Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 136: The Final Battle to Advancement

Chapter 136: The Final Battle to Advancement

Time remaining until the birth of the evolution stone: 41:31:05

Astrid nodded at the time left as she gazed up at the monster. That was more than enough time to escape from the stomach of the tree king, right?

It was clear to Astrid now that her original guess of how the tree king wasn’t able to directly kill her, rang true. It had to accomplish its desire of murdering her in other ways.

The pink haze that controlled the monster's mind must be the main Skill of the tree king, along with the psychic cancelling Skills as secondary. With all the monsters having the same Skill, it was obviously the tree kings doing.

That brought her to the concern with this next fight. Astrid tested her psychic Skills and everything was in order.

What ability was the guardian going to have, and was it able to cancel her Skills? Astrid grinned as the feeling of hot blood surging around her body prepared her for anything that was to come.

Astrid rushed over to a collection of hardened roots that acted exactly like pillars would have. Whether they were holding up the ceiling or not, she didn’t know. She wanted to use them as extra cover as any attack the monster would rush at her with, so she could mitigate it with the roots.

The ceiling above the guardian opened as a sprinkle of fine pink dust made its way toward the monster's head.

Oh no you don’t! Astrid yelled within her mind as she connected to the matter and blasted it away. Or she attempted to, but the fine pink dust instantly eroded her metal connection. Just as the pink haze was going to reach the guardian, Astrid tried again, this time making sure she made the connection away from the cancelling dust.

[Crashing] the air, it caused the pink dust to fly to the other corner of the wide, expansive room. However, she wasn’t able to completely deviate the pink spores as the remaining few landed on the guardian’s head.

After a few seconds, its skull cracked open like an egg-shell, then, the pink spores transformed into a bunch of budding mushrooms.

The guardian’s eyes shot open. It took a step forward, but almost stumbled–as if it wasn’t used to its own body's movements.

Do the mushrooms act as a controlling parasite? Astrid thought for only a second as the guardian was quick to regain its balance. It looked at her for a second before stomping straight for her.

Astrid already had her defences prepared and sent multiple weak [Crashes] to the monster's body, thankfully, it didn’t seem to have a Skill to stop her psychic abilities like the others. Knowing that the monster couldn’t cancel her Skills, she cranked her psychic mana to the maximum and corralled a mass of matter in front of the guardian’s knee joint.

She didn’t want to risk wasting her mana on a strong point like the skull, or chest, rather it was more efficient to take away its movement and go from there.

Just as Astrid was about to [Crash] the mass of matter, the guardian stopped and punched the air. She was confused at the sudden attack, but it only remained for a split second as the guardian's fist glowed a pinkish-blue light.

As the humanoid monster fully extended its fist, the dual-coloured light blasted forward with the imprint of a fist. The power it held was incredible, but Astrid could tell it was weakened somehow. It was lethargic. As if it hadn’t had enough sleep and hastily attempted to gather its mana.

Astrid dodged to the side with a [Crash] to the side of her barrier and ducked behind a barrier. It was obvious that it should have more power, but because Astrid had blasted away a bunch of the spores, the monster was weakened.

Barely getting behind the pillar, a second fist blasted straight for the pillar. But Astrid wasn’t one to sit still. There was no sign of fear or anxiousness. No, her entire body itched for a great fight.

Astrid emerged from the pillar in a full sprint just as the fist smashed against the pillar. The entire root was shattered, as if it was indeed made of rock. The debris crashed up against her Mind Barrier, but it wasn’t enough to do any damage.

She wanted to take advantage of its weakened state. The guardian was slow. The best way she knew how to take advantage of a slow beast was to corner and flank it with pointed sticks.

Or in this case–high powered Psychokinesis attacks.

The guardian was around eleven feet tall, and even then, it looked small within the enormous room that they were trapped within.

Sending multiple high mana [Crashes] to the monster's leg, she retained her high speed and reached the monster’s flank. The guardian stumbled, but something seemed to click within its mind as it sent an unbalanced sweep of its leg straight for Astrid.

Dodging it by leaping in the air, she Levitated around another pillar and sent a few more [Crashes] to the humanoid's leg. Although Astrid didn’t have the best eyesight, she noticed something unusual as she closed her left eye. Focusing on her void eye, the area was darker, but she spotted faint lines in the monster's leg that she would have otherwise missed with her usual vision.

It was wounded. Cracks had slowly formed. Astrid took advantage.

