’ll pay you back.” Astrid swore.

“Do what you must.” Freya chuckled.

Samuel began talking again, and Astrid’s hopes of people not bidding because it was an unusual item was dashed. “The Psychokinetic Class is of Psychic origin. The Science Class users will have a deeper understanding but they can control the matter around the world. Now I know what most of you are thinking, what the hell is matter?” Samuel chuckled.

“Matter surrounds us all. It comprises everything in this world. Psychokinetic's can push, and pull. Destroy and create. A marvellous, legendary rank class rarely seen within history. Interested?” Samuel spread his arms creating a grand atmosphere within the hall.

The price quickly rose, but Astrid sighed in relief when few people were buying it. After all, how many others held the Psychokinetic class? None. So the only people vying for it were the top nobles simply to have it in their collection. When the price reached a certain point, they stopped. They could tell that it wasn’t worth it to pursue such a useless item to them.

And that’s where Freya entered. She raised her paddle and to Astrid’s surprise, someone else joined in down within the lower recess of the auction. Astrid glanced down, where she saw Lisa biting her lips. A warmth filled Astrid.

Is she vying for it because of its Psychic origin? Astrid knew that she didn't know what her class actually was, after all, she had never told them exactly what it was.

Astrid sent an illusion of a little finger that pointed up to her VIP box. Lisa turned, and Astrid waved. With a smiling nod, Lisa no longer vied for the item, instead she let Freya go on.

She wanted to get the item for me. A giddiness welled up within her that was swiftly thwarted by another raising of the price.

Florrie, hasn't she learnt her lesson? Astrid fumed.

Your Anger has reached 85/100.

Astrid’s hand trembled, but soon they gave up and Freya got the item. Thankfully, as far as Epic pieces of equipment went, it was on the cheap side, even with the price inflation from Florrie and the others.

Another piece of strength obtained, my debt to Freya increases even further. Astrid thought as another item appeared. She noticed Lisa sit forward in her seat as it had taken hold of her attention.

A silver chain that was worn out in spots, it looked like it was going to break at any moment, but Astrid knew exactly how strong it was. The Chain of the Eternal Jailer. It was an item that shocked Astrid when she had seen it. The sight of Rob taking that massive hit directly to his body as he remained completely unarmed, instead the damage had transmitted to the attacker. The bloody sight had branded itself into her thoughts.

From the expressions of the people down in the hall, and the sudden movements of the nobles within their VIP boxes, it seemed to be a highly contested item. The price rose starting from one-thousand gold, shooting past the ten-thousand mark in the blink of an eye. Astrid’s hopes of achieving the piece of equipment were dashed.

She glanced at Freya, but she shook her head. Astrid could only assent. What shocked her even more was the sight of Lisa raising her paddle.

Does Lisa have that much money? Is she using all their funds to acquire it? Astrid sadly had little hope for Lisa, there was no way she could have saved up enough money to battle the nobles in a war of gold. Soon, the price stopped at a mouth watering price of twenty-six thousand gold. It was enough to buy multiple pieces of Epic equipment, but the effect was worth it. Especially if they could get their hands on the other piece of the Set.

Astrid couldn't help but feel something sink within her stomach. Her thoughts wandered back when they were attacked for the item. She couldn't help but think of the worst-case scenario. The entire noble caste now knows the other piece of the set item was in the hands of the first dungeon explorers, it wouldn’t be long until they find out that it was Astrid and the others that had it.

Would they try and buy it from us? Or use… other methods. Astrid scowled, if they did anything to hurt her friends, she wouldn’t back down, even if they were high nobles. She’d pull their eyes from their sockets one by one.

Your Anger has reached 90/100.

A paddle rose from Florrie's VIP box, it seemed like their parents were now entering the game.

Your Anger has reached 95/100.

The X appeared within her eye once more as another item was wheeled onto the stage. The X throbbed, sending a scorching pain through her mind. Her hand quickly covered her high, she seethed at the pain. It felt like her eye was being pierced by a thousand needles. Leena placed her hand on Astrid’s arm as Astrid heavily nodded.

She needed to get out before her emotions flared to one-hundred. If it reached 100 with no enemies around, it would be catastrophic. What's worse is that she had no idea what effect Anger would produce. Judging by the name, it wouldn't be something wholesome.

She was about to stand up when something was placed on the table. It was a black blob of unknown origin that squirmed within a thick crystal vase. It slammed against the translucent walls, as if it was attempting to break free from the prison.

Is it the same blob from when I awakened? Astrid dug her fingernails into the flesh of her palm.

“Now look at what we have here, now don’t be alarmed.” Samuel laughed. “It has gone through rounds of examination under close supervision. It is safe, mostly. This is an item perfect for those wanting to discover the true nature of the dungeons. Is it a lifeform from another planet? Another world?” Samuel picked up the container as the thrashing from the black blob intensified.

“Now, I’m afraid this will be a limited item. Not because it’s the only one, well that is partly the reason, but because of the scientific properties it requires. It is an unknown lifeform, and will need to be professionally taken care of.” Samuel continued. “For that reason, it will only be accessible to the high-ranking science families.”

The bidding war began, as it reached the apex, the mana within the room billowed in turmoil. Everyone’s faces changed as a sudden explosion sucked out the air from the room. The bright light from the explosion sent the walls to the domed roof crumbling down, enormous golden bricks cascaded down at the people in the hall.

Astrid rushed to her feet and her mind latched onto the falling debris, the heavy weight bore down on her mind as she pushed the bricks to the side. Lisa was also quick to react, she grabbed hold of a nearby child and dashed to the side. She placed the child safely underneath a solid gold column.

The auction house elite guards appeared on stage in formation as a group of masked robed men and women leapt down from the roof, into the hall. Despite Samuel, the elite guards, and the other high nobles within the hall, they waltzed forward without a care.

A phantom blade left one of their blades and a young woman at the front of the hall was severed in two.

They were here to kill.

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