Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 35: Levitation

Chapter 35: Levitation

You defeated a - Blood Bat - level 37!

You defeated a - Reflective Crocodile - level 45!

Extra experience is awarded for defeating an enemy one level above!

Experience is reduced for fighting within a group!

You have levelled up!

You have levelled up!

You have levelled up!

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 32 -> Psychokinetic level 35

Illusionist level 30 -> Illusionist level 33

Gained 30 stat points.

You now have 185 intelligence.

Crash [ Stage 2 ] level 2 -> Crash [ Stage 2 ] level 3

Minor illusion level 2 -> Minor illusion level 4

With the monsters quickly approaching, she dumped all the points into intelligence.

Astrid suddenly felt her body being lifted off the ground as Rob plopped her behind him. The wood of the house shattered as a body smashed its way into the building. Rob grabbed his shield and thrusted it at the body as he sent it careening through the air, back out from where it came.

With another crash, a new body entered.

Level ?? - Ghoul: An undead that is driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh. They travel in packs.

Yeah, no shit they travel in packs! Astrid lamented as more of them smashed through the walls. Daniel and the others got serious as their attacks sent the undead either flying, or they separated their bodies into pieces.

Astrid formed a human illusion next to her, one ghoul threw its body at the team of humans with no regard to its safety. As the body crashed into Losef’s spear, two more took its place as they broke past. One ghoul charged into the illusion, its body continued though as the illusion vanished. Brett’s daggers awaited it as he dismembered it in a flash. Lisa finished the other with a well-placed arrow.

Astrid began using [Crash] with no remorse, skulls exploded and she sent bodies flying. She grabbed hold of the ghoul's body and smashed it through the wall. However, against the higher levelled ones, she left them to her team. It was a waste of mana to use brute force with her psychic mana.

“Don’t tell me there’s another damned Lich here!” Astrid shouted as her Mind Barrier blocked a flying rock from the ghoul's hand.

“What’s wrong?” Brett laughed as his daggers moved like a shadowed storm. "Shouldn't it be free levels for you?"

“I got lucky before!” Astrid’s mind [Crashed] into a trio of ghouls as she ripped their arms and legs from their body.

“My lady!” Leena shouted.

She dashed in front of Astrid in a flash. Her umbrella enlarged, the tip transformed into a lance. Opening the umbrella, the ghouls smashed into it, creating a thumping noise. It was as if the ghouls had hit a brick wall, despite that, Leena’s feet slid back at the sudden force of the ghouls. Pulling her weapon back, she then thrusted it forward in rapid succession as the lance-like blade accurately tore through their skulls.

“Thanks Leena!” Astrid placed her hands forward as fourteen knives levitated from her belt, she sent a burst of psychic mana and launched them forward at an incredible speed. In a shower of sharpened metal, they penetrated through the thick bone of their bodies. Connecting to them once more, she pulled them back like they had a piece of string attached to them.

Then, a black streak tore through the room as it sent Leena hurtling back. She smashed through the back of the wall as her body disappeared.

“Leena!” Astrid shouted, her blood rapidly began boiling. A pain pricked at her iris

Your Anger has reached 80/100

Your Anger has reached 87/100

“Astrid, calm down! Brett’s gone to help her.” Daniel dashed in front as he stood in front.

Astrid nodded and took a deep breath as she looked at the monster in front of her. It looked like the ghouls, but it had small budding horns atop its head. Long, razor-sharp fingernails contrasted against its dark skin. Its eyes were a deep red, dense like a purely refined ruby.

Level ?? - Warmonger Ghoul: A ghoul with a perfect body designed for war. It can drain blood from its attacks, using it to fight endlessly.

“It can drain blood.” Astrid warned.

“I’ll make the first move then.” Daniel nodded.

He dashed forward with his curved blade, Astrid could feel the sharpness of the sword strike. The Ghoul parried the strike with its sharpened claws and sent a knee to Daniel’s chest. With a pounding thud, it knocked Daniel back and an excited grin appeared on his face.

