Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 117: Dungeon Prompt

Chapter 117: Dungeon Prompt

“Vanished?” Brett took his dagger out in haste, dashed over to the shattered window, and peered out of the shabby curtains that was barely keeping together.

“Are you sure Daniel?” Rachelle said as she kept her head on a swivel.

Being so close to a city meant that strange things happened all the time, but for something with the capabilities of vanishing an entire party of Seafarers.

The experienced ex-Wayfarers raised their guard–Astrid was no exception.

After waiting for around forty minutes, and nothing was happening, a thought popped into Astrid’s mind.

She recalled the debriefing after the Voidmare mission. The top brass were all talking about the disappearance of Haufman–that he had vanished without warning. Astrid at the time had already believed it to be the dungeon’s doing, and if that was so…

Astrid took a breath. “Prepare to enter a dungeon.”

Lisa’s face soured, yet Daniel was the opposite. Expectation was hiding behind his glossy eyes.

“What gives you that thought, Astrid?” Brett glanced back.

“It’s just a theory of mine, but all of you must know about Haufman.”

Daniel nodded. “His disappearance. He wasn’t the only one either. There’s been a hell of a lot of cases regarding sudden disappearances.”

“Then what if we don’t need to touch the dungeon entrance for us to be transported?” Astrid said. “If it was some sort of verbal confirmation instead.”

“Dungeons having time and space control, how great.” Brett joked while he fidgeted with his dagger.

“I knew Haufman personally,” Lisa said. “He was a good man that loved his family, the man rarely took risks.” She shook her head and continued. “I doubt he would willingly enter a dungeon–alone at that.”

Astrid sat down with her chin cupped between her hands. “Because he didn’t have a choice. If I wanted to, I could enter your minds, and make Brett believe that he was intelligent–”

“Hey,” Brett interrupted with a pout.

“What I’m trying to say is that if a strong mind controlling monster wanted to, it just had to wait for someone to receive the dungeon prompt, then force them to accept it.”

“But if that was the case,” Rachelle said, “then the others would have also received the prompt–no?”

“It’s just a theory,” Astrid continued. “I can’t explain the details.”

“Astrid, is there anything you can do to protect us?” Daniel asked. “Like mind magic, or something?”

Astrid thought for a second, then said. “I have a couple Skills that may help against it, but I don’t know until it happens.”

Astrid had Mental Redirection, and Anti-Disabling Field. She only had a small experience with using Mental Redirection within the Voidmare dungeon against the demon eye. But using it on someone else to protect their mind was an entirely different matter.

“I can try and practise with Leena, but what happens if I’m in my Domain when it attacks?”

“Then we’ll just have to deal with it when the time comes. If you can help us, then great. If not,” Daniel lit up a cigarette and with a smirk continued. “Then we may be going for a little trip.”

Astrid nodded, and with Leena’s permission sunk into her mind. She didn’t really know where to start. She attempted making a replica of the demon eye’s mind attack, but no matter how hard she tried–it didn’t work.

At first Astrid thought that she wasn’t at the appropriate level, but maybe it was because she couldn’t create effects like that without her having the knowledge of how to accomplish it first. After all, her mind ability worked a whole lot different compared to the monster.

She was going to continue trying things out, but she paused.

Experimenting with Leena’s mind was something she was incredibly wary of. She didn’t fully understand her ability, and if she caused irreversible damage to her mind–she wouldn’t know what to do.

Astrid exited her Mind Domain and shook her head.

“Well there’s that then.” Brett said with a smile.

Astrid said, “If there’s monsters around, I can maybe do more testing.”

“Even if you can’t,” Lisa said as she placed her hand upon her shoulder. The warmth of her hand was comforting. “Don’t stress yourself. Whatever happens, we are ready for it.”

Astrid nodded, yet the words weren’t relaxing in the slightest. If she could possibly help combat against it, then it was her responsibility to figure it out and defend them.

Clenching her hands into fists, she looked out at the overgrown streets.

She wouldn’t settle for less.

You have defeated - Primal Lizard - level 109

You have defeated - Primal Lizard - level 112

You have defeated - Disaster Scaled Hound - level 117

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 88 -> Psychokinetic level 89

Voidmare level 88 -> Voidmare level 89

Gained 10 stat points.

You now have 244 wisdom.

Skill level up!

Omni-Kinesis level 2 -> Omni-Kinesis level 3

Void Graviton level 2 -> Void Graviton level 3

Eye of the Void level 2 -> Eye of the Void level 3

Void Storage level 1 -> Void Storage level 2

[ Stage 2 ] Major Image level 14 -> Major Image level 15

[ Stage 2 ] Mind domination level 14 -> Mind Domination level 15

[ Stage 2 ] Weightless Levitation level 12 -> Weightless Levitation level 13

[ Stage 2 ] Illusionary Armour level 16 -> Illusionary Armour level 17

[ Stage 2 ] Mind Barrier level 19 -> Mind Barrier level 20 [ Max ]

[ Stage 2 ] Crash level 18 -> Crash level 19

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Warp level 9 -> Psych Warp level 10

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Domain level 13 -> Psych Domain level 14

[ Stage 2 ] Psychic’s Power level 13 -> Psychic’s Power level 14

[ Stage 2 ] Omni-Kinesis level 2 -> Omni-Kinesis level 3

[ Stage 2 ] Anti-Disabling Field level 5 -> Anti-Disabling Field level 6

[ Stage 2 ] Mental Redirection level 9 -> Mental Redirection level 10

[ Stage 2 ] Illusion detection level 1 -> Illusion detection level 2

Experience gained!

