My Doomsday Territory

Chapter 33 Better to Wash Up and Go to Bed

Chapter 33 Better to Wash Up and Go to Bed

Translator: SumTLMan

Peng Bo rubbed his head and no longer cared about this issue.

He’s grown accustomed to this kind of reaction. So he naturally felt it was no big deal out of habit. He is on his way to the construction site now. According to the person in charge of this construction site, as long as he works hard. He will have enough food and meat provided to fill his belly.

Regardless of whether he is an awakened one with a special ability to manipulate sand and gravel to form an armour to cover his entire body. Only he knows how miserable his has been these days.

Although he is powerful enough to fight against a demonized beast and found a lot of food supplies. He consumes too much and usually cannot find enough to eat his fill.

He was a foodie before the doomsday and now has an even larger appetite after becoming an awakened one. He hasn’t had enough to eat these days and as soon as he heard there was a place where he can eat his fill. His mouth couldn’t help dripping with saliva.

At that time, a survivor found him.

“What?! If there’s something you want to say, why go to the edge of the woods?! I’m in a hurry!”

Peng Bo originally didn’t want to follow this fellow since he was in a hurry and didn’t want to go to the edge of the woods.

After the man gave him sweet whispers of the promise of food, he followed him. He followed this man to the side of a grove and began discussing some important matters regarding helping him acquire more food.

“Help you? Then can we get more food from the shelter?”

But the shelter already promised to feed him until he was full if he works hard.

“What?! You say a person with a special ability should have a distinguished status and shouldn’t have to follow what the shelter has to say… It makes sense if you put it that way.”

After the discussion…

When Peng Bo walked out alone out from the woods, his head was still slightly dizzy from hunger as he walked with a wobble.

That man had a point, especially regarding the discussion about food which left him with no reason to refuse. But he still felt there was something off about the whole discussion.

Should he do it?

Or not do it?

Peng Bo’s mind is tangled.

Unconsciously, he walked farther and farther away.

Suddenly, a loud roar jolted him awake.

“Is it a demonized beast?”

His eyes flitted about and his body assumed a vigilant pose. The sand and gravel around him began flowing, ready to cover his entire body at any time.

The roar sounded again, and this time Peng Bo clearly heard where the source of the sound was coming from. It was still some distance away from him. He thought about it for a moment, then he carefully stepped forward, hid behind a building and looked towards the direction of the loud roar.

“That is…”

He saw a demonized beast with sharp horns, thick hooves and large protruding ribs appear in front of his eyes.

This demonized beast is at least the size of an armoured vehicle. Even at a certain distance, it still had a strong sense of pressure, which made it almost impossible for Peng Bo to hold his breath.

“Such a terrifying demonized beast. Even if I have my armour made of sand and gravel, I wouldn’t be able to take a single blow from it.”

The demonized beast is beyond his ability, so he can’t afford to provoke it. Although it wasn’t far from the shelter and this demonized beast may end up hurting some of the other survivors, but… He knows when it’s time for self-preservation. Instead of going up and giving this demonized beast his head, he might as well hasten to warn the shelter’s management. Whether they can resolve it or not isn’t his business.

Peng Bo had already begun withdrawing, but his gaze was suddenly fixed on the spot.

He saw the terrifying demonized beast back off as if it were… Retreating?!

How is that possible?!

At this time, he noticed that in front of the demonized beast. There was a soldier wearing armour and holding a long sword.

This man was originally very tall. But when standing in front of the demonized beast, he looked incomparably small. Such a small human has forced this demonized beast to continuously retreat.

This is the first time he learned a demonized beast also knows how to retreat!

The next moment…

The demonized beast seemed furious!

The wind swept up and rustled near the surrounding buildings, leaving mottled claw marks around. Some of the more fragile buildings, swept by this gust of wind, crumbled like chunks of tofu!

Peng Bo’s eyes widened as he involuntarily took a step back.

He has heard rumours that some of the demonized beasts can use special abilities, just like an awakened one with a special ability.

This type of demonized beast is more powerful, bizarre and terrifying than regular demonized beasts!

The demonized beast in front of this man can undoubtedly cast a blade made of the wind.

Peng Bo’s eyes were firmly fixed on the scene in front of him. His clenched palms were already full of sweat!

Then something astonishing happened which made his jaw drop.

The awakened one, dressed in armour, stood tall in front of the fierce oncoming wind-like blade. The wind blade arrived and cut the dark armour but not even a scratch mark could be seen on the armour.

