Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 33: The Bubbled Swamp

Chapter 33: The Bubbled Swamp

Astrid sat in the boat. It was no longer a dingy, but a full sized boat that specialised in longer distances. It was rusted in spots, and even had a lower deck with a few bunk-beds and a small cooker incase they got hungry while out on the ocean. They stamped a picture of a skeleton on either side of the boat. It was wearing a sharp helmet that swooped down with sharp edges past the chin. Then, it was finished with a bundle of feathers that emerged out of the back, like a long, red ponytail, much like Losef’s helmet.

Boats surrounded them by the dozens, providing safety against the sea monsters—it was a big operation. Multiple teams were travelling down into the town cluster. Wayfarers, Seafarers, and Humanity Corps all joined each other. Daniel had told her it was the biggest cluster of bubbles for many miles. They interconnected multiple towns and were left untouched, as HMS Rebirth hadn’t come this way for a long time.

Astrid braced herself as the crane dropped the boat onto the ocean. With a crash–water splashed up and over–wetting her clothes.

“What’s the meaning behind the picture?” Astrid motioned at the skeleton picture.

“Wish I could tell you an awesome story, but honestly, it was the cheapest design they had.” Daniel laughed as he held onto the boat's steering wheel.

“When we get some extra money, we’ll be paying someone to make our own design.” Rachelle said. “I want a fireball on the side, swallowing a monster whole, burning it to cinders.”

“Yeah, well, I want two daggers intercrossed over skull and bones.” Brett continued. “Oh, and shrouded in a dark shadow.”

“If we were going to get something, it has to have meaning.” Lisa said as her hair tousled in the wind.

“Mmmm.” Rob crashed his fists together.

“Yeah, and Rob wants a big ass shield with two fists in front.” Losef added.

“You understood that?” Astrid asked.

“After a good few years, you get used to it.” Daniel said.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand. Astrid lamented. She was curious why Rob had no tongue, but she didn’t want to ask in case it was something serious they had experienced. She figured they would tell her in their own time.

Astrid glanced over at Leena as she held onto the boat's handrails. They were going at a considerably slower speed compared to the other teams; it seemed like the old boat exterior matched the interior—low quality. Another boat approached. They had coated it in a black paint and the exterior was curved and sharp. It skipped the waves without a struggle.

“Hey Daniel, still got that scrap heap?” A Seafarer shouted from his boat. He was a muscular man with sun-kissed skin, he was getting on in his years–wrinkles already appearing on his face. He was rapidly balding on top of his head, a ring of hair around was all that was left.

Astrid also noticed a familiar face bobbing up and down within the boat, Jonathan.

“She’s served me well up to this point." Daniel shouted back over the chopping waves. "I intend on squeezing her for all she’s got.”

“Ah, it’s about time you got yourself a woman,” he paused, interrupted by a bouncing wave. “Still no luck with that pretty thing on pleasure island?”

“I enjoy playing the long game, Malik.”

“You’re a helpless romantic. Wait any longer and she’ll leave you for a pretty faced Seafarer.”

“Ah, if you’re anything to go by, Malik. I have nothing to worry about.” Daniel’s laugh boomed over the ocean.

“We’ll see after I get the big haul this week. We’re going after the big relics! I can feel a legendary class piece of equipment with my name written on it!”

“You’ll have more luck chasing after my girl.”

“Yeah, we’ll see Wayfarers. You’ll be getting there last with that junk pile. See you soon, or maybe I won’t. Take care!” Malik said as he placed his foot onto the throttle. With an engine roar, his boat sped off. Flitting against the ocean's waves like a graceful agility class user.

“Damn, Seafarers and their fancy boats.” Daniel spat as his foot slammed on the peddle, the engine coughed and spluttered, refusing to go any faster.

“You really showed him.” Astrid joked as she listened to the struggling engine.

“Don’t worry, even with being late, we’ll get our foothold first.” Daniel flashed a smile.

“Oh?” Astrid leaned back. “Are we the strongest group going down?” She used her hand as a visor, squinting her eyes thanks to the sun.

“Ah, well–”

“Ain’t no way in hell, lassy.” Brett laughed. “Look at the specks in the distance.”

Astrid peered her eyes to the front of the boat, the boats in the distance were just miniscule black spots now.

“There’s a bunch of officers coming with us. They are the real powerhouses.” Lisa said. "Leo and Henry's teams will take part."

"Leo and Henry." Astrid mumbled. She knew Henry, he was Jonathan's oldest brother. But she had little experience with him. She had seen him a few times during several balls, but they kept their distance, being in different age ranges and all.

"Who is Leo?" Astrid shouted.

"He's from Mount Hullbeck." Rachelle said. "Rebirth sent a transmission to Pleasure Island, then they put the mission up on their town board. He's a damned wild mercenary that took the mission."

Astrid nodded. I need to go there soon, see what all the fuss is about.

She had also heard about the ferocious strength of the officers. After all, before she was a system holder, the only entertainment was listening to the tales of the officers and the elite. Thinking about their strength, Astrid looked at her team as a thought crept up within her mind.

Level ??? - Daniel, Class: Warrior

Level ??? - Rachelle, Class: Fire mage

Level ??? - Lisa, Class: Archer

Level ??? - Losef, Class: Warrior

Level ??? - Rob, Class: Warrior

Level ??? - Brett, Class: Rogue

Level ?? - Leena, Class: Maid

“Daniel, what level are you exactly?” Astrid asked.

Curiosity got the best of her. The three question marks meant he was in the hundreds. The others were the same, but him being the leader meant it was the highest. Besides, she didn’t think he would mind. Considering they had gifted her an epic rarity piece of class equipment. It meant there was trust. And Astrid thought correctly.

