Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

Special Character Q/A Chapter 3

Special Character Q/A Chapter 3


May Contain Spoilers!



esThr – Frost

“If you can umm do the thing umm where you can do the umm thing where you do something in a the where you can the, can you do it?”

Frost: “I’m sorry? I don’t think the universal translator I have as a Blessed is helping me here.”


esThr – All Archetypes & Beholders

“How would you feel if you knew that your entire existence is just a brain in a vat?”

Frost: “Hard question. I’m not sure I’d be able to do anything about it, but you know how this world works, so getting out of it is definitely possible if you try hard enough. That’s made me curious now, if a brain in a vat can Corrupt at all.”

Star Child: *Draws a picture of herself in a shell*

The Arbiter: “An existence realizing the futility of one’s struggle. A brain in a vat is quite like how Stars existed, as we were fueled by a fatalistic outlook, seeking meaning. This world enables those who think, and therefore believe they are – to overcome such menial existential muses no different from yours.”

Magus: “Quite sad, if all such wonderful experience of my own turned out be a grand illusion.”

Director: “A pickled brain in a jar sounds like an enthralling experience.

Lailah: “Are we not already merely brains in a biological vat? A parasite born with an evolving suit of flesh? It matters not whether or not a mind’s sanctum is a tube of fluids or a cranium of CFS. The Ego and our Shadows can create a body for us all the same. Therefore, my explicit feelings towards being such an existence… is not quite dissimilar from what I currently am. A sapient machine cursed with the touch of humanity.”

Anna: “I’d hate it a lot. It’s no different than how I locked myself in the Eternal Library for over 300 years.”

Jury – Time Reverberation: “So long as Frost still loves me, then I wouldn’t mind being a floating brain. But how would I be able to eat then?”

Galia – Justica Arms: “Uncompelling.”

Carpalis – Golden Index: “Hehehe… Funny.”

Descartes (3) – CogitO: “Regrettable, if reality was just a construct of the mind no different from a Corrupted Zone.”

Umbra – Chained Theocracy: “Existential bliss.”

Inflow Direct: “… that is already my life.”

Marionette – Act X: “Is there a difference between a brain suspended in liquid, and a child born without limbs?”

Knalzark – Caldera Industries: “Nonsense. Forget the thought. A brain in a vat cannot contain the gravitas of our burdens as Beholders, aside from Beholder E.”

Lucifinia – Oboros Infinitas: “Ask the Conduits of CogitO. Though they are brains, pain allows their neurotransmitters to fire at all times. Endlessly, for the sake of keeping communications open. To ask me of an existence alike theirs is a threat, wouldn’t you say?”

Abyssal Mother – ImpulseWorks: “…”


Amelia – Wild Fox Girl – Cer, Ber, Res

“How would you feel about Frost and Jury being officially on paper as your adopted parents?”

Cer: “That wasn’t always the case? Jokes aside, I think it’ll be a good reminder of how far we’ve come again. Never thought I’d see the day where I’m ready to open up my arms far and wide to catch the right to call Frost mommy.”

Ber: “I think we’re mature enough where there’s no need to do that anymore. But I wouldn’t mind if it was written somewhere. A bird hatches from the egg. Frost was my mother bird that broke me out of my impenetrable shell.”

Res: “What Ber says. It’ll be a happy day for us. Yes, we, who are pushing into our 40s, waiting for the day to call someone much younger than us mom. But can you blame us, when she’s the one who hatched us out of our eggs? You’d be hard pressed to find someone that can’t appreciate someone for taking their hand out of their dark world to see the colors for the first time… and not only that, but she’s stuck with us through thick and thin, and believed in us when family – like Raoul – want nothing to do with us.”


Amelia – Wild Fox Girl – Frost, Jury

“Follow up question: How would you feel about making it official on paper that they are your kids?”

Frost: “I wouldn’t mind it at all. I’m practically everyone’s mother at this point for one reason or another, but I feel like if they get those papers signed, then you can bet that a thousand more from the Healers are going to swarm us. The Black Wings already call me ‘Mother’ like it’s their birthright.”

Jury: “Perfect now with Cer’s ‘Cer Syndrome’ dialed down! But even with it, I’d still openly embrace the idea. It wouldn’t change much, but I feel like having just a little paper of proof can mean the world to us, and most importantly, to them.” *Jury points to her engagement ring as an example*

1O2s8pw.png8xXWif5.pngDragon_God – Ber, Res, Frost

“I’m getting Cer Syndrome how do I cure myself?”


Ber: “It’s over. We’re going to have to put him down.” *Puts a hand on Res’ shoulder*

Res: “I’m sorry.”

Frost: “Your choices are between a lobotomy and an isolation room. I can’t heal illnesses of the mind.” *Shakes her head sadly*


Amelia – Wild Fox Girl – Lailah

“Hey, can I get a new Ego, because these ego-dystonic thoughts keep getting through!”


Lailah: “A dissonant Ego is a great sign of your Shadow leaking into your Ego. Repressed or unwanted thoughts that do not align with your sense of self eats at your Ego… It may be possible to create a new one, but that will require a trial akin to Deiman’s, but it could be dangerous if such an Ego carries Shadows that enable Corruption.

Even so, manifesting a Corrupted Persona would be the only way to suppress such unwanted Shadows. Otherwise, it would be wise to become Tempered.

Do you hear the chirping of morning birds, or do you hear the ticking of Elysia’s invitation?”


Dragon_God – Ber

“If you could give a name to your favorite kitchen appliance, what would it be?”


Ber: “A crockpot.”


Dragon_God – Ignis

“Which season would you be and why?”


Ignis: “Summer. Easily. Mn. Because of the color of my hair. It reminds me of the wildfires of summer, and what happened on that day. Ignis means fire. I am fire.”


Dragon_God – Cer

“What’s the worst smell?”


Cer: “The stench of a liar.”


Dragon_God – Res

“Which color has the worst personality?”


