Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

660. Autumn, Deiman, and A Musical Intruder

660. Autumn, Deiman, and A Musical Intruder

An autumn-haired girl dressed in robes and a witch’s hat gently pushed the door open. Light flooded through, painting her average silhouette to an unfazed Demi-Human fox boy. She tightened her gloves and slowly approached him with curious eyes.

“Relax. I’m not here to do anything to you. I was just passing by.” Autumn assured him, brushing her wavy hair aside as she went to inspect him further. “Pretty bad wounds. Sorry, but I don’t really have much to help you. I’m not a healer. Nor do I have technology like that other person.”

Deiman’s wariness turned into curiosity at the mention of this ‘other person’. Autumn was here on the pretense of curiosity. Nothing more, nothing less. She was still chasing after that black-haired person after suspecting her for being a Healer.

What little grounds she had should not have led her to believe this. But the fact that person carried more power than her Teacher made her want to seek her. As someone aspiring to become a proper mage, no, an Archmage worthy of recognition beyond even that of her Teacher, who was a renowned Greatmage.

Still, Autumn rummaged through a pouch on her hip, retrieving a roll of cloth bandages for him.

“Golden hair. It’s my first time seeing it. Not a lot of people have that hair color, you know. I’d stay low if I were you.” She gave him some advice, dusting her knees as she prepared to leave. “Don’t go dying after I helped you. And don’t ask me why either. Like I said, I was just curious.”

However, before she could leave, a hand reached out to grab the hem of her shirt.

“… Can you stay?” The young man asked, causing her to turn her head with furrowed eyes. “For a little bit?”

“Huuuh? What’s this about? Just because I saved you doesn’t mean you have to feel indebted to me. Besides, it’s suspicious that a Demi-Human would want the help of a human.” She spoke rashly as if to completely cleave him away.

Autumn knew that building any sort of connection to a Demi-Human was a recipe for disaster. She had spoken before with the black-haired woman about how it was easier to just ignore Demi-Humans.

… and it was also because of that same person that she ended up helping this one.

His hands didn’t move. But his ears trembled, and his faded eyes caused something inside of her to churn.

“I said no! Even if you make eyes like that – even if you have hair that can bring me fortune – I am not going to –!”

Suddenly, she spotted his tail.

His unbelievably fluffy tail which shakily swayed.

“… No, I’m not staying here. I’ve got someone I’m chasing myself –!”

“Is it Frost?”

She froze upon hearing that name.


“I’m looking for her too. Frost… helped me. You did too. So I think you’re not a bad person to stay next to.”

Autumn’s heart wrenched. This was precicely why she hated behing around Demi-humans. She would have parted ways were it not for the mention of Frost.

But seeing that Deiman did know her…

It might be a good idea. I can sell myself to Frost by telling her how I saved this… cute? How do I describe him? Well, I’ll tell her that I took him all the way with me. I can probably get him to exaggerate my tale. Too bad she’s probably still in Paradise. Better to wait in the Bellum Empire. If she’s that good of a mage, then she’s going to head there eventually.

Autumn was a crafty person, and far from innocent. She’d use everything to her advantage if it meant rising in the ranks of a mage. Although, it bothered her that she ended up heeding the advice of that person.

Frost had left a significant impression on them both.

“… Not a bad person? You have no idea.” Autumn tried to scare him, but he just blankly blinked. She knelt in front of his face, drilling her crimson eyes into his. “Sit still. I got more bandages.”

“Red eyes…?”

“What about them?” She wondered, watching his tail wag happily despite her evil tone.

“Are you special too?”

“Please.” She laughed. “If I were special, then I’d already be a Greatmage by now. Red eyes don’t always mean something. It’s not just Red eyes. It’s something deeper than that. That’s what I think.”

“So what do they mean?”

“You tell me. Why is golden hair so special? Sorry, blonde hair. Same thing.”

“… It’s more valuable.”

“Is that all you know? Just the street prices of people and their features?”