Mind Barrier has reached maxed level for [ Stage 2 ]

Requirements met for Mind Barrier [ Stage 3 ]

Evolving Mind Barrier to [ Stage 3 ]

Mind Barrier: You can control the surrounding matter, solidifying it. Excess damage will break your barrier and use half of your mana. [ Stage 1 ]

| Stage 2: Mind barrier is stronger, less mana usage. If broken, now uses up only 25% of your mana.

| Stage 3: Mind barrier is even stronger, less mana usage. If broken, now uses up only 10% of your mana. If hit by a melee class, 10% of the damage received will be sent back to the attacker.

Even the new Skill upgrade couldn’t settle her mind.

Astrid left the mind of the dead hound with a sigh. No matter what she tried, Astrid couldn't figure it out. She needed to go up against mind controlling monsters, but that was a lot easier said than done.

Such monsters were skittish creatures. They rarely appeared, and only ever did so when they had an overwhelming advantage. If there were any in this jungle to start with, that was.

However, that wasn’t to say she made no progress.

Monsters with the ability to control movement, such as certain screeches; triggered her Mental Redirection ability. With enough focus and determination, she discovered that although they were completely different–they in fact had similarities.

That Mental Redirection and Anti-Disabling Field worked against them, filled her with some hope that it would trigger. Although she still had to figure out how to attach it to everyone else.

With her other Skills working against other abilities, it made her think about the other Skills she had. Her mind rested upon her Illusionary Armour skill.

The second stage enabled her to attach it to someone else, like Rob for instance. With the Skill in her thoughts, she willed it to form around Rob.

Only she could see it, but a thin layer of protection covered Rob in the form of a breastplate.

Astrid recalled the sensation and copied it with the feeling of Mental Redirection. She still didn’t want to test it on anyone in her party, scared she would turn their mind into scrambled eggs. So she found a small lizard that was trying to mind its own business.

She used the combined skill and could see the Illusionary Armour around it, but the Mental Redirection portion of it fizzled out into nothing. It was like holding onto water–it merely seeped out from the cracks in her fingers.

Realising that she was in a race against time, she doubled her efforts. She grit her teeth and concentrated as hard as she could.

Again and again, she failed. The others patiently waited as they guarded the surrounding area. They all understood the importance of Astrid obtaining success. It had the possibility of being between life and death.

The thought of giving up never entered her mind, to Astrid–it was just another battle she had to win.

A couple hours passed and suddenly she felt a twitch within her mind. It wasn’t the dull pain throbbing pain from constant psychic mana use, but more like a gate had been opened.

She didn’t know how, but she could feel that it worked. She attempted to sink her mind into the lizard for the final time, it was like a string attached to its mind as Astrid followed it. Only for the connection to be severed the moment she contacted the mind.

Congratulations, you have achieved success with combining Skills!

Mental Redirection has combined with Illusionary Armour.

Creating new Skill…

New Epic Skill created - Mind Armour: Through combination, and practice, one can now place protection not only on the body, but around the mind. Create Mind Armour around oneself, or on a target of your choice. Also has a high chance to activate Mental Redirection.

| [ Stage 2 ] Physical damage reduction is increased by 10%. Can be placed on multiple people.

The Skill had thankfully remained at Stage two, instead of reverting back to level 1. It was also at the same level as Illusionary Armour. So it essentially took over the Skill.

You have gained the Title - Skill Manipulator: Yay, well done, Astrid! Combining Skills is the mark of a great warrior!

| 15 added Intelligence

| 15 added Wisdom

| Combined Skills are 15% stronger.

Astrid breathed a sigh of relief at the success. The new Skill was an added bonus.

With a quick glance to her main System page, Astrid noticed she also had a free space created within her Voidmare Class. It was a huge bonus that she didn’t expect, but it made sense and she was hardly the first one to accomplish such a feat.

Without waiting any longer, she used [Mind Armour]. Her mana drained out of her container as instead of just an illusionary breastplate, this time it also created a helmet.

That should protect the mind. She thought with a relieved sigh.

“I’ve done it,” she said. “although it says it’s only a high chance. So it’s not guaranteed. Someone might get unlucky.”

Their ellation rapidly deflated.

“Then it’s best if you don’t use it at all,” Losef said with a slight shake of his head.

Astrid glanced at everyone before breaking out into a knowing grin. “If one of us goes, we all go?”

“Ah.” Brett slung his arm across her shoulder. “The missy is learning!”

“It’s a shame it doesn’t have a one-hundred percent,” Rachelle continued.

Astrid bowed. “Sorry to disappoint you, your highness.”

“You are excused, Sinwen.” Rachelle tapped her shoulder with a slight smile.

“Astrid.” Calum approached with a water container in hand. “Please have a drink.”

The others shook their heads with a wry smile. Astrid nodded and took a large gulp of the water.

The young man that had not long ago begged to be a part of her team was currently overloaded with gear.

Brett took full opportunity of his desperation to help out and had given over his entire pack.

Astrid was surprised to see not an ounce of discontent from the noble. Rather, he looked happy too. After all, he was on the receiving end of quite a few levels thanks to the strong monsters.

She was about to take another sip when a powerful psychic energy washed over her group like a surging tidal wave.

A pit formed in her stomach, then, her suspicions rang true.

You have been accepted into the dungeon - Primal Jungle.

Do you wish to enter? Y/N

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