Primordial Sin System

Chapter 219 219-Tyrant Demonic Body Progress

Chapter 219-Tyrant Demonic Body Progress

Dave was stunned when he heard some details about the mirror.

He looks at the mirror and feels dark energy from it but it didn't hurt him and he feels like it was comfortable.

"Do you know more about the mirror?"

Dave asked the phoenix.

Flamigo nodded and replied, "I gathered some data about it and discovered a shocking secret.

He paused then continued.

"This mirror is actually an item used by a strong evil from under world to see what is happening here"

"The mirror also has the power to create a portal for the people in the other dimension to enter here"

"If we stop restraining it, I'm afraid that a strong enemy can enter this world and no one can stop them"

Dave's face started to get serious.

"Looks like this world is not simple after all"

He felt that this world is something as a lot of things occur here.

His father said that there is a huge secret behind this world and now an item like the Devil's Mirror appears here.

"System, are the underworld devils different from demons from the celestial plane?"

He asked the system.

[Answering the host, underworld devils, and demons are different]

[Demons are a superior race, and they are on the top of the food chain on the highest plane of all, the celestial plane]

[The underworld on the other hand is the place where the souls of the dead will enter, and it is being ruled by the Yama who manage reincarnations and judgment of every soul]

[Those who did good will reincarnate and their memories will be erased while those who are wicked will undergo infinite sufferings in the underworld]

[The under-world devil is the one who is punishing the wicked souls]

[In summary, Demons are stronger than the under-world devils, but they are protected by the law of the underworld and every soul who enters the underworld even if they are strong before they died will be restrained and powerless]

Dave was stunned as he didn't expect that the system would give him so many answers.

"So if they are the one who is punishing the wicked souls, why is some devil trying to enter this world?"

He asked the system, but it didn't answer him anymore.

Dave is now thinking about something.

"So if the underworld devils should only be staying in the underworld as they are strong there, why is someone trying to enter this world?"

"Is there a huge secret that they are trying to infiltrate the spirit world or there is an anomaly happening in the underworld?"

He had some questions in his mind but he could not think of an answer, so he asked the phoenix.

"Why are you sure that I can help you?"

Flamigo replied, "Actually, I am not sure about it but when I saw your powers, I have a feeling that you have something that can help me."

Dave didn't expect the phoenix's answer.

"What if I can help you? What will you give to me in exchange?"

Flamigo smiled and took out a small box and it floated in front of Dave.

"If you help me suppress this mirror or even destroy it, I will give you this box."

"I am not sure what is inside of it, but I am sure that this box is a treasure"

Dave's Treasure guide shines brightly in front of the box and now Dave realizes that the box is the ultimate treasure.


Dave went forward and touched the mirror.

"Stop! Don't do that, you will be corrupted by that devilish energy"

The Phoenix warned him, but he didn't follow him as he touched the mirror.


Suddenly, a huge amount of energy infiltrates Dave's body and it shocks him as the energy is strong.

[It is detected that corrupted energy is entering your body]

[The energy is not harmful to your body and it is directly been absorbed by your physique, Tyrant Demonic Body]

[Tyrant Demonic Body evolution progress..]










The phoenix was stunned when he saw that Dave is okay and it feels like he is enjoying it.

He can feel that he is absorbing the energy and the mirror is getting weaker as it goes.

He didn't know what was happening, but he was starting to get excited because if he became successful, his burden would be lessened.

Dave is absorbing the energy for about 10 minutes until the system announces something.

[Tyrant Demonic Body has exceeded the limit that it can absorb because your cultivation is low]

[The system suggests that we will temporarily seal the mirror]

Dave saw that his Tyrant Demonic Body progress bar is at 45% and it is a pity that his cultivation is low right now and he can't absorb more.

He feels that his body is getting stronger every time he is exposed to such dark energy.

"So how much is the price?"

He asked the system as he knows that nothing is free.

[The sealing ring costs 7 million sin points, and it can seal the mirror for only a year]

The system replied.

"So expensive"

Dave murmurs as he only had 10 million sin points right now but he believed that it was worth it in exchange for that box.

1 year is also enough and he will come back to absorb more and even possibly go to the underworld.

He then looks at the phoenix who is looking at him weirdly and replied, "I have a way to take the mirror and seal it"

The phoenix was stunned and replied, "Just do everything to get this mirror from here and I believe that you will not use it in doing bad things."

Dave smiled and replied, "Of course, if you didn't ask, I am the kindest person in the world"

He said it with a straight face and if someone who knows him heard him, they will surely laugh at him.

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