Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

693. The Red Baron and Beethoven

693. The Red Baron and Beethoven

The halls of the Red Baron’s estate were exactly like his banquette hall. Red carpets, curtains portraits of himself – it was a narcissist’ wonderland.

Beethoven followed closely as they passed through several sets of doors. They began from wood, to steel, adamantium, and eventually they reached a door sealed by a mass of flesh.

“Bzzt. The Crimson Hunger are serving you well. Bzzt.”

“Too well. They’re the ones who keep my Trophies fed. I hear what they feed is highly nutritious, though I wouldn’t dare to find out myself. So long as it keeps them alive, and their skin youthful, then I couldn’t ask for more. No filthy Demi-Humans to contaminate my collection either.”

He thrust a powerful fist into the flesh. Tendrils immediately coiled around his arm. He stirred it, resisting their grip before finally tugging out an eye. He did not use keys or magic to lock his secrets. Strength was all one needed, as well as the perquisite knowledge to know where the eye resided.

After an assault of wet squelches, the doors peeled open and revealed a treasury filled with piles of gold coins. Stolen possessions were also amassed here and left to rot, or to be toyed with by various tentacled creatures.

“To think all of this would have been lost to the Solemn Paw if I stuck my neck into the wrong place.” He laughed. “The Wise Black Wolf used to be a pain in the ass, but we’re thankfully on more neutral terms. Can you believe that I was nearly blamed for setting up the twins?”

They ventured deeper into the treasury. A red, salivating chandelier shaped like a uvula hung directly above a shimmering, blue crystal.

“I would have cradled them tenderly. Nurtured them better than those bastards on the Leviathan. I used to be jealous of them. I’ve never had a Healer for myself.”

He paused, waiting for Beethoven to ask him to continue.

He took the silence as a good sign, anyway.

“But it does make you wonder. No internal trauma from what I’ve heard. Just recent injuries, and they still had their clothes on their backs. The flesh within the train had not yet rotted.”

“Bzzt. Because they were careful not to damage the merchandise. Bzzt. It would have been a good bargaining chip, but we already have an excellent alternative. Bzzt.”

“Scandalous for a Star to have such strong feelings for Healers. Didn’t he also take a look into your kind as well?”

“Bzzt. Luckily, he did not find much. Bzzt. The Wise Black Wolf is dangerous. Bzzt. The Disciples of Nihilm would rather be pit against a Blue Moon or a Black Moon than with who they call Raoul. Bzzt.”

“So you do know who was behind it. Hahaha!”

“Bzzt. Don’t we all? It all fits together like a scripted play on this grand stage. Bzzt. We conduct on the forefront, so that the oboe that rises from beneath the stage does not know that the heaven we play on is but an extension of that same hell. Bzzt.”

“Good for you.” The Red Baron had no idea what Beethoven was even talking about.

Finally, they reached the divot where the blue crystal resided. It was shattered and held into place by screws, thatch, and woodworking glue. Not an ounce of care was made to keep it together.

Beethoven scooped flesh from the ground and smeared it to further glue it together.

“Bzzt. To think this used to belong to a Color. Bzzt.”

Not that it mattered, but it did cause Beethoven to judgingly stare at the Red Baron for a brief moment.

“No need to pity him. He was weak. The fool tried to resolve things peacefully to his dying breath. I cut him mid-sentence, so I didn’t hear what he had to say. Such a waste of talent. He died doing what he hated the most.”

“Bzzt. Are Colors not like your own brethren? Bzzt.”

“We’re natural enemies. Colors cannot coexist because at the end of the day, someone will want someone dead. I want to stand above all the useless sleuths, the masses, the Demi-Humans, the people that wronged us – so that I can live the life I want. A Color doesn’t become a Color because of peace, tranquility, reciting fake speeches on how to move forward.”

He spat on the heart of the Blue Chorus. It chimed like a struck tuning fork. Just like the Green Composer, the Blue Chorus was a musician.

“A Color is just who’s at the top. Who accomplishes the bare minimum to appease the masses is undeserving of being a Color. They’ll hail anyone a hero nowadays. A true Color like my breed and Iscario are those who strive to be at the center of it all. You, Beethoven, know that best as a Maestro.”

