Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

690. Our Interpretations of Salvation

690. Our Interpretations of Salvation

“How bizarre. The featherless bird became something I could not dream to imagine~” D-13 hummed, caressing her flesh sensually before she slipped on a buttoned shirt. “Not a Shell, but something more than that. I was rescued by that ticking call and became the thing that I am. It bothers me that you’re so different~ What is this strange sensation I feel when you look at me?”

“It’s an Ability of mine. It’ll help calm you down. So you’re a Shell after all, huh. All Wandering Healers are post-Shell Healers.”

“Saved by the ticking~ So we do our bidding to save others like how it saved us. My drivels are not so nonsensical when you understand that a Healer’s calling is perpetual~ A fetish for saving commands us at every waking moment. You can’t take salvation out of a Healer.”

D-13 seemed to notice that Lucy was similar to her as well. A Healer that had lost their right to remain as a White Dove. Where D-13 lacked wings as Wingless Dove, the Black Wings were Fractured Doves.

“Death through the hope that they can be elevated with new wings, or death through execution. Salvation is all the same. Peer. Stare. LOOK deeply into my eyes and see that we are one and the same~!”

She clasped onto Lucy’s coat.

But she could not drag Lucy down to her level. She was immovable, and her eyes glowed where D-13’s lost their luminosity.

“The same? So this is the result of Elyisa’ intervention. A haggard shell incapable of healing. Aren’t we glad we had you around, Mother. We’d be similar to them if it weren’t for you and our weapons.”

Frost didn’t know how true it was, but many of the Black Wings attributed their transformation to her rather than Elysia or the Advent of Desire. It was an indescribable warmth that opened a separate door to the one with the ominous ticking.

In their minds, they had no doubt that they would have turned into Wandering Healers were it not for Frost.

This warmth was Frost’s Will before it had a voice.

A proto-Will, that propagated shortly after she resonated with the Nexus. Or perhaps even before that, like immediately after her Corruption or when the Piece of the Fallen Star shone in the skies of the Nex Megalopolis.

It got Frost wondering how much of an influence her Will may have if it reaches the level of Elysia’s. It was already out there, so it was only a matter of time before they could find out… for better or worse.

Frost cleared her mind as D-13 scrambled onto the other side of the table, clasping at Frost’s apparel with cold hands.

“Is that why touching you silences the ticking~? Such a bird with fathoms similar to mine and that ticking voice, yet so different~” Neither could she bring Frost down to her level.

Her pupils contracted as she stared deep into Frost’s eyes.

“I see it now. Why the ticking is silenced. Indeed… that shadow is suppressed by the light. Dark thoughts only exist in the absence of light! It’s so bright~!”

Never did Frost imagine D-13 would fawn over her. Had the ticking caused her to go mad? Lucy shared similar sentiments with D-13.

“It’s more bearable when you don’t have that sound constantly ticking in your head. It’s a moment of clarity that we were allowed to enjoy thanks to Mother when we needed it the most. Mother. Should we have another team retrieve them?”

“Another team will be beneficial, even if it’s just to secure this place. Ahem. And D-13.”

“What is it… spectral light? How odd that it feels like there are two forces battling within me as you speak! As I touch! As I feel! As I…”

Frost caught her hand as she reached for her head.

“Put on some clothes. The reason why I’m here is not just to rescue you. It’s a miracle that I’m even here in the first place, let alone you two were able to hold on for this long. I expect your cooperation.”

“That mannerism… Ahaha… So you’re not a bird that will sit and watch like before~? You also have your own form of salvation.”

“Nothing like yours. Serum S can’t even be considered the same thing.” Frost retrieved Die Agnosis and a Traumatic Clock to peer deeper into her mind. “Hold still. I’m checking what’s in that head of yours.”

However, like Deiman, she could not peer any further.

How could there be a State of Mind if there was no sense of self to begin with? Ego Death obliterated all that was D-13. What clasped onto her was not a person, but a husk of what used to be what she imagined a normal Healer. An empty shell clinging onto the only thing that made sense to them.

Cer saw the realization in Frost’s eyes and clicked her tongue.

“Salvation is Serum S.” D-13 argued with a cynical grin. “It can bring the best out of people.”


Frost’s voice dropped in pitch as she drilled her eyes into hers. The smirk on D-13’s face faded away. Terror gripped her heart as dark clouds invaded her vision, robbing her of her newfound light.

“As long as I am alive, and as long as I am the Head of the Nexus… if you utter to me the meaning of your false salvation, then I’ll make an example out of you. Can you picture the agony I can inflict as a Healer, and as someone that you can’t keep out of your head? I’d rather not resort to this, but just so you know – the Nexus has changed under my rule.”