“I think so.” He said, taking her by surprise.

What she said was just a joke. A rhetorical question. To be answered so seriously caused her to seal her lips as she tended to his wounds.

“… Can you even trust me?”

“I can.”

“Because of Frost?”


“You don’t think Frost might have been using you?”


“Can you answer properly?”


“Aaaaaagh!” She growled, reaching down to pull him up. He was far heavier than she expected. “C’mon. Stand up. So I can do your legs –!? What the, you’re…”

“Is something wrong?”

Unlike Frost, she expected him to be smaller. And just like her, Deiman betrayed her expectations. What stood before her was a far taller Demi-Human man, who innocently stared down at her.

“I thought you were much smaller.” She gulped, her eyes moving to that tail behind him. “Much smaller. How the hell… I kind of wish you weren’t a Shell.”

“What do you mean?”

“You tell me.” She sighed. “I have some food too. Yes. I was going to leave you to starve. Can you still trust me?”

Deiman, after a brief moment of deliberation, nodded.

“I can.”

“Then the name’s Autumn.” She removed her glove and took his bruised hand into hers.

Deiman had never felt something so soft before, and his tail wagged furiously.


“You’ll be my travel buddy then, Deiman. Worst comes to worst, I can call you my slave. That’ll keep us out of trouble for the most part. Plus, my insignia of being a Patron of the Highways will come in handy. Aren’t you blessed to have me?”

She finally smiled.

“Very.” He said.

“Then it’s settled. But this world is full of bartering and deals. What’s in it for me?”

“… Me.”

“Aaaagh.” Autumn felt far too guilty to directly ask to touch his tail. “Good enough. You’re probably stronger than you look too. Let’s get along. Or hope to. And make sure you don’t mention anything about this to Frost.”

“That you were going to leave me to starve –?”

“Hey, hey, no – I wasn’t. That was just a way to lock you in.” Autumn explained in a panic. “Number one, I saved you. Number two, I took care of you. Number three, I’m an excellent learner. Number four, I’m receptive to criticism and never lie. And number five, I never give up, nor will I give up on someone.”

“… I will remember that.” Deiman finally smiled.

“Great. So… Let’s go down my list of rules. I know Grandis like the back of my hand. Follow my lead and bandits, slave drivers, Anids – they’re nothing. Frost and I met in an Anid Nest. You wouldn’t believe how I stood shoulder to shoulder with her, back-to-back as we destroyed their nest.”

Autumn proudly recited her fantastical version of that tale where she definitely wasn’t saved by Frost.


* * *

Something else stalked the forest.

The scent of fresh meat drew its attention to a certain abandoned hut. It lurked under the guise of darkness, disappearing and reappearing from place to place as if dipping in an out of reality.

The shadow of an ominous beast loomed over the village. Eventually, it dragged itself to a hut, clutching at its stomach where it smelt something irresistible. Drooling, the beast burst through the door, startling the autumn-haired girl and a young blonde Demi-human man.

What stood at the door – the beast whose shadow overwhelmed the village –

“Haha… Ahahaha…! Keh. Two people? Gah… Looks like I’ll be able to eat after all.”

– Was no more than a short, tiny girl with ram-like horns that protruded from her head. Her short, messy bangs were a dark purple, matching her eyes which contained the musical note of a semibreve.

The tattoo of a green crotchet sat beneath both eyes on her brown skin. Her apparel was nothing but leaves, honey, and bloodied clothes taken from those she had slayed. Some of which were recognizable, for they belonged to the slavers from earlier.

Her presence was different from other beings, and she lurched forward, reaching towards the two with bloodied hands.

“Finally… Food… And…”

She suddenly blacked out, collapsing into the middle of the room before briefly teleporting closer, then back to where she fell. Blood instantly pooled beneath her as she groaned in pain.

“… Bandages… Can I eat too? Can I have something too? If you help me then… I promise that I… can… grant you any wish you want… Gah…”

An unlikely third companion had arrived.


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