Astrid’s eyes widened in shock.

“Damn.” Daniel chuckled, his eyes suddenly glowed. Hundreds of lines scored into his eye. Daniel blurred forward, then his sword slowed. His blade trembled, changing directions by the second. Finally, at the last second, he rotated his wrist and flicked his blade up and around as it disappeared into the monster's throat.

Then, a blast of fire–and an arrow tore into its body. It fell to the wooden floor with a wet thud.

“It was the right path after all.” Daniel took a breath.

Silence finally appeared, but the sight of Daniel’s changing eye was engraved into her mind. Is it the same as mine?

The sound of steps woke her from her stupor. Leena hobbled in, cradling her arm.

“Leena, you alright?” Astrid walked over as she looked at the arm.

“It’s just dislocated, that’s all.” Leena said.

“Hey, you looked like a damn pinball being fired out of here!“ Brett laughed, he placed his hand on Leena’s shoulder and walked past her.

“Aw, damn, our bags fell down into the water below." Brett grumbled. "Everything's gonna be wet.”"

“Is that what you care about?” Rachelle said.

“Don’t look at me like that! You’ll be the one complaining when your sleeping bag is wet.” Brett disappeared down below with a splash.

Astrid shook her head as she levitated the bags before Brett could get his hands on them. She hoisted them out of the water, and back onto the floor. Brett looked up in disbelief.

“Are you going to stay down there?” Astrid joked.

“D-damn.” Brett clambered back up, his clothes and armour now saturated.

“Is that you forgetting a party member's skills, Brett?” Lisa said.

“Didn’t we say the next time we would dock his pay by ten percent?” Losef added.

“N-no, you can’t do that to me. We’re approaching pleasure island soon and I need all the money I have.” Brett stumbled forward. “C’mon guys, don’t be cruel?”

“What’s going on?” Astrid couldn’t stop the smile from creeping up on her face.

“It’s a game we play with Brett, so he stops making stupid mistakes.” Daniel said. “It’s like training a puppy, you need to take away its treats.” Daniel whispered.

“Right, this house is about as useful as those in the Lower District. We’ll find a better one now that we’ve cleared a lot of the ghouls from the area.” Daniel waited until everyone put their backpacks on and then he brought everyone outside.

The time it took to have that fight, the sky was already darkening. Although Astrid attributed that to the walls of mist that were veiling the entire area. They carefully made their way through the town. A few ghouls lay in hibernation on the way. The others let Astrid and Leena take care of them, as they were the lowest levels in the group.

Astrid relied on the knives that she had brought to deal with them in silence. While Leena pierced forward with her closed umbrella. Astrid quickly placed her points that she had received from the levels before.

You now have 60 constitution.

You now have 200 intelligence.

Requirements met for a new Class Skill.

New Epic Class Skill available to learn - Levitation: From your practice and use of Psychokinesis you can now control the matter within your own body to levitate, instead of your clothes. [ Stage 1 ]

Ah, learn it!

You have gained an Epic Class Skill - Levitation.

They began ascending as the platforms now comprised steps. Some of the wooden platforms were broken in places, making it difficult to traverse. The strength and dexterity users found it easy, simply leaping to each platform. Astrid, instead of before where she connected to the matter of her clothes. She connected to the matter within her body. Astrid became weightless as she floated upwards onto the broken platform. However, she felt the high mana usage drain at her mana container.

This is way better than when my clothes would dig into my skin! A smile flashed onto Astrid’s face.

“You reached a Skill requirement?” Lisa asked.

“Two-hundred intelligence.” Astrid nodded as she floated by their side. Her balance and control was far better than before. I guess they can tell.

“Just make sure you’re distributing your stats well, although I’m sure you’re already aware.” Losef said.

“Mmm.” Rob added as his heavy weight almost broke through the creaky wooden platform.