Res: “Assuming you mean colors and not ‘Colors’, then… maybe green because of its associating with envy, or dark blue for one’s hubris. Shades of green tend to bleed into other colors than to stand out on its own, and brushes of deep blue will refuse to cooperate with the rest of the artwork.

If you mean ‘Colors’, then it must be the Red Baron. We’re not too familiar with the Colors. The names that we already know as probably long dead and replaced anyway.”


Dragon_God – Jury

“If you had to rename Frost what would you choose?”


Jury: “Frosty. I can’t imagine Frost with a different name.”


Dragon_God – Sleepy Frost

“What’s the longest you’ve slept in one session?”


Dreamer: “200 hours, but that’s in what they call Universal Time. In 10x Relative Time… That’s like 2,000 hours. B-But that’s l-Less than a week in real time, so don’t judge me!”


Dragon_God – Descartes 3

“What’s am I thinking right now?”


Descartes 3: “How much you want me to answer you. I will refrain, Exalted.”


Dragon_God – Arbiter

“Can you tell me a joke?”


Michaela: “Stars are friendly and there are not downsides to accepting their Gifts.”


Dragon_God – Nav

“Do you have any good jokes?”


Nav: “Why do dragons sleep during the day? It’s because they want to fight knights.”


Dragon_God – Jury

“Why do you like to eat?”


Jury: “Are you telling me that there are people who don’t like eating!? It’s surely not because of my Gluttony that I eat 10 times more than the average person. I’m a growing Beholder, and I need to maintain my mass for Frost. My abs aren’t going to feed themselves~ It’s also comforting to always have a lot of food around me.”


Mini Boss Tank – Frost, Jury

“When are you taking Nav to sightsee in Grandis?”


Frost: “As soon as the war in Grandis is over. We want to liberate Grandis at the same time, and the Bellum Empire’s looking like a good Kingdom to align with. We have the connections and the keys we need.”

Jury: “What Frost said. It’ll happen sooner than later. We can go back to where we made our pact. All of us!”


Dragon_God – Cer

“I want to get eaten, how would I accomplish this?”


Cer: “Heh. Finally, a student that wants to learn the arts of me. Firstly, you want to lather yourself in something tasty. Secondly, you’ll want to present yourself in a tasteful way. If none of that works, then you’re not trying hard enough. That’ll be 50k Nex for my consultation.”


Dragon_God – Arbiter

“Now that you can see, what do you like to look at the most?


Michaela: “Everything is looked upon equally, aside from those with remnants of the past, and things that hold my lingering sparks of regrets. Frost, Anna, my dearest child, Jury, Lailah – so many are worthy of my gaze.”


Dragon_God – Arbiter

“Does a Star wishing upon another Star count as flirting?”


Michaela: “No. A Star who wishes upon another Star is a Star that has lost all sense of self value; whose luster yearns for another’s, hoping to have the same light that they lack in their dark moratorium. Stars do not know of the concept of love, and when they do, it is often a twisted yearning Stars.

O’ Exalted, have you ever wondered why Stars are so incredibly far away from one another in our cosmic veil?


Cwil – Frost

“Yes or no?”


Frost: “Yes?”


Dragon_God – Frost

“No or yes?”


Frost: “Yes? Are you and the Moon colluding something?”


Cwil – Frost

“When you hear kebab do you think about the one on a stick or the rolled one?”


Frost: “Both, but almost always the rolled one.”


Dragon_God – Cer

“Are slugs just snails without shells?”


Cer: “So I’m not the only one who thinks that! On that topic, why do we call them snails instead of Slushells? Hear me out. Slugs start with S. Snails start with S, right? So where does the ‘nail’ part come from? Are you telling me that a slug’s shell is just an overgrown nail?”


Cwil – Cer

“Have you ever heard about a slugcat? Would you consider Ignis as one?”


Cer: “With the way her body can shapeshift, I wouldn’t be surprised if that cat-girl was secretly a mollusk in disguise. Ignis might think she’s slick fooling everyone, but the queen of slimes can’t trick me!”


Dragon_God – Ignis

“Have you ever heard of a slugcat?”


Ignis: “No. Sounds gross. Icky.”


Dragon_God – Cer, Ignis

“Is Ignis a slugcat?”


Ignis: “No.”

Cer: “Yes.”

“Ignis: “Tch. Ber. Cer’s calling me a slug.”

Cer: “Huh? No, wait – Ignis!?”


Dragon_God – White Wing

“Do you have a favorite feather?”


White Wing: “… at one point I loved birds. But even Angels play make-believe, pretending to be things they are not. I have no favorite feathers aside from those of the Healers… and further back, Elysia’s wings were the most radiant of them all. She was a splendid healer.”


Dragon_God – Frost, Nav

“How cool is Frost?”


Frost: “Like ice!”

Nav: “Approximately 36.1 degrees Celsius. She is not cool at all, aside from her namesake that still has yet to live up to its name.”

Frost: “… Urgh. Why is at these times that you won’t play along?”


Dragon_God – Enoch

“Cwil broke me. How do I fix myself?”


Enoch: “You break them back. Easy fix. Rupture them. You’re only broken because they are not.”


Smiles – Main Cast

“What’s your favorite facial expression?”

Frost: “A smile!”

Jury: “Salivating or whatever’s on Frost’s face.”

Nav: “All expressions.”

Ignis: “Happy faces.”

Snap: “Brrrr! Zzzzt! (Whatever corresponds to a person’s happiest moments).

Cer: “Seeing someone bare their fangs.”

Ber: “A look of fulfilment.”

Res: “The neutral face of someone free.”


Smiles – Frost, Jury, Nav, Ignis

“Is it :) or (: - Hint, it’s :).”

Frost: :)

Jury: :D

Nav: :|

Ignis: (=^ ◡ ^=)


Jibi – Frost

“Will you introduce game consoles to the world of Elysia in the future?”

Frost: “In the future it’ll be possible with the help of the Ateliers, so yeah, I don’t see why not. I’d rather people trash talked on games than what we currently have to deal with in the Nex Megalopolis. But it’s not just that. I kind of miss playing games myself too. It was a good way to wind down or just forget about your problems.”


esThr – Frost and Everyone Relevant

“How would you feel if you are infected with Cer Syndrome?”