“Bzzt. I agree. Bzzt. The Green Composer was terribly flawed yet they say he revolutionized music. Bzzt.”

“The bones you and I grow. The skin. The way we breathe. We’re different. We don’t sow seeds. We don’t plough fields or count coins. We have ambitions. We’re not like them, and neither are they like us.”

“Bzzt. Ambitions of mine begin with a musician that I must use as material first. Bzzt. All the Memento Mori requires is one last piece. Bzzt.”

A ball of flesh swelled right underneath Beethoven’s feet. Eventually, the mass grew large enough for him to speak to it face to face.

“Bzzt. I understand. They’ve entered the Bellum Empire. Bzzt. Near the Smuggler’s Pass. Bzzt. Perfect… Bzzt.”

“You seem happy.”

“Bzzt. How can I not be? Bzzt. I will be meeting a distant relative. Bzzt. Are you prepared? Bzzt. The chains are ready to be broken. Bzzt.”

“Haha!” The Red Baron caused the mass of flesh to shrivel as he uttered: “Wither.” It was too high for his liking, and his sudden eruption of excitement caused the fleshy walls to quiver.

“A few nights are all that separates us now. This calls for a celebratory drink! I could lend you one of my servants if you’re up for it. I guess not. You know how much I could care less about the people of the Bellum Empire.”

He smashed his fists together, creating a red orb of light that instantly engulfed his body like armor. The purple robes were instantly replaced by a full set of massive, red-plated armor akin to that of a Justicer.

“But with all the false Colors and their ‘teachings’ with zero substance, it can’t be helped that a hero must arrive. Hell will break loose. They’ll watch families and friends die before their eyes and call for help. And I will come save them.”

Finally, the the red light in his hands materialized into a full-metal helmet. At a distance it looked like an oversized crown fit for a king. His voice further deepened once he wore it, and his power to dominate the bodies of those who heard his voice was amplified.

“Now then. The potential sixteenth Trophy you spoke of. Do they fit my tastes?”

“Bzzt. Blue eyes. Bzzt. Short hair. Bzzt. Black hair. Bzzt. Boyish. Bzzt. A strong mage likely. Bzzt. Short. Bzzt. Skin in excellent condition. Bzzt. All according to the reports made to the Memory Bistros. Bzzt.”


“Bzzt. Ravia. Bzzt. But they are likely heading towards the Capital. Bzzt.”

“Perfect. My future wife will reside in the Capital. Perfect timing. I could be her knight in shining armor when all hell is let loose! Call it fate and watch her fall head over heels for me. I’m curious what kind of sounds she’ll make. If it’s anything like my first wife…”

With that said, he immediately strode towards from whence he came. A deranged smile formed behind his helmet; his intentions clear as day.

“… then I may not be able to help myself. A Healer can’t come any sooner.”

It bothered Beethoven that he was so eager when it came to women. Not that it mattered, since the Red Baron was also a follower of the Brightest Star – Iscario.

“Bzzt. Will you not head to Primus Ramus with us? Bzzt. Or are you afraid of meeting –?”

“Fear is not an emotion I’ve ever understood. People should just enjoy themselves. Otherwise, you end up like the Corpse Snatchers. There is no need for me to attend. If Iscario decides to show his face there, then tell our Brightest Star I have more important matters to attend to. Until then –

– My sixteenth Trophy is waiting for me to scoop her into my arms!”

Finally, both hands were encased by the same red light before they transformed into giant gauntlets. They resembled ruby coronets, and lining each knuckle like spikes were miniature crowns.

“Firstly, I must bring the Astral Blaze. Who would have thought that a Corrupted mantle brimming with flames would have taken a liking to me. I imagine it would fit the world-destroyer Amalgam better.”

“Bzzt. Pray that you don’t cross their path. Bzzt. I’ve never experienced it or seen it, but they say the Amalgam can absorb Corrupted. Bzzt. It’s prohibited to utilize Corrupted. Bzzt.”

The Red Baron ignored Beethoven.

“This boogeyman was first the destroyer of worlds, then the devourer of stars, and now they’re the absorber of Corrupted? Keep your falsehoods to yourself. Whether I come across the Amalgam or not matters little. In the first place, they do not know that I am working alongside Prince Iscario!”


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