Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

679. Another Princess

679. Another Princess

Alternatively, there was a method to forcefully wake Gerina up.

Dream Shatter had the ability to instantly drag a person back from unconsciousness and keep them awake forever. That was so long as they were on the receiving end of her fists.

Additionally, though it stated that it would prevent people from losing their minds, it did not mean that it could prevent a person from Corrupting. At least not through Elysia’s interference.

A part of her had to wonder if it was the reason why people didn’t Corrupt in front of her mid-fight. Facing an absolute wall, death or extreme physical trauma wasn’t always a catalyst for Corruption.

Otherwise, every second person in Grandis would’ve been a Corrupted Persona.

It was a stray thought to help her ease her gaze upon Gerina. The frazzled woman sat across from Frost, separated by a short timber table and beneath a small floating flame. It took a moment for her to collect herself. She had dreamt that she had lost her head and lower body, so she patted herself down and pinched her cheeks.

Her eyes were glued to the flame suddenly, and she pinched both cheeks again.

“A Healer… and elemental magic… I have to still be dreaming.” Her murmur was met with the powerful gaze of Cer, whose teeth sparked threateningly as she snarled. “I’m…!”

Suddenly, the woman reached into a slit within her drabbed rags.

“Payment! I don’t know what you did – how you did it – but you saved my life!”

A large object was drawn out into the light. She presented it to Frost with both hands, her head lowered with gratitude.

The object was a round seal carrying the insignia of what appeared to be of royal origin. It was made from precious stones, such as diamonds and sapphires. The sea of tiny gems surrounded a golden, unicursal hexagram where a five-petalled flower resided.

Power emanated from it. Nav quickly noted that seals of proof were usually imbued with unique magic that made counterfeits impossible.

So why did this woman possess something so valuable?


Wanted Criminal
Gerina Aztra

< Greatmage >


Soul Rank: Violet | Kingdom: Bellum Empire

LEVEL : 85

ORIGIN : Human 

HP : 1,500 

ATT : 300 MAG ATT : 500
ATT DEF : 150 MAG DEF : 200

MP : 3,200

RESIST : 20  AGI : 25 

Did she steal it? I doubt the Memento Mori would go as far as to brand her a criminal for stealing a seal. I can’t see her sins like Jury can. Besides, her heart is blue from what I can tell so she doesn’t have any ill intentions against me. I’ll let the Coat of Prejudice do what it does best.

Gerina did not appear to be offering it to Frost. Her intention was to just show it as if it would vindicate her.

“The Royal Seal of the Bellum Empire? Frost. That’s not a good sign.”

Cer was curious as to why this peasant-looking woman possessed something that was used as the proof of the royal family.

“If a peasant like her has her mitts on a high-valued object like that, then the climate in there must be pretty dire. I guess the Memento Mori would be pissed if someone was messing with their puppets.”

“You’re sorely mistaken!” She snapped, slamming the seal down. “I wouldn’t dare to swoop so low and cast away the pride of my blood for riches and false promises! This is my seal! I’m Gerina Aztra!”

Frost’s feathers rustled.

“That name means nothing to us.”

Her heavy words silenced them in an instant. The pressure of her presence caused Gerina’s emotions to die as quickly as they erupted.

“It will do you favors to explain why the Knightmare was sent after you. Corpse Snatchers are our enemies. It’s the reason we are here. I assure you – our goal is to eliminate them. Tell us the situation. It may overlap with our goals. If it does, then I’ll name our price.”

The look in her eyes screamed “But you’re a Healer!”. But she had witnessed Frost’s overwhelming strength, and at this point, she had no one else to turn to. Moreover, the Memento Mori were terrified of her.

This was why she had shown the seal.

It was infallible proof of her royal lineage.

She clutched the seal tightly and spoke with the last ounce of hope she had left.

“I’m Gerina Aztra, the third princess of the Bellum Empire! I serve my people and only my people! I have sworn arcane oaths to never lose sight of myself in my position of authority under the banner of Golden Dawn!”

Her declaration must have been rehearsed a thousand times over. This woman was both of Royalty and held connections to the Golden Dawn Association, the masters of magic.

The tattoos of the rising sun that were etched into her back like grooves were proof of this.

The reason for her persecution despite being of royalty was because she was immune to their hypnotic promises of immortality. Friends and family were swooned over by false promises, leading themselves and her people astray.

Famines and diseases became commonplace outside of major cities. Widescale disappearances plagued the villages. Dukes turned a blind eye under the influence of the Memento Mori.

The issue was that it was impossible for Gerina to bring any of their crimes to light to dispel the illusion of prosperity. Even the few thousand loyal soldiers under her command could only operate small-scale operations within the cities.

The Bellum Empire’s lands were mostly green plains and small hills. Enormous forests of steelwood trees once flourished until mandated removals were made by her own family.

“The reason was for expansion. But steelwood trees were our biggest source of external mana to power our Arcane Towers. I don’t even know how they’ve been keeping our towers operational. But it’s the same reason why we have such a massive influx of coins.”

The Memento Mori were turning people into Coins. It explained the presence of the Blood Festivals who were closely associated with the Etched Coins. Frost knew it was bad, but she didn’t realize it was like this.

It never occurred to her that the Impuritas had the capacity to control a country without completely suppressing its people.

In short, the Impuritas were intertwined with the political system of the Bellum Empire, from the Royal Family down to the lowliest of barons.

“I imagine they’re being paid off and threatened.” Saying this out loud did not sit right with Frost.

“It’s not just about them being threatened.” Gerina’s pupils dilated like every ounce of fury was concentrated into a single point. “They believe them. They believe that they can be immortal! They want it! And the people in the cities far away from the bloodshed get to live normal lives! They don’t even know what’s happening underneath their feet! In the sewers! Underground!”

Gerina slammed a fist onto the table, drilling her eyes onto the seal with fury.


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