Frost: “Cya.”

Jury: “Depends a lot of things. Frost might not want me to have it, but I wouldn’t mind if Frost had Cer Syndrome. As a matter of fact, it’s not uncommon that Frost’s the one getting eaten –”

Frost: “– So, how do you feel about catching Cer Syndrom, Ber?”

Ber: “Not happening. We might be blood related, but I’m different. I can’t catch that disease.”

Res: “I think I’d have another round with Elysia than have Cer Syndrome.”

Ignis: “I would curl up in a corner.”

Cer: “Well, at least there’s someone among us with it other than me –”

Frost: “– Next question please.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

“Here is what is Limbus Company, and here’s the latest news. What do you think?”

Frost: “They’re really making people run the gauntlet for no reason other than to suffer, huh? That setting… is kind of like the Old World, huh.”

Jury: “Look closer. Aren’t those characters from classical literature? Interesting. It’s like they’re all in a play.”

Galia: “I could see Earth heading in that direction sooner rather than later, with the allusions of the Light we’ve so far seen even during my time. Interesting, how humans are also a resource there. I’m quite fond of the setting.”

Ignis: “Too dystopian. I hate it.”

Nav: “I wonder if my existence would be considered a crime in that world.”

Cer: “Sinners are like the Repenters, huh. Except Repenters are plentiful and are a huge resource to the Nexus.”

Ber: “Look closer. Galia said there’s allusions of the Light in Earth, and those golden bough things look the same too. That’s a game from Earth. You think every world has this Light?”

Res: “… I hope not.”

Frost: “Then again, the Arbiter’s the one who said that all worlds are bound to receive Gifts from the Stars. It’s her answer to the fermi paradox.”

Snap: “Zzz…” (There are no happiest moments there).


TheLord999 – Frost

“Can I open a shop in the Nexus? I want more people to have access to our services.”

Frost: “Of course! There are Beholders that aren’t affiliated with the Nexus that do exist but aren’t nearly as powerful or resourceful as the Beholders of the Nexus. Some are stowed away as Fallen Ateliers or underground organizations. They may not have Workshops within the Nexus, or outside from what I imagine, but it is still possible for them to create and sell to the Blessed. Under immense scrutiny, of course.

We do, after all, have people who produce cloth for the Nexus.


Smiles – Jury

“How would you react to the following Alter Frosts? Plant Frost (Plants in the shape of Frost), Digital Frost (Frost, but digital), and Tiny Frost (a 6-inch tall Frost)?”

Jury: “Heaven~! A Plant Frost could grow on my windowsill and I’d water her every day! A digital Frost could be like one of those games where you have to log in every day to take care of her! I just hope I don’t forget to log in. And a tiny Frost would be so cute~!”


Smiles – Jury

“What’s your current favorite Alter Frost and what would be your ideal Alter Frost?”

Jury: “It’s split between the Little Frost and the Sleepy Frost, more leaning to the latter because she’s like a cat. The Little Frost prefers to hang around the Star Child and Nav around the Library, but the Sleepy Frost is always at home.

The ideal Alter Frost would be Frost herself, but with the ability to become other alternate versions of herself, like what we saw when she Corrupted. Can you imagine a cat-eared Frost? I wouldn’t mind being her big bad wolf~”


Mini Boss Tank – Frost

“Is it tasty?”

Frost: “Eh?”


Cwil – Frost

“Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?”


Frost: “Eh?”


David – Frost

“With your skills, your fist can act as your mouth (without taste), and your mouth can eat anything. Does that mean you could ‘eat’ a hole from the inside of the Nexus to the outside?”

Frost: “It’s definitely possible, but there’s also some anomalies with the Nexus. It’s constructed out of Genesis Stones which were already close to indestructible. My maw can’t eat through it, but given enough time, then I can create a hole connecting to the outside world. Though I wouldn’t try that in the upper sanctums. Last time I checked, I was sure we were in space just in the Middle Sanctums. Or was that the Threshold? The Veil? I’m not so sure myself.”


Jibi – Frost

“What’s the strangest inedible thing you’ve eaten that tastes good.”

Frost: “Wood. Just wood. Like biting the bark and core out of a tree, or the sticks of a skewer. Sometimes the rim of a wooden mug. I would not think twice and take a bite out of a wooden horse, not because I mistook it for a chocolate horse, but because I know it would taste good.

You wouldn’t believe how tasty they can be. I always thought it was weird how people used wood to smoke food, but I get it now. It’s not something I’d go out of my way to eat, but It’s nice to bite into something that doesn’t taste like it’s rotting or a ball of mud.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

*After explaining what mechs are* “Do you want to have your own mechs?”

Frost: “I think they’re cool, but way too cumbersome in this world.”

Jury: “It might work for me, since I could theoretically mount it with an Isolation Sphere.”

Ignis: “No thank you.”

Nav: “I am already piloting my own.”

Snap: “Brr. (I wish I could, to make up for my low DEF stats…).”

Cer: “If it’s in the shape of me with a pair of big bazookas, then yeah. You’re paying, right?”

Ber: “Doesn’t seem elegant, so I’ll pass.”

Res: “I’d want one just to paint over it.”


esThr – Enoch

“Do you have ligma?”

Enoch: “Do you still want a spine?”


Dragon_God – Red

“Would you like a red wolf?”


Red: “No. All wolves are bad. It will be a warm day in hell if I ever come across a good wolf… that’s how the saying goes, right? Right.”


Cwil – Frost

“↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A?”


Frost: “I wish I could unlock cheat codes too and speed things up.”


esThr – Main Cast

“Let’s Swil.”

Main Cast: *Swils till they can’t Swil anymore*


TheLord999 – Main Cast, Monster Awakened Cast, Facility Awakened Cast

“Here’s a cat. What do you think about it?”

Frost: “Cute!”

Jury: “Fluffy~!”

