My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 38 Strong Defensive Buildings Versus the Demon Wave (Bottom)

Chapter 38 Strong Defensive Buildings Versus the Demon Wave (Bottom)

Translator: SumTLMan

After the cannon successfully finished construction, the muzzle began visibly gathering red light.

All of the awakened ones present can feel a huge amount of incomparable energy converging at the mouth of the cannon. They were secretly frightened and thought once such condensed energy explodes nearby, not even their bones will be left behind.

The red light was gorgeous as it was fired out from the muzzle. It streaked across the sky like a falling meteor before striking the demon wave with a roar.

At this time, the demon wave has arrived halfway up the mountain with it being only one or two kilometres away from the shelter. When the red light fell, what accompanied were violent shocks as roars of explosions resounded throughout everyone’s ears. The orange-red flames bloomed within the demon wave, like a fire flower bursting through the magma.

This dazzling scene which displayed beauty also brought along death and destruction.

The demonized beasts in the central part of the demon wave suddenly turned to ash with no corpses remaining… Tang Yu felt extremely distressed at what he was seeing since the demonized beast were walking bags of material and money!

The high temperatures, shock waves and fire damage caused by the powerful energy in the distance all burst out at once. Suddenly, the strike left a huge hole within the ranks of the dark demon wave.

Although the firing speed of the cannon wasn’t fast. After a few volleys, the whole demon wave already looked far more ragged and worse for wear. The demon wave, which left many of the survivors suffocating in fear before, no longer seemed as menacing at that moment.

Of course, the survivors understood this was only a temporary illusion or showed how truly terrifying Leader Tang special ability was. Having the ability to create a cannon with the wave of the hand and causing such massive deaths within the demon wave was simply unheard of before today.

Among the survivors…

People like Chen Haiping who have experienced a demon wave and survived through sheer luck were even more in awe and aware of the horrors brought by the demon wave.

He’s afraid that many other shelters which had fallen under a demon wave hadn’t killed as many demonized beasts while their shelters were being destroyed.

The crisis wasn’t over… Many demonized beasts have leapt into the shelter and made it into the small square. These staggering numbers that made it through were only a few hundred meters away from Tang Yu.

A humanoid demonized beast with fleshy blood-red wings and horns on its head emerged from the demon wave while moving at an extremely fast pace. Each wing is more than 10 to 20 meters in length.

The ordinary survivors may not understand, but the awakened ones on the city wall solemnly looked on at the monster. They sensed an extremely strong aura from this flesh-winged demonized beast.

This is a team destroying demonized beast.

Often a team composed entirely of awakened ones will be wiped out when they encounter such a demonized beast in the wilds. There was no escape.

All of the awakened ones, including those who have just joined patrol team and those who haven’t joined the patrol team, know all about these demonized beasts. Even if they grouped up, these awakened ones may not necessarily rival this demonized beast. Although the power displayed by the cannon is great. But its rate of fire is slow. After all, compared to the team destroying demonized beast, it was almost impossible for the cannon to land a strike.


The shrill sound almost deafened the ears as the awakened ones were left stunned. Then a bloody fog appeared on the battlefield.

Bloody fog?

What about the team destroying demonized beast?

What in the world was happening? How can a team destroying demonized beast disappear in the blink of an eye, leaving only a bloody fog which was gradually dissipating?

Their minds were a little stuck on this issue as another sound of the wind was heard. The more observant awakened ones saw a dark shadow flash by in the air.

The shadow, which was difficult to see with the naked eyes, penetrated through many obstacles while leaving a white streak through the air. At the end of the shadow, a more powerful demonized beast which was running in front of the demon wave had bursts into a bloody fog.

What happened was even too fast to be captured by the awakened one’s naked eyes.

One awakened one kept a close eye on several of the demonized beasts at the front and finally caught a small glimpse at what was happening.

An arrow pierced through the head of a demonized beast. Under this strong penetrating force, the whole body first deformed, then was immediately squeezed by the pressure. After being squeezed to the limit, the body burst into a bloody fog.

The demonized beast seemed just like a balloon.

One poke and pop!

The ordinary survivors were left speechless with mouths agape while uncomfortably choking on the air. But their eyes couldn’t move away from the sight. Could these survivors have ever possibly believed the threat of demonized beasts could’ve been resolved so easily?!

In front of the city wall…

Tang Yu was further distressed as he thought: Can these defensive buildings at least save some energy?! At least leave some of the loot for me?!