The awakened one was unfazed and didn’t seem willing to wait any longer. So he dashed forward like a loosed arrow and raised his huge sword before abruptly swinging down.

The sound of the wind tearing from the huge sword was even fiercer than the wind blade created by the demonized beast’s ability.

Just the mere sound from the tearing wind made his eardrums deafen a bit.

Peng Bo covered his ears and stood motionlessly while staring at the scene of the messy battlefield.

A line of blood was spilt from the demonized beast as it fell hard to the ground. It had even created a small pit when falling!

“This this this!!

This battle was so fierce that some of the nearby buildings had begun crumbling. But it soon ended as quickly as it began.

As Peng Bo walked to the shelter, his mind became even more confused.

In that scene, the image of the soldier in armour standing beside the demonized beast with his sword on his back has been deeply imprinted in his mind. While standing there, he looked invincible!

After a while, he slowed down and remembered the plan he had just hesitantly discussed. Did they want to force terms and conditions on this shelter? Demanding for a more exalted status? Didn’t they also mention “a person with a special ability” in the shelter should also exist on equal footing with the leader?

Screw these guys!

With such a fierce man, did they dare to discuss terms and conditions with the shelter? Although he’s an idiot… No, he’s just a little more straightforward, but he’s neither stupid nor a fool. How can he join those survivors in their stupid plan?

Demanding terms and conditions? It’s better to wash up and go to bed!

He doesn’t care what plans those people have concocted. If they have the time to screw around, they might as well do some more work and enjoy a little more food in the evening. This would be a better way of spending their time.


The next day, early in the morning.

The shelter didn’t arrange the work for the survivors. Many of the survivors also gathered in groups of twos and threes to wait at the small square.

Many people are already familiar with the contents on the notice board. For most of the survivors, every point on the notice board may be related to their future interests and survival. The survivors have already analyzed each point one by one for a long time.

Most of the survivors have already made a decision in their hearts.

For them, it wasn’t much of a difficult decision to make. Through this process, most people are happy knowing the welfare benefits they receive will end up being more than before.

However, there were a small number of survivors with uncertain expressions on their faces. They seemed a bit preoccupied before suddenly showing expressions of excitement. As if waiting for some purpose which was about to be achieved.

Ding Qiang hid in the crowd and swept out with the corner of his eye at the several awakened ones who conspired with him last night. Everyone was seemingly ready to begin the plan.

Several people secretly gestured with tacit smiles on their faces.

Ding Qiang looked around and finally found Peng Bo in a corner of the square. As expected, there was still no one around him and the survivors kept far away from him. Ding Qiang looked at Peng Bo, who had a ferocious smile on his face, satisfied with what he was seeing.

Sure enough, Peng Bo was also very dissatisfied with the way things were. Otherwise, how could he direct such a ferocious smile at him?

With Peng Bo on board, a person with a special ability restraining the shelter leader, his confidence in succeeding in his plan rose from 70 to 90%.

Alright, it’s settled!

It won’t be long now.

Two survivors came from the villa area. They carried a desk out and brought it down with a thump on the side of the city gate near the notice board.

Chen Haiping stood in front of the desk with a pen and paper in hand, looking at the nearly one hundred survivors present.

In a few days, the shelter has grown from nothing to its present numbers. In the beginning, it grew from only a few survivors to now boasting nearly a hundred survivors. The mess and debris in the whole resort have been cleaned up…

Even though he has only played a negligible role in this whole process, Chen Haiping is still proud of being apart of the shelter.

He has witnessed, with his very own eyes. How this shelter has been gradually built up and knows it will develop into a better shelter in the future. Becoming a true shelter, a medium-sized shelter or even a large-sized shelter.

This may seem like wishful thinking, but Chen Haiping believes it isn’t impossible.

His confidence doesn’t come from himself but from Leader Tang.

The surrounding demonized beasts have been completely cleared out.

The food supply in the shelter has been ensured.

What’s more, the leader can even build a majestic city wall in a few breaths time!

Such a shelter in today’s land of despair has filled him with hope for the future.

Chen Haiping is glad to be a member of this shelter and also glad he became one of its elders. He was able to see and witness the rise of the shelter.

However, he also knows the development of the shelter will face even more difficulties in the future. Apart from the two thorny issues regarding the demonized beasts and food supply. Some of the less serious issues can’t be dealt with lightly as it intensifies in the shelter.

Now, he needs to deal with the immediate issues first. He hopes that after the restructuring of the shelter system today, he can get rid of some of the remaining parasites.

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