Ignis: “It’s just like me.”

Nav: “A Corrupted for sure. Otherwise, for what reason am I compelled to touch its fur?”

Snap: “Brr. Zzt! (A rival?).

Cer: “I don’t like how it’s licking its paws. This scumbag cat needs to be put in its place. Have a lettuce.”

Ber: “Looks nice.”

Res: “It’s cute, but it’s just a cat.”


Snow: “Adorable~!”

Papilia: “… Nice things are an ill omen sometimes.”

Aisyle: “You would make for good material for some quick Nex. A cat of this caliber that soundlessly licks at its paws, native of the world and relying on human intervention to remain alive…


Is that the shape of your cocoon?




TheLord999 – Jury

“Do you want to do a cosplay session with Frost?”


Jury: “Yes please~! If I can’t get Frost to become Alter Frosts herself, then having her cosplay is the next best thing!”


Dragon_God – TheLord999

“What’s your favorite Arknights character?


TheLord999: “Oh interesting question with possibly many answer, but only one correct one ... nah I lied I have two favorite characters, or rather a favorite character and favorite character trope you could say but I digress you ask and I answer my favorite character is Jessica, I love her personality (from both her normal and alter form) and I love her character growth.”


TheLord999 – Dragon_God

“But I return the question to you little librarian, what is YOUR favorite character of arknight ? And the one from Limbus by the same occasion.”


Dragon_God: “For Arknights its Mostima and for Limbus it’s Ishmael.”


Mini Boss Tank – Main Cast

“Who are these people?”

Lailah: “I believe I am the only one qualified to touch upon this topic, Librarian. Come hither and take a seat upon the sovereign throne of your concept of ‘Self’. Your throne of sanctity is an island surrounded by the seas of what you know, and beyond it, a collection of thoughts propagating from all sources in every world.

What you are hearing are the Echoes of the Collective Unconscious. A name not too dissimilar from the Voice from Beyond the Void, for such voices are intertwined with the concept of oneself. For there to be a consciousness, there must be an unconsciousness.

Thoughts squabble about. The terrarium of the Self governed by the Ego to defend us from thoughts unbelonging to us. Yet there are those with Wills and voices that permeate through our defenses, carried by the Collective Unconsciousness found in all things.

What you are hearing are voices from elsewhere. A conversation not meant for us to overhear.


Mini Boss Tank – Frost

“What do you think of Project Moon?”

Frost: “I love the world but would hate to live in it. Their works look fiction to everyone, and hardly a believable cyberpunk, but if Galia and the Arbiter are correct then it is the most accurate depiction of where Earth is going considering there are allusions to the Light there.

… That does make wonder about the advancements we made in recent years back when I was on Earth. Lots of parallels between their fiction and our reality too. At least here it’s not as miserable, I imagine… I think. I really hope not.


TheLord999 – Frost

“What do you think about the Head and its rules in the PM multiverse?).”

Frost: “Despicable and nonsensical rules all for what? So people can suffocate and suffer more? Taboos for the smallest things shouldn’t warrant a city-wide manhunt. Rampant crime, and inequalities that can’t shake them to take any form of action. But heaven forbid that someone tries to create a human-like AI. For a governing body that wants to protect humanity, they are awfully ignorant of what occurs within their city.

I never want to end up with such arbitrary rules, like you can’t bad-mouth a Moon and have it be ground for an execution.

Then again, there’s probably a reason for it all.


Yril – Main Cast

“What are your plans for the upcoming future?”


Frost: “I want to finish up in Grandis first and foremost. What happens after will decide what I can do. But if it’s about what I want to do, then it’s to finally visit the place where we made our vows to stick together with Jury and Nav.”

Jury: “Perfect my technology, and lots of snuggles with Frost.”

Ignis: “Give Stella working eyes. So she can see the world she’s missed.”

Nav: “Try my hand at swimming. I hope I don’t electrocute anyone.”

Snap: “Zzzzz. (Sleep for a while).”

Cer: “Get bigger till I’m the biggest of them all!”

Ber: “I wanna try my hand at baking. The Healers on the Floor of Amalgamation want to open a baking club.”

Res: “Get some pointers from Ayle before I start trying to create my own masterpiece.”


TheLord999 – Swil

“Do you swil?”


Swil: “N.O” *Thumbs up*


Cwil – Frost

“What do you think about the Head and its rules in Balatro?”

Frost: “I’ve looked at it, and I still can’t wrap my head around what it’s supposed to be? From my understanding it’s a token or card that debuffs heart playing cards.”


Yril – Frost

“What do you think of every battle being broadcaster or shown to people of other worlds like a show or movie?”


Frost: “It’d be cool, but… creepy at the same time if everything was being broadcasted. On the bright side, if there was a Skill that scaled on a similar metric, then I’d love it.”


Dragon_God (on behalf of Swil) – Jury

“How are you doing today? Personally, I feel like I need a hug. Maybe even wanting to be held for a bit… I’m a little lonely… (I’m being blackmailed into asking a question through a proxy).”


Jury: “Very good~ Bring that person here if they want a hug~ I won’t bite! I promise!”


Dragon_God – Frost

“Where are you? We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty. You should've received a notice in the mail about your car's extended warranty eligibility. Since we've not gotten a response, we're giving you a final courtesy call before we close out your file. Press 2 to be removed and placed on our do-not-call list. To speak to someone about possibly extending or reinstating your vehicle's warranty, press 1 to speak with a warranty specialist.”


Frost: “Interdimensional car warranty? What kind of Atelier is responsible for this?”


Yril – Frost

“Where are you? Your rent taxes haven’t been paid.”


Frost: “Alright, where’s Cer. I somehow know she’s behind this.”


Bobple – Cer, Ber, Res

“If you guys could combine into super you, what would you like that to be, and what would it be called?”

Cer: “Cer.”

Ber: “Ber.”

Res: “Res.”

Together: “Cerberus! What else are we going to be called!?”

