New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 936 Meeting A Legend

936  Meeting A Legend

Alex was about to climb into the plane, to at least go drop their luggage, when he heard the sound of tires pulling up to the hangar door.

Turning his head, he saw a black sedan with completely tinted windows, and smirked.

"Now, this is going to be fun," he mumbled.

"Hmm?" Kary hummed, wondering what he was up to.

"Hey! Major pain in my ass! Get back down here! I got someone you have to meet!" he shouted into the plane through the open stairs.

From the inside, he heard the pissed-off voice of the major hollering back at him.

"It's Major Schrute, you rich dumbass! And I'm busy! Do you want to leave this airport at some point, or not?!"

Alex chuckled.

In the meantime, the sedan had already stopped before the hangar door, and Alfred was pulling open the door for Violette to disembark the car.

The girl jumped out of the car and ran over to Kary when she noticed her.

"Kary! It's finally happening! We are going on an adventure in real life!" she squealed happily, slamming into Kary's legs for a hug.

Kary giggled at her antics and gave her head a little pat.

"Yes, we are. And guess what? We'll get to meet plenty of amazing people, some of whom you have already met and others whom you'll be meeting for the first time. But all of whom will make great friends, in or out of New Eden. Isn't that exciting?" she asked, revving her up.

Kary could feel the girl practically vibrating with excitement as she imagined whatever her tiny mind was seeing.

"Who is coming with us? Is there anyone else leaving from here?" she asked, looking around.

She had already seen Alex and smiled toothily at him, but he was busy annoying the pilot into getting back out of the plane.

After unloading a carry-on with all of Violette's stuff, Alfred calmly walked toward the aircraft and stopped next to Kary.

"It's nice to see you again, Ms. Deveille. I see your boyfriend is being an annoying mongrel again. Who is he antagonizing this time?" he asked, smirking tiredly as he looked at Alex, who was shouting stupidities into the lowered stairs.

"Nice to see you too, Alfred. He's trying to get the pilot to come meet you. She didn't believe us when we said we knew you. I'm surprised, though. Apparently, you are some kind of legend in the military? What's that about?" she asked, smiling warmly at him.

"Ah, that is something of an urban legend. Rumour has it I once took down a full regiment of men in the Iranian desert while armed with nothing more than a pistol," he said casually.

Kary raised an eyebrow at him.

"And does that hold any truth?" she asked, already assuming it was true.

"Beats me. I only ever went there once, and it was for an extraction. Safe to say I got my target out. The rest is classified," he grinned, not giving in to her silent prodding.

Kary chuckled at his secrecy.

"So mysterious, Alfred. You should act like that with women more often. You wouldn't look so lonely. Get a girlfriend; have some kids. You've done enough to deserve a family, no?" she teased him.

Alfred's smile vanished, replaced by a sadness deep enough to drown in.

"I've already given in that department, Ms. Deveille. But I would rather not talk about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do. Keep the little miss safe for me, will you?" he said, turning on his heels to leave.

Kary smiled emphatically at him.

"Sorry I brought it up. Yes, I'll take care of her. See you in a few days, Alfred."

He nodded, starting to walk away, but Alex hollered at him.

"Hey! Wait, don't go yet! This dumb gal is finally getting down here!" Alex shouted, running away from the stairs and laughing.

"I swear to god, Mr. Leduc, I will shut your mouth indefinitely if you keep insulting me! I'll find another job! It's not worth your attitude!" the major growled, as she launched after him.

Alex ran by Alfred, smirking at him, and Alfred sighed tiredly.

Jumping over the sedan, Alex took cover behind it, giggling like an idiot, while Alfred lifted his arm to bar the woman's path.

"Alright enough, Major. I didn't hire you to fight with this idiot. I hired you to pilot a very expensive plane. I don't trust many people, so please do not make your references regret pushing for you," Alfred said, turning his head toward the woman.

She grunted at him, stopping at his arm.

"Listen, pal. I don't know who you are, but if I decided to beat his ass, I will. Don't get in my way. I don't discriminate towards the ancient," she glowered.