The most frightening aspect of the demon wave is the sheer quantity of demonized beasts.

Although the lethality of the arrow tower and cannon was terrifying, the demon wave still arrived a little closer to the city wall.

Tang Yu retreated to the edge of the city wall, picked a spot and built an arrow tower under his feet.

As the whole arrow tower rose up, Tang Yu jumped on top and was lifted up before jumping back onto the city wall.

Roger also jumped onto the city wall using his sheer strength, leaving behind only a few basic puppets which captured those awakened ones.

The faces of these men instantly turned very pale.


The demonized beasts swarmed into the small square halfway up the mountain and sounded loud roars as soon as they reached the city wall.

The survivors were terrified for fear the city wall couldn’t bear the onslaught.

A survivor half-covering their eyes had secretly glanced down and said: “Fortunately, our city wall is very thick.”

“Wait, this isn’t right.” Cried an observant man, startling his companion.

As he was watching what was happening, this man pointed at the bottom section and said: “Not only has nothing happened to the city wall, but the demonized beast paws are broken!”

Before, with so many demonized beasts invading, the survivors were still worried about whether the city wall could support against the demon wave. One should know the demonized beasts are equipped with sharp claws and a strong body. Their bodies and claws were so powerful that even buildings can be scaled through sheer power, making the tall city wall not necessarily a safe place to be.

But who would’ve guessed the demonized beasts continually slamming into the city wall would leave it unscathed. On the contrary, some of the demonized beasts were left injured or dazed. Suddenly this disaster turned into a messy situation where the demonized beasts are trampling on top of one another.

There were probably many accidental demonized beast deaths caused by this stampede…

Tang Yu felt a lingering fear. Fortunately, he climbed on top of the city wall instead of staying at the front, still focused on absorbing a bit more spirit power.

As a lord, the demonized beasts killed by the defensive buildings can allow him to also absorb spirit power. But the amount absorbed is significantly less than usual, probably only about 10 to 20%, which is still quite good.

On the city wall, Chen Haiping also began organizing the patrol team members to fight back.

The guns have been distributed, but many of these survivors have very poor marksmanship. In most cases, however, there wasn’t a need to aim at all since the demon wave was so close.

Da da da–.

The muzzle of the guns spewed fire. As the bullets hit the demonized beasts, blood splashed all around.

Lu Xiaopeng was surprised and said: “These demonized beasts have really thick fur.”

He just witnessed the arrow tower easily turn the demonized beasts into bloody fogs with fired arrows. Watching this scene, he thought these demonized beasts were weaker than usual. But now, this doesn’t seem to be the case at all.

To deal with the ordinary first order awakened demonized beasts, the vital points must be hit. Otherwise, given the vitality of the demonized beasts, emptying a cartridge may not necessarily be enough to kill a demonized beast.

If this is a second or even the more terrifying third order awakened demonized beast. Then only sniper rifle rounds can penetrate their thick skin for an easy kill.

Lu Xiaopeng looked to his side and saw Chen Haiping holding onto a sniper rifle as he fired a bullet at a strong aura demonized beast. Even if those bullets caused a large hole the size of a bowl. Since it didn’t hit a vital point, the demonized beast wouldn’t die on the spot and will instead continue struggling forward.

He looked to his other side and saw the arrow tower still firing nonstop. Each arrow took away the life of a demonized beast. Occasionally, some of the demonized beasts resisted and didn’t die from one arrow. Leaving a problem with a solution of nothing more than firing another arrow.

This arrow tower wasn’t only extremely powerful. But the attacks can also target vital points, which is simply… Lu Xiaopeng doesn’t know what words he can use to describe what was happening. This situation was so abnormal it left no room for a person with a special ability to show their value.

In the demon wave, there were also powerful demonized beasts. Those who leapt over the wall would almost certainly cause many casualties. Fortunately, Roger and the two puppet guards each defended a section of the city wall. Every time a strong demonized beast leaps over the city wall, they are quickly targeted and immediately killed.

Relying on the city wall for defence while the arrow towers and cannon were for the offence. The demon wave, which would’ve originally been enough to destroy a shelter, was gradually wiped out.

After experiencing the demon wave, the survivors collapsed in succession onto the ground. Everyone will remember what happened today for the rest of their lives.

The patrol team members were shaky with their hands and feet leaning against the edge of the battlements. Looking at the corpses of the demonized beasts strewn all over the ground below. Some of them still couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

This was how the demon wave was concluded.

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