“Highest class is one-hundred and twenty-six, to be exact.” Daniel said.

Astrid nodded. It was as she thought. I still have a long way to go.

“What about you? You’ve been through a lot for a newly awakened.” Brett said. Despite the boat hitting the waves, his body hardly moved. Lisa was the same–most likely thanks to their high agility, they could balance themselves.

“Highest class is level thirty-two.” Astrid said.

“Your progress is even faster than Kaylan.” Losef added.

“Really?” Astrid sat up.

"You don't talk to each other?" Rachelle asked.

Astrid shook her head. "We're not all that close, he's always away and when he's back, he's too busy with other things."

“Well, no matter how talented he is, it’s not like he ventured in front of–and killed a Lich after only one week of being awakened.” Rachelle formed a fireball in her hand as she began playing with it. The little flame was struggling against the winds. It looked alive, as if it was licking her face.

“I thought the lich would be a higher level?” Astrid asked.

“With a low level, it makes up for it with raw magic power.” Lisa said. "Other than that, we don't know why it was so powerful."

"Isn't it obvious?" Brett looked at everyone as if they were stupid. "Oh c'mon, it's because of the Leviathan, right?"

"It's possible." Lisa said.

"Most likely." Losef added.

The Leviathan is still a unique existence, who knows what powers it holds. Astrid thought, then she recalled what Lisa said about levels.

“My instructor once said that levels aren’t everything.”

“It’s true, classes counter each other after all. Then it depends on who has the better class. A common warrior class will be blown to pieces by the same levelled epic warrior.” Losef continued, his helmet tucked between his arms. “It’s why you need to pick your fights carefully. Never assume someone is weaker.”

Astrid nodded, noting his words within her mind.

“Anyway, what’s the maid's story?” Brett threw his dagger up into the air, catching it in one swift motion. Everyone looked at Leena.

“Her name’s Leena.” Astrid said.

“Right, Leena.” Brett brushed his hair to the side.

“I am Astrid’s battle-maid, sworn to protect her until my death.” Leena raised her head.

“That’s a little dark?” Rachelle remarked.

“I am indebted to the Sinwens.” Leena looked at Astrid and smiled. “After my father's death, my mother was left with nothing and could no longer afford to feed me. She begged for days and nights up in the Middle District for a noble family to take me in. But no one wanted a peasant girl from the Lower District as a servant. When word got to Lady Sinwen, she took me in without another thought.”

“And then we grew up with each other.” Astrid said. “She’s like a sister to me.”

“More like a mother.” Leena mumbled.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, my lady.”

Astrid glared at her maid. It was then that the crystal clear, blue ocean rapidly turned into a misty red. As they travelled further, it became a dense, viscous scarlet. A familiar stench of copper wafted through the ocean’s wind. Pieces of flesh floated and thumped up against their rusted boat as they approached the fleet of boats in front.

Seafarers were busy throwing harpoons into the dense ocean, and they shot large ballistas from the bow of the boat.

“Wayfarer, you must have missed the rest of them. It’s safe to go down for now, but be quick. As you can see, they’re putting up a fight.” A Seafarer shouted.

“Alright everyone, quickly get your clothes into your dry back and let's jump.” Daniel and the others stripped with well-practised ease, having done it thousands of times before.

Astrid and Leena were just a few seconds behind. With a splash, they already had dived in. Quickly following them, they immediately started diving. Astrid didn’t need to be told where to go anymore. She instantly made her way into the centre of the formation.

Astrid opened her eyes in the water. There were even Seafarers down below. Fighting the sea monsters in a full on melee. The blood was like a never ending mist; It surprised her they could fight so well within the obscured cloud. Watching the Seafarers back on HMS Rebirth differed completely from seeing it in person.

She watched as they gracefully moved through the water as if they themselves were fish. Their bodies glided through the water, then suddenly shot forward–impaling their prey on the other end of their harpoons.

The water pressure began tightening against her chest as they dove further down. A large cluster of Bubbles appeared. It looked like several vast domes were cut and glued onto each other. This one, well multiple, was even larger than the first one she had seen. It almost took her breath away at the sight. The mystery that had never been solved, not for hundreds of years.

They finally reached the bottom and entered. Although not much distance from the first Bubble Town Astrid had entered, this one was completely different. If the other forest was dry–this was completely saturated.

Astrid’s pale, bare feet touched the soft, squishy, mossy floor. Puddles of murky water pooled at the bottom of hundreds of low-hanging trees. Their canopy looming closely above the water.

“A swamp, just what I wanted.” Brett spat as he quickly strapped his armour onto his chest.

Without bothering about herself, Leena immediately helped Astrid with her armour, as Lisa and Daniel protected everyone. Soon, everyone was clothed and ready.

“You already knew it was going to be a swamp from the scout team.” Rachelle summoned a small fireball as her body swiftly began heating.

“Yeah, well, doesn’t make it any better, does it? Hate getting my boots wet.” Brett said as he carefully placed his foot onto the driest piece of land he could find.

“He’s a surprising diva, ain’t he?” Daniel flashed a smile. “Keep your eyes peeled. Walk where we walk, step where we step. You don’t want a croc snapping at your little toes.” Daniel crouched down and gathered the saturated mud into his hands and splatted it against his body. The others were doing the same.

Without asking why, Astrid copied them. Finishing with smearing it across her face.

“So why did I just smother my face in mud?” Astrid wiped her hand on a lonely piece of dry moss against a tree.

“So the monsters don’t smell your tasty flesh–”

Astrid stopped listening. Matter was approaching them from all around. She could see their little red hearts within the dim swamp. They were approaching from up above.

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