Mob Yandere

Chapter 182-4

Chapter 182-4

[Part 4/4]

A loud explosion echoed through the air, followed by a strong wind that sent powdery snow swirling around. An avalanche crashed down nearby.

I sheltered in the shadow of the snowy hill, brushing off the snow as I demanded answers. I knew I had to ask before anything could begin.

'Well, let me explain. ...How do you understand this space, this world, right now?'

The content that hummingbird touched on was quite abstract.

"That's a bit unclear. I think it's like an illusion or a dream...?"

I recalled the memory stuck in my mind, the theory-defying fire technique I used to return my body to normal. I looked at the adult version of Shiro. I silently sought an answer.

"...That technique she used is supposed to be a high-level illusion technique for altering the past."

High-level illusion techniques deceive reality permanently. Altering reality means changing the past as well. Shiro inserted my and the lewd princess's existence into the past memories. On top of that, her own existence...

'As a rough explanation, that is indeed correct. To be precise, this technique inserts an "alternative theory" parallel to the "true history."'

"Alternative theory...?"

'If it's just for a moment, that's one thing, but to permanently deceive the world requires some creativity. Especially in the case of altering the past.'

Then, the hummingbird spoke grandly about her knowledge. The technique that Shiro used is said to overlay and coexist with a similar world. Furthermore, this space is a cut-out and replica of a certain time and place from the past. And the technique is still not complete...

'Completing the ritual means finishing the story in this space.'

"A story, finishing..."

'This world is a dream, but it also reflects a reality that mimics the past. It has been cut out and brought here. By completing it, she creates a new "history" that exists alongside the original "history." She establishes an "alternative theory." This allows the influence of the "alternative theory" to spread into the future and alter the "now."'

"That's... quite a crazy technique, isn't it?"

From what I can see, this situation is similar to a movie's theatrical version and its complete version. Both are official and part of the same work. However, there are differences in the dialogue, some scenes are cut or added, and sometimes the endings differ, with unnecessary parts included. Despite this, both are still the same movie. It's like two official versions existing together without canceling each other out... or maybe it's more like a drama version.

So, does that mean my existence is like that? Am I treated as a side character cut for time in the theatrical or drama version? The "Lewd Princess" could be a version with different actors or voice actors, right?

...Anyway, even if I don't fully understand all the meanings and mechanisms, I realize that this is an incredible technique. It's not just simple memory alteration or brainwashing; it's a grand ritual that can do anything. I think about how such a thing could be activated as I look at the half-naked Shiro.

'According to legends, this shouldn't be such a crazy curse. In past cases, it could only go back a few days, and the changes were limited. There are stories of foxes using it to influence lottery results, avoid traps, or delay poison. But going back this far... that's why it must be out of control.'

The hummingbird, despite being a bird, has a very serious expression. Wait, is it out of control...?

'The black fox is a prime example, but others you've interacted with in this world are likely the same. This technique mainly changes your actions and how things are perceived. The range of changes is just a few moments... it seems like it cuts out a significant amount of time, maybe? If that's true, I wonder how far the ripple effect of a butterfly's wings will reach.'

The incident likely occurred in a remote village, leaving her affected by it. This world is a 'cut-out' from the 'official history,' where all characters are actively engaged. If the caster makes significant and prolonged changes, their actions may go beyond what they can control. Additionally, pasting the cut-out world...

'Apparently, very large changes to the past will be noticed by the world.'

"What then?"

'If the discrepancies are too large, they will be corrected to maintain consistency. It seems you (Shiro) used this technique without fully understanding its characteristics.'


The hummingbird glares at Shiro (Adult), who obviously looks away. She's hit the nail on the head.

'I'm disappointed. You used such a ridiculous amount of divine power with such a shallow understanding of the technique?'

"Don't say that. This guy was desperate... Wait, divine power? What do you mean?"

I understand spiritual power. I understand youkai power. But what does it mean to use divine power?

'Ah, I forgot to explain. Oh!'