Alfred smiled at her, his face becoming almost too friendly.

This sent shivers down her spine, and she felt the hair on her arm rise.

Carol reflexively jumped back, her instincts telling her this man was dangerous.

This made Alfred smile genuinely at her.

"At least you have sharp instincts, just as advertised. I'm the one you have been speaking to, Major Schrute. I work directly for Bellemare & Delphi's CEO. My name is Alfred Lancaster. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but you are making it difficult."

The major's mouth suddenly dropped as she heard the name.

"Alfred Lancaster? THE Colonel Lancaster? The ghost of Pashu?" she asked, her voice quivering.

Alfred looked at her and sighed.

"I've been called that, yes. Now, with the introductions out of the way, would you mind putting up with that little ass hat for me? I know he is a handful and a half, but he is good at what he does, and we need him to do that. Please?" Alfred asked, looking at her with a pleading expression.

The woman took a moment to reply, her mind still reeling from meeting this legend. She had heard many things from her fellow Air Force friends, who had flown missions in and out of Iran.

"My C.O. told me so much about you, back when you were called in Pashu… He said that was a highly contested zone, chock full of Anjoman rebels… You're a legend, sir…" she said, looking at him with idolatry.

"Major, this is classified intel. Your C.O. should have known better than to share that war story with anyone. In any case, I would advise you not to talk about it. If you want to share war stories, you should do so in the company of war buddies and trusted people, neither of which I am to you," Alfred reprimanded her.

"Yes, sir! I'm sorry, sir!" she said, saluting to him and becoming obedient.

"Now, will you do the job you were hired to do? Or should I postpone this operation and waste everyone's time and an extravagant amount of resources to find another willing and trustworthy pilot?"

The woman stiffened up a bit, realizing he wasn't joking.

"I'll do my job, sir! I'll ignore him if I have to!" she shouted, looking over Alfred's head.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other things to do. Your last passengers should be arriving shortly, and I am a busy man. Goodbye, Major Schrute."

Alfred nodded goodbye to Kary again, as she nodded back. He then smiled at Violette, who waved at him excitedly, and turned back toward the car, where Alex was standing, grinning like a dumbass.

He sighed as he walked over to the driver's door, where Alex was standing.

"You need to stop picking fights, kid. One day, you'll pick a fight you can't win, and we'll be fucked…"

Alex huffed a laugh. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"As if there was a fight I couldn't win. Not in this world, at least," he replied, cockily.

Alfred shook his head, pushing him out of the way so he could open his door.

"Behave, Alexander. Don't start giving bad habits to the little lady, or I'll beat the ever-living crap out of you. I'll play that stupid game and get to your level if that is what it takes," he threatened.

Alex waved him goodbye, a big cheeky grin on his face, before Alfred closed the door and drove off.

As he turned toward Kary, she shook her head disappointingly as well.

"He's right, though. Be a good example for Violette, instead of acting like David. I can't believe I have to say this, but he is not a good example of a good person. You should know better than to imitate him."

Alex chuckled.

"I was just trying to get her out of the plane. It worked, didn't it?"

He heard the major click her tongue before she dropped her salute.

"I'll be in the cockpit, running my last checkups before takeoff. When we are ready to leave, come knock on the door, 'Sir,'" she said sarcastically, dragging the last word out.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Alex mocked, doing the worst salute he could, making her grit her teeth to keep quiet.

Violette walked up to him and kicked him in the shin.

"Stop being a meanie, Alex. I don't like it," she admonished him.

He looked at her, his eyes wide as if surprised, and lowered to her level.

"I'm sorry, Violette. I'll be nice starting now…"

She smiled at him.

"Good! Then, help me get my things inside. The suitcase is heavy, and the stairs are steep!" she adorably ordered him.

Alex laughed as he grabbed her suitcase.

"Yes, Ma'am!" he said, acting like her butler.

'At least he can still be his normal self. He's not a lost cause, for now,' Kary thought, smiling at his tomfoolery.

Maybe if this side of him rubbed off on David instead of the other way around, there would still be hope for him, too.


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