Floating up the hill, they approached the tall-church building where Astrid had seen the Warmonger Ghoul. She had warned the others, but Daniel said that it was the building most suitable for defending. It also looked unaffected by the water all around as it was made from brick. It reminded her of Iara’s cathedral in the Upper District. Although smaller… and poorly built… and it smelled bad.

“Sense anything?” Daniel looked at Astrid and Lisa.

Cranking Psych Domain to the max, there was nothing she could make out. Sighing, she shook her head.

“Alright, good old fashion breaking and entering.” Daniel said.

“Doesn’t this seem like an evil lord’s lair that they take people back to suck their blood… or something?” Astrid looked up at the once fancy architecture.

“How many fantasy books did you read?” Brett continued. “Or was it one of those fancy plays where clowns run about acting?”

“Theatre?” Leena tilted her head.

“That’s the one, thank you.” Brett scratched his cheek as he shifted his eyes away from the Battle Maid.

“Well, the missy is right, though.” Daniel said.

“And we’re going in knowing that?” Astrid asked.

“How else are you expecting to level up?”

Astrid grinned as her vision turned to the door.

“Rob.” Daniel commanded.

“Mmm.” Rob threw his body forward as he smashed through the door. Everyone quickly followed his back as they peered into the dark, dusty room. The ceiling was high above. Organ pipes loomed. Because the church was elevated from the swamp waters, it was dry. Much to the relief of Brett. Everyone activated their light stones. The light shone, attempting to fight through the thick darkness–and dust.

“Ah, what is that smell? I think I’d rather deal with the dampness down below.” Brett held his nose.

“God, do you ever stop complaining?” Rachelle held a ball of fire in her hand as it lit the way. “You’re worse than my mother.”

“Hey, I'll tell Paulina you said that.” Brett said.

“D–don’t do that.” Rachelle’s shoulders trembled.

“Your mother’s strong?” Astrid asked.

“In her own ways.” Rachelle sighed.

“She has a fiery temper, the likes you’ve never seen before.” Losef said.

Brett broke out in laughter. “That’s an understatement, one day Daniel was caught stealing one of her homemade muffins. I've never heard Daniel scream out in pain like back then.”

“...never known someone with a stronger hand, still haunts me to this day.” Daniel rubbed his behind.

“Sounds like someone I need to meet.” Astrid laughed.

“Then, after this mission, we’ll bring you back to see the her.” Lisa said. "She's already heard of your bravery within the Lower District, she's a big fan."

“Even though I’m a noble?” Astrid looked around.

“Not everyone from the Lower District hates the nobles, you know?” Daniel said. “Your father is still our idol, after all.”

“The Great Spearhead of humanity.” Brett added. A thoughtful look was in his eyes.

“I heard he single-handedly pushed back the Leviathan that day.” Rachelle said, the fire in her hand brightening.

“Anyway, where’s the boss about–I don’t sense anything?” Brett kicked a rock into the middle of the room.

Just as the rock halted. A mass of clumped red matter flickered to life within Astrid’s vision. Then it dropped towards them. Astrid raised her guard, Mind Barrier activated in preparation of any sudden attack. An illusion of armour covered her body.

With a crash, creaking and snapping followed it. Within the dimly lit church, a pair of frigid eyes gazed at the group of Wayfarers.

“You just had to open your damned gob!” Rachelle spat as she lobbed the fireball in her hand. It screamed, it sucked the oxygen within the surroundings in as the new monster dodged to the side with explosive speed.

The monster’s skin was white as paper, as if it had never had the pleasure of having the sun’s rays beat on its skin. A crown made of bone had pierced into the first layer of skin on its head. Lodged into its skull, the crown was unmoveable. A long draping loincloth hugged its malnourished waist. It raised its hand as they heard groaning all around them.

Level ??? - Ghoul Lord: An undead capable of calling its blood crazed brethren. The lord is capable of giving its subjects commands as they are forced to listen.

Ghouls began breaking in through the floors of the tall building.

Let’s level. Astrid’s fist clenched so hard that her knuckles turned white. Without waiting, her mind exploded towards the approaching ghouls.

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