There was a loud explosion. It seems the black fox used a massive fire technique, and looking over the snow hill, the snow mountain is now a sea of fire, with a giant spider still leisurely wreaking havoc. It's scary.

"I have a feeling that story is connected to that stupid spider..."

'You're sharp. Correct. ...What's going on is that the white fox there is now connected to a branch of the Spiritual Vein in the Center region.'


That's also why Shiro suddenly grew up so fast.

"It's common knowledge that youkai become powerful in the land of the Spiritual Vein, but that's still an incredibly rapid growth rate!"

'She is just absorbing the spiritual energy that seeps out from the Spiritual Vein. It's not like she is directly connected to the soul, like that fox.'

It might be like the difference between taking medicine by mouth and getting an injection. But this is direct to the soul...

'Moreover, during the process of absorbsing, the spiritual energy becomes concentrated and purified. In other words, it's divine energy. That's probably why she can use such a large-scale technique with only a loose understanding of it. ...She's lucky. If she were using regular spiritual energy, she would have withered away, you know?'

Also, the hummingbird calmly points out that if she hadn't used this insane scale of technique, she might have exploded from the excess divine energy or even transformed into a higher being. ...Wait, isn't that a bit serious?

"Ah, haha..."

Shiro's expression tightens as she realize she might be in a crazy situation that makes her look cute right now. I ask the hummingbird.

"That stupid spider, I thought it got bigger because this is a dream world... but could it be connected?"

In my vague memories, I feel like there was a time when a giant spider was playing with Youbo (youkai mother) in a dream. I thought anything was possible in the dream world, but considering the nature of this technique, it seems like it's not that simple.

'I... I can enter the dream world now. I don't know what will happen when I invade this world that is both a dream and reality. I managed to cut off the connection of divine energy that was being poured into that fox so it can be used as a fighting force. The reason that spider monster is so huge right now is because of that cut-off divine energy.'

"That's quite bold, isn't it?"

'But, it was the right thing to do, wasn't it?'

"There's no denying it. ...So, what should we do? I need your advice as an expert."

If this were complete reality, defeating that black fox would solve our problem. But in this world, which mixes dreams, reality, and the past, that doesn't seem like the right answer. It would be better to get guidance from someone who understands this path.

'There are two things we need to do: complete the technique and cut the connection between that fox and the Spiritual Vein. Doing this will solve most of our problems.'

Since Shiro can't control things well on her own, we have no choice but to finish this technique properly. At the same time, we don't know what will happen to the divine energy Shiro has stored if the technique that consumes it ends. So, it seems we need to do these two things as simultaneously as possible.

"Got it. So? How can we specifically solve those 2 things?"

'First, about the connection between the fox and the Spiritual Vein... I'll handle that part. You probably don't know how to do it, right?'

Hummingbird says this with a slightly mocking tone. And it's true. I'm just a former servant. I only know the basics about techniques. I can barely use the simple ones. Leave it to the experts.

"Should I leave that to the expert then? ...And what about the other part? Should I leave that to you too?"

I respond half-jokingly and ask. If I can delegate, that would be easier. Should I just hide here and relax?

...Ah. I know. It won't be that easy, right?


"...? What's wrong?"

Hummingbird stares at me in silence for a moment. I tilt my head, puzzled by the mysterious feeling in her gaze. Suddenly, Hummingbird seems to snap back to reality and shivers slightly. It looks around at us. And then... it opens its beak.

'No. I will focus on cutting the connection with the Spiritual Vein. It's quite a delicate task... Well then, please.'

The hummingbird stared at me with its pitch-black eyes, which showed no emotion. It opened its beak calmly.

'Please kill that woman over there. If you do, this world will reach its 'conclusion'.'

Coldly, indifferently, and as if it were a duty, the hummingbird declared an unexpected way to end the ritual...


Matsuhige's granddaughter. She has a composed face, but please remember that she is a succubus: here

The youngest daughter of the Ako family. She is probably a bit shy : here

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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