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7 days ago
The heroine I was rooting for was not chosen. Then wouldn’t it be okay if I made her... Read more The heroine I was rooting for was not chosen.Then wouldn’t it be okay if I made her happy instead? Collapse Academy, Age Progression, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Clingy Lover, Cohabitation, College or University, Cute Story, First Love, First-time Interc**rse, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Kind Love Interests, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Multiple POV, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Falls in Love First, R-18, Transmigration Honestly, MC gave severe creep vibes at first.But after a dozen or so chapters he "normalized" idk ? (everybody inside the novel thinks it normal anyway)After passing that weird start, this was a fluffy sweet read, unrealistic but enjoyable.Edit: Around ~90 it changes tone, instead of some character development and fleshing out more background to MC and the girl, the direction of the story goes from fluffy to erotic...Spoilerthe girl turns into a complete nymphomaniac, and nothing else ... kinda disappointing imo If anyone wants something better and similar setting to this but without author's degenerate lustful fantasies, I'd recommend "The Losing Heroine Dumped by Her Shady Childhood Friend Will Definitely Win as Long as I’m Around! ". I don't think it's here in ranobes but you can read it at translators website (zetrotranslation) It's so wholesome, I grit my teeth in jealousy 😭😅 Would love a spin off like this for onodera and rem.. Pls can anyone recommend me similar novel like this kinda Martial Arts Master, different concept but same amount of diabetes Thanks i will look into it Too much sugar brooo. Wholesome pure sugar sweetness, Love it. 9.9999999/10 It's actually quite good imo I see first time intercourse tag, where the sex at? Adult mc who get into teen body- easily get flustered- obsessed with the heroine- pushover when it comes to heroine Wtf? Don't write a "review" if you didn't read shit This reminds me of a recent manga I was reading, iirc it is Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Losing Heroine Happy. I thought this was a copy of it the one I mentioned is japanese but this one is korean so ye, different novelupdates page too. But their quite literally almost the same