Cer: “We’d be a behemoth of a Moon. With our intellects combined and our bandonkadonks, we’d put Jury right in her place! Think about it! If we had better abs than her, then would Frost belly rub her or us?

Ber: “… Cer’s… right.”

Res: “… That does sound good.”


Bobple – Frost

“If you had to give up one of your core/important abilities, what would it be?”

Frost: “Steel Thread easily. It’s gotten the most use out of me, but I can’t see myself throwing anything else away. Besides, I can always get it back.”


Bobple – Frost

“If you had to give a last/family name to yourself, and the rest of your family, what would it be?”

Frost: “… If I had to choose right now… Ugh, it’s a hard one. I think… Celesta would be a nice one. Short for celestial. Astra is a nice one too. But maybe something simpler would be nice, like… the name of a season or *Laughs* maybe Jury’s favorite food. It’s hard to say. But those are my picks.”


Bobple – Main Cast/Everyone

“What do you think of Frost’s answer?”


Jury: “Those are… surprisingly good.”

Nav: “They do have a nice ring to them.”

Ignis: “Mn. But I don’t care so long as we get the same last name.”

Snap: “Bzzzt! (me too!).”

Cer: “Coming from you, Frost, I half expected you to come up with Rime. Frost Rime.”

Ber: “I think Rime would’ve been good, but that fits Frost more than us. Cer Rime. So when people say your full name they’ll go ‘Are they talking about Cer, or did they mispronounce crime?”

Res: “I think we can do better than these when the day comes.”


Bobple – Everyone With a Tarot Card

“What are your three favorite words?”


Cer – The Fool: “Moon. Me. Wolf.”

Magus – The Magician: “Hope. Light. Star.”

Marionette – The High Priestess: “Purpose. Strings. Theatrical.”

Ber – The Empress: “Beautiful. Dress. Swan.”

Frost – The Emperor: “Emotions. Salvation. Healer.”

The Hierophant: “Vessel. Atonement. Freedom.”

Jury – The Lovers: “Frost. Skewers. Meat.”

Knalzark – The Chariot: “War. Power. Homeland.”

Ignis – Strength: “Happiness. Warmth. Love.”

Anna – The Hermit: “Sinder. Books. Lover.”

Director – Wheel of Fortune: “Theatrical. Stage. Act.”

Galia – Justice: “Judgement. Justice. Bullet.”

Raoul – The Hanged Man: “…”

Umbra – Death: “Spiral. Abandonment. Relinquish.”

Enoch – Temperance: “Rupture. Blood. Temper.”

Lucifinia – The Devil: “Sins. Virtues. [REDACTED].”

Nav – The Tower: “Mortality. Heart. Dreams.”

Star Child – The Star: “…?”

Moses – The Moon: “Commandments. Absolution. Light.”

Carpalis – The Sun: “Peace. Unity. Compassion.”

Arbiter – Judgement: “Light. Her. Atonement.”

Res – The World: “Colors. Sanity. Comfort.”


Bobple – Nav

“What is something you wish you could do?”


Nav: “Dream of sheep, rather than electric sheep.”


Yril – Frost

“Can you gain abilities through eating anything else other than Corrupted?”


Frost: “Yes! The Anids for some reason. My Steel Thread comes from an Octanid, and I still can’t seem to understand it.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

“Here is the Warhammer 40k universe and fantasy universes. What do you think, and which do you prefer?”


Frost: “Fantasy world without a doubt. And I thought PM’s world was fucked up.”

Jury: “I’m with Frost. The worst fantasy world is still a blessing in comparison.”

Nav: “I would be a God in the Warhammer Universe.”

Ignis: “Here is best.”

Snap: “Brrr… (No happiest moments in that world).”

Cer: “Warhammer is what would happen here if Ateliers could reach other planets.”

Ber: “The chaos thing reminds me of Corruption. I’d still choose here. At least the Corruption isn’t a plague.”

Res: “Agreed.”


Remnant_Empire – Main Cast

“Yo Frost, Jury and everyone else, long time no see. Not gonna ask any questions. Just wish you all the happiness and love in the world.”

Collectively: “Thank you~!”


Dragon_God – Frost

“How do you feel about bikini armor in a beach setting?”


Frost: “Regretfully, that works. But if you’re fighting giant crabs in bikini armor, I’m not excusing you just because you’re on a beach.”


Smiles – Ignis, Snap, Sleepy Frost

“Can you give me a hug? I would ask Frost, but I don’t want to upset Jury and I ‘ve heard Snap’s fur is softer.”

Ignis: “There there *pats*.”

Snap: “Bzzzzt! (It’s ok!).

Sleepy Frost: “*Yawn* Do what you want but don’t disturb me.”


Smiles – Frost

*Explains the existence of the discord server’s history since I got here* “What are your opinions on me, Dragon_God, Mini Boss Tank, Bobple and Syringe?” *Your memory will be wiped after you answer the question*

Frost: “It looks like a normal group chat. I don’t have any strong opinions for people I don’t even know, but that Syringe fellow rubs me the wrong way. Someone should ban them.”


Smiles – All

“Do you remember these question sessions after they are over?”

All: “Only from Q/A to Q/A, but never in the story… wait, what story? We’re in a story?”


Dragon_God – Frost

“Is YHQEAqO.png a recognized cult… Role in the Nexus?”


Frost: “It’s a role given not even to the worst Repenters. Condemned have an easier time in the Subcut than what those who suffer with... that.


Dragon_God – Vampyria

“Are dragons tasty?”


Vampyria: “Why does an Exalted believe they can speak to me? To entertain the thought of me consuming you? Dragon blood does not age like other blood. It grows putrid over time, like a barrel of fermenting milk. I do not drink from the blood of whose origins come from the Rivers.”


esThr – Iscario

“Will you win?”

Iscario: “The Amalgam may give me a little trouble. But I will win.”


Mini Boss Tank – Sinder

“Still waiting for Anna to propose?”


Sinder: “… Perhaps waiting is the wrong call for a girl like Anna.”


Mini Boss Tank – Archivist

“When will you propose?”