Realising her plan was working, Astrid emerged from the pillar as another projectile fist blasted the pillar into fragments, and this time, she focused her efforts on a stronger attack.

Forming the dark matter around the monster's leg, it seemed to realise something. Astrid felt the mana within the air surge as the same blue-pink haze formed around its feet, then it blasted toward her. It then stopped, as if it was going to punch once more, but this time it pivoted its foot, then spun a kick straight for her. An arc of mana slashed straight for her body like a high powered blade.

Astrid instinctively knew she couldn’t block such a hit with her Mind Barrier and ducked underneath, only for the guardian to stomp on the ground–cracking the soil underneath her.

Mana emerged from the cracks in the soil as they turned into spectral tendrils that latched around her legs. The guardian once more punched the air at her rooted body.

About to panic, a powerful burst of psychic mana emerged from her mind as her Anti-Disabling Field activated automatically.

She struggled and the mana strands around her ankle weakened. Astrid strained her body as the fist was hurtling toward her. Veins emerged from her forehead as she [Crashed] the weakened roots around her leg.

Ignoring the shooting pain from a [Crash] in close proximity, she rolled onto the dirt floor and immediately amassed her dark matter. Astrid ignored the pain in her mind as she focused on amassing the dark matter as fast as possible.

The cluster of dark matter became visible to the naked eye as it became a congealed mass of darkness. Then, the next familiar result sent a dopamine rush coursing through her brain.

Activating [Crash], the dark mass changed into a violent abyss that sucked anything within its void. The black mass looked as if it had stars within ravaged the guardian's leg, but the humanoid was too large.

Astrid doubted it had a capacity limit since the last time against the demonling within Voidmare, rather, it must have been because of the guardians ridiculously high Constitution that countered its pull. Despite that, a large chunk of the guardian's leg was torn off. The chaotic energy of the black hole had devastated the wound, it wasn’t smooth like a blade would have left it, or even a saw. Rather, it was as if a savage beast ripped it, and tore it into something completely unrecognisable. A tendon lay dangling right from under the knee-cap as a dark scarlet dropped into the soil below.

The guardian was tilted off kilter and its next fist blast slammed into the ground.

Swallowing another mana potion, Astrid inspected the mushrooms emerging from its head as a thought popped up into her mind. If the tree king was controlling the monsters in its created “dungeon”, then if she used Mind Domain on the guardian, wouldn't she, in theory, attack the tree king instead?

Although she swiftly gave up on that idea. If the tree king was controlling all these monsters, and had even created a miniature dungeon on its own, it wasn’t a method she wanted to attempt. And then there were the psychic cancelling abilities it had, even if she could.

No. Astrid would just rely on more destructive means for now. Her blood pumped as she sprinted forward with her matter enhanced body. Her psychical stats were no weaker than a warrior of the same level, no, they were even greater with her psychic Skill buffs.

Sending another mana fast in her direction, it was vastly weaker than the other ones prior. It looked like it also generated power by using the muscles in its body, just like a regular punch.

Astrid dodged it by flying in the air, then split up her body with three identical Void Clones. With everything the same; including mana, smell, expression, the guardian didn’t know which one was the real her–even with the tree king helping.

Another desperate attack by the guardian obliterated her clone. The one Constitution only lasted a millisecond before it was destroyed.

However, that one attack allowed Astrid to increase her speed and stop right above its head. She had no idea if a high powered [Crash] would be enough, so she didn’t want to risk losing her opportunity if the guardian had another ability up its sleeve.

Hovering just above its head, Astrid amassed the purple dark matter within her palm and began swirling it into a vortex. With having used the dark matter drill a few times now, she was able to form it a lot faster than before.

The drill appeared after a few seconds and Astrid wasted no time as she plunged it straight into the hardened skull of the guardian. The monster finally roared in pain as it thrashed its body this way and that. However, since Astrid was able to Levitate and follow its movements, it was a hopeless struggle.

Concentrating on tunneling through just one area of the Skull proved to be easier since the mushrooms had done most of the hard work for her. All she had to do was use one of the cracks and drill straight through it. Her hand lurched forward as the drill entered into the soft mass of tissue underneath.

It didn’t take long before the guardian succumbed to the devastating drilling of her dark matter Psychokinetic altered Skill.

Astrid grinned in relief as the red beating heart turned dim within her Psych Domain vision.

The guardian was no longer able to hold up its body as its skull slammed onto the ground.

You have reached Level 100!

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