My Cell Prison

Chapter 265: Review

Chapter 265: Review

"Parliamentary censor"

A senior staff member directly assigned by the Parliament, enjoying the highest investigative power, with the right to talk to anyone and to go through the confidential documents of any organization.

The person who came to the mystic faculty was a woman, dressed in black monk's clothing.

She is currently in the senior meeting room of [Dark Moon High Tower], conducting individual interrogations of the trainee knights involved in this training session.

In addition to Han Dong and Mia, there were many sophomores and juniors.

Among them was also the Shadow Assassin - Jean schoolmate, who belonged to the Blood Knight Lucius squad and used to wear a skull mask, whom Han Dong had offended.

"It's a bit troublesome ... if senior sister Jean will tell the censor about my contact with the great lord in advance ... the other party will interrogate me in depth."

Han Dong but in a crisis, disguised as a necromancer apprentice to deceive Sister Jean's trust, and viciously shade her.

In the current situation, Sister Jean is a huge risk for Han Dong, the "villain".

Han Dong did not receive any advance notice and could not fully believe that Mr. Black and White had already dealt with all the situation in secret, so he had to prepare for the worst and conceive all his words.

The order of the interrogation was from the senior to the junior.

The skeleton mask she wore didn't even give Han Dong a second glance and left the current floor straight away.

The interrogation progressed faster than expected ... or rather, this interrogator could see the essence of the matter in three or two questions, and after a brief inquiry, let the students who had nothing to do with the Old King incident leave.

"Mia Seminovich!"


It took Mia more than twice as long to enter the interrogation room as the previous students.

However, as she walked out of the interrogation room, she quietly gave Han Dong an 'OK' gesture.

"Nicholas Valen."


Han Dong kept his most usual appearance and headed to the large conference room.

The censor had a pair of gray eyes and made Han Dong sit on the opposite side.

"Briefly explain your experience during the training set, and I will take the initiative to ask questions about some details."

Because of Mr. Black and White's warning, Han Dong had already conceived a series of sayings yesterday, describing his own experience in the ancient castle area reasonably and logically.

Half of Han Dong's sayings were true, the killing of various officers was explained in detail, and the sensor was relatively shocked by Han Dong's performance, after all, it was rare for a freshman to kill multiple officers.

"The record of what you said, we will check and verify with the descriptions of all freshmen in the follow-up, once there are any problems ... you will be immediately summoned to the council headquarters to receive a further examination.

Of course, if there is nothing wrong, the relevant points will be credited to you.

The award ceremony for this gathering is expected to take place two days later."

"Thank you censor."

"Wait ..."

Han Dong, who was just about to leave, was suddenly shouted at and was inwardly shocked.

"Being able to achieve such results in the freshman stage while also completing the 'Nightwatchman Mission', the above will increase the 'attention' to you. I hope you can perform better before you become a full-fledged knight."


Han Dong, who walked out of the interrogation room, let out a big sigh of relief.

In Han Dong's fabricated speech, he tentatively mentioned that he had been in contact with the Blood Knight Squad in the ancient castle, which knew that this interrogator did not delve deeper into it.

That means that Miss Jean skipped over this matter and even helped Han Dong cover up the contact with the great lord.

Han Dong left the current floor together with Mia and arrived at the waiting area of the elevator when ... a black shadow flashed by.

Instantly, Han Dong was forcibly walloped.

At the same time, there was a wisp of shadow that could move freely, holding a short knife while on Mia's neck, signaling her not to act rashly.

The person and the shadow acted at the same time.

The one who walloped Han Dong was none other than schoolmate Jane.

"How are you, schoolmate ...?" Han Dong greeted awkwardly.

"Tell Mr. Black and White that I concealed your affairs as requested ... Captain Lucius and Lunze all concealed your affairs."

"Thank you, schoolmate."

"Despicable guy ... don't think this matter is so over, don't let me meet you outside the school."

"Sister, I can't help it ... it was you guys who started it. Ha-ha ... Besides, isn't everyone okay?"

Jane school sister has finished conveying the message, lazy to continue the nonsense.

In the twinkling of an eye into the black shadow, along with just descending the elevator together with away.

The hostage Mia is not half angry, but on the contrary, a face interested in asking Han Dong: "Wow! Jane Mikazuki ... this is the big sister in the subject group of Dr. Shadow, she is one of the most knowledgeable assassination students in our mystery department, the same as us, with excellent grade entry ... Nicholas, how did you mess with her? "

"No wonder so powerful ... I was in the second half of the implementation of the plan, accidentally collided with the squad of Jane school sister, in order not to interfere with the plan, can only shade the school sister."

"The "broken seed stage" students you dare to shade, really powerful!"

"Ha-ha, can't help it ... seems, Mr. Black and White yesterday after meeting with me, went ahead to find students related to me to talk one by one.

As for the interrogation, if I have no problem, everything will be concealed.

Mr. Black and White is good at it."

Han Dong felt a little strange yesterday there was a day off, why did Mr. Black and White approach him in advance, instead of letting him go forward to the stargazing room to talk.

Now it seems that for the remainder of yesterday, Mr. Black and White was secretly handling the aftermath for Han Dong, smoothing out any potential leaks.

For that, Han Dong didn't even know how he should thank him.

"Mia, I'm going to go to the [stargazing room] ... set training is all over here, you've worked hard too! See you at the award ceremony in two days."

"Okay! I will think of the 'requirements' for you in two days and want you to be with me anytime in the future."

Han Dong, who was sitting on the elevator, stared at Mia's figure and had to admit that although Mia had some personality problems, she did seem to be a very reliable teammate in her performance in this training.

At the same time, Han Dong also recognized one thing.

He is not the only genius, eccentric or alien in the Holy City.

In this six-member freshman team, Abel's hundred beast bloodline or Wendy's physique is unique and will grow into the core pillar of the Holy City in the future.

Martin Dempsey, this person's hidden secrets may not be less than Han Dong.

[Stargazing Room] arrived.

As soon as Han Dong stepped into the room, he knelt on one knee to express his gratitude.

Mr. Black and White, however, reached out and gestured for Han Dong to sit on the couch opposite him, having something to say to him.

A feminine and distant voice came out from under the mask: "To successfully pass today's trial, everything will slowly calm down ... the head of Alex has returned to the city, and some changes will occur within the council because of his return.

When do you plan to leave the city?"

"Sir can even calculate this. I am ready to ..."

Han Dong had just said this when he arrived.

A burning sensation came from the back of his left hand.

The "Yellow Seal" surfaced.

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