Anna: “H-Hueh!? T-To who!? Isn’t he already – I mean, who are you talking about!?”


Dragon_God – Frost, Jury, Cer, Ber, Res, ignis, Arbiter

“Did you like our questions?


Frost: “I always being asked questions… but I’m still wondering how I’m getting calls for my car warranty. I don’t even own a car.”

Jury: “I’m having fun, so it doesn’t really matter what’s asked.”

Cer: “Do better.”

Ber: “I think it’s fine.”

Res: “Anymore unhinged and the whole door to shit would’ve fallen off.”

Ignis: “I’m happy I’m being involved.”

Michaela: “This experience has made me realize why Stars are incompatible with mankind.”


esThr – Ara and Cer

“Did you know that you can’t use both sides of your brain. On the right, there is nothing left, and on the left, there is nothing right.”

Ara: “Dunno about you or brains, but if it’s working then I don’t gotta question it.”

Cer: “Two sides of the brain? Right and left? So if left is right, then it’s always correct. But if right has nothing left, then how can right be correct in the first place? It’s like people not making sense of waking up dead.”

Ara: “Hold on. Let’s go back. Wake up dead? How can you wake up dead?”

Cer: “Because you went to bed alive and wound-up dead. Then you wake up dead.”

Ara: “How can you go to alive and WAKE up dead if you’re not alive. Are you even Raoul’s sister!?”

Cer: “Because you never went to bed alive, idiot. You went to bed dead. That’s how you wake up dead.”

Ara: “So a dead person is going to open their eyes and just… die?”

Cer: “No, they’re dead already but when they wake up, they’re already dead. If they wake up alive, they never died in the first place or went to bed dead. Unless they’re a Memento Mori!”

Ara: “Raoul. Save me. Please. HELP ME! I CAN’T STAND THIS ANY LONGER!”


Dil – Frost, Jury

“Are we invited to the wedding.”


Frost: “Hmm. I’d honestly rather keep it between just a few people.”

Jury: “A small wedding, but with enough food for a big wedding is the plan! I’m sorry!”


Mini Boss Tank – Frost, Jury

“So when is the wedding?”


Frost: “… Eventually.”

Jury: “Frost means that we’re already married. In our hearts evermore. Spiritually. Mentally. Physically. Psychologically. Temporally. Sexually –”

Frost: “– I think they get it.”


Dragon_God – Frost, Jury

“What is a wedding? Why is a wedding? How is a wedding? Where is a wedding? Who is a wedding?”


Frost:  “These Exalted nowadays are something else…”


Dragon_God – Ignis

“Do you want a hug?”


Ignis: “Ok.”


Dragon_God – Galia

“What’s your favorite tea?”


Galia: “None. Should you imply that I enjoy even a single filthy fern, the it will be straight to an Iron Coffin with you.”


Dragon_God – Galia

“I drink coffee and tea every week. Am I an abomination?”


Galia: “Words cannot begin to describe how much of an abomination you are.”


Dragon_God – Galia

“What’s your favorite type and flavor of coffee?”


Galia: “A simple long black or an espresso, using the closest beans to the profile of an arabica. A dollop of milk on certain occasions. Cold brewed on more unforgiving days. A splash of hazelnut to perfect its depth.”


Dragon_God – Carpalis

“Can I lend you a hand? :3”


Carpalis: “Hehehe… Just don’t hold on for too long, or your soul may be mine. Haha…”


Dragon_God (From Swil) – Frost, Jury, Cer, Ber, Res, Ignis, Arbiter, Archivist, Carpalis, Snap, Galia

“Who is the fluffiest and most huggable in the Nexus?”


Frost: “Snap is the fluffiest, but I’d argue that Jury’s the most huggable, behind the Sleepy Frost and the Big Frost.”

Jury: “Snap for fluffiest, and Frost for huggable~”

Cer: “Snap by far.”

Ber: “Snap no question.”

Res: “Snap, but Jury’s a good hugger. She completely engulfs you. Frost is small enough to disappear in her embrace.”

Ignis: “Snap. Ber if fun too.”

Arbiter: “Anna is quite good.”

Anna: “Er… Snap. Michaela and the Hired Arm are good, but the Hired Arm is easier to relax in. She lets me sit on her lap sometimes.”

Carpalis: “That yellow ball of fuzz is soft, but for hugs… That would have to go my friend Evergreen.”

Snap: “Brrr~! (Everyone!).”


Dragon_God – Snap



Snap: “Bzzt? (Brrr?).”


Dragon_God – Galia

“I’ve mixed coffee and tea. What do you think about that?”


We shall have a long talk at the footsteps of hell, Exalted.


TheLord999 – Umbra

“What do you think if I do a mod based on the Nexus universe in Starsector (a space video game).”


Umbra: “It would depend on how you interpret the Stars. Gaining access to the cosmic elsewhere is a feat that no Beholder has ever accomplished. There a places were wings, artificial or not, cannot take us in this world of Elysia. Rather, the way up is to walk towards the horizon.

The Stars are alive in our skies. Do not follow their lights. A modification of a game based on space would follow such eldritch themes, of Gods that contain knowledge of the unknown. What Stars impart to us break our minds, hence why Galia and I have generously donated it to the Nexus, rather than to let it consume us alive.”


TheLord999 – Umbra

“Is the ocean and its depths off limits too?”


Umbra: “No, but like Deep Time, the Ocean Depths are inhospitable. It is no wonder that Abyssal life has a strong tendency to become Eclipses and powerful beings through Tempering. The vast oceans beyond are dangerous even for Beholders, for we do not know what lays elsewhere.

The Dead Seas. The Red Seas. The Black Sea. The Pale Sea. The White Sea. Entities not governed by limits like us, such as the Leviathan or the late Tiamat whose blood forms the Red Sea.


TheLord999 – Frost

“Will you explore the ocean at one point?”


Frost: “We will have to if we want to reach the Expanse. There’s also the hunt for the Dead Sea Scrolls too. The ocean is our key to reaching the boundaries of this world.”