She carefully articulated her words like she held a hammer and a chisel against her lobe, hammering each word as D-13 trembled in both a mixture of trepidation and delight.

Her free hand conjured a bright flame that glowed white-hot.

“I can grant you the same Salvation you practice in perpetuity. We have an Atelier that can manipulate time under my wing. Salvation has its own interpretations. But do not pretend like yours is the only method. Healer to Healer – how can you take pride in killing people after giving them false hope with Serum S? Do they even know that they’ll be killed?”

“Some do. Many do. The reason why I wander Grandis is to grant these wishes. To let them pass on in the hands of a Healer… Or to become something greater! It’s an opportunity!”

“Then what about those who still want to live?”

“They still must take the medicine. To test their will to persist. Having no will is the same as being dead. I made that call. I determined it. I’m a Healer so I know what is best for them~”

“It’s flawed if it’s unwanted.” Frost drilled into her head. “I can’t believe the Ateliers let you run loose for this long. D-13. Vellin. Administration of Serum S is prohibited. All Healers are regulated solely under my wing, so that they can be better. D-13. Have I made myself clear?”

“U-Under… stood… To think that I could feel like this again~” D-13 squirmed in ecstasy.

She absorbed everything Frost said, like an empty container desperately yearning to be filled.

This ordeal exhausted Frost. After a short silence to let it all stew within D-13’s mind, Frost continued:

“That said – I’ve been wondering for a while now, but who supplies you with Serum S?”

“People with pockets full of broken thorns~”

“The Broken Thorn?” Cer wondered. “Be clearer.”

“The people that do their bidding. That seek for something similar. They supply me with it, so that I can find people who can truly be saved.”

“Fuck. That means those suppliers are probably aware of the effects, huh Frost. That Faux Angel side effect.” Cer barked. “No shame or guilt on that bitch’s face. A Wayfarer enables them to do whatever the hell they want. Scumbagfarer. Got a clue or are you just going to lie there when you’re in the face of who your boss works for?”

“Those who supply the Wandering Healers with Serum S constantly change. Confirmation comes from the red roses they tend to carry, but it is usually done through Scarlet Logic’s members. Broken Thorn is not a group I recognize. But they were the ones who attacked us… who else would be powerful enough otherwise?”

So that’s why he was afraid when I mentioned I was in control of Scarlet Logic personnel. I should’ve clarified that they’re Ex-Scarlet Logic members. That’s right… they probably never heard the news about Scarlet Logic at all!

Despite this, all fingers pointed to the Broken Thorn. Frost pondered deeply as D-13 adorned the suit, unable to stop squirming under the presence of her newfound source of light.

Mixing Angel’s blood with regular people results in Faux Angels, which outright kills them. It’s easy to believe that Uriel is behind this, but sharing the blood of an Angel would be sacrilegious to her… Could it be another Angel?

“Who is not the important question. ‘Why’ is. Michaela also agrees that Uriel is not the kind to allow this in the first place. However, the fact that each Wandering Healer administers Serum S like this in multiple Regions feels like they are searching for something.”

That goes back to ‘Who’ again. No, ‘What’ are the Broken Thorn looking for…

“… You seem to already have an answer. As do I. Michaela is also on the same page.”

Frost’s eyes fell onto Cer.

The Impuritas desired the triplets for their eyes.

Serum S might have been a way to find them.

But it never occurred to any of them that it was actually the Broken Thorn that expressed their interest in those with red eyes and golden hair. This conclusion caused Frost to immediately question Galia through the CognitiO Transmitter.

“I was unaware that the Broken Thorn was behind this. The reason why I rescued the Blue Dahlia’s children was because she was a friend of mine.”


“I always knew that they were in danger because of the eyes they possessed. It’s why I kept them so close to me ever since… Is what I want to say.”


“In truth, there is nothing more to it than out of wanting to fulfil her wish of wanting her children grow. A shame. I hear that Cer has grown slightly.”


“She would have wanted to see it.”


Galia’s explanation was as simple as it could be. It surprised Frost. She had expected to hear another coffee bean metaphor, and how she had been hiding this from them for one reason or another.

Her tone was mournful, different from the composed Galia she was used to.

“Finally thinking about giving me some of the spotlight? I’ve been craving for some ‘light’ too, you know? I wanna feel that warmth.” Cer smirked.

There was a lot to unpack.

Before that, Galia left Frost with one last message.

“Nearly thirty years ago I asked the triplets and Raoul a question. What would they say if they were given a chance to send a message to their mother. It was a way to test the effects of Serum G, for they would still be beholden to their mother if the dosage was too low. Surprisingly, Cer and Raoul were the only ones who returned with an answer.”


“Cer said she’d ask her: ‘Am I doing ok?’”


“Raoul on the other hand said: ‘May we meet again.’”


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