TheLord999 – Michaela

“Wait, you can drink justice?”


Michaela: “Literally, no. Otherwise, yes. Justice is a drink to be savored.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

“Here is a photo of Ellen Joe. What do you think?


Frost: “Cute shark maid.”

Jury: “I want to see if Frost can wear that.”

Nav: “Shork.”

Ignis: “Shaaaark.”

Snap: “Brrr! (Cute!).”

Cer: “Lunch.”

Ber: “Dinner.”

Res: “I don’t what these two are talking about, but I like the dress a lot.”


TheLord999 – Frost, Galia

“Do you know if any lich exists on Elysia?”


Frost: “Memento Mori are the closest things to a Lich.”

Galia: “Look no further than the Ankous of the Memento Mori, or the Knightmares.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

“If you could meet the creator of the universe, what would you say to him?”


Frost: “Why?”

Jury: “Why and thank you for pairing me with Frost.”

Nav: “… Give me a real body, please.”

Ignis: “Bring papa back.”

Snap: “Bzzt… (A cruel creator).”

Cer: “You fucked us for 30 years with Serum G.”

Ber: “30 years straight of living as slaves to the present must’ve been fun for you, huh.”

Res: “I’d want them to know that we’re not just characters on a sheet of paper.”


Cwil – Frost



Frost: “Depends. The old me would’ve been against it all, but I’m enabling things worse than warcrimes.”


TheLord999 – Frost, Jury

“What do you think of a Frost/Jury vtuber?”


Frost: “I’d dig it, but it would feel weird to see someone else in my own body.”

Jury: “I can’t endorse what isn’t the real thing.”


Cwil – Frost

“Would you create/allow the creation of a gate that allows passage (back and forth) between Elysia and Earth?” – Question allegedly stolen from Swil.


Frost: “Honestly… I wouldn’t want either side to spill over. But if it was possible, then yes. I’d do it, but on a very small scale.”


Cwil – Main Cast

“What genre of music do you prefer?”


Frost: “Anything that sounds good.”

Jury: “Romantic songs.”

Nav: “Classical.”

Ignis: “The ones that bards play.”

Snap: “Bzzzzzzt. (Unsure).”

Cer: “Bard diss battles. Basically rap from where you’re from.”

Ber: “Violin.”

Res: “Orchestral, or classical like Nav. Something to set the mood as I paint.”


Cwil – Frost

“What would you do to help people during a natural disaster?”


Frost: “Search and rescue, provide shelter and necessities, and help them get back on their feet. We have more than enough resources in the Nex Megalopolis. Associations are also incentive to lend a hand to normal people, since they’re their clients. It would be priority to prevent a relapse of the disaster. It’s easy to say these things but executing them is incredibly difficult.”


Cwil – Frost

“Eat the Nexus?”


Frost: “As I said before, the Nexus is highly resistant to damage and my maw. And with how large it is… Yeah, I’d rather be known as the Head than the termite that’s been eating at the Nexus for the last million years.”


Cwil – Jury

“Would you work as a Jury?”


Jury: “I would, since it’s only determining who’s guilty and innocent. I can’t bring myself to be the one who decides the punishment.”


Cwil – Cer, Ber, Res

“What do you think about Cerberus?”


Cer: “Dumb ass mutt with three heads… Now that’s bringing back awful memories.”

Ber: “The guard dog of hell, and we’re the guardian wolves of heaven. I don’t like how it looks.”

Res: “One of the children Typhoon, huh… So that name also exists wherever this Cerberus myth came from. The River Styx.”


Cwil – Cer, Ber, Res

“What do you think about Cerberus from Helltaker?”


Cer: “Hell, I’d let them take me!”

Ber: “… my type.”

Res: “You’ve heard it here already. We’d get along just fine.”


Dragon_God – Frost

“Did you know we can all see the questions and answers?”


Frost: “We’ve always been aware. Since the start… for better or worse.”


Cwil – Main Cast

“Did you know that you are a product of Syringe’s imagination?”


Frost: “Regretfully.”

Jury: “If I say good things, then will they write me interacting with Frost more?”

Nav: “Such is our existence.”

Ignis: “Final battle – we fight the Author.”

Snap: “Zzzzt! Brrr. (Good ending please).”

Cer: “Hey Author, throw us a bone will you? Just let me Awaken already! I deserve it don’t I!?”

Ber: “Sorry Cer, the Author’s like that.”

Res: “Unfortunately…”


Cwil – Main Cast

“What do you think about Scribblehub?”


Frost: “So many… interesting books. Jury might like this site.”

Jury: “I wouldn’t. *Bookmarks half the site. Cleans the isles off the GL section*

Nav: “So this is where Anna gets her erotica from.”

Snap: “Bzzzzzzt. (Staaaaaaare).”

Cer: “I can’t read. Jury, read those out to us.”

Ber: “There’s some cooking stories. That’s… nice to see.”

Res: “Hardly anything about painting. Tch.”


Cwil – Frost

If you could choose, what type of world would you like to be isekaied to?


Frost: “Somewhere closer to the present I guess. Or a friendly fantasy world. You know what, a world like Pokemon sounds would’ve been a dream to get isekaied in, if that just means to appear in their world one day.


Dragon_God – Frost

“Do you like rocks?”


Frost:  “Living up to the role that defines you.”


Cwil – Frost



Frost: “I guess?”


Cwil – Frost

“Fox Girl?”


Frost: “Yes.”


Dragon_God – Frost

“What’s the coolest stick you have found?”


Frost: YHQEAqO.png


Cwil – Frost



Frost: “I think?”


Cwil – Frost



Frost: “Definitely.”


Dragon_God – Carpalis

“Opinions on Dragons?”


Carpalis: “Prideful creatures that suffer from… wanting far too much from bargains than to understand the merit of a deal. Hehehe… Creatures of hubris, with their birthright to fly, but they lay in lairs on all fours. Ahaha…”


TheLord999 – Frost

“Would you want a lamia Jury?”


Frost: “… You know what, I’d… strangely like that. Jury’s always wrapping me up in her tail to begin with.”


Dragon_God – Carpalis

“Can I gamble with chocolate coins and candy gems?”


Carpalis: “So long as they go directly to me.”


Cwil – Main Cast

“Favorite monster girls?”


Frost: “… no comment.”

Jury: “Humans. Frost.”

Nav: “I just want to be a human.”

Cer: “Wolf.”

Ber: “They said monster girl. But any would do, so long as they have two legs.”

Res: “Same.”


Dragon_God – Carpalis

“Favorite person?”


Carpalis: “Evergreen…? Perhaps.”


Dragon_God – Carpalis

“Do you gamble?”


Carpalis: “Every breathing second is a gamble. Every soul taken is a risk.”


Cwil – Carpalis

“You can win 2000% of your money, but you can only lose 100% of your money.”


Carpalis: “A gamble with such high odds, or an investment… I believe. Hehe.”


Swil – Frost

“I like the feather cloak approb that’s all I’ve thought about for the last few chapters cause it wasn’t explicitly mentioned. If it was be, I would be playing with the feathers constantly.”

Frost: “Me too. I really wish I had the time back then to mess around with my coat. So many small moments like that never came across my mind, because it was all about survival. I’m glad you said you that. Thank you.”


Swil – Frost

“Do you play with the feathers on your cloak?”

Frost: “Not really, since I don’t fidget at all. It’d distract me if I did.”


Smiles – Snap

“Other than my crossover that one time, have you ever lost a race?”

Snap: “Brr. Bzzt. Zzt. (Never).”


Dragon_God – Galia

“Could you not kill me?”


Galia: “My judgement is law. Your punishment is inevitable.”


Yril – Galia

“Can you please kill em?”

Galia: “Justice is coming.”


Smiles – Galia

“Despite what you may have heard about anyone asking you questions or telling you stuff, they are (usually) good people so don't kill them please. You must not let your personal tastes cloud your judgement.”

Galia: “Perhaps you would like to join the Exalted, Librarian?”


Smiles – Beholders

“Are you single? If so, which of the other Beholders would you date?”


Jury: “I’m taken.”

Galia: “I’ve forsaken love… and have regretted it ever since. There are no pure Beholders here worth my time. Neither do we have such luxury.”

Carpalis: “Love… heheh. An inevitable broken heart.”

Descartes 3: “Not needed.”

E.: “Undeserving.”

Umbra: “Unnecessary.”

Marionette: “If the Strings decide it, then it shall be.”

Lucifinia: “…”

Knalzark: “Never.”

Abyssal Mother: “…?”


Smiles – Archetypes, Jury, Galia

“What do you think of the Arbiter and Galia as a romantic couple?”


Frost: “Somehow, I feel like it’d be fitting. But at the same time, it’s hard to see those two going further than holding hands.”

Jury: “They’d be a mirror of us then. I wouldn’t mind~”

Magus: “… I’d rather not say anything. This one likes being alive.”

Star Child: “?”

Director: “Now that would be a good development. Let’s see what I can’t do through the Fate Mechanism.”

Anna: “It’s nearly impossible to wrap my head around, but it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in the Nexus.”

Galia: “… Love is so far away from I like the light of a fading star, and dare I even conceive of the idea of belonging to a Star? Perish the thought.”

Anna, whispering to the others: “Plus can you imagine how those two would flirt?”


Smiles – Frost

“Say you had a child with Jury. What do you think their abilities would be, and what would you name them?”


Frost: “W-Woah. Slow down… First of all, how would that be possible in the first place? Also… I think they’d only keep my all-devouring Maw and ability to manifest Corrupted. Their name would be… Honestly, I have no idea. Frosty is what comes to mind, but it’s so cheesy that I can’t stop grinning at the thought of it.”


Smiles – Frost, Jury

“Say you woke up and found that Frost was pregnant. How would you react?”


Jury: “Celebrate! That would be because of my tail! I think?”

Frost: “… I’d die happy, though the idea of being pregnant when I used to be a… yeah. It’s weird, but I’m not opposed to it at all. I’m sorry. I think the topic of it hits me hard because of the climate we’re in right now. Wars, the Impuritas – I’m needed to constantly put my body on the line. I’d never forgive myself if something were to happen to our child because of me.”

Jury: *Embraces Frost*


Smiles – Nav

“How good are you in a physical fight, like with the 1000 eyed birb?”


Nav: “Guess I’ll die. For reference, I have taken damage from a small slime tacking me one time. I’m quite the glass maiden. I’m not like them.”


Killroyistheklobb – Ignis

“What body part do you find the most useful for experiments with your ability?”

Ignis: “The nervous system, or just the nerves. They’re thin and let me feel where I am without needing to look.”


Killroyistheklobb – Jury

“What is the most boring part of your role as a Beholder?”

Jury: “Administration and documentation. I want to keep everything in a record. Things need to change in the Nexus. If no one’s going to do it, then I will.”


Killroyistheklobb – Galia

“What shop has the worst coffee in the Nexus?”

Galia: “None. All coffee stores are held to my standards without exception. Those who have failed have been politely ejected, replaced, or given adequate training by relevant Associations. Once have I personally demonstrated how to create the perfect latte in nothing but a buttoned shirt and throwaway trousers one day.

Those same people now brew the coffee of my personnel within my Workshop, Jury’s Workshop, and one particular fellow in a distant Branch. They’re not my personnel per say, since they’re still Association members. But they are on my payroll.”


TheLord999 – Main Cast

“I know someone that, in my opinion, works too much. What can we do to make him take a break?


Frost: “Since you asked here, they might take a break sooner than you think.”

Jury: “Let them know seriously.”

Nav: “Disable their access to their devices.”

Ignis: “Hugs fix many things. Mn.”

Snap: “Brrr! (Let them know!).”

Cer: “Break their legs if they need a break.”

Ber: “I think a break is coming.”

Res: “Yep. You’ve